Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1978, p. 33

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The Cavadian Champion. Wed., Augost9, 1978 811 Says Paula Sosnowski 1Kati mavi k was 'beaustifu 1' experience suies whule givisg Canadian cammunicatefi otahl French yaulh a chasse ta ges la know and English. An advenlare Ihel country, la leare la ire and a toalIltif esperiesce, slmply, ta esperimeol with the hrmchure rais il. alternaIs lechology for cas- nos Paula Soanamaki, mO serving resoarces and la recently completed 10 mondta à A BICYCLE TRIP from OtIta tu Milton followed a lO-manth stittt with Katimnavik for Stephen Kerry of Vancouver and Panla Sosnowski of Multon Heights. Katirnavik je a prugramn which brings logether young people front ail parla of Canada for a working and learnîng experlence. Threshing demonstratied Durîng the mntb aI hourse dracrn binder. Tbrss Augunt, t0e staff ai Spsuce sheaves are ihen ulackrd Lans Pare in eronîr CreeO (stookedc logether ta toae Provincial Park cr111 Os stoaka cohich ras 0e seen i harvesting sno a ibis the fields ai Sprure Lans year's cropa Parni. The stocks cOrsn dry Crreal grains aresOcogreut ouiandaresdramsitothesbarn and blond istosheares by a by horse dsacrswagonsmere $1,200 damage A mao-car accident an Trafalgar Rd. sear Brîtannia Rd. resutird in $1,200 damage, Oui no injuries ta either driver. Richard Hater, 52, of Six Delerin Cr., in En mas sartbbound onTrafalgar Rd. mOrs hinrcar mas i olso criih a second vebicle driven hy i0-yras-aid Jenniter Saila, aI Guaelph Lise. Campbolsills. nhartly ller p as onPriday, AUg a. According ta Haltos Regianai Police. the Haler cehîcle hadl siocod for a rehicie eaking a left fura iota a lansmay Miss Sapiiska mas usable la stop sn lie and rattîded coctb the Roter rehîcle. Damage mas rstimaisd ai M00 for earh oI the Icro cars. -Mition's Kînsmes and Koights ot Columbus are agats sponsoring Ore affluai raepaign for the Arîheitîs Society ibis tati. tOry arr put tbrough thc ffhrrsbcng machine. This machine separale', tOc geais front the siraco and bus tOc 'cr00 in10 the sira mcm tcc Or usd lac brddcng toc Ose animais. The grain cs blo. osheibgracsrry obers i cs sorcd outil ocrA ir animaltcced Tbrrnhiso oi bcs ib te afencstramn lot0 ' 3:00. The demosorîo mlba ongaisg acrii'i. csatber psrmitiing, ut Sprsc Lans Pare harn. Forsadaiy reportasn ibis aperation, contact thr Visitar Centre at 827-0911 or 33500023. By Oiga Darnaoloh Kalimavis. In Inut il meas meeting place. Kahosnavlk la a pragraos which aima la 'pravide a serice ta Canadian camminu wtO Katmanih, bas a single ocord for it. *Beaatilal." Mn. Somnamahi, the lO-yeas- aId daaghler af Jack and Evelyn Sanomnht cf Milton Heighla, bas a wcole lot of benelta shte derivrd tram the programn, sol t0e sonst of wobinslare the triendshipa she made alaogthemay. "t have a trtend evesymbere sn Canada"! "I learsed ths calue of mark and wlt Icoul do; la be seft-sufttc'enl and to mati- vilamyseit; tob cnsilas oflmy envronmnltand nem waysoftcosseeoing energy, taobesanscious ota gonddiel and booo t0 citai, tnclading mabtng bread. -Katimaoth givea yos the strength ta Os as individus] and sot br infltleed by per pressure. Il showos you sauthler may. ".Il sorbhes yoo about yoorselt and t0 test good daing cobol yoo ceont ta do orcîboat feeling selt'conscioao about il aIl the lime." la sbort, shecs bubblcng oves coth sstbusiasm about Katimavik, a programt ot thc tederal goreroiment, and woold recommnd ittolany- Pelcow Katimactb alarmais Stephro Kerry. 2, hO otajîrd crith the Sonnoonloc on bis coay home oa Vod- couver, saysbhaving tolive communaly t a group of people ot ditterent cdeac "not ceopte yoo'ce chosen Io core athO" deepeord hco ondsrstandcng of boman relalconchips. Thc pragramn aise odded ta Oco knamlrdge ccl techocogirot alternatives, soei as the barcesciof of solos energy, ic Sosoocskc ccd bI. Ksoîy oere among tOr tircc fo0 ICcoodians oa loin the prcgr2ccc toucoec tant Aogost Nts. Sosnows'cisa ai ad toc Kticmavck in c occgoicoc licbd Oow il 'ocioctoî andc applcitd Bellic ber pcarrnts werrin tocor ccl tc prograoc Aller gocog tbroccgb the slcin proreno, o'bcb inrluded ictervicsn psycho- logicol testîccg and a iu ]sled grcccp enpsrcencs. cOr w'ooac'rrtctd toto the prîlgeoco bIc Kerro'. cobo oas gstting Katcmavik as an opportunity to lerau h001bmcrlt The prograc, ft in octh a ire style broalready 'os deelopng tas bimoorît Ensrgyrconservation and nutritonocsrrcimportant to 0cm [ealno oafftsd oale Fic'cnh, ling preccoos t ravls ric.ncludcng a sojurn in Atrcca. Os gr5o' t0 apprecat the need la hno the language. Aller a tOrse meeh training period in Alberta, Kalimavik participants spread out in graus of 30, insladiog lhree leaders and a project ca-ar- disatar, ta spend lOren monîbo in each of lhree diffe- sent commanites. 'he Yamnasha, a Y camp sear Calgary, pitched lOemn ima- mediately inIa lendlng for tbeselves. Arsiving in the saca, thry had la haild Ihete omo sleeping qoarlees, ntarttsg milh IOn scraping af Ires las IOnsr lent polos. The graap Ms. Sasnamai andMr. Kersymwere asnigsed tu marked an projects ta Saskatcheman, Halifax and the Gatineau. Kaliccaaik youîh mers reqasîd by commanîly sponsors la help crîth local projeclnbutlinmaoyrcases il cran ap ta participants 10 dincocer cohat seeded t0 Os dons. "Vos une your talent and yoa mak tbe projert," nays Ms. Sosomki. In Wilran, about 25 milen tramn Regina, ns and trsa- matesncsealed aplayncbaol so country preachanters could bave a place 10 mest libr ohildrrn. In Halifan, tor.y otlersd tOersrvices to the Chiîdren's Aid Society. White in otilcos. top, Mn. Sconomubi asked ta mark on a farm andgsota chance toiry Oe band ai rombincog. "I 000 a tantaîtîr Iarmcng espercenre and t acqoîrrd a ceai respect for tarmesn." site conteentu. Btio the mais reasont for lîrcîo in Wilcon mas a helbp oua Notrs Dame Courege. a orbool for boys. TOry morked inc the itirben. assîsting %i10 Ose oooktng. and bslpsd 'cîcdents tare a matm caai 0t organios msals and incrrasrlbhersllccrncy and'smootbness ofthe kitcbsni îperaion. TOry olso cîrganiard a cottes bouse for stodents. In Hiaxtanhe) mers annignsd ta hrlp restors the ctadeli Ar ocril. sno clOs groopmworked as relief ice.i a groop homefor girls. This rcpercsncsO'as anseysopenor forMs. Sosnocsiand one whicb gave hr a grea dslof natisfacion. "The problrmn ibsy I residents ai tbe bomne) bavs. I d neyer sers. I couidn't belirve il." SOes pent a lot cf ber lime coith tbe girls in tOn bome. Askrd cobol ns bolirces bier contribution bas brent, s replies: '"I testFv l'o augbt lbsm a Oct abost values. about marais, and about trost. And I taught ibrm t0 like thesnlves mare." At Camp Gatineu, losated jaut Ilofta Ottama in the province ofQuehec, the group lived in a camp for the mrntatly handtcapped and kelped with the camp's peugramos. Though the pair are se- stalis abost their Katimavik superience, tOry acksow- iedge the psagramn nad ils ahare of problemos. The Halifax project mas the mont strenululi. The roper- lattons ofth1e sponsors didn't almays menh mitb Kali- eavi's aiesMr. Berry nays, esplainsng tbat the sponsors bod a canvsnaonal attitude tomard the mark mbrreas Katimavik copl asiord rotuoteerise, interest and freednom ork on their Mareover, bal the original rrembhaddrappsdaout by tOat lime and remaining parti- ripants liad t0 rbatitd the teamwith newromes. Tbere mers prriadn af dis- couragemenimbenthe choice wasta giveop or toge in and tigbt, Ms. Sossamoki sayu Tbose coba droppsd oac lached the motivatinn ta stick mib the pragrae. sbe commentsonnemrdidn't anti ripaIs the avouant of bard mork invotord, noms didn'l knom bhey had t10 er anoîber tangoage, and piliers nimply dtsrovrrd the programm asnootfor Ibe brossaI of hoase coho suf bad lobs ta rturn la. A numbor hadt partîrîpatid pe viouniy ta Canada Wortd Yeutb, a progroos tocusing on toasring understanding of ibirdmworld naions, and mers dcsappointsd KatieaiO mîlO isstess onontinuacitmc andcaonlssring, annib 'ast ihitg, sibe copIains 878-8881 YOU'RE INviTrED TO See aur line collection of plants andîflomers tas home and attire *compîste lins aI plant supplies ~ sîtk imports.. andemores. rai 878-2881 i_ FLOWER SH-OP blame an recruilmeol and seleclian procedures. "They coantrd ta have il for eery' body. But only a certain kind of individual cao ael intar grosp mork. The setectian prosesu Oas la 0e strsngtbened." Ilamever, snne problemas core inevitable in the fist ysus of the progsam, Ore contients, particularly sisse tOre had lierai a rush ta gel Katimartk oIl the groosd i AI t0e end of their expert- enetOre cran a 4-mile rasas trip in 1le Gatinsu. TOrs Mr. Ksrry and Ms. Sasnomski birycled t0 Milton tramt Ottawa. The 400-mile trip tuait sesen days. TOey stuck la the buh rmadls, as long as bhey mers paved Pastosately -lor ibsy sîrpt ostdors - iranedoly one night. Aller a vîsil in Milton, Ms. Ksrry platnid t0 Oîke home ta B. C Ankrd mOal sOslecran going la do tst, Ms. Sossocoskt repirs. "I coant ta do a lot. "I'd cOre t0 gel involred cith solarsensrgy. Iftberensa pro lec samemeres Canada,l1mastitobelher." Sbe'd like t0 iit tOn Saskatcbewoan tarmers again. do a bicycle tour of Prince Edmard Island, gel iscolord ini aciitiru mîlO girls [romethr graap hume, and tikea rench imersion course aiJonquiere, Quelec. Butfin(teb', gains aist Kalimaitirains in Sher- brooke andbclpthem build a barn. Kaimavaikgrw ou ofa 'I proposai by defesce minister 25 t0 30. Barney Dansas. Il is operalnd Efforts are made tu ge by OPCAN, a corporation ofl representalion of ail etîbso thelfederal ganernmsesl groups. geographc re 'The program sa resteicted rural and contry renîdenst t0 Casadian yaasg men and and diffeeneiono miecc woame froml17lto22. Goup groups inCanada, leaders must lie kelcreen 23 Participants in K.imavnikî and 30 years of age and gel $1,000 if bey coriple the project co-oedisators are program in addition ta choses tramn people bees "cages" of a 'dollar ac dat TRA VEL WA YS TOURS AGAWA CANYON AUTUMN COLOUR TOURS 3 Days lîom Toîrot by coach, boat Et train Departs: Sept. 30, 1978 Oct. 2, 1978 Oct. 4, 1978 Oct. 6, 1978 Coss pee persan: Single $159.00 Twin $139.00 Triple $129.00 Quad $119.00 ;:àss Serice- 14 Martin Street 878-2886 É!i;LLLNGERI MaOiS UfU - MILTON - ONTARIOI 655 Main St. 878-3883 Miton Fruit Market Landscaping 525 Ontario Street 878-384 2 lb Bag rtTMTE 9li CARROTS 2 lb bagq~ Hony TOMA-Er Large LETTUCE 1990 MELONS 'l. 59a GREEN PEPPERS îOme~ CANTALOUPESS 59<O'e. PEACHES lb 5'e0 GRAPES on Ontario 11 h 1 Red U7 i POTAIDES 111 lb.29 Black 711 CORN erco 120Seediess CELERY boch NCTRIE Hom ePride NCA IE IR7 BREAD 3,75 PEANUTSin th0e ei7<'lb. PEANUTS Blanched 99b' PEANUTS Red Skis 99b. CASHEWS $3.291b ALMONDS $L1b. PLUMS 59' 6 consumer Informatio Tiradaiious srnad wInake a dl,ghloIa,,ort t yo aiys breakfast Plckace soin dortv celly glassas as thaughtoi honts ifi, îo, hta storco tffe CANTALOUPE CONSERVE WhOcl m aso LiO.tpnlendd ne.a 4 omallleooc grated eeI and ce 12 ma.,ascemh,ia eso. ha, 12 mq f 5 ql For onsas tu cou food creseconcasn qUomtos, phone youo local UnioGas Cosumer ServCcs epreaenta Telephone 526-2472 Toll Free 1-800263-696 IMERCUR-Y] [ýfflLN 1 ANUI rltHUUALIe YI Nb[ ALLMllUfY Il Y Nil LI UN MUULbMLrb ...

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