Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 Aug 1978, p. 13

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Welght lifting star wins silver in gamiese wasa da f constant. He-iasan arm' langiof tehne congr trus r d tlles Io lits moame and di ttgrm for 1fh Hadiuwmas ciassed as the tpCo family iiltn ree nty adias junior beforehetnd aller thir2-year-d .o 20 yeaes oid Terrywon asiior miedlai for Nom competing in the lis wigbtiftinlgeffots in the snior division, the silver Comtmonealth Games jn medal means eve more. Edmonton. 'He thooglit maybe a bronze metahut ie did tot f We are aiiljsso thiimi nopent the silver,' contnued for him", udmnittrd ins prnard M1rs. Sou mother, The famdly n onem ta An Ottawa University ntud- Mfiltoand moved hereim frn et Terry flem bats Io billiot Lake onty a fric weeka Ottawna foiiumiug the ganses agoý for a short speti, bat is due White ue o titi hies, bock in Milton Ibis meets for a Terryis certanlunolatem tmomweek vacatiosmdthe cote Io te international rest of the family, ut 653 competittone. Joyce Blnd. Milton mail Doils smnash Acton 17-O Miltos Mail Eoliereiuesed otngle eac5. tu otnntng formin fhast mets Pocher Catande beid Acton oîtb a pair of sbutool vcnor- to a pair ut singles, white tes in Bfallon Ladies Fasibait strîhing oul four battees. Mit- Association play. ton Mail fmi 6-S aller fise ti- The Dons, Abra suffered imo siogu and erupird for fIl rois prenions Insses, brio Aelon on the tiant mo 17-0 Taesduy nigbt and came Milau mail cored lour back mith a -o vitory ocer reins inthe send inningand Fifrnbi' ai home Weduesday. added aotiren s the fnurlb titsMati gui 16 bits off againut Hurrnby. Oulfielder Solosn pîtchen ifeaiber Steete ird the wnsees ai the SicEachrn in the Tuesday plate with a trile and single. content Wisning pîtcher Singles ment ou Cotthy Rush. Pnggy f utande hetped bier Auna Wittats, Peggy Calande on cause lit the plate o-ilS a und teft-lieider McCatluns- triple laid a pain tif singles Sturtîng pilciten Debhie wit- Caent 'Motafluns ddrd a so as credttedomidithe mie. Attable and triple. wchite Sandi She received relief assistance Stase liadt Milton Mati's tober irons Kelly Vinkery aud extra buse bit. a triple. Peggy Lafande. tynda Brooiks, Anna The Dols, ith aerecord nf hullet. ttebhie Wilson and 17-4. plan ai hume ionîght Mary Steetle euoh bit a paien of mth Action suppling the singles (cathy RUSCand Bec opposition. Gue time is 8.3 tlac inga rousArd oui Millon ym nsden l6e tigbts ai Diati n hitttng attacts uctb a Rotary Park. Spoit with Peter McCuskoer Regulor seasue scisedules are fiaisising up ie Ballon Cuunty Busebali, Miltas mjoor baseI and in Haitun Rural play. Hockey registrationt doles hune been annuced and coaches ap- pointed. Pofnyoffs sisufd bie ussderwnY for muet groupe by next week. And su ochife ftse summer sports beginu tise cwing don, lise hockey nults are already startupg lu muke nuises. The Boy City Hockey Schoul has been in session singe fuie July and le halfway tiscougis t6e six, one-week ru rums, fthe Bruce Haut International Schoo ot Refereeingijecuming up; onofiser big, nigisf is pfanned wutis tise Optirunstu Club ut Milton Memurial Airenu; and sportung god soes are oeil equippd 10 brandie tise purent wîtts tee bugiez poncetbok For tisose peuple oho are orid oser tise ecuumnic estle ot tise cuntry, ail tisey have ta du un monitor huw mucis we spend un sports and recreutuou tacilities and equipment. t Il bel tise average Canadian family spenda 10 limes as mach money today as iisey dîd in tise 1940s, S0s, or 60s. And nul mest because of our devalued dollar und inflation. 1 say we fullow tise increased goveromeni spending on atisîglice. 1 say tise Olympice in Muntreal, tise Commonwealth Games, greater international competitiuî in jes ice areias and tise expanded prufesniuinal leagues ail cunfributed lu tisis way uf thînkîng. Tise Lions Club ut Milton ouI huai an exhibition softhaîl ganse between tise defending Milton Fasibail Leagole cisampions, Newman Shoe Stago and fthe National Hlockey League ufficias Sunday, Augniot 20 ut Brian Beet Park at 7 p.m. Tisere are four Liuns on tise Stsgs team and local NHL persunstities Bruce Hood and Leon Sf inkln ouI 6e bafting if out witis tise best ut them. Tickets are $2 and cisildren accompanied by adultn arse admitted free. Tiere are duor prizes ot 15 tinkeis 10 tise Toronto Blue Jays ganes. Proceede for tise eveeing will go tuwards tise Lions Club community work projects. Tickets are avuilable tram Robert Newman Sisoes Mancs World Hairstyling, Elsley Pisarmacy anâ McCuaig Insurance. For youngsters je tise Milton area wiso wisis to play football lis e atI tisere arce plenty uf isoles je tise Oakville Minur Football Association clubs, Norm Fergucon of Oakville league said tise southern league in willicg toi entertaîn b5oys tram Milton us thcm is rio mincir football in tisn areu. Boys up ta aine years aId play flag football and puy $18 for tise season. Atons football je for 10 and 1î1-year-ulds ocitis a maximum weight limait of 125 ibs, and bantsmns muet flot exceed 155 Iba. Tise tirecotc aegoupe pay $25 for tise season and that includen ail equipmeet wîtis exception ut spikes. Ganses are played Munday, Tuesday sed Tisursday evenîngs ait Branle Atietlc field stsrting, tise day atter Laber Day ItitI earîy Nuves ber, Tise Oakville league je; iaving trouble fillieg tiseir rostera folluwing registration but je con siderieng holding geoliser day. Practicee etart Aug. 20 sed intereeted baye are asked tai call Norm Ferguson at 827-092 je Oakville. pa i ~1 hi hn i Pl ~IiaPion Ti-THE CA IMIL spol NADIAN CHAMPION TONONTARIO WEDNESDAY AUG0 - - ,,,,,, *h;~ tA~O~k I-lavy schedule ahead w vu iu.>.>u, M" Merchants strive for top spot 6cttoinguadisstctis toin Falogian Itucicit c eekiion terchalitsheud single, Boy Tcnell tlcecicct. nu e horne steetch ai thein %Vade cekar Accahtec mithSe 80 seuson ibis meek l'le cîght tietdee hcbihhld the cal1 fitou club, spanfieg a 14.9 Dorm iuln-ray dlint, cîngicd .Msieecordcutmrd just andotecsecond ltasntet te min lu theee nIteti in the oni the hune ohccî lîcanni csteekuand faces agruei- popped a nytocetefield 181fnir days ahead os bey amiditchbtcTrach strcakaoii ay finea gaonsen i siu dayu The ganse againcit ()2kcille elfinaltIoagooissttea.gue. Sotaedac cia a huiititn ading Duedas. the teans deleat for l6e locili as c aks iey must edge outto gainua sconed thein tînst ilreca hat pot in the OBA -B Play- (erstolfaie aneaicl Ini t ons. ihegaine. Suc iTîciî yPd Steechunts dumped Cons- ched rite tinta slix ;"; îidge Pirates 4-2 Thoendoy irds innîngc and Bor,-cîle ut fr11 14-61t0 Oahoitie Oaks ,ce eelieced'him ta ficish t ho ereebaturdayOand lochaiS-8 contesi. rs ai 16e bande of neigb- tente fîidher iitsti rigCamphettcilte Sanday liait o great Aoc ai tha Plat(' onîngcottecttng bhree honneet ccd fternon. to doublec nil Toneli te lic Tuesday uîght bhey teacnt- tînscutbat > ie popped tttît ed tntleaeideoand then heCtia Andv iluit ut tîrni bacctri Iit eehend schedute Secs thrm sit tty. Saynolos lîîîîc-ad t Cambridge Thurodo-, rit in (6e ecghi. miction calchat teampton Feiday. uit home ti0 levcor iosion hua a lnit tanAao SotureaOand ptaing catirA Saab un it pancedtihie becorr match te the aaltey Icil field pote tic a fir hall. oon Sunday alternane. bat tondrA foat (lare' Ni flite Meechants hune won jOOt ilcateci ncetebeni'ie il ,nce in teenmeetings m'di liising caiuse. tonduns Io dote tibis pear. anA tiabnclent abead :3-0intIlle oach Wayne Marchand tse timcing, (ien hepi yiliiik opîug foe a paie ot big i- întlierenc, Theyadded tierce oriecowhen the to ieadiflt heureaîorbariteteih andcistht labs mcci agtuîn Ibis oeek- itlilgsc ypîcc ta lh Mlarchand pitched Selci ted e en tha î-îgbttî lilt-cc evninn i vr(ao hall ai .1tgicin cclie- cecdge Pirates on Than-da>. cecnd chenti hree titi pat flou ting ttw imrons on si d5e tlaaloureciic Singlettiiliec ils anA sieîioig oai cor catirinothetfirthticnicaectit baller Statetiîca5 the laser. încîîngn tiingo p tourorns on ire tiebar ,alked tait Nuclle foiscand si iking out[ive. hiiiteedtit)iopentthicront Staeiîng blattr tin ftcanc tnnitgtirentlHtion sicigled louiA a single. sointe second anti DtcL.at ca, fui t-,ia andoment home oben Treo pila6. 'Tînetît geonie ltl Hostn singimi ami $foue tîrearon pîcypeia tic ti cennui second, Andy Huit groond oot lieut, NieaTeanh singicdun oai Gonc Dapior nteock ou. tritks pitace Dît-banale hi Pirates min atterri in She S'aggoic iiiilîtl ou tci toore os Moore singird anA cil ieca ic, cuii it1 ziK îtciltenholme iiouhted. 'itiliOl-t h at ytaeîein aaeîtced Monteetd NacIcIatcaitd til,,hitekict cîngled to scane Ilie Iieleaitgflen hers it-atitgî tienti meonneeo yticeci-terre.c In rire sinth Mltonoaiinabnd ,.alked. lhec NiclIdc -i the min oîth ibreerenons and tIcaccîs flii ciil Naytce mas bit by the piocer ocha iieht ,i l Bimerkon cld. Nayton hait just achec rnuched hanse, ;naci, lient on ait erner Soi Nalor oisei tcachini ltnsiccngled unt Lee Oats the plate anA catches for ic, a pîtch. Na -%o cem sen rcro tagged hion hetare ticcnicctaeit on Haccion's fût 6e coutd nccuoihic hach ta HE'S SAFE .. NO. f ES OUT. Thn umpîre hald a hardtlime deeîîlîng hoca 15 cail ibis play in Salurduyns Milon-Oakctilne garne. Merchanf Garry Nayler headed for borne and as 6ie reached hic goal. the Oakville catcher dropped the hall and the cîmy hcliered "aie". But Garry missedi touchîng home and singcct ScTeach cclei - tilliigec ciagaîl at tour i,itil vlsýhcrand (titîtti ledthccit l igles, Tarnelli cccrall it- icheic hall et tire %ilic itc, theli 10-8 liai daubteit Hioston cîngird ceccnttc coing, undt aititei an. I ent sel en honte 1 uI ia-cce and Bellac scegleitonce insuce ii.in ioeightc kno~ckvd tir ll cce and the catcher iaggeit hitn helore he atîSiA saramie bock ta ioach the pluIe. so the amp catirA hînc it Merchanin pro- tesied the golf hut the uiî t uick ba bit- seccnd Accîiott and rufed Nayler oificialiytoiiî ta s~ u,~c Vksî -,~,c -~ ttttii1thalit tilt- Dicîbtitit, t titi as Fuggittn itîccîbteit ticli itoableit itoaci tiicicitt haut litictiglit iii lits,, c tic lina ici citice tittiti-ets tait cîtîcte ici ta liait- t tic AHHBH I Milton Fillies cisucker seen lu have 10 use facial expressions ta put tise bell across tise Élate. owever, se tisrew balle unlil Tise hiampion photographier stopped taking phsotos, wednesday evenieg ait Martin St. scisool je Milton Girls' isouse league. yPuîi ti, titi oint a bail garet 'lIfii tii- ite l'mnuecst lei uililatiI, -a ii teaiptctt h ii nit i emmiog lie t 10itt il ait li ia t ler silu eatlt altttttcg lu,tiinte)gainobtc scl( ie lieseoson linh E-lin, reltit iodA t, the sînxth titd lot Bra imptona l ittPit'l [ille Sondas - the ct,-îk> caredîin ecre ,nnîng liai lie bhird andt Evacuncgatttctbis tbird sic- tory' 'lts scsts,en wi sixanA 100 ibîhcis itliinge ni cltch rele pritchinic tanyhel,l liausm a 1_0 cuiadi il, talienrt as Stie Sourtittttilki toog Ttsbrrs titîked, Retlîît bit 4nt a dîoble yitt iRay Ecvans miathed anit ichupsingle t o scotre Soth Milton came bacc tittblt-ti'reins inithe sectiti tt(ny Nuytor anA Ua I-a ltlltst lt-ilr tîîItîttil achsîîll Mochawkitsatter Dan Thons- none t li flcaes and Rîch tIctIiachu sîngled (0 drise iii iiii 1,0 before Laris Faggtoii ctaiik Out anA AnAt- Hli geceicidout no end flie timing, Pauloie luttiti a home rocn in6e si-cîndî tu cul Nititon treit toila t lli011 doobteA in thefourit iinganod scoreit on BoS Evns single ou tue the ganse ai-:il Mlton mcnt ini front in the atheit. Natîcce ingaleA ach -tiltito bcbng chico oiut li plate bot teaa c lit hait 1,Ititiclic dloubletven taIe or i . itercant Ciii, otckuc bit a cati hastne lti i lie fltle l amopbell cIlla il, alose fita gap te c-4 lut'h bitos hoouri cn the sitil ttiig ftachae utttb ili, tie lha gane ai 5 -5 «Itotpoalit lîrcîha thti gam Ipen oîth a leurecin scienth iing t,, trait 9-5 Robîertc tuitheA teadait-cihe tcotog, Ecvans sirgirit unit ltîskap reched bose en Nul- or's erer ic iuit tha buses -th itint,0 utt ikitchaell douie dmi Ile ige ied rittgi li i-it harle \I- i fiect)c retitt R hbertcn i-c 'I-ic tit leieti1ar Ettthesittitttclat'uttti iigl ticsý titieI( lt thtt- pîtîcer lichai- li,11 ti-t ,ii i-il l, h1 îî ts -c- tc itgeunei bail 1îîst tttctdc lic Dierraul, tit cîchi litait line Pacit îl le IcIa ttttlltti see Bstkuy unit utitilcil 1,tts i lita itt ItItI t iti d il mth t teriftier aage tilt ins, tiictti cil ttheccicech 1"tct Itit 'ta ic l 'lla itîcheeti pitalttiittic6s tata tilt cita rue, tt %ttthaoks lcaitl tIi-,it011, i Im Ii te' ati hi t-L, ii titi suit, ein(- ru" enthettt6g tit pani ilitntg i oilI liit taroit, neyl t slotici t-c ,,,,ett iiýil t-i l. r lichai«s cecondi futurou cl sietliciti tm(%ait l t rtih-t~ i îhe gaina eut She itta ol s i titi moiii iti galea tu toii îith noue ocet Iltîcstc titi tilts nui Il jti iIlk,-i 1.t1crid thabidouble mich tut toitruickt i;tii t-tit Two lifeguard teams enter Ontario finals i 1, itgact ito îîsi itpiiosii et u DiaManter (oicest Sunsilloi. loiloalOfg foîrty ciroof yacingc bhey mode in seporate aaspetiooo ast The guande irons Mltions consmanity Pool in Rotary Park compeleditn Minois- souillaPeidy anitpiaaeA luth ocerati. The toilotuicE day t6e ce trirn ReluS Conser- vatiin Ares mcent 10 Sarnia and planed fourth oerallin anîther Quaitying rounid prti t-to ,uIai ceai tre iroms langer orntres) coOipeting in Slîssîscauga Friday anA ut oas the groop's Second competitton ibis sommser Thev placet fitin emrrgeony situations, unit ltis un the furet alod anA soin refay raits. Mifton endeit op aithO 5872npints ofta passible .000o Mississauga's A Ieran mon il milS 747 n 000 reg Rush., Bero Corry, Mark Cangridge, Aisa Van tîoeocbot, Christine Murray anA Kelly Corp lors the Nliiîcliat,cli tcl oatiîns unit luit- ta th hcIl reaya Saroît catardua% catit cec hirtthtricstGecn îlot Shet andr litp taarth rieaiý le clot-s cattiyrtio g o wn a bertb in She pro-e Stembers arr Mtaria tar naraito. Sosemuety Sind- molier isatby ilabreiber. ['ac Thonson. ijke Von lise sabte anA Cbris Glron, otil AneneStewart soit Murray ucPhait as ltiroairs. il arii li tutu l II ile t11ilt- Ilet fot t' iii -lIii î,l iti lii tiVzul-a ggeit a. "P",it nti meîtî [>tîi, i il paîti l-il l11i1 itn i. l, titi-(Il h andllli igti i l t)iti itti iti titi titi rcthatts tt tn tIti il, 1i li1 ual bc iila itl ieI tiltligro t n itotlt Huit i =îli il doul cadsaingit n ti, litekc',, aeI il, -II ýýIi bern -ut--l im ii ielthi tit il single nrom ')ubit bs-ans tJ'ha ictory une Militont go,,, (sopheiile tic til cge in gantes ici snoto ait of obîchlitre Arcideit bp biit uing t attiphetlil le faktes oo the Brampton Athielias ibis Sus- day ineagane %bicbnsay decîde o huah terer u ile en theu O BS planlts. Mohawks buave utinc ait four ganses 6e- tueniith e tait ibis ceamon UST 16,1978 SECOND SECTION SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEOS

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