4 The Canadiao Champin, Wed. Aunant 2, 1978 oht ansesiit asuanaMavin Pen .aoss. e na.ana OOns e Prnt n ' nd Pubishin Companc.'mte n 15 Dis bi shr Roy , o n. Edt1 aoi surit itw Edio. Oau 505geA-n igM r he a ý. 19 Mai S Eat Milan, Ontario L9T 1N7 Phone8-m-2341 Ideni tyng concerns Idenfifyîng major concerna and issues for rural reaidents. is oaa 0f the objectives of a University of Guelph Rural Develapment Oufreach projeci. Haill on is ana of loo pilot areas. filîs inleresting tal note. thal aller a full day session invoiving members from the rural eom- mnnily. cancerna discussed under ulifferent headings. bahk on a sîmilar ring. The prbiers in summary are identiiied as -the negatîve impact of ex-urbaniles an the rural cummunity; polir social planning anod land use planning for rural areas: high tanes with nu benefits. alienalion ai rural people frum the polîlical and planning proceas and a feeling of helpiessness.beifig unabie lu influence ana's owu future." As we refleet 0n0the sumrmary ce wonder if some of tOnne same cumplaînts could nol ba equaiiy idenlifîed among t base in the amail communities Ibat make up iiaiton. There are cerlainiy limes chen the aceight of guvernonefll semrs op- pressive and untouebabie. when planning Aoesnft seers lu suif our needs and when fOe importance oi salal planning seema tu be ignored in our march lu, "bgger and bel- ter" The R.D.O.P sumnmary that concerta 10 goals fas un a mare positive note as il puIs 1he focus on integration of exurbanîlea mbt rural cammunities, 1he need for affective social planning and land use planning for rural areas: ;1te reducîn of fanes; deveiopmefll ai baller means of communîcalifig avtl polilicians anA pianners : anA develupment ut sîrategies lu in- Thc tiraI glimmer of corse docn- basa redeveiapmnent cenl before Milton Council Monday nîgbt and il uas bord fl detect in council's attitude 1001 thia cas indeed ove of tbeir ubjectivea. A proposai 1cor an office building. chicO ciii pravide empinyrsent uîpporlunîlies. add pedestrion irallie 1010he central business area. prucîdc incead Ion revenue and 0e iv keepiof cilO design 1001 ciii ultimately enhance t0e tocn hall and market bquare concept. mighl expeel ou enlbusaoaic ceiccume. Aciuoiiy t0e ueceauary approvala bod heen cleared but 10e plan for the former Mitlon Prirate Hospital prcperly and 1he former BuIis Auto Biidv ocre greated witO camne skeplicism. corsa nit pîckîng and finance decisin making bondies. The urbanication nf rural areas fnrces emrphasis nn the need for nec neighbr tn meet new neighbnr. There will ony be under- standing chen thare is cnmmunica- lion. City dweiiars whn seek their retreal in the country should 0e acare thare wiii 0e different ameils and different probiems. Social ile is different and important. There stili needa In 0e lime fnr neighbor- linesa aven though the naw country dwaiier saeks anly isolation aI the autset. Four of the athar goals or problems touch on the raie of goverament. acceas lu ti, corm- munîcaf ion wilO it and its cost. The roufs ai gnvernmenf cerc dislurbingiy shakan wben regionai goverament was intraduced. Vaiunfary boards cere dismissed, cuttitcg participation. Muni cipaliffea were merged causing alienafian. Costo rase as lbey acre bound ta do under any avatars. bof the fines ai cars- munication of citizen fa caunicilior vn Ihase chance encaunfters an the Street. chule picking up t0e mail or socîaiiy. wera grealy rcdueed. Heîng9 on counicils demanded mare lima and much of il Oas been more lime acoy tromn t0e eam- munîf y. acay fromn those chance encounîters . There is anme simniiarity belceen rural and urbalo prabiema even thaugh bhey are not identical. identifying the prablema is the initiai siage and having dane that ce are encauraged thaai meetings vn the fau are pianned ai chich a stearîng commillea may seek soluions, Neverîheleas the proposali a evcouragivg aI an estimated million and a 001f dollars. Il is encouragivg 0ecause il ahana the central business district is val beîug ignored by those cho look in somne depth aI properties and op- portclnitiea. Il as encouraging because nec developmenl off en stimnulatea othera 10 100e o fresh loak aI an orea and activity as generated far beyond the original project. Obvîausiy 10e planning deparl- ment bas hiad influence iv the beat use of1t0e land and t0e municipal staff bas encouraged o deveiap- ment wbich mîight latter be com- patible wîlO chatever lakea place on0t0e prescit puaI office site. The propoaal is an eucauragiflg glimmner of inlereal in t0e centrai busainess district. ~IiampiOU Ea CONTEMPLATING AN ERA PAST visitorn ta bOa Haitan Regional Museums aI Kelco finA interesting artifocîs of a lifestyle in t0e nol dictant pasî. A desk, artisîs basic forms of hall.* conte anA cylinder anA qoîlis are displayed in t0e uppor floar of bOa main building. i(Champion photo hy Peler MeCuskeri By 81/Smiley Sugar and Sie We're preoccupied with death Casodiana~~~~~ 00rageipeucplo a lb drafh. Il a coimmun keucirdar (bai ce carry coca lIfe îsnocvcelthon 001 aliec nation in the crid. on0a par capilO basin mcondruib Ji must bra gratcountin wshich (0 r aenm le innarance. Ecro SiolpasanS Srira, Liciiad. as gatiis tain thr huai- cns. Ony in Canada usd a big depari- ceni st0 oreb nouban narasce, PUY, But it's a f001ta In5 uy'ilr s blas con putorinetl. sachioe-signanl feu se froc bhai augani argaaîaaiio one L, rîinosp. Georrai Cradil Manager tlks caroiesi abut an Occidentl AralO pulices-O clonicely for Sicpsons-Oears ocecoOl futmr.il pays op t5ai.u vl,» i hesaliO and .procs vouitwie dirc drîcvan, rîdîng,' or wolhing-eav wbcs youorrai hoce rai wcck-eerrpcere iv he cucid No medical exam!No age Weil, 1dn.idocah dlivang rîdîvalir waikig whn 'unai homerca( cock. bui perbops is a gant idra il oais cric $3 O5u a conlb for a f amly Docn il caan f001 chîldrs andar lice can bo insred forup to 100grandfor acoi- dental dealh? Dueos il crac chai prople oceaO90uwho deideluicp in front ofoa hon, aideotaiiy, cao leaur iliir haîrs srt for iifeusomehao, t donOt l in'sfaore ihoiy fOot aimpnuns-sares 101co la Oerb dang sare ihey're poid off, if poave con- aged tu galint 01 ec for a lac bondred dolloa un yoar charge occoolt Perbaps Canadiens are nul sa ous0 in iheîr concern about deaih, A predS tod Englinh piaporight. Wui Shakespea. mas fascioafed bY 1he nahimi., and speco- leud alpai, il in Hasoleins oclilaqalex And a hnosand thuandother poets and plaporîghfs haac aitenpiad lu probe inic the mening ofdat. A qoi0kluooi nont lts Faciliar Quololiona showa cure Ohas lhrea nalid! pages cf refereoces lu death. 20n the News Beat Control is the real issue Bp Bob Burtt . rce ( c i 'ne ui abiuo fi,.,u auie, catc i, Oaloi laciic an argucent chnai udciciOOO morelhan a lec dolloa one oay or tho alter for cosi boconers. il pou can Orlîrco bha pra- nenlabiona by cOr profeanionai Actonstiandsioifusebhe mest if eaeh commasify is laIt t0 fnc cs on bibl for donmestic calerý 0[ lhe 11cr urhan servcced ura n the ragion Aclon i the nassîtlesl and Oas the scmailesl revenue hase froct cbich aspessive isserose. ments and expansions have ta bc finaned The argnesseol Oas alcays heau atas seedn belpi. Bssme nay t0e amsine regian nltnald pay ana patce for caller regardles af the aisae nI the cnsscanily ne the ana ci panvldlsg the soater. CUta Aditsaledtv 0101e i"i i uit a, la [o 1, thu crvefiuctocucai] luiocAl on thr municipal war spatem ai O uniaorm prica 0.0 djggisg Orseatk aIl ut the chetorie anA tha long cioded speeches couriclars are prone la cake the issne in coney at ail bat ontanlf n services and contrat oI hJaltas HuIs a fthe aslp ana nf the fana local aoncila snppoatisg usiOat caler rates and the ahsdnnsest OI the chargsock spatess fer walea serviee«. Tinsse ia sa qaesn Il 555e asiguenn caler rates cass itt hetsg the declis muahtag pocer foa tlant Mr- vice cotdd sonft fanss area essiactia fa the aegtn. Thal's wlwee the proncse islesded tu hve Ibalt paower insthe Bas li-gaill the ccaiiiu bac thr power ta appoeuorcefase inprvad cater SYntemn. expansions lu systems or aven hooknps, lua o ystem. Bat the emst af the cnah sa Ortng chorged ta the benefil- jing cassssnily and becanse the manfiaipalilies and eot the regian are footiing the bill rellumai coasiti hos bees content f0 appanne recoin- maesdations froc the ares enanicils. Milton Counilînas hove braditnally konkad asY ssnve tuasifor rates, Il isn't Ihal they don't cant to help Aelonsbut lhey fail lty canI 0e.ahie, la kelp ihessn ,h.y caimaOsaI cifa esly thase cnatlbnss repsieaist- leg the tacs. respiestat fanes Miltas aif recetre lac priorty in the wieese af lhage. Tit Ieaas cssdd Bol il lac 100 hus %il counctiiors choc are aglai the propoao, Cor fior poars n o Osalille MaYOc Hoccc Bareti bas insîsted tht Or le and dr ans aic oe pa Thus l'oc n bîeih liccok cacci iiicil a o irizion. a, the fatal airicc la lihe fiesd occeen s, th eniirdiofiacourccl bali the lovg. Ccci Iîîgbl a dci, a uuld ace, a biooata. ld itmusoi go,"cAnd scon. Thcp iliacucd ite cliches. dcclt bhel' Occibri licolh beciccioufania as«0oi go% îîidcc ihîidccv arc coinl pileel> usococe ofi hic. lyon peuple are iîoceiy O filvo caher disiaielci tiic lihes i masia oîs igbcer pilo. i a ier cr luoe ii deoilu. ioîiîl diOteHU 01i msami iîîecoiiî saroedta deOlh, bol Ohcsii iic bgiiiaeeivtascbioii riccd'.in the oituaOOc cîiiiucn. ohes ai accOe dira. whco a cliealor dira. alli thm iii n luhaie peine, pou luegîs li ledl andacicli the ll 1101 It'sc noclaricuiocil icighiecing, oerl bit dîacîicccciicf Iv ycue bear, y00 ire 12 ,îeccccid. îîibh a lîllie scphisticaion piaiccd os the îoitside. inopcac bead, ciire o cople i yea ama: icîîn cetiîcemcv. a decadc oc dîna terras îîiiî lircher iieoih 11011 lîc iib c s i b c p c ib is nl t oni iogobcîcoua uiiiiics foc o aiv ora 1 1 as iait ting train bicpooa brcs bolt foi me 01110 A bacn m, i îe suggcaied icmahca li i i îvacc polcicîcanod theio o in co sla depcaii lox, acd icac il oil in the boiîîic ii c broibr ivlac. the louper, bclcroccciîobrbed on uc trip. Wboaaicccimbiiowofciciccccisfiî i iu ebe ioackedcoragodcoc in the Atlantic or die ofi ucaiicaess cncuc vcyage ducs the Obîve, ici nucebodY cisc srtotbteaaessVe llhclleivd i ,, sorting cal thihcmssc ccvccc uii..îougb polîcîna in tbr bcttocc dcccec ofi the dresser, beneathbcitermal udcccoc Therr'saocher cilli tic cccviY sccbcc bocrd. Tbrc Sastock certliic, Um' bre in ci îlcak dcîc rc iiiicii nain0 iber ,1 biiiicc, pilA1 liiai t' ar eCanada popular foirer. found again ha w popular Canada is t s diffioall for aayon tu ,agninst the logic froc with thone who kaaw it. One administrative standpnint publinher told nf regular summer nt honing one systesl an holidays on one of aur lakea that cammusn rate for nda couple of decades. nestir talnrs. Industriel sparte commerical anars have a Another cas planning a pro- ferent rate and rural motionai fligint for a group from seonseas are nul affected Texan to Toronito an they might aee ail. ansesn regiosal coascil là nome of the modern merchandisinlg all rspasileInawasr and store developmtellts there i vices and reg.aa .slfr cee terested and concerned vid i thres nss nase about the effecta nf "the Quebec (Cntinud on page 51 situationt." As~.0 ehi bodr goafer euhsi arxihrilisn girl tol dole cuisoil havecrubhae i hOaa dilîf iv oeesii e rsn W eet miiino îiîîîhano o cars. The olur îaîcîis eccci od. bat fcivg sircca.em sivce me hiditheTV repaiccOo pul bock iî,cîdîc cre the grosdbuy tétitd rîpped ailiilie ivigivola off, Niy coiilleaý in the Eglish depuri- ceci are perfrctil iielionloiSpitopcMy reereuce ooiîk.icpiilivg cabinet. ubîcb ba ocîîiicî.cipeiedviccl eor.ovadcp fcur ci the Que0. the lise midi, the ilicna e clubs and cari. chicO areo -iios bhh he amront qualile au anius ohr' pceiip gant fishing cnt doaon in 10e haseceni. wiO the Christmas decîeOions A Ian patelles anA ihere's a dondi paie ci hîp uadara lu go wilO il. Thaer iv 10Irun1ç ai 0e nid Dntge nIan a i t hb c a s e oflh r e rlO o l fr o z la sf O inf e r . There, i think fOln pceliy oeIl elears the dcha if Brothar liroh gels ocer-friesdip. np daoabcrovier 'ed aljobforthenef Oee prars. iii lahe ber liait long fa or coui Oc ectlr aoc Voyage. Turning the Pages of the Past C ro c tO e ie s ic T h e C a a d av C h a in n I.rllo the Oua. O. 19î7 iscue 1101c"r ci Miltos n om 1960l 1973 a o reaiavi oi Nlilicv 1cr 22 cears, Orian Ocai died moldau nuecîng ai Ofîliov Dîirict Hiopital. Tue lunrral caraice duo homOg hed ibiccrigaîilam, ailirace Aoglican Church , lloceA hp crenialion. bic iiet as ccc olvrA in a îragic fo-cor accidentiunOcriiafniaRd. inliMiltcoSpt . 9 ilccadaoiferedbrain damage. A ice andcoOaaequentexsPion inside a siocage Shed ai flacA Charnicol a plasie hîlohenocre and lirruocho Aîspiap proucer oni Nipiccina bRd.. prucîded Mlilton nd ace cidenincihusoneiofaecs apeciclce firac nosi hod ecer aufinaased The lire brche oui in a o.fcotlonsaîce cOcA bchicd the coin Oond Checîicai plant about :10 Pc ovn ad il espiodrd ahutlu minutes aliercarda, ilon Eden Ski becol cosl expand ccc. îorvrnsioea away nex inteir. mas (b coin message deiorred ai c Mîniaiep ofi î1cîsng appaaihearin onThursday Mlilton firefiaOiers ralocced hurne Molîday oiilî a pil ofi anard As uA prîuec icccitheanooimlconventioncofiheiOntario Cireliahir Assaciaion OrlA in Trasoaler on0te boliîdc ocekecd Thr lcal brigade won 10ma priea 1cr appaeavune in tha HolidAay Mîodo parade ai Terstlr- licol prer th 1e Orsi carehina onit of nderl2o men and the Nomsinî Aliary wonliecilforhe OrsouliaPuon parade. Asaîi pressafinie, only UneaareOant has objecied fi) the passiof oic apO byl t ilesiica Nflioccn diocclcîic cure as il boiie ncprioeci lea, hl Oui cîg 20 years ago vramt the Jnly3l, t551issue Town iasassor Frank McNican capactedl lOis c-ark the tons population Oas groon lucaout 4.750 peuple and mac reach 4,81)(1 Oc tie anA of the pear. The papulation has increased 15o since the tastiount in Sep- temOr of 195T ntaisng anew barnad Acacasa Peacs uornd hy J. t.. ChishOlmn on Campbellville Siderod wasquite achore forabout 16 mes hO caiofneeed their limie t0 assîst their neigkhbo with the hig Prnient. COong emugh food to eed the mobcas anothea big cOure, capabty handled hy the ladies, Mas. Jim Robertsn, Mas, David Hes- decon and Mas. Bath Jases. TOe framea oas David Handerson Of Mollat, tke tant oI tse han frassers sn Ibis district. He's Oes feaming far nvea 40 pesas. The sec 111gb- the cru building, line locrae reports o gont wOeai pla ooaveorag oi u haeapacr. . Swimming i tclO eek 0owing hrough olco Connsiy Croire Park ai Luccilla c a b n nr d i b i s c e r k h a l h h a î h a u i . l i Oas olt aoîlrd 1cr suiccise," natd Medîcai ililîcer of Ilealt Dr Archie C. Pce wari idrcll reidrnsictu eare î o slcan csi i th rr d o , a l erO c a n el tccplcdlcside aimaicac oao in ocdi le Aid corn confina cork ai her bone, 10ev abord u ai te hada t0 ash cheqîuesaîaord 1,rer for os mcc as liolon boai prnourrs cubAd 77 par centin1 baccr Ccîday of etalnishg aprvne o ide cooparaliar hO arkting progeotn Thrreucre 096 cules cait in aian. A ewassociionO ballon Caasiy Cîrs acd Trcearer Asoniation, Oas Oes icrcedbrrolib he ccoiptclerk arfield Bownucs preaidolt 75 years ago Frcool the Jls10. m93 ue Cillie ehoosa Dacaeeaan. he fil 10- yaarcd snof W G. ticereaun,0f Lo 1, eus. 6Eci1osiug cos illed aimant n- aianiip Op a rckiffrr on Tuesday acenisa ouol5n'dock. A oad ofohaa s en ciraed oc fli rac-lifer. cillia can in fOr 11111 stading up te roloOri iohael Ili9 ilîîîiifli the lîtle ieilîow obseroingth1e 1110 oiiiiii e to put l iliright, ii aiptcol the uelgveobiiayandOci miaascbicibrn h od. Aiolarge iihr of neihhbcraieded he b r -r a is in g o n T . .Cç o ie r 's f an O ,s a a r Hoyse. The haro. ohmn completed cull add greailIo lae apparance af te place. c Ponion of ha Champion and Cbiver aniedo laIt lOis mursing for 10 days of c a p i n g a d a s f i sb i n g a R o nd L k e , cear Haceonck. lis Tharsday afierenoo snobe cas seeu uorkîng fbrnagh te siding af R. . Anderen' lvery stable on Mats St. 10e clr as souaded and the liere brigade larned ont prmptly. bal helare they cee ready no cnmmece operaian J. B. arence bad pnf ont the ire cith a few hachaIs nI cler. A grant garden Party ll ho tseild et1due residesce af obet impeson Esq., Kilbride n tbe eveslsg oI Tnesdap Ang. 4, for ftbe eselit of Kilbatde MelIsadiSl Cbareb. Encouragiflg g limmer