COMPLETING the lighting wiring for a new barn te Couac zâ,etOO chickens are Ed Martin, on fiadder, and bts young helper, nepbew Jaspr Martin, 8. Suesing the operations is owner Charles Martin. Mh chicken operation wiII now supply approximately 200,000 breller chickeos anmually to area grocery warehoSwes. Rising cost of beef laids poultry business 55. tinda Rirb "he TOnnand gae op and tearhacued steaks may ntill doun.- ha naîd,..bol in My ion ha tha number one fanorite ipiln. people panIer hacl. nst ior sumnr ouim 1aig o il ns osly the pie i ihan but risin eet prices aneacoin- drining many people a by h cy vincng maoprconsumaaslnt chîcno.- i cnndan nlihen meain ton ihain Bîeh heal pricas cOC 001. Mn. barbecuefgrill. MatienS husiness han groOmsw nennmrilhelînsiatadily durnioehaistlneyears. si1 înrrensing in populanit na sincn ha book osan the farme (0 chichan. and ifhaatpnican arn nrom kil inîhnn. Lest Christ- lin frustnating steak eters, mas. hnnsutlnneaemanorsel.t i chirban deand ni mahing hock, though. uhan lina dan- tht snelocal nhirbnn larmas tnoyndnaban, eh quitn happy. - Things have hnan iongh Ion ni "People ana datîmtnely thn ponitwIo earn, hn staîrd huying mnore chirba,"s. a Thnnn anea nCourben ni pl cnndtneIo Charleshatin, nhicken larmmnninithnnnnn. nil ovhn, ros a medium sized nnd nhichnn productin s an nhînban iipnnation on kms nonntly goîno np sord :12 Ilighnnny 25 tarm south of minun, ha snid. Stilbuno He i nom* pnnducioe mor.nn e Woiib ierInoinpietiooOonl nkenp eilliciiosts which a a ne, 1InOn nqnare lent haro haennîsen igimcOnil ,AI- pn lit hbanlilse.0 ciches uhinch. hugh chîrben cao nenn inn ni ConmhîndnithnanothantIwo expectdlnhnbn snnpensinn l nouillnr hbarns o Il house n a mnef hntha penne nI birds han 111 nItai iii aipnnsimitily 32,nno galeosnpnieadil, hn ndt Ce -Farm safety NI Shut off machine d to clean, inspect c TheCanaeda Satety Cnoil damnged on nnmnned Inn ni nncins manynreports ofac- maîinencnnwonh Onîcra cideotsresiilling in Ioss et a sernicing. adinstîng ne ne- ai hnnd. n fingen. n tee. as nyn pnîn.îrng equipmnln. thn oper- hi ý) vnlite. despîta theaa le ntnhould disennagn ait il ibat Most fanme mnchinelm n ponen. silut oil the esie or on nuni1nippndntilh ltnote iiihnnpowernsourcend ait Ir naînîn shînlds and nme outil al movin parishave lii dvcals.istoppnd. uninos tha npenntnns ni Mtnn toune machîneen nnnnuai fines specilin an- accidntsocnuas a -mslto trctionstinpntonmtinfin tht- npnnntnn inspeoline on un- ntnntinns nhite the machine cî-ieng tihe machine hrloee isrnnsing shillngil offIt leey on hae operating pronedlunes Ir; penoting tha machine nie the cpanimnheto n ibout the propen shieldîne "ha"h'nf mhtni ned heod 10 pace hields are in plaen. and 'bc Canada hnlety Councîl neneyunn is standingf Plnnr. il=na bhai pnooperl tr Thn opeenton sbnnld aiso gnl .,iiileiipmtec fuends cansnuiceont n s upenamien ofl iiintinntp redure barrm complen machinenmnrequines nhinar accidents, lpen- ilertnens and concentration. at mrs nhnuld aluano replace July 25 te i1l s National fuandn uhen thene are Faicm hafty Wehk Name Gardon Bennett ta study family farm il Goronennettwilcon- ncte, il mn ansentiai that un duel a stuin îointhn ftue of uodeesiand Ibm fonea' 1 ie nailîterrem.accneding te pointofeniec ndnndeniand a noneetn[rm Mio- chat chanfinf soialn nmi incntgiicultuennd Food ncenocmîeconditions mena Rit Newmn. them as mdiiduts and ns 1, Bennentt. eho netinemi husnessmen. Il m oner thîse fast Niay -n n Inies depuin tn hnoc chat thn nomts are' il ntininmnnn ofagicuture arco isnallieb nn houthe eiut iquina anpeciatth peplennlected h:mhsenimin mîethe npinions hield h> pnnnce (hem,' fainînn and ihleun Ioitint Thn mînîsten aisei, snmd he lhui heoininu MeBn ins ptnusnd thni n ofn cet m anontent. Mn. Nw GardntoonnnttnOclihrmes tatsnmd. ana înal t0 uniucti bis ' rte amiy [rrebasbe nietdn -With hi, 15 yeaen cit mmametlit mmr an o hie e penience in \tî Mnîstny ut ion nant 200 yeas Il mn cur t\innltueadFoN dîldesi and inosi efficient Be netas an unpmieaiinad numnnnnic and socil ti. boneef a griculture in s eoin I ut constant Ontario, ...hNewiimn id. efrste impaoen on pien Thn studt' nul hif in gra ns for rculture intint. sommer. 4-H judges Shorthorns Thn timd meetinf et the home, eue ressors on tha 1 tn i itlîeslnnb Judginf Cuhnn clans e rncondnd. Clin nns heid aIbe Wallacn rhnnrensortsOChe played .ashyi[nnnJuone 26 Wr hachtfonthnnhole fneupît iingala eue outoida aclinîtie hfato Allen nanh pannons set >mllcîîndîmnim omihitant et- ni enasons *ihe nnarkn wae 1 m.iimpieiomhnthenmetin. givennand clubnleadersKn -m - Il mm-n Pmil-o mm nain, NIîSab andml.ini,, gun-ave '01imi1% ii gni-i. dernOimi mpn irnmimimirrn Agnm icalmem WCnienhininn nnnnda aionsnand plcinfn enniail nehocgd FonltomOfgthis thenmeeting cls fmature ihonihoan uaseoitically openadnîthlthe Cousaod n clans oftnn-tear- '4-H pînde alleane cas n fi ihenhoro heilers. 8e eai taleri aod tha minutns trcm f-ni-nneue reasors on tha clans the tacit meeting naad, W0 oi mature Bhorlhorns out thanhati oua hots and the moud. Balh Iashy ien gante the maeting cas closed official. Oier honin then elleaed os a tn 'sean ait ginen the lunchbofpopenddaoisn chancetefuesl heaeighl of n sieer Ruth Ann Wilson mas the closetlandfor her greai -Rais promîned tor the tlt. reaeived a hat sed- ueehend taitad t10 trilz nantisngl the Nhorihorn and the lavinsand cropneaaar hneund Inside the Lanhy stl dry. ha incnnuse. Mn. Matn imaeanhinlnaiincosinhave en ppnoximaly 15 pcn it in the ]estl yaa. and il i n lu ha ahbnlu Ionel more." -7npanding te hnnp ininni lih inîsîosinis nnt alunys ripln, hn nnplined. oning marketinfhennd nastiî ns. lnapndiof upon thn nioflnlnnnnnns barnnd e pnnnnoi marhnt Inn ickn hails are set on fini Mn. Mantin ns nit nom- aiingnt Thn pnennni întinnîinnnnnhralninnrhim dînîcn.nnoe ehv hir Mnrlin pnndunnn ohaI innmnd-bninnnhinhens,- hînd nfirnoimnieiy înn oms. lin bu11 nthn chînho onih. tend, IiY nnre large iinghi(oninnni oli i'bn id r hnn -nid te, Ninpln iilgn. n pîîniinl prnnnsnîînin oil mii in in te Nhoin ni ýoha beinknîîiînnhni Crcoil] lin n c hnex nnoIn îîntbn un lnnn. bul nituen hiîbn pnîcnn irn îîri] ' y o [lein ne ou nonnîidlhbngb nod hope tn nnpnnd hi, isns vnniurhînnuilhir e eInne enrs lin .nkinf nhnnad I ie îlea i.0111 chiîohnnn undnn hi, Nancy champion judge in Halton-Peel clubs pnoarknîdedbyrtor Gefe Onnast Naeny~ ~~~prvie Mnbny et RG. BeGoglon -nntofl Natncyunaesintnu of clas1 perown;d eefhy Cboait aMibl 7805 ite totli- aod Elasy his et MilGrona amm nansibe 700 titohe Blion- an Peern marles cMlaons stock s- ee epttion ofteHI-aPreo hymIard Lloyd hel 4-i Mîing taraonPedOn Stokase oyl ahiniloyd hurd ay. Miutn 21. ronaii o narbd hookes of cmbelle n Th eneine iunephe tor N nc tnarie osea Milasse Chion îenitocki fuogr tanoundsyo;rinr a u Mtneo Champion hieefoc îudfa, faarrnna nan pnonidant hy Champion nhaa iudge, ed Bnse an John de Mcah Champion he jdean iKeorgandlohn acb oor feI ChIaRio bours R.Rg. Ge orngeton; a ponidyedhy l oinson n ioan utR iha Holtei haisd olabila n Chmoreon in idete Jckounrd f clas oied ip.Champion nain ude hyssre Ant t Lamnon o io. indiophy Cpon swn Joh rLabconofidon: ia Rad tolh R.R2.nergei omn raieons peand ye lanny Rei ofîsand2, GortoB.. cSlay potie RonHnry hiahielxa sner nIRR. Sthhanly clan aokod; ya C N E Se to iha ofthe lans ponidnd h ho uns Nnvice. and Kasen;i andatfanme Ail cointesaon îoded a saty quis countany nI Tnd Type demonstration given on Jersey cow Ballon 4-H Santien Dairy Cat Cluh n-no held aI Rock Elle The meeting opened pnomptly aI8 Bp.m. mll the 4- H piede led hy Bill Rohinsnn prastedent ert ha club, The nroll ens oallnd hy Kim Winfnoea the snemeary Eaohuaember nas nequirea te state the hnih date of thein 4-H catI The mnutes oft ha tant ment- ing nene fivn hy Kim BmN'nfnonn nnd ndepled as enndhby hnyJnan Rohinsn andn sncendad hy Oolly tOn discussed sanamot op- o-onmfinavnts. Thennumîtheb i fundcan ton uns 1 gel Iohlou. ail the nIhe unhers. aise a londnnesdny. Jcly mn themc lina judginf cempelitien tee mnon n tha cecnly uho mn nom n pronmrent lode Anoyennho is intenestnd nhonld ceontc tha africultuna[ mIice mn Milton. Thenmeetingfeas handad omeonim Lnochuwhofgave n typa demonsmratmoo on a exscellant sneed Jenry cou ourind byLoeEtt Anians nI tour-pean etd i-ne ons mas jnded by ai trop memhars mth eech oming eens mn floo Thec ofiial placinf gêne hy maoy questions on mhe piacing. tsn*tmitrnuc eIcare mheecgbh eue minlabes' Mark Leahy g ane a tasoon. followedh ny short quio. Kim Wngnfone cnlled ion the mnarks whchcnnan econded. The nasi meetinf a dicussndhbyJimLnnnh Wn nnny nachbnmna cnbttIothn loin groullai nOnne n-e wiii prace shon-mofg and clip- pmof. Thannomi] hea tesson un hon te monta a nopae hlatter The menting nan closeam hy Nianilyn IltnNabh. senondmi hy Elten tonnt nn Stewart lhanked hie and Nient Etta Ion hann us te thein tarce The meetinf linishnd villh a detîcinun luoch Correction on obituary Thana uns an enne mn the nhtcnny nieny on Rohert T hroeen ot ilîton, puhînohen mn tant ueeh's thampient hie Croenli n heh Oaney ofMilton wns ilnd a decnnscd. hnt ibis %as an ere.The Champion naget anynmhnnnassmnentthenerre nay haveanacsed. Turn Redecorating Dreams Into Reality Planning a new addition for your home? If you're like many homeowners you'il prebably need te make seme financial plans as mail. That's mhy the f irst step to any home improvement job is te see your Credit Union about a low test boan. The friendly people ast your Credit union can ar- range te lend you the amount you'll need mith a paymnent plan te fit your family budget. See them a, any cf four convenient locations. HALTON COMMUNIT CREDIT UNION 44 MAIN STREET, MILTON 80 MAIN NORTH, GEORGETOWN 878-4168 IMOORE PARK PLAZAI 877-8926 17 WILSON DRIVE. MILTON 3M8 KERR STREET. OAKVILLE 878-8835 844-0866 The Canadien Chamlpion,. Wied., Juiy 19, 1978 C7 Keep cows cool Heat reduces conception Esinemeln hifh fera. cows in a nsnibnet ofwY's ev ai lle marcncui peranursnand hnOidiihlinn Cw unu ally iiyhnC lennuac iî1(unii tn ,tnninn the nndc cncpin raies in tivenand thenO fih tih, tien, I n ý dainnnnCail, cniringIofian î-sins hnat, pnid es ce- Il,, mai,inne Cncpion Ointiol Mîininyr oi Afni- diicnd rate-, Mr Si nnnnn niign-ii Cuit ire coldFond dainycattiin M, M rysy ftn..n iin, nning Com and nilennin. npnciini, shonin noinus pnnindiinn ne escolel PaciP oI4 f In 12î Blirn Murrayn sans vanille, il nmorediliicuii ior pntidinici iinnnn hefor ism ni î-sp- ili Iretinnfnnn. aret ndninnnninn thencnrrect liime This glnnn Ill C,1 a h innn.iiiiiceptibln ne hni inn insemninatiin ni the conn 'imo,innninn lze.ier-1n stressnbntinsnihnl have a *Evnn il thn cowes i- n xoe tninnoî liconi% iliinîiiiii linniter! aiiii ne adîni no nnnninaid ai the correct permeti ni ninninmn the hinh eninnennnianniepi lue thenPnhabîIiii, ii cni cnhnce i cncenptin ; attirecpionn is ndnnnedifitheii-n breennigi ns nndund. Inn ninnnnt htes as lannr es sniinninii frnt bn-ani hu n onni.cnho eieind Ioa ninimnnIoiaffect n cnnn pennn- n stesni et n-""fi ninirn tla fcomaneiihninitpenannas Te eueteefcso eerlhusalrIrý-In rnncin27iinfnnesC ormore. tinnnres on canii, lin huiing bne- i iinnin pnnrindnnf ihcenna- mniiîitom Il hell p-ii livenhnniidint 'v pin0nof sinnpln nnd innnpnnsinn theiinid Imin'n Ieiiini nea lio ntes a ppnnn ni mianageentprolninniii stres nii.,ici-Iliiiinir innncnnninnnnnsinineas 24Io Aiinnnniiinnininnss tinn ir0 Col i enpimnndIeiiin 25 dnfnnnshC nhndndn elaiinive l anen inrnn. - ihnini hi t fc d-. nn. r.nninn the da snmcriin Inon nnninin Innet linlinin ie- iling, inin ti. Iiiiii Lnninhn: 2nd. henni Rnhbinsnn mild )m Wicksnn 41h. Kniih Middlen brnnnh 5th lin. Gînni Cnnsn nindlnu iicCann ih. Jnnt iannnnnn 8th. Annindnnnnmnn. liih, Sunnen Wiognnnn. and Bute, Randy Pnnnd loninnlna nis. Kimn Pnoddîn. nd. Ennihn Mn,. mid. Rinhnnd Stnleyn; 41h, Eiinn llcn 51k. Mntnnal 7ih, Rutih biliinn nih. Ilidn inindInn iiih. Tin. Knnnn Brnnnn andi Knllyiinnnnh ' n'iir i. Nancn NtcKinnn nd. Haiii ilnnnnn led, . nni Joan ilnhinscn 41h lie. Mirnnî MioNnbh. Haridy Pendin and Miteinn, Mum. bnunDal inhisonn. lue. Frai hnk nnd 1n1h. Bill Robinsnn givnn on thn Sbnnihnnn hninm hi Bib i.%: Hernfnrnnll.i Glennn inpninnd; Pci-no-nn lmarn ill nStoes sandardnn Amolis: lriin gllc. s inns.Dog Gandniunný i- Gurscas in, I.,nnok [,.,en i-inn. 'P-ien Jon King Vnrinuniiinn lii nil thi 4 patcpnie n-d i -mpn-ninn hainks ti the- 4-i iIUFiilenders ormiing ibi inîgrni a supnnnnn- P. bnrpi thn pnngnnni ninningon (DID YOU KNOW? YOU CAN STILL HAVE HOME MIU( DELIVERY IN MILTON We supply f resh, refrigerated milk, creom, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, eggs & bread, right to your door. For service & encluiries cal! 827-2233 Evenincs 854-2380 IPR I AR u g Real stress sectes o a e