Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1978, p. 31

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The Canadien Champion, Wed., August9, 1978 Bll SasPaula Sosnowsk k<;ti mavi k was 'beautifu 1' experienCe fly oiga Darovfeh Katimnavft. is fruit if mesass meeting plane. ffatimavi is a PrOgramn wkif h aims te prnnitis a servire ta Casaitia.n cemmu- eite white gicie Canattcoemmunifatte in botl Frenc5 yealh a cnr t etn ke art Esgftsh. An aivtoor 1h01 r neartry tieaon te fine ait a tetal Ilite enperiosOe, simpi y, se esperiment w Us the hrochure cafl f i alternats ieishreagp ferrern- But Paifla Sosnewshi. abs nomman reourees ardte1 rrssertiy compfoteit 10 Mauths A BICYCLE TRIP frtie Oftawa f0to n 0 oweda1mntisifih Katimavik for Stephen Kerry of Vancouver and Palt Susnewsi 8 MilIton Hesghfa. Katimavik ia a progroon whsch brings together yeung peuple from alt parts of Canada for a werkîng and tearnîng experterce. Threshing demonstrate( Darsof tbe moosh of borne itrame hîitder These Augus the staft aI Speuce sheacen are Iben siacheit Lare Farm inl Brodte Creek (siauhei)tiogesher te turm Provincial Park asîl ho soks wbich caO be seen cn harvestiof serme o1thIis thetfielits othpuce Lane year'scrups. 'eem. Thestocks thec dry Crrealfgrains are beiofcul oui and anedraocitulhe brn andthuund itisseaces bya by horse drawagonfucuere $1,200 damage A two-car accident or Regioal Police, the Stoten Tratalgar Rd. orar BritaoOsa cebîcte hait stowei tue a Rd. resaltedin $1.200 cehcle malig aOrtifle damage. bus no injuries te solo a laneway. rîsher driver. Mi.u Supinha was unabte ice Richard Roter, 52, ut Sixsntop on limie aod cullided ithi Delecin Ce., in rein mas tbe Roter cebîcle. sorthboudouTrafarRd. Damage Oas enlimaird at whenbhincarea ncacollision $6w or each ofthbetocas. wath asecond vehicle drivno by isyrar-oli Jennîter -Milsurfs Kiosmen anit bopioha. et Guelph Lice, Knighss ut Columbus are Camphellcille, sborily after afaicnsponsoring the annual Im00 on Feiitay, Au. 4, campaignfo tuehe Aeibriiis Accu dng to italiun hociety ibis ftî. consmer nformatIon Thi, sen o e, d -l ekaegnii aan v as in-nikivnrs Oti on hina CANTALOUPE CONBERVE 15fonnuneelc. anecarn...an. 12vo aCoLc o chca. ucrannaî l1 i,ti h-:. i,,d 1u1 ',i' n v c a i,v n ei î ,n i, , in 0 1 . 1 I 1 i t Ikno il ,1 To lk r n. 1-0-6366 onwenIDonl - D es1-I wilh Kaiimanih. ban a singie 1hr neoit te heOm the iih. uneit for il: "Boaatitui. las Ms. bosnoushi, the s9-yoae- ufit daughtee ut Jack art pa Ecolyn busnnuaki cf Milton Pa tfoighlr, han a aholo tint ut gr benefitshstedeediniraumthe te program., not the teasi et di whici are tho triendnhipa sihei madeaforgltheaway tI bave ne a trient ecerywbore in or Ca!nada. -y q'learno the valueuof C aorh andawhait 1confit do; to m bo seftsuftîcinnt and te nati- il case mysoit; tluboconscieun ni u of nvironnaient and nea n tloboconseious ofa gooditiet It andt boa t0 coh. inctudiof ocakinrghnead. a "Kaiimanik gîcen you the t nlrergth toboariidiiaue S andet beinftuoriod y per t presure. I shows you "il teaches you about younsetl andit la tor goet~ doingawhaînyu oacI lu do icithout teeling soIt consolous about il att the limie." In short, ohe's huhhtînf aven milS nnthuniasm about fatimavik, a pnogrnm ut the tedenat gocennocent,' andt woudnrecommnd ilueany- Fettoic Katîmaclk atamn hinphec Kenny. 22, aho cîniteit iith the yosnoo'nhic un hS aay homn oe nai couver. say havig te liv communaîn aîib a f noup oi people ucith ditteenc ideau "nt people noucve chnren lu lion ailS" drepennit hic andentacdicg f u man netatiocnhipv The pnognam aise addnd lu hsm hcoa'edfn ut technotginil alternatives. saab an the banncnig of vina hnnuhisoi M Kenntr ann ngi t inst 1liefii aradian- lu juo thn pnogafn ltînched tant AufaciM Sosunuunhi sao' ail ait loi' Raimmavilin1 a mafazîine, lihnit h0a il scundeil andî ipplinil Btinl ben parnts uc-ne in taluo th bprogrin. Atnn going ibnough the cetoniion pnocnvc. uhinh îvctudndi intiewinc psyche- tvgicatincticfg and animaa lnd gnnap nopenirere site ns aunepleit mi the Nste Keent. abo a geitiof restîocci as nvoppantunltn Kuanoai aou aineprit T pelnugablit cîh ie oTyte Irgr fitnn in wnhtaPIde stloe bîmonîtdywa donngnonnafor andni. nocer cnserton cu him, be lie aiso icaotnd ta el French Durno pnncioiic in tasels, inctudicf acoiaetiin d Slies.b fea t appnnulate sgaage. te' a Usreo aeeh training jae ioi la AIhot aim ik Pl rticipanIts nure it oa r fi eups of 30, iroiuiting titres mi ritors anit a prnjecl ce-ar ho ralor, te spent throo pe fotis rn oach uftâthes diffe- nt5 cemmunities. The fit ioctutson session as ex amnusaaY camp vie toe aigary, pilchait thom imn 5h eitiatoty ite tondinf for omneicon. Ariing in the o in, ihey hai te lu atIhir le on sleeping qunartera tarting itih the sraping ot i nt or Ibeir lent potes. ni The geoup Ms. Sonroushi S rit Me. Berry anro assigroiea o woreoun projocts inw anhatchecar, Healifax art a, hoe Gatineau. a Kalîmacik ynulh aere O' equnstoit hy cummunily pronsort lubp wîtb local c peojecls.hbut inmaryrcases il I ian up t0 participants t0 c tîsconer abat reode te o h i lune. >'You use youe tlent soit yuu muhe theopnutecl"- o sayn Mnhusonioashi tn icon, about 25 milesn eumn Regina, Ihe andt teamei mates createita playschool se t country peeschooescoiitdi have a place t0 meel othee chititeen, fn Hatitax. boeyi utteseit thoir services lu the Chitdeero Ait Society. t Whiteinc Wiicox. tou, Mts Sosnoc'i asked te oronoa tal'on art gos a chance lu teY her bond a tcombifing tI huit a taotastic taemicg ecpeincnuandl1 actuoitda noat nespect tor tantonrO." she commntn. liai the main mason for heinf cn Silcoxs te51 bnlp out ai Noire Dame Cottego, a sciaibortu boys. Thny wunheit ithe hutcher, annistingitfah the noohkiof, art bolpeit -tudenin teroc a matm com ta turgasize meain unit iceane the etticîoncy anodcsmothnesothe kîtchen opetation. They aise îînganioei a cotteo bouse tor siadens In Halitax boey w assignedtelootPstore the cîtadet. Ar weIl. snnoe ut the gt'oapaunrkoiasretieftstaff in a goupbhome orgis. This expence aanoeyeopecn febNs. bosrowki andaone ichich gavneira geat deaiof satistaction. "The pruhten bhey secîidents ot the hume' have, l'it cocon see0 1 coatdIt hetînce il."* h ospeci a lot ut hon limie icith the ginis in the home. Achoit abat shte hntiecen bot contiihtin han bren. she nepis -t bel Inne îaught them a bit about values. about morais, andt about trust. Art t augbt them ta plwsem n u h (aý blown ~65 Main th. 878-3883er E ýAr PRESENTS CUSTOMER COMMENTS: Mrs Ooenyo uMilton, wmn«, fibis beatitSit16 32 ingioind -lînn eutilid tist1. un abut Milion noun Sales uben eneioannoii bau Cacabe. Caempion status, 'ThuA -o',-, 'i inn indh!,.'lýi, . h-,' n1k IiO,, 1111- 0:0 t DEAL WITH PROFESSIOIUALS .. FOR PRDFESSIONAL RESUL TS' At Camp Gatineau, located ti roit of Ottama in the ovince of Quebecisthegroup rditnj a camp frthe ostaity hablndicail and tprit with the camp's ograme. Thmigh Uhe pair are - atic about Iheir Kabimavik perience, lhey acknou- ige tbe prugram hoit ils are of problems. Tthe Halifax project, 'as the mst strostul. Tbe espec- ieons of the sponsors dido't ways mesb u'sth Kali- ai'saimiMr. Kerry ys, roptainingfit bthie mensurs hait a conestjonal tituite tomandthie work tiereas Katimacih emphi- ssneitnolunteerism, inteest toit freeitom te work on teir Moreocen. hait the original rewaitddroppedtout byunit ime aoit remasosof parti, iparts hai to rebuili thie tamtmithoriscumees. There cere perits ot dis. ouragement abenthe cbhacet sias te gine op or ta gos on and igbt. Ms. sososki says Those icbo droppet ut ached the motivation te sick citb the profram., she commeots, hume didolt anti cipate tbe amluant ot bard work iocoiceit, sone didn'l nou file hiait t0 leurs inoîher lanfuage, aod uthers simply discocerei theb progamt aa neotfo'r hm honoraI of baose wo lei bud jobs t10 nelaro tu. sumbor hait parlicipaird pro viousty in Canada Woun 'soaib.a pncgcsmn fouinoOi lucinringaiidrstaodiof s tii ricnations,iand osr disappoit Koiimlck ais tas stness on commuiili aor and ulauleerinig, waconatih camne bhing, shte ecploions Mr Kerr pui sorte oft 878-8881 k anst 5 have il toeery- hy OPCAN, alaprainu epesalco airs,î body. Butlunlya certainhini thetfera8orernmens1 grupn geogeaphicea of indiidiatcan metd inta Th oenuai lricted rural and cuny eidetc groupuworh.,?heselesitu sCanadien Youngmen and andt ditfrt cono rti procen a to be women ft 17ite022. Gr'oup groups inCanada ss. gbf d oatemsbbsrerO Participantscic Katimavik Houener, some probhtems andt 30 yrarr ut age art gel $1,000 il ihey ciplele thi aeee inecilahle ie Use tien peuject ce-ordinators ure prograoc. in aditiotuoi yea ofthe progeamt,he chosenront, peeboee -wafesof dila dav commients, parsicuarly sinise Kalsmacih off the grouot in TRA VEL WA YS TOURS As the endt ut their espers- ence Ibere mas a -mile AG W C N O canue trip cn the Gatineau. A W C N O Thon Me. Koey anditiMs. hunnouashi hicyctidtel Miltoc A U MN OO RT U S trom, Ottawa. The OR0-mile U MNC L RTO S trip looh nover days, Tboy 3 Dans fon, Turonto stock t0 the hack relais, as long as lboy urre panet hy coach bohat Etrain Fortuaaely tueorlhoy slopl ouldones -iteraiod onyuro Departa: Sept. 30, 1978 nighl. Attr a omîit in Milton, Me. Oct. 2, 1978 Rerry planod t0 hiko home Oct. 4,1978 Anhet abat she wsseging Oct. 6, 1978 ti do nent.MMs huanownki roplies: "1 u'act ta do a lot. "Id tîke su gel irculcoit Cens par persan: with star eery fy tttsre'n.a Single $159.00 Twin $139.00 pruteci samechoro i Canada, 1 want tubhree Triple $129.00 Quad $119.00 hhe'd tîhe lu omsit the Saskatchewan taemor again. do a bicycle tous ut Peince Edcoaed Islandt, gel * M M~ incutced in actîcition ioith and takna Fech immsiont coureai Jonuiee Quebec. SM erv'ce' Oui lient she's g filsfteisit A Katimanîh brnis in Sher- hroohe and help them bud a 14 Martin Street 878-2886 c Ktiîmaik greou ofa .1 thaton stl ot tha tme 050b ocen cont dent1 You cave tokeep adverinng inaoder antayn theomonen sou can'at a ICane ap! We noue ail the0 deas ant lac Iltec noennsary oa doue up a sund promuotiuval campaign tat pu .. n guod timon or hait' CAIL TODAY! ASK FOR DISPLAY ADVERTIStNG 878-2341-2 threshing machine. This machine nepanaien il Milton Fruit Market & Landscaping 525 Ontario Street 878-3844 2 11. agctTOMAIDES à49<p'b. CARROTS 2 lb. bal; IU Honey Dom-Etr ag LElTUCE 3199c' MELONS 'LI GREEN s C N A O P S5 'a PEPPERS 1b. 59'CATLOPS 9 PEACHES lb. 59c' GRAPES on Ontario Red i POTATDES03b. 1.29 Black 11S~ CORN pe cob 12 ediers $ 1 1 f, CELERY banch5.9 5 BREAD 3P/ 125 PEANUTSin the sheIl 79lb. PEANUTS Blanched 99clILb PEANUTS Redin f b . CAsHEws 13.29U ALMONOS ~1.171119h. IPLUMS 017 1 b

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