832 The Ccecdie Chcmpion, Wed. Aegost 16,1979 Martfin returflS to Sweden and better hockey training Bi Peer Ntc'0csser th, tc rh w b hl),- ar ,n y.it fibîed JuniorO Fi.cm TCr e Iýd Ce 'tec gotae bemes Tm Mertie et 042 mtllee 10110C 0 j!og.e veýf1 ib tcc o b by lîg el Tom te M es1;iii9eNretirirbiers.eelieNtolborceghPOtrctece abcheo il Ave. ilte n ,i Rel er1 ere te i10e le 'a' ced o .e .b liealîot e1 gmsi e o selsbrte etlO P undeooteelt' Ie cochbe incothedlOlie nia 09e n halencooeohtegtebrllstdiet' 1coredcdletonteree Son b -br vlog tbct Ocer ae Moll vri' gtti 0Cr vo> ' felc oct a Merte bey bee tebiog is îooo oc ieco gcloe eltsi bl lse cintr e mpleymeite î,leeeec Occd P'arb. loto> ýa ect rrahOteett fasteeoee th g soeedieevtc les teer ers NIChaoet'l'ee a'lst tigotvabicc otei lTet oo elles bis peolessvieel bocey le t'oeodc' S letreeti 1 eeg f 'or t ea i t cld prg caertiNorthbdnOrie. ecveocnaedccplcette chootice et 0e teterviro e poThe le~ ~~~~~~~~i lie 0ete ,rbîtevoeeeeilb TorTb edsd eith sb en ae cDksaddrg'h!t ho fromTorntoTors o th lltthev ta ced ote bo nt , o r cte cvoet! 20 gccv t W Wleisme ete oteSaneo Ct Dieg Ma ;toîeeell. boid t o ese onerbv ets i Borccuirihte bo f gon gtt 'Ivft Novre Itkl he ol ed Oet thii bc poer hl tttt l'b Iv, ece in y eo' c le vbe r, a od 'seortaitott odettto "Sol bo ycedî iemps ettb te rt e h ocepae. etce ct ,otecd boChedgoalO0an vîctoiss île ol andemport 'împo e tet lv cectoo cece Fed Tc hample ieod h eeb ctecccîct e 'oeedteeteng thee brc ene teocbedthbcpeck 1Ide reebv .1 vcd 0Wha1 Ol lectteg' lie veîd file Sdes re lie plcîed tCreo ct'oo1 .Fierai lf tho NoelC ..th flc Ire \l et oe ollt Ate5cqush tOtOish [cag,, lodtpIf'lh0t in tow n I picyrt ers e Ce h lep mihi veceer h o etotivl ) le C o mevr, ho',i h alro te br 'Mîipte Lcote aogctttotant bodyeaàwt t rai i iee ,,ge thtC ,iIrigl - Iltc t rgt vttor hîtcho bid c e t plcedere, "i ýoer h Cc 0000ra thedc cuv sorti etebte goctte lhtee ooed lioe ihr ogbo t ct e tc pTo ict cîh ' I I t go e l lCaeog t o n t eS codeion houhu te th' tb tcettct F o îîhhr ltOc loe d eebeeepebleedbbo eCtogtttctîCe toctt soCc'tl il vtceds de.edish eoee i îl ho 5tort' ilte(kot> tc lo i 'c i 'tîeol ec ce T pai fblaeraottheeoecl- ohoto.N',,cteîîi 1,Icc otiea'e stut q loeeeedbetbrbmebeend trireettcc tccot e blc o i e ('btckt elle beghCr pleyteg ten flic tc ancldtctorndtb lotV ctd - to ch hoo o cT Nirîro Toroeto Sechr oofoelSyloloti tttO eo cce eC T C> the -Tereeon el el hto MarcotCas l eirhi ci odît 'Iltc Coc I1 li totcletîe rece 0 o'gaiae o e aend pe red 1er %tIlhoil< Fantatec double play I but stili no help to Tire IryeeoerrtegoSortit,. Initier od deodad ti Deles te m 9 fa 'eeeidobe 1i b icot Illeît ii«it.tt i lt.it te -oiddlrs n ( T ir ietdlou e o upeel ' c lOeldch pOt th bt al otcei, d ce hd bae Bar vici ero s eu rtd one i gi g 'coofl t e cto cl.ho o cth'g rdllO Octheerwi cet IOe t o o m otîhloc. t ci c aotci , ' riCtefeld rato o h e de G Balire p e s tat he C ra fa n .,I n o b e Pa' ac kici , Sd e on d îca'r e Ccst N Tieeboeere evdeîeohd tric eu lo c h I o ld lotdtTheeorne pod i %,Ithenoughuinsiotîtoco Ccd ivho, oecdcbae- oIt Word T Bai Ch mpi nshf) i l me c i colo ,j lcch ' ice t e nt C foraetblii a t ga nteagrs uhe 000 Ctad a ode la c Mili(e gî Tirenenlostther oenerto 1 c«ýIee, ' oit a t ho ma1 , clnb 'i, S vil 5i.bu a eba ch el l 4n' - oc todvanci ed loehr hi Ott'itoeteo eIl vigic e il hebet led hlti lot OO iloooeOt C l , t oi g tt o t violl oome* deteelod~trels 1tte eet hoit. o dehe.C d lteOeo g etC lt o n Mtlîe otel cedl looeei 00o l'oc eOtstOiIle ho - tei e tas I, Oelge eSre edh. Io Iolbr ttct' iiehho t tîbe îlotkh -NC Lede tolai dioletu 1 I 1100 hs d lreerlit'heet t le od i 000 tParkhr \ch Och c i le , ced à Ico he Lux-1 na IIIIndurye Cn ,anraians Wan .tev Vio Sfbie Asioze-ladcarre nad oa neednBaria.j THE CAR BEAUTIFUL *I TEST DRIVE IT TODAY L1978 AMC CONCORD 2 DOOR SE!)4 CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 'l-seq Mi- IreO OA- Si-. 1956 si1ISRO5TEST. 5 t10505050000 HOSPITALi72BM TN îeeomcttee" y cîccys gcesc reobie r shot ICm set csgry SThe jsdidet" have be ke medsl tiret crties," be îeid. ughhsetndtle--id 001g ployer teîtd e Sileredsm 9ie thers are givee better- Il and cttedttiosie6 Iloropeces' epproeoh IIc bey mode hiema bhey are iodey Tic, oted top proîressiottell bh Americe ors rebieg look et the Eopreon s s i ae t Hockey School for second termi te M'ltes bot alSer o 07. bhey ors disaepoterd the combfes et eegîv- in te expaeded ber of sesons0 iei yeee surert tbree weesoflthe ranmere sIow'. aceord- te Mo. Teombv. bot C tbe final beur ýeebi,t te i rgistrationv ettb 'i tee of et dgot 28 te t ivi tîlîrd ieitb 40 cithld ltovteg re6iîtersd. bot e sesionsre stilleopen. orks hm intoeset Mîbe Me- oeil. There,, îeoeeie and ,vheo. Broobo. Jobe Pot- . icboilecb. Th.reeand ovete eîldrd doble's aed . i onofedtv Ched teea cred traim the Windsor ci and thbe South tracm ccl G tervate oecl ho Oc' oud af histeamvplCe an or tee bad iesîsg Ibi yli wer Wtndser tailtet tbt ree" ho ielb playet cd cclclop hallîfrem ttte sieglesctetot ho l lo î4ca Brooks. Perker oocîl. 00mev. Veret or leviheo. Shee, Thoote lltamom'e ced (iertv tables byHaieigoParker rieseTherne; cndatripl v Ni diess. itop endOO o doelit lîcmpteeetp' drtectog laed bail Ica. Kittee liitjoi c ae vi Itot cribas 36 in o te. 'l'o groi, f-eson cr e l ;ettrge Haerron ie te each dyechOehîsix o erdeocs ci tho voSelti te9 nilds boieg oeiecoîed in the loto smesns lie picyrd citb nOroieeandtooerierltinthe NewYokHenesfrm cîeeîeg hocco, A weebtese' clubîin lirde ieiOetHockey Sionîcosi MX5 League. Toomhliostmîthe Detreit F'oeiortheInformatoneon orro. hceoog otco.ed Jr "d' 0Cr sehoci. tolephoe 632-0592. 'Ir e h occ Iighlcnedre aed flc Ilelotot Junior lied- Inege lile nc et iabnd rr.ct Sbl - Coolegeehoere -Teo big mebed ho pcir plot ocd detts orainmthe le5S re rreieica calibeho l-e Coc o toîo r tho (ti itîv Cleb's grafiti Il rrsio i tim urlngorIdace ad cor deco tho REGISTRATION MILTON MINOR HOCKEY Boys and Girls at Memorial Arena Thicmpsofl Rocd Auguat 19, 1978 AuguSt 26,1978 9ca.m. -t2 noon September 5, 1978 d ilot Child - $3500 si* 2nd ChiId - $3500 3rd Child - $10-00 Loate Rege tOtiofl Fe of$5.O00 per boy citer Soptember 5, 1978 m s have Social loerace N mber mcvt cregOtrred wittbM.M.H. belote tryoocîs for Pop Tecers N.H.L OFFICIALS vs Milton Stags Sponsorsd by Robert Newman Shoos Sunday, Aug. 20 at 7 p.am., BRIAN BEST PARK Adultu $2 lkids wlth Adultu FMIE Door Prizes - 10 Blue Joy Tickets Tickets carlable et: Rebert Newmanc Shees, Man's Werld Hair Stylit, EIsley Pharreacy & McCucig Innocence AIL PROCEEBOS GO TOWIRDS COMMUNJTY PROJECES Kmn girls moud Glen in semis CMilles 10555 gil havte crethliW Ith lsinethe fis meo Fiaee tet 19e "mi1- l isasl fqo IIep play a g a i t i tG s ll i , a Kiee deleaIted 1e Gisn 10-3 sn lite Christ match, euth Ncscy Ellarmese hei'ts triple ced Iwe sieglen, Lieda Gele tee doubles and c siegle, ad Lysa Scisal- Chantier a double and single. le the secend gernte, KÇis- Meors ms1-3. sHeste rucm mers bit hy9TamlY liasse1' leli cnd Lyse Schcllhcclser aed teoiie lehile a riple, doubleeandlinle The Peree Reps, the CMIis cesadias Champies- Milles Weldleg-ehaltel Cometoeity Credit Unies se. theis tiret paicyeile 16&12 Merlest Gies aed scedy Mesoherise 1e pîtchise. jocne doges ccime thrsagh READY? HERE OT COMES. The ttny Retary oît humercndc.trlPe, aed Club giris in tbe Milton girls' fcst""il Iscgtoc sady Moore hit e triple, played behisd Martie St. Scheol Wedsscy- svsseg.Scced bccme Mis Lve ove te There are "hbig" hergaiel eksnn lie scnh. smetMs Lv e te "Iitties" Chempioe cccsi- e tte cach fiers.cee rn to.m r Sthonye illeioed io beod doer ceceev te 0eeed le lid eg hS oit Take a Break (x wih Murray Hood î;eed Humer 0100. ioodie doticer. trou actei %%q go sotrieo torne tîlil 0c1it utuouttege Ou. g1et cri ap1'k of tesehîrc t t c 'tclliertlltareretirdYon le ale;:! sec ii ilu l in o bîde od lots orte Cihoeee port eoe tcsd idoo, vtilt'pete tite homttce shr' teeFo mre>,. ooevbs e port5 Loetciedt' cde 1 d Rop Team TryautS t Memori Arsec Noeel - Borl970& 1971 Sept. 9 h 5p.îe Miser Ato5cm Bore 1969 Sept. 9 -6 p. m Atcm -Bote 1968 Sept. 9 -7 p.m. Minesr Peemees Bore 1967 Peemes Bore 1966 Sept. 9 -9 p.m. Miece Sanel- Bore 1965 Sept. 5 --9p. m. Banlcst- Bore 1964 Sept. 6 O9p.m. Midget -Borei 1962 Sept. 6 tO1per. Javesile -Bore 1961 Et 1960 Sept.) tO-10p mi Al Pleyeee Must Be Regîeteed WotC M.M.H.A. DRIVE SOFTLY. erystekcp oo crqiclyorecarooeUA MUFFLERCENTRE. Vou leavr utely. Wr promive. Coavt bo Cocst Lifelime Goercoted for ci Norh Ameoicco-n19d6 colrs. aFree Inspection * Custom Pipe licodiflo aNo Installction Charge * Colombes Shocb Absorbes "WE'RE WAITING TO HEAR FROM Y0U00 701 MAIN ST.E Rlght acres' frorn Capslasd LambO)e s a lie played tFireý seýsons joýýo[ n Il