Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Jul 1978, p. 3

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Tise Canadian Champion, Wed., July 26. 1978 3 Halton police earn highes.,t A!!1Juto AIR CONDITIDNING Halttn's menn l sue bie Racmn suit allier tisa ais- mare isscisi otiscir.pacista eair costraci wai isei.lse lisan matI pal.cmntts bigisesi ca e tmyie country siace Tttuesitay's Edmetan, isa si. aigssing aftie anilores con- Baitai afitcas wcre tisc tract ai Okisitt. isigisit petit in tisa piseisca tast year Tisa Baitea police officier ta Baitaia Itegioaa Police tisa iigist peit te Ontaio Commission, tisa policemn% anit prctty ctosea lu tis op in beau, and tisa Ration Ragiasat Canada, HaItan Police Police Associaion, tisa Assocctiona presitani AI amptayee. st arainit a Police civy workers list beefs on boss S Cîittîin emplayacu ai tisa comment on repartsla te aw Batue Regioaî Potice isait press. t report ta tisa isoard aî axae mritisg i liai t of Hilton Rtegional Police pi cmtita igaiesi tisair new Commiasin)ian d t camefli bossaaaler tiy tbretesad t the board. l'un soryftis pi aui eakut. duesnoiibelliye,isut iti ia e A Accrring te Ballon peliy 1 base adaptait. Regiiesi Police Asociation Bseerai cisilian amptayeco, ta presidant At Ruaienu, wboacieording ta Rueens, manIaitH rarectu cîstitîn and uni- ý aktiste rai ands ei tmatempinyres, ise mill recarda affrcs duristg tisa anis ai tbe campiaint tsit Jaly 8-9weeseoi. "I as asle misan ha ratures tram hl ait leuets tisai anar and gatR dîys te esit-Augus. them 10 receesidar tiseir posi- r Tisa civittai' lioss, ait- tien," Rueenu sait Maisiay. fi miaistralar Ray Mune, salit Tise paître iseiiatqersi inai tetapisase itesrie biliding te on tisa 75is Lise, yeSteday: -i maba n Oakisie. h PoIico-civy taîks slow 't'us cascareisg i new waald lisaly siguai nec s contraci isaicres tis a Bllon commtrc ai tise endt ai fans itegioai Police andt ils monts, Rnaln salit. R civillan staff lia startei tla Ha dit say hiiiys isy drrogt accnrding te tise negotiatorS and qaestions ai negotiatsr foe tise cîcîtias. intarpretatioe cntrisuteit ta Haitn Reion Poicetise niomiteme Bsoats pReint PoI Bncians startad i menuis Auuosilaa resdas Atvacat ion Priitay. Ruaiens, tise sagoliater. saîd Tise associtione negtitates 'l'iursday ai Dakiscue tise ehts aiomaiaa aiks base rus toto saie wtheleaot cisin tecisical ditticuttias. He a l ofaot60 tvl refused t to inia driaits, empînyren. incindtng petite cadets. The curreat comtrc 1 ianueda notice taait runs out ai theendt et cisitans loday te say me Decemiser. Escarpment coalition expresses concern Conservation groupa andt environ ment. interenteit indîstitialu hase Air an Initiai meeting ai- termeda caitionaa uarge thse tendait li escirpeani land-' protection et tise Niagara omnees, rapresantatinai ni ascarpeent. Conservation orgaitios unit prîvata citizeni, tise Lysen MacMilles oi Don coalition endosai a goai ai Bus acting coordinat«r -oi tongiteran protection andt 'ilcution, sait support tee Plaing ni tise Niagara tisa coalitioni appare ta be Escarpimant. tremeniees and tedicatas tisa Ameng tise greus activa se canrere stiean icroan the tise coalition are tise Fadera' province basa about tisa tien ni Ontario Nituaitinta quatity ni tisa future environ- Federatios ut Ontario Btitg ment. Trait Associations, Pollution Probe andt National and Pro- "White ce recognina tisai vincial Paruss Asoncition et thsemany legitimite concerna Canada. oi lanitocers musl be meti. il ita beisopei thabt 3e miii n1 Tisa cantiin invites atisar laie aigisi ni tisa basic oisjec- groopu or indiiuelas lu jais. tisantf pretectiag tisa ancarp lils aditrassa 1 262 Don Msitis ment as a continuons saturai Rd., Ste. 76, Don Milis, Ont. Police ... (Continueit tramn page 2) cotinalyraksdvn, Amoog alliser peints about Tisa receot Halles Regiosat Milles made sn tisa asusia- Police Asuociations report os tien's conteoversiai ut-page morale cisis tise terce cails report; tise momae' masis- for abindosing tise Hugbli ent romc te bside tis nrgeaits offtres Tisa report rccom- cilices andits "soi very manda tisa rentog et tise peicate" Healîli Unit building SI Bilttes The tîtetn cîsisram bis a ter uae as lise ocetheesbn entnelem t disteict's beudquaeteev. changer bu lise l ohe rest The ssoiaton* reortaceoso tise hall. staten tise regardait tise Milton cilice avrpot the hast in tisa sertis thengis il tomace dit tait tisa cees- stases tise building is soi mîssoneas tise Milton office propelccîered andhav ou- has,in thsetastmwecit.acqatred datait beatîng syvtim winîch iiseeearecosditioces JLmson Nrs Gag 2 1 u e B a a .M ii . 0 7 1 9 0 wu ein mi i $2 going tisas AIB issw pi amay trom ta tbe tlts Otticeru gel il siatntory îiidays pies ose annamned iy att. Tbe mages earaed by nibea aku inlde: siait inspecter 27,809.60, inspecter M,771.20, staff sergeant 23,691.20, and sergeant 1,902.40. Police commission bairman William Honrîgan ommended tise commission argainers Glenn Magn- aon, et Gleorgetowne. and larry Barrat. ofOativille- lus 'be association tee oming np icitb a ,satisfactory agreement" aspeaed takie a deas Pe n sa,iar a rdar ta gel a limiter pension systern. Bat lie said the coim- missoners wouid net go tee the deai. Tisare are iseimeesi 30 and 40 associatin ein- bers approachin pen- nionable age, accordiag ta the peesident. Huaiens ment os tb say lise ceai t ofthe association's deal mould bc e'y minimal over the long bant. Il monid ameni touanexcura $2.50 per perses oser 20 years seiicis ond givr the terce tisee cen buildings, more mas and a pension sysirm. bie said. dletie aitie maoe nthe itheussistnaa acis bi is gsi 83.S.20. Fearth i me cosabisai ethtie aibier tio tise seita gai $13,499.20 er easgi tise coirici. Tisa sieun caBteici, cisic se ratifiadit ne lime ugo, $1 as iret caia ceetabiat $2 il iseak tise $20,tB a year Ier-cacs miii is gattieg ci 1,446.40. Last ycur tise sane c niiiig attirer catit ece b 9,177.60. il Tisa relias amaieti ta H .gistiy more tisan sie per P et, accoritg ta Ruelean, c se ment on ta say tise anoctatin usait part oi is The commissionfearad six rcent bises te lie witb tbe ati-tatiatin Board guida. Tise asiatiatton bîrgaies r 283 ueitormed men enlisa aItoe terce, ascludiag tisa tifand md eputy-cisa. oaa ai tisa lunes in ibis iBricis tiis, salit actean, mas tisa paticmnan's gisi to looks ai bis personnel ta. "ira naar lied tisai flore," Ruetees sait. Aise, semi a provision ta ave sac jobs pante in eary alime station, mitb a copy oing ta tise association. A prîctice chics ataiceas ieecarriad onfor yars- wîppieg ai bous-mias aise armilizedin tehie conteaci. maiens sisit Oanor 3taff house for seniors? Altierat ues tee the staff oueai Haltes Ceaiennînt tanne ara beisg investi- gatad, Admînisirater lacis Charlion bold memberu eft ha Commuity and Social Ser- icscommitter ni Haltes Orgies Tuesday. Cosemittea ibaieman Walier Mulkeisncb bld the uomm itteebhebadereceived a aller tramn the District Ficaltis Conseil îndîcatig il catit like tiecrcommend uesi conlescin mîth mental braits and long tern tara peograien Me. Charlton eoted titis nos one et arcerai alternatives. Tise Citdeen's Aid Society hadîiicated interest aione lime and the Haltes Hensîsg Antisoeity mîgbt ha isieresird ie providing an extension of senior ciseszen osîsg. The pousibitities are tn be reveîed andeecommeda- lions made. Coneiller Lanrie Maseeii urged prompt action t0 are tise building seemaig a oIsut purpose. .1msure me cas come up îth a use infine itbseior cises accommodation," the administratur said. On At au.£ T-SHIRTS SLACKS Ports international Sale BLOUSES ft ME.In Rclek rsolMear ree SWEATERS évw 50% OFF IEE fl&PCD HURRI'INFORBESS ETONS MANY ORSNENTose MANY UNADVERTE IN- SORSPCA S Hydro go ahead with plans to cross Halton His lns a letter ta property owners along lise route ofthe con- troversial 500 kV hydro corridor tram, Bruce t0 Milton, On- tario Hydre notes liis proceeding mith plans ta aae 8 tesnparary cossection tn an exiuting 230 klonsat fine ruaning beticeen Orangeoille and Kitchsener. at Belcood. 14 mites south ofColtieck. The "stop-gap" meusure wilt alînse Hydre te gel sane, but not atof the power out ofthe fourthBrce generatingunsit uciseduled tobe inseriie insDeember, 19s8u Total cosl ut the temporaey lise connection and associated changes cithin the Bruce generating station unit ut trans- tormer stations is estimated tu be approsimately $15 million, Hydrosnotes itteill be able toreinesne ofte tuip ment i fture transformrstations, The deiay Hydro rIers a loin o alion Hîllu whtere an 0MB hearisg os ucheduteit JUty 3110a determine ichetiser Ontario Hydra con cross the musîcipalîty cnith the corridor. Zonîng by-lawcs preveotly prohîhit construrtics oftthe corridor cîtii tise Toton Hydreo s it goisg ahead it th plans a oceosa Haiton Hîlîs, the neonletier scies, ith sanie coloels and gales being isualird t0 tacutitale soit tcsting. Negotiatins arc asolun usderooayicitl tise 56 oioors atlectedisy the propoard lise. p j..DAULY26 Reo. $14.51 INCLIIIIIIES . . t CITS. MULTIGRADE SUPERQYLE 10W30 Wirrinty Approsait. COMPLETE CHASSIS LUBE. MASTERCRAFT SPIN ON QIL PILTER - Muet truckss eclade Extra ait 99c qt. if accnsary. WUTH EVERY LUBE &OIL JOIB WE DO A THOROUGH CHECK 0F.. aWIPER BLADES al BATTERY & CABLES a RADIATOR a MIRRORS a UNIVERSAL JOINTS aSTEERING LINKAGE aI SHOCK ABSORBERS a LIGHTS aFAN BELTS a OSES aTIRES (INCL. SPARE) aMUFFLER SYSTEM a ALL FLUIDS 9 SERVICE 8889 - .gcalt miasCanaden TrClld or Soa wrth Cash Bonus ...Couipons onl ail paris JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 open Mon. - Sot. 9-I Timurs. ft Fil. tii 9 878-2349 OR SERVICE 87"-393 SUMMER HOLIDAY SPECIAL Ont teatreit techouctaov wuill thorengsin chack yens car's air cosdtooueg sysîem vo YOuu mon tie lt Sem ingoavalsnddcehtbeakdowvOthisnnummi-. Take advaetage now oio ow yîuce sputua L,-1 Recharge systemnii-, O N LY ! L,- Check beits for wear 8 tension g-Check entire systemr 2 4 % for Ieaks CheckcomprssrRoui. S31.9h SCheck circuitry Wa stock a fl tisentf replacement parts and aller compltr recisirging services for original Oqiip- 7LCILCHANGE-LUBE& FILTEq

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