Mayor lays cornerstofle for Milton Optimist construction ai tha denie ttt hellp yaalh caa optimist Youlh Centra an accampltah, Mr elu..aýi adý Commercial Slaj makting thae tttmt arr hila c cmanlh edra cama rue, thetr vaath ttark a h ecîi ir,'eprtets eet ai cammuajît> Milton Optienint Clab Goard The taa'atttrrh tîattdit Hull daning the carrtte latvera 10j,ttttq.uarace IrrIý iel a=a Dan Goardon. t,0a $7tt.t. Applicatitons tor Mltonedh Eileec Laai 1e squash heaath aclub ara a cestatt. fia ha c t a a hetabii takea ý a ntt centfrean naanh healt lh ttpeatcg date set tac hPt ta0 apcled tah apae Myvemheraatp as $2lI and the e i epteImar.e tîitied ta toIý p rap ir- Lagan s aie aI At Lgat. 'aatttatîaatl chairmatt ai île buildtcg enaidittae îctaah aaarta., î'hirtpaat bath, sauaaa, targr Thahiitti u raprant aadasmili halls focr meettig __ 3y_ j.... "f _n filtta and foctions sackc har. CUTTING ilsaîr anniversary cake are James O'Connor and Mar Harkîn, who celebrated 501 years cf marrîed h fae wit aprty et their home Saturday. Mr. Harkîn started te Credit Unîin ian Milton.I The Harkins mark 50th anniversary t.rehratttg thair .50th Born cn Ccanly Danagal je ttddi anttaertary vith a iraland, tr. rlarhin movadtc gaadaa icarty ai thete hame Scctlaedttleatnd lrs. Harhtt Satarday cîght mare James taera marrted in lasgowanld Itîttacta Harkta and MarycmeCadanIlTh i aIrkin, have fourchtldren and nne Mr. Hcehtfl apeted Miltns graadchildran. r edit tUcion talvin t 3 Amang guet helpisi tha M Il' preident and Itarhins mark hai goda tala, hc as a n shr f ahai tram Chicago, tNaw York and et depal a t ha cur house. Scoand. Phone bil up New Bell rates c Itta renîdacta recaper' longditace raieadîth atiai ft tha lateat ganatita Bell tarritcry Octarta, incracea utit lace yrt aeec andtaomesartherc aathrr încirane atth Bell arean ci tha tua provincet c Cacada ratest Accardicg ta Bilt Barcea. a Effective immadiataty rates Bail pallia ailaîra macagar w 1cir prilate phones wti etea 1cr Htaltat and Peai ragicat. fite par cecI. haanttng the tha inreanae a eceatary ta mccthty tetaphaca rate Io c caer htghar lahor cetsta twnaera cappetat' taaas and malariallcotns îaeo.iiate.80 The latent Bail hikle iclacas ~Ta hryta ent rae a aaaaaaper centtttcratataaî apraet Tht.rnday tata t1t tiecaahyht'tadaa Locathbusnetuennareanet iladî.'t'eteaiaa and Tat'eaamp trm h at c cmmunications Cammiseeptt S h rt up ien ttaaîcoi a reqaent hy Buanss rates alt i e t0 tellîCanada incJaaeaoranec par cent aa the rattit ci tha rates a tcrane. hrtcgttg hai Dlttig locg distancea ii manthly htll Up ta appeca- nut ha sa ineapeative acy- imately $21.06irom$19.15 moe, eiha The tac raten wttl heicg Bel has hea atha ced ae ae Canada an entra $21 ap ai rate rny9.7per cntinmiton c reaenue, aetaally. ouk em alrC go Centre cattaa thap and liaennad tacneat TcassqUath Cearta dîtl ha avattahle t tann- memethas ac, a Y.y-a-yat ,ttedtt haà l ceeetny .reada Cest citer he tata hanhacd, Mayar Bian taIt. thetarracding park; ,asmared, Ta cammemaratte tha ca- sirna ceMya ada, che 'a id a p e c ia t r e c t a b e in g artl anida ta Ttown Hall for getîta ta te tact Taday' ancrai o The tChamptan taili he tealad cn ,t tth flic cornerst.e MILTON MAYOR Dan Gardan and Eiieea Logans lay. the coraer etane 1cr tha Opint Yoath Centre ait tihe foat oi Commercial St. Mra. Logants hsbandAI iv chairman af the building cmitr 550 damnage A taa-car acrîdeclta (i -c r " tllntde Dr. aI Mata St. tn 'adcetday. Aug. t. ravatat ELECTRICAL a INDUSTRIAL ta iartes bat cacard an CONTRACTING MAINTENANCE stimaîrd $550 damagte. ac tcdti te aon RegioatI POLE LINE * AERIAL CONSTRUCION LIGHTING Patrtck Satith. 68. at 29-ttI NTRC a 01 . Downsiaa lttlt' 878-2048 tahiai a rîft tara ott Mttatt' IILONINT LT e rivle acta Main St. ahea ha 583A MAIN ST, .MLOOT 9 J allidad ith a sectand carc aie ha Wiltard Saavatth. B,(9à lS. Milo M.sxMihwstaeln astbounMEN' onA ManSTtDmk -entu. Teap Cliir EN. SU D Y 2:0tI43 Reginald Gray Reginald E. S.Gray ofi79 in Milton. Hie cas asseletad hp commercial St.Milton died 16ev. Rohert Foster tram ai thea age aiSIa hi re-i tlrae Anglican CttarCk le deacaa iu td = Y aty 21 Haamiltaon. failoiacg a montlt-ltnflN - T% he rItarhuseervice wae neea. heId Moaday, Jay4 iowed He ata humr in Port Cedit, by intermet jn Etrgffln flhe etana Olive Bardoe and Cemetery, Milton. Oe r tr.y A illtary erlal . Mr.GrYe'd it H.L.l. eevîewa ie eld byBy al tram 19as l te146 inrvrLei ik îli Eglaad France. Hatland Lagian Land w aitxMltary andl Germat.y. membert ai Branch 136 at- In 1944 he marnaI1 Marte' tandieg. laaaaad and ta coaple rvedtîheir Milton hoame an Pallhearers weraflephews tala. Bah Siadtlard tramn Oraeg- Me. Gray cae emplayeti ville, Bah Glrey and Briae wih the Tawt af Miltan Gray tram, MiIan aend fieada aorka Deprn an ad pre- Daaug., Gervaie, Tala vaatly waka it th P l a and Jack Elle- Miltan Brirk Co. warthy. An activa bowling etn, _______ thiat. ha halanged ta two cepe ith a junior bacling GAVE 111.60 lage hive yaarn alla. S lie ittaurvived lay hie, SAVE Murial: ahiidrec Gary ie ac livitla and Sharan and utE j htllip. hath aI hame. and rea gratdchildret. lie leavan hrathert Lac Gray je British Calumbia, adRoy and DantGrayhouri ta Miltan. lie je saraived hv a talter, lay of Watardaan aadn aoyce aiMîlica lrav. Stewart Watsn aandarad the foulerai servirac e A4K fram Graca Anglican Churah MILTON UTROTN M8 MAIN ST. E. 878-7978 ?PROTECT TOU!R CAR 5 YEAR-50,OOO MILE GUARANTEE KAISER «èt10I estucowdfa m te orbrick *« 0panting chlt oBnaf oobt edfliIshe 10W FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS a Aluminuml Doors *-uGTl Combination Windows ITAMBI CrPot 1AVAILABIBIECaPos a AlumInum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES Or CANADA Foot f mae strtOkM 11e111-3fl OUT.OF-TOIWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECT