utos tidy editiali golntsD won't boast aboutit hiimasi bt' lteir'who writes, tbm People column wanis to lot yoO in on a litile secret. Itwsjust 2o0 ers ago that Jim Dihs wrote hisi first parsinai Jims Jotig" columin for Them Champion. It wss, ai tbm time It was lntroduced in iUS the firat personal columnto be written by a stafi sember. He kept fit gly for severl year unWi dr l bis y Jottig This week ies revived i, thanks ID Bob's hldays. Welcone bsck, Jim. Municipal elections wlll be baldi ibis f all acroos Halton and the firat two pliticians bave made formai announcemens about theïr Intentions. Both are frontHilln ill. mayer Tom HUU ssys belIl toms bis bat balk Iint a ring for tbm msyolty seat iD the November eloctions. Ho's besn Ma yor of Halton HWls siDce the new toio was ealablisbmrd in 1974 and before that ws reeve, deputy reeve and councillor iD EsqueSing Township. The other anoinonement came frosu Pst Me- Kensle of Acton, wbo gays be's retiring Ibis ymar after 12 years as a councWlor doputy reeve and regional councilor. "ICounil espects staff ID retire at 6 and 1 am one wbobelirevoes couniciliors shoud too," saym Pst. Ho Baa local wcncior Peter marks stands ready ID take bis place on both Halion MiD and Hailton Reglonal Coundeil. Had a note of congratulations to The Champion tbis week f rom former editorial staffer Jolhe Challinfor wbo recontly gradusted from bis journalium course ai Ryerson and ta working In tbm newa departmnentaitThet Mlssisauta Times. Jolie conqatulates us on winning fv wards in Ibis year a Canadian Communlty NewspaPr Assorciation competiton, adding ' 1 appreciain ibm bard work and thinklng tbat went in mach andovrlau, big worked for TheCap ion rr n uiimfor ayeux. Ho esi emp o~r o ioaliai won fivo awarda in theC Aotsin Hillsburgh bad a grand blumgrass jamborem on tbe July e wmekend and the event receîved a lot of press covorage. Nottced s picture on tbm front page Of thé Erin Advocate last wmmk, ahowmd Don Clementa of Milton dancing in a grassy field during the festivities. Former Milionian Warren Charlton was iD town on tbm wmekend, as gumat s r ai tbe morning and revening ser-vices ai TrnBlaptist Cburch on Applmby Lin. Helis curreniy asior of Blair Evangelical Baptisi Churcb. weicomo home, Warren. Former lHalion Hagional Cbairman Allas Masaon'a appoiniment as inioriro trustee in Georgina Township bas caused quille a furor in ibm p rosa. Some are calling it a political pllan, bis tbree days s week, $150 a day job. Masson wss always known as a proononi of ono-tior govornimoni and faite bas now bnded biro bis own one-tior governimont - on a golden platter. "-Ii'ss politicianIs droam, having s couo- cil of one," ho quipe ti one newsapper. Lasi week The Independent, Georg)twn, commenied "Desite he I of ork .41politics, we doubi if Quemn's Park could bave found anyone eIse botter suiled for ibm job" of pling ingether s rural townsbip wbmre tbm lei municipal eloction bas homo declarmd lnvalid and aIl ibm counicillors wore turfed out of office. Students pass in music exams The fottooîcg ca a lisi oi Ciaaa Hueurs, Martie K sacesfa candidates, an saraluw Hueura Paul E. eliamicalios SetA rcceal Rouas. Marie Y. Thomsoe by the Royal Cunervatury of ieffaai). Michael Phittipa; Manie ut Toronto en Milonuta c is Sopieha. Oraîher M. The cames arr arranged la Hadtey. order ofmeril. Grade III Pians-Hanurs. Grade VIII Pinne-Hunurs, Tamy err. Barhara Miehele Drrdgr. Kicm Kerr; CrahThomaasNashlieuai. Kelly Curp; Atan E. Purde. Paaa. Kaihy MaLeas. Grade Vît Pianu-Pirsi Grade tl Piasa-Sanora. Class Huauee. Juan Oaerg. Vaterir Bouman. Karen Parin, Judy Willoaghaby, Mar- Votimer. Paaa. Jeenîler garri Willughbly irqsati. Omilhý John J. Lawrene; Grade VI Piano--Honora. Cheryl Keahanri Caralyn MariaL. Liui; Aadrwrmtes;a Dîliaý Esetyn Thumpasn Dehurati Grade t Piano-Firai doasa J. Oarnluow Suaura, Barbara Nanti, Grade V Pianu-Sunara. Vîsian Paaiega (equali; Angria Herensterger. Laara Sharon A Gonerý JaSn P. Ourrîdme; Eisprih Whie; Pasirga. Sonars. Liasse Ruth A. Brown; Wedy Sels- Timheeaý Blair Rishardasn rieh. Pasa NoaaneRsayes. l'ais, Orih aSoereiga. Carutyn Marahaill Grade VI siogîs- cirai Grade IV Pians-Firal ilas Hoaose. Jan Fox Guest parliamentarian makes hospital rounds Saturday was inken by ringmaster Vaterie St. Dents in her fortune teltîng healiS cammlirte garb. grasi permirtd her la laudy Carnival raises $9 MD funds siovaiaîan Eat Grman A Museolar Dysiraphy u mio theuhraa a lhi thi rsraiarganizediih issa eThere re nrsaii aay dii- carnisal was hetd hy Valeie caraai mhîah ir.îared St. teais, irrncer' hniarrs the Miltona St. Denis ai her hume ai 4a2 gylasisil. clownsand lar- user iîhidres isialard in hanpiiai asd a hospîiai ai Vatteyview Dr. Miltoan tuar tillesr. aîih game. pie r sassîg the rvmidaerr Laara aomparahle ai"l in Sardes. Saarday aftiroos. ihra, iah poaddrrae anA Nadine Si Denis and he naid She raised $9.20 for the tI)t hAaou 2a chîldrs îiissdrui Ileaihr Wiiheim tira hlaiisiram saîd ahie Steele-5th Line Plant for painting leased cars An indaetry empisying 3i Me. Ore sad a site plan -These arr nai junked or îseixcellentsincecmtaiihe pepl tstartslieciatlieig in îsood tir preparrd shsiîng dereis cara, Mr. Tee-Hope saeeareeieasedari he aurpari painting, and sonditioning the nhrohs, hoshies, irma and emphasized. He aaid they Caunsiiiar Pat Paliersan nearly cew teased cars for the iandscapmng, as arii as a prie hase heimeen 2.500 ta 5,000 aaid he Sner something aboul Claryster Corporation, wania instîse herm aeaod the milrs on ihem and are no aider this operatian and siressed the tuolocaae on 80acres an sieen-i praperiy. Se said Mr. Tes- ihonsixu moniha. He said they foraneeds indusiry. Avee rau the PiSt Lie, Hopras option an the land oiilnsiaccep carsWih moire Counaîior Pre Pomry exîrceing back la Hîghway expires ie Novrmhrr and tiry ihan $000 damage, and simpiy eaîd he aupportrd theconcept, 40L, outA lie la hase ait the -d ut"aailrdentsand and saidlhereisexcelleent olicitor Andrew Orr. acting opproasby ihrs. marr ihee pamni ihrm, Se sad the acss He ashed tf the Com- for Frites Tee.HopraofArndt-i eailargeramaaniaofmaey aastiiansaprearnl, areaopen panyymal a subsidiar of a Palmer Intereational LiA . ea- inalved. only la Chrysr deai. He U55 erm. plaied lu Halan Oili Me. Trs-oapcild planing saut iheir prearnit tase ex- M. Te-e ad itwasa plannig board.thererold boaard hîsmpusy huitdhn pires insNasrmhereiyear, Caadaesalepayandlthe bme lcgie rulsaniathe aneresaniractiiaChi.yslerifor and he wuld lîhe luatari reseraa"internaial"raisain paintingoand eandilîanîega ofihe lasl les yarr Se sad haîldîsgassna s eapossible. theruamrîa he Company aii, six moclhldcasalhal have iher are brancheasnCalgary The appiîl puineei ut aai s m a chemîsicacmpaey in beenleased. and Manieai, the locationsnea HOhway 401 Mîuaiaaauga. Initial aile ufth1e plant ______________________________ moulA Se 20,000 square irri. a thie ears aaieig for painting or aiting for auciiis wchen fiahrd outAb tir rd outside. He rxpiaine' ihere wuld realtybrociy aaoftheîaacres srA, sicce Hydra hase laken oser the 28asrres He poîirtd out at firit uny 20aces moulA be neemdd bul said due lu the in ae s ar leaing the remondr outA he aaed $200 ta $325 ~Mon.y t SufdY SpeCMais Monday Tuesday Wsdnesday Thursday Friday Saturday Spaghetti with Meat Sauco Ai you cas eat for *2.50 Hot Corned Beef or Roast Beef on Rye Frmnch Frima & Soup *2.50 Kentucky Style Fried Chickmn Soup& Coffee *2.00 Lasagna "2.50 Halibut English Style Fish & Chips With Cole SIaw, Soup & Coffem *2.50 Chopped Sirloin. Frimd Onisens. Browan Gravy. Soup & Coffee *3.25 Sunday Hot Beef Plate. French Fries Soup & Cofe *3.00 WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVING DELICIOUS PIZZA, SPA GHETTI DINNERS, ROAS TBEEF orCORNED BEEF ON RYE BREAD or ON A KAISER ,,miLTON'S NEWEST RESTAURANT" WHTTE i;OAK CORNER BRONTE & ANNE STS. 878402 FOR PICK-UP WHITE OAKS SHOPPING PLAA OE DAILY 9-11. SUNDAY 12-10 mias ip.araei mit theiî hotlaand ii ciilasîi hpil ire ' ilar ai liie 1 to Shci.ma ecrter oin hei tour of thr hopialilies hi aîliiialoii Brian SSii did noi ait S. anlihe Sa'idri lanadian Iiiipiai- hospiiiii [n Su-dru mn giîîups. irriiling chîldrneu and hi idrin sdiiiieni hos MII,¶ON MAbIbI OFFERS SHOPPERS ACRES Et ACRES 0F CONVIENIENT FREE PARKING 55 Ontario St. South The Canadian Champion, Wed. July 19, 1979 5 KARIN FLODSTROM, a Swedish partiament- arian, p id a visit to Milton District Hospital oin Thursday, as pat ut her two week tour of hospitals in QueCrI and Ontario. Trafalgar Rdi. %Videiig and îî.a, 1, liral t el o "Illl a 11lii 1,tee %hg,,i and u i ai-ai S14-0,0 Sinle, at ii . ai lppi.irii Piîrai,e, ona \I1i'iihii" ri-gioîl pIiI)ili mork., îi cn l Ufll n il rlz (l n ie I. Lnp merl ii , îii il > Thei aiiîirl 'I irl " Il il ýIn i . i prdluIa n p uIcîh.ai-.ii %%lîlî ii i h lia Il- i îîîcio iîh the- futurii lia iîlli alial l Ind u RESTAURANT AND TAVERN 222 MAIN ST. MILTON COME DINE AT MIKE'S DiNNER SPECIAL9 Served f rom 5 p-. ta 8 p.m. BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEONS . ~".,- .'.~l'me~-' o- - - - -- -~ - , --------- ------ hart a viistorarm Swrdes Thursda * morning. Sisrdish parliameniasall Karîn Fiadairam. e companiedby hr hahaed Oar Etadsiram, made the rounds ai the MAilton hmspiai as pari ai a tour ai Ontiario and Qanere hmspiiaia tira Fiaditram as a mrmbrr at a Sardish regianai caniiiand planning