LOTS 0F HAPPY MEMORIES --I travel back Warik;-' Bih Tha, mi Wtiv mith a grauof Brtias Royal Fusilie members. t. belaw from C;Dvd Severalron L &m Sclrient and t un eted Ilaw ra a member f meegesao t.ei Brtii cone-hat wadMs Bruce MrP rts lant sommeur tduring tihe Queen'9 Silver bencis next to Mrs. Thams.s ~bOceebatoMTiisyer ixviiiflgSrbue.O thse far lef t a Fusiliers stayet isMionai . ae failesOrne LeditstamMta n Sitting stop thse picnic table in tise back ram, ta ulnln fromn left tai rigist are: Cisarlie Damsn, f ram Visiting British bandsmefl llke friendly, clean townn, fiLidaKib> onT1191949' J9111 111914 and \uIan h19191119 ew11 greled%99 a s ft 11v a 11911111111people1g9ars. 119149199111 il theu 1.1111v'4.1 h î1i t m Il teawel 119111 t9 Eeg 91cois d111~ webeaîh Through19l lh11n 1111 111199 Fusiliers1 miî1l;9-9 here a, 1a11149 ..,1hedu11 l .ld ban1d. fioin hi wu11110111 191 vIs 119111d919 tours, 1 as a a i l ek~ 1119 in1 Milton dî99 h1919 9119191911 Io sho,1 Ihî 111t fil1te Force ots [heur1111ll9119 ors 11the 1111111l1111 41di Regîmenl. the six1 E11gIl99h paris9of1111119111& l 111911 st1119 9ayef 91111 111 T e 999991 hgh- l91 1911119 of11the Regîmcnlal lig11lef 111 vîîîls 111 a 99 pl,,ia larn, h9,I w9lthe i stri I îf. 1-1 inw Lok e \the 9111 Ic he 11 ar1e g1 9ars 111419119 19r 911 1î ,,d ssa l for Mail sx andati tit C 81w er ay s a Beach.9I f a1 he911m lîllI ariTe f 911 999 Inchon 11 41.1 nda ll Fay Do'î .ah9 'me S1einaid 91911111 nwnwle99msf iltonlu nd 11 u 91aleae î1 f9g For1 99 d C91e11119 01119 mm1w. 9119999das împl19e d *w 91119 f m1 et cple 911 1w h 111e In ~ 1 ,1e,1I, 14e leenl c1 g1 915 " esî f skuns He bs ,li' an99h1 ne 9flf9. th1e ama anîi eue t el hey panse an the110 t1191 He111 le1îd~lc len94191 191w 19 he de anles911,1 land,1 one1 dues 11et9 91d9111 tte n el4hlll k191 ne9el9e fm to 11 994e , 99aaîBruedhlhle19l9 119911c g111 1994nstn 9h1 pinef ou andM îheîe h9119.1e1e19149111 FIsk hic leefl ditnpl ct In additionet19 e1111111 Ira1pene 111 19191 engi9ý%n e iloi a1nd e 9e neilhc91119911 1991111l1 n 1199fst1-d C9mu9.h9n . Ot t1el9, O, h 1111 or1 911 l9 Il hal F11911111111. ~ uic aunîe1î.ad1f 1991 19 k 919 9. 99 Meo 1111 out ae , h ie 1111 9Oefîn 19 ice 111ev 9159 lay hef pr sandiche conn1t 9191911 1111111e d11 9 Fhe r is ' O m 19,111, ula f51l11 1d heîdgcî911111911ar If999 ln n l 911flefrinll91 w1 h e Thl 9C1119f9he ko-y0 9111911 411411111es h aa ,191c110e1119 F911Bill 419119ms91199nIf19111 Mr111 Thomas 1 .uîe 119e1911Io11101 f thee 1111 ors bcefre f vac aioneealoa o a lis1111 laîîn letij-o gee lihy 19999911 11n9ri9 in 911109 al sac 1eIml tel 11e9911 e9î9111 and1 vy Cro99cke4r iln rincte ai f le fJoand weI.IhO1 le par 11 pafee cîn111119 of11 a n î c9 1 Axo ge r 9l1111111 Caatoi s 11 esh.Id 111 r in1111 I'an 114Veoay Shesv191mnc9 hnlhyCmpano 119991111 aI th e oal Fuiler f099 allen d 19 t9111 fînc al 9pt 111E19111Ine dormi hoy en(11f $0per gallon101 No11111 quTh9991911191911 991111191119upisngy hrear f 9111aton FI En 111111 119911 9111dive1 1911 w e p 9e 191914919 p svcen 0,be nfacter amas1111 eo l wt c b ele 1wee o ofle 91t 1 D AV MCMULLEN n 'io Fr DORS WALKScuur *' DRIWYS wI dPAT»...r e e.riOis iPoLDECKS e Ca NC riTECONTRACTO cf CURi i B ocsaspes butr b k se1lc s Ta a h:o ses. t nt Il ba he91114h ould ne%1 1111 1il11919111191 er 1or199 198()11 111en amte hoogI ,I al1îllî îîîîîîî hI.. '111Il 111î1111119111 îîhl I î.1illl1fi".,l 111 a 91111 il I o ler l h 111111191 li111 th iperior producer FRIDAY AiD SAT1JRDAY e lae ae Dîte Icm îeaenln% cc Fe Zf. Iil M4- sa . lesI 11 l2 91 11 e" pure nef a. SapcO hu cefaio in1 e da sslef.di p1iloC af nd 1 hwe y " rnalk ' c 9 g.11a9and 2 91 1e ef efm ctd fla_ a test ni 1111e pe n cefo çjooctU eridaimt.kel FURNIURE goodý,Mwg oh FRNIURE FURNMURE PADS OFM5%F CHILOR EN S BEACH TDYS 331/30/o REMAINING STOCK OFF MEN'S OR LADIES' THONÇGS 112PRC 1lqir 19 BOYS' WEARI12 PRICE Shorts - TIos - T 51111111 Sizec8-16 81V 0 F THE WEEK FUNINJTHE-SUN KIODIES' 45" ROUND SPLASH POOLS ASSORTED ESIGNS <d00 I ~ÀW wZ,?HOOD&ROIYSSERIE * ADJUSTABLE GRILL RegaInr *22.97 * H000 ~iht (ainabiGu ehompiofl and Mfltaon Deug Morn wMilton Moft hove teomcd ap 111 pravide oft 119w waehers .îch Our naecial BONUS oppartunty.. A PenOlen bonus19 pack 4 value4 an over 1911 f 1111onlv. 1991Th1eCa1ado11 Champion,1 thonh 11911a1991191111O911 9111119fiee t11TheChamvpiontpiku î1999a11e11if911î11999o 1191101111te9Milton 1911111 Crg or e1a11901199iitth Du pr11900ns1 . n1euo111111191111 lAI-ean 111.111 8111111 ( 111091 111199n 9911ab 11 IFmpo 11)-e11119 Bî11y 11110 5D-eae 1111111111 P911 LUS 911991111 fol 11091191 on1 -eo910 mon, fieI1111111119e119999 1119911 199111111 111111111 111111111911 1191111r111n aopi.a:0-y Bonus119111 111e11p1r 19911111191119119have 'I I KEruJ:EP MILTON -BEAUTIFUL PLE-ASE DONTr LITTER TfIS MESSAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY MINOED INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES STAR TEELLTD.CREATIVE MEMORIALS 610 Haerop Deiv19 KINGSLi IDStr AL ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CO.SLIG LNTD. A 0F CANADA LTD. CO. NiicieDRo 1501 Steeles Avenue UNITE CO-PiSn 0FoARI ONTARIO PALLET CO. 24TE Benete OFîOTAe I 7026 Maie Stneetn2 WILON IDStrAL NADALIN ELECTRIC AUCIONES LTD.TIA 3153 Sneeles Avenue ACioNeR okL D I