Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1978, p. 5

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Ail abouiepeJ A recent Champion editoriat (Somnething to remember, Juty "12) sparked a responnive note in the mind of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Waters of Milton. They had a pleasant experience onsa recent trip to Englnnd, and didn't mind sharing it. Aparetl they were in Sonthampton and askedhow to get to Penzance in Cornwall, and were told to change trains at Salisbury, then change at Exetr Onarvn tEeetto tey aimant hrde the wrong train, hut a mas acroa the amIse set them straight. Il toron ont there were two stations at Exeter and the second ose wan the right ose. He sot only tlid them how ta catch the right train, they said, "he got mbt the train with un, saw that we were comnfortahly seated, shook hands with an and winhed an a happy holiday" The otranger's friendly help made their trip a mach more pltanant ana. Tihe morat in, we nhould attise frienly to visitors - il pays uf Halton Community Credit union officiers and ntaffern are proud ai the fourth hranch office, which was opened recentty in Georgetown. Phil Wlner, formerly ni Milton, in hranch manager thare. Mayor Tom Hill ai Hatton Hittn eat a rihison af $100 billto ta fficially open the hranch ai Moore Park Plaza and Credit Unias Prenident Ban Rels, Vice-Prenident Gardon Krantz, Gaerkm Manager Jalon Frijters, Director Gus Tielemans and ionder Jilin Harkie woro among the officinîn porticipating in thse apening rare- mony. Later this month Bruce Hond la hringing in nome top-notch NHL officiaIs ta instruci roferoon at his International Schanl ai Roforoeing, which will ha staged nI Drary Schanl the tant week of Augant. Ose oi tham is John McCaolay, who's junt hnck from the world field lacrosse champ- ionnhip. John, of Georgetown, mas annistant cach ai the Canadian team, whirh defoatod the US team i7-t6 ia avertime ta dlaim the champ- ionship at: Stockport, England July 9. It was qaite a thril1 for tise foarmer mentor ai the Brampton Excoîniors, who had tant the Mass Cap in 1976. John's non Wesley', 6, accampanied his dad on the trip ta England, as team mascot. During a break in ana ai the games, the P.A. annoanrer informed the rrowd tisat Wesley had srored att nine ai his team's goals in a racant O-5l victory in the Brampton paperweight bouse leagna. Paul and Sandra Mathias with family Douglas, * Patti-Ann and aight month oId tannifer are in Milton for their annunt visit. Pau) soya if's savon yoars 00w nince the family movad ta the sanny Florida climate and they stI)l eojoy living thora. Scatty Palan, Sandra's father, han ramarried and is carrantly in England for a trip. Actoally the editora1 office at Tisa Cha"Ipioo a in the former Cottage Delicatessen the Mathias operatod hofore moving. Most people prohahit wouldn') think ta look at the serial numher os thair aper mosey, ho) Cecil King oi Lnwvi)le did. ae discnverad the norial numnbar ai a $2 hi)) match their home tolephone numbar, on the preaisa sama or- dor-331O46. Now, ha ia wondering if aoyone aise han coma arrosa a sîmîlar incident. ~Schwarzkopf~ te, SPist to advip, (Joali opaiq Se0 be gatt te mille lit niod toe Across the Editor'ys Desk 8v Roy Downs i thoughhimaendra might et o lit-k ion 1 iîdi oito adi ittg ibis "nt-a t-tpsrt-toi a t-huit-h mission sot-iety meeting, whiah was pubiishod it-otntiy in adistrict nenispapet- The- toan papoi's oditot- hait mode an t-ti- totroipondents (or pubie reliations st- rtt-tilas as tht-y aret-ottitially knomn) ta ho o littae mot-o trothiot, and descaipive. ia tht-ta suhmissioos ta tht- papot-. Tht- eitittis t-ai-stst cati to '*t-t) il tiil t s produit-i this apîstit-, suhmitt-d hy tht- t-hait-h giospit it-goot- c-orretspoindett-: îOly tht- t-amas have ht-tn chasat-i, to prtat-t tht- innocet) Tht- Afttonoos Ooniiiat-y ofi tht- Chut-ah Mîssionory Soc-iety shiat-ati on tht- Mot-sa --" !'-Tkt"iy flerauo. T-to mremhti-n hid ht-o t-attoi tht-at (sm oganst ht-a mîifl lht-ogh tht- ahtigoto-y atforts ot Mis. M- ont-t at-ait- oit. ot-it at-ty i-t-ut-tant to lt-att- tht- taitfy ai tht- cart, itioming hatini o ant il sot- fit-lt-t athi-tit- pt-owass tnt- ont- day. tant-at-t. hy dinh ni mot-h pt-aidîsg asnd tîolniîg ils tht- pst ofi thmt- wot hiait ntt-t-niy aomplisht-i ihis mItiant- iett anditîi-oting onsthepartotithmo' hn hi nî,t yafot-hit-at-i. tht- toi asna îoiy ampî- tnt-nt-t tht- meeting ot ositra y, u n e n causti lngue att-nsadisstaA- tht-pt-att (t-at. of ht-tnt hoasy Misa A atootty itt-tasitd ht-i atttitt-e. piotiimise (hat. snemoat aI tht- mi-mhat- at-at aei-tii thataat--ttistigy inst-aitofht-istkataed. îîataamai hy tht- paasitt-st tht- tigilimata hot tht-ytt-t-inny hoitot în,,iitdtha onit tint-mg spîlatliity ai tht-m. it-ot liia o tima. Tht-l ateoai Ioaks at-t-t mat wifh Tha roll tait as onao-tt-ai hy o Bilel vaerse. st-ma mt-mhat-t ongiy itt-ttoiîa holotihais hait atout-n tht- oaa tht-y hoit ditîit-iluaît-it ttan cuitntmf oting il on pipst- The-att-iitnat-tatton a obsr aataathet reia ioofthatat-nty hit poa i unso sriet-t-aoing nly -Tht-Lo- i utla fihapha- "Tht- pinyii ont t-iminaft-it viata noi t-atn liai tcouti-o,-ll anhiai iisit- t no tht- annonai pîtcît- ond, thet-etîti. nt-n neiaroi tui ha tanr t-t-tîîot tii,, 1h andt Mits t. tillitd ta the- tîmi ,îfh tantttt It-stiaf t hi- nhti ait kaîolieag thast- pt-t-tnt, tt-t W- ioa ont- on tamitini- samas rit peo-ple of tht- Btil. ai ahit-h tht- mnjuaity o) tht- niea berstist- pt-ticaiy nothie anit Mas. L liait tmssarytlosniat-t-ey h irston the- tamios anthani ut tint-i otamît- ni bouks asit tht- tow os Ot-ais, hoth af uhich aaai-yooa haa t-tas his. Mi-s .W hait istasitoi ta tisa ana t-a tt-t-t-, nas. but it hai t lo t- oniisatt-int atot-e thal tht- pspst- monti hast- sottiitt apacet-u pt-tnt n pletroitfu somihaityt pi-aaout otspaiotanatiganbotitot. Th-t-t as mut-h tqunhhlint ondt quarinttiig ritet-thi- pt-ii-s,ser man f aning that tht- hnahy aniis at-t-t ot munra vauet-han thosa tati-m mus. Initiai, ani limas. tht-si- itt-t-sots ai opisin in ahom weaaseaatdnat eoOt-iztsonne semblthioaof one ortthe sns aatthe Mat-ta hut w ouldaot ie crtai--naofthit.t15at-hfls totlaclfoate oit-alotit totolin îîh' at-at-d hy a piaosa gaowth ai manay Tkt-oghotlhameeting onet-toaitthin on auodil atosîia tapat-tat-i it- itatighi ot tht- tiatiatila ai tht- tontat oni liait, coul iaki o fiai. tht ht-t-at-f. haaîag iadi ona lat Chistmas. A paf lot-k lot-ah imach potaf sone tait- toak i hiaoht tht- pteasanit atiaoaa titat-close. doaiaOohiah jfo its o hîtnitp aboot tht- mnitat ait hîs tamty and inîta bersaiofthe cngrtalion ret-oit ht-tori- a t ma n hons. Our readers wrf'te- Health probler t)at Mr. haut-t i aou)itBiht-totinout ahy na't-t-a ad itf nitonis alowedIot oni-ttinu i uitoaa hast- n ai-iy ait long tonditin, o'hth tu t-aituaiiy gaitiat ot-ti This tonitii ht-mngg-aat-it hy tht- Impt-initiil l'ai pany opat-ation nhith a aitjacent i tut hak yat-it Tht-y poil tht-ta tout big oit tt-ucks andî hatltl t-ut-ckwhatthe-nfasitnshbknt-tto oui yardi. sir at- gaI ait tht- fume.t tt-îtm thati t-ut-lt thanashaditht-ontt-t. fda annithing. lieîantoattentioan tmt- Sot1hntt-ntt-i tn tht- mayol'. i tntiid Pollution t'ntt-î, ta nifahata t hnd a man itom tht- ttatth t'anit ht-t-t- and t pk a t-ut u tht- hie thîta frt-i Euant ht-a ice.îat No-onet dot anattito aboîut thîs heath hazt-it Tht-li-tma-n havet-taa tht- oi sturoi',t gtond,owhih ai-t-hazaii t hn îîîîdi dot-t anopîkng Asa tnspnyt-i andt tiltiai t-atidtni of Miltontammoid-ting nhv ait on a hem I abl nhir put ainto t, ilhat ta îoington --inth-attt- t- w Tnth aboot ayant-t- tht, iso întou tantding ne ,Ame hînat-thot- oiut- teou-n'il mt ht-r on,, ht-t-a buf sha lita,, ta the-contt-y vttas iresaDont-ordon) t-dlht-yttr-int tht- leaathbit tonat-in-i 1l.titotiiing ttnft iatts.tIltitd ont i iiî i a iti fît ta lfinad fît pillottîthe' eninnvntiti-t andt panpli t longt. ait gaI a iiii kînat-fn ttlk.hbut itcatttise kilt bire t-hyoti5fth tn-e iltivt'lei aigiilti-u tht t 1shnvid hate-tiritria( ailth-,, litait ich are-kilitg ai'.and iii, hntt,iitii div inV lii %'i,)oT't'tnt. Edithtfioiyt- 42it t-or t.. Miltifn Save off ice t thîak tht- iowa tontî thouldt tnt feaa ilttnthe pot oftficeilitng. If yVo kt-utk toi iti huiling, Vir knntk ittîn ili aiî,tk ntîîth is athainnft-iotcil tif tkný ev n uh if ittîont itonyt tht- lhe ild postt offite building ait tht- cinth pot- f illthe histr (iltîîav (laineiit Lambt t Mit, The Canadian Champion, Wed. AogusîO 91978 5 OUR RADERSWRITE: Ru les for hikers Dear Eit,,t M -at f pet) i h-,h aatta M,,iv piit !eti nroi reatî- [bar tnlarg- botu l'rhai l passesovai' prtiola pr-tpat>ntad [hey lilha iit thaiis haipofth t,, 'oaid * tha glie'it and ai lt. oh fie i, thetr lait, tht-t hi bhati a tht-v lite lii', lil the- t,'oil shtaiit realtto that t ai hke aotf,,the Bruceti Traitt nf hiinnîikîninpiipety ,ont-t-haveithe-ît perissin t.. te tht-t, patipirif In ,,idit tu, moatta ibis gîti raoppot battit-t-atndneri' and hîkei, I ts im- poilait thaflot rai',,r f,,tfn [liei î.hit blazst, ancdni ttirat finît thir[il Ihw ha hilpfi o fîtnom [hat the- Brice Tritf Assoiation,, puiihftîha gîittttook anid thai ihbisfbook îfhnnoirditare. îto,fohaialetî nin iiîrsfor ai,of $f7 The boik an hi oî,hinedi, 1, > rtoig the Bruce 'il lii" IX7 "he v',,ti,,ii xstnei fthrallxl dipenti ,,n hki,'v iinpat,,Othi- 'ights of the pohhn ic-pi',tif fanitownit-, hi siiil N adheing tîhi t ,,t t ,,iî atii t sers iCode- tfki'î,nn aiting io'hii rota, if,, oro, Iiti, fiait, u, the- ttil-,, 1,irr\ rnüt ai] aibh.geif >otIf ncar t îghl ttiestft'iiaking ai olc , etr s i. arr Iightot-ighf hîkit-, ffint-ersiand plats foriifhesIo Ne' ti surir, tnt-k front tait. 1,akl ,it-îiit1he- idgi of fittlds ont tnt,,,, tht-at irt-tti t and fI ,,,îfti, oitr tiId titi fa n%-ni thank. andît(tile tnfhtit volt ph;)fîîginittt A t t o t,z 'ridt ni t. t 'n i n tHtill B.ifT. .' fl6aQuen i.lilvttd.. Ktc hener r g 1 WEDON'T SELL CAN?4ED 60obsP>v(K>s6ED MENTS OK. PR'ObUCE - COU64 MEb IC,4S. CoLD PILLS . ASPIRi4 BUT Wk Do SELL PeoTro(iRPP4g MbN OÇçER VýOU O)UR. E>RlrNCED, ?PRoFesçt-ot4AL AsÇSISTrANCrc WIT4 XtL YouR P4o'rô MEtmogies. Wgf1VMF. rs g4cw To 1blksV PRIN1rh5SPCI>5L NE.GbIIVEIWI.Y SoME MîerLRES biDN1 ¶URN ùVr ibS ~ PLNJD OF, 140W Tc OPE.RAuTE 11411it BoKlRoWEF- c>ANEPA1you Aùve OUR UMDIVIvIEai AhrebN*roW wE FÇER ýUicKcGuPLITY Palolo- Fîi4î$I4114G ib00 AND KobAcoe.IRFUSI- C-OLOR PR,,.JT liL-M RoLLS (c41 n;cIs$') 44 by 4121 Pmj M~E U»(Y HET ATeRî4. coIoR 'R-i4rTs REh1by c-Ime AmIgrkod Ir- iw~ tl' Noôlir. 1'RIC&S AIRE Tg£E LOM.S1' 1u463 ToW 19o Il-Up 10o!SP 24I~ ex IlItiP so TJIe V4ex« rmF- ý/oIJPEw4D ur BE914.b PEoPt.C BuYf4 (4ps¶cK, CtiNb7' OR el&ARETTl$; OR PEOPLE WAx-rIt1 rOR 11WY MILK BOlTLE REP.*4DlREMEMftÉR US. IOR,rdt MEMOKIES Art-l WE Do So wrii1 UNRubLLLbD C^kRE )SI.î ANPc UN De %&?Nr> DI'4d. OPTIMIST CENTRE SQUASH & HEALTH CLUB Opening September 30, 1978 OPTIMIST CENTRE on Commercial Stroot Your application for membership is in viterd. FACILITIES INCLU DE: " FOUR INTERNATIONAL SIZE AIR-CONDITIONED SQUASH COURTS e WHIRL POOL BATH a SAUNA * SNACK BAR &t COFFEE SHOP e LOCKER &t CHANGE ROOMS e EQUIPMENT RENTAL Plans are being finalized for ttao licensed liquor loungos. Membership: $200 Paid before Sept. 28, 1978 nalid anti) Dec, 1, 1979 Paid aftea Sept. 28. 1978 valid for 12 months LIMI TED MEMSERSH/P 150 n Tt/sO COURTS WILL SE A VAILABL E TO NON-MEMBERS, PA YAS- YOU-PLA Y Phono 878-81231(9-5) Loave namo là addrens ta receive application or pick one iap at Milton Mail. 2nd Floor, Suite 27 Phone Pet Batty after 6 878-1088 Also availabte: LARGE HALL FOR MAJOR FUNCTIONS SMALLER ROOMS FOR MINOR FUNCTIONS FACILITIES FOR AUCTIONS, DANCES, GROUPS Et SERVICE CLUBS LICENSED LOUNGES, CATERING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS WE CAN CARE FOR ALL YOUR WEDDING NEEDS INCL UDING FLIGHT & HONFYMOON RESER VA TIONS Cail 878-2457 or write: OPTIMIST CENTRE. P.O. Box 62. Milton, Ontario Prinfed on beholf of the Optimiaf Club ofMl/fon 'Bor1andS' Mf fiq cBorlands' Il W~LSOitI Wjwl - 018'&66 -PAK ".,INlrif crmgt'T- 9194011 PIhr. - ATr 111 boeft deverope. int- -a lieu e u l - r, r Miss 1

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