Ha/ton Manor newsTh.e Canadian Champion WVed Juin 9 97 i Five pin, lawn bowling entertainment enjoyed Maner Resideeli do not raelke le manspoets; aile and icbemily laite fhele toit Hamence. me do htave a howling leagne (5-pIn> The bowling haequet mas held i Maypand prelaegnetna ouInn names anaifable aI ibis ligme). A lame-1owing pîlcit is beieg made andmdwilin There ee eerealim- portant levnts font neeit Trips b> bai la lte Safari- Land asîl la Niagaea Pafls Mainireland weee enînped it> mny eiidefn. ton Jone 17 the annuailLaln Paettloat held aed tintd neattee Pire- sadled AIl rendentn and mann elfatives and fetends of eesfdeelsmweee on band. Winneen of lte Ifenidentnil Coulaetl Dean oee Pienl piSe ta toaile entt 1 THE FITNESS VAN la comiog ta Milton an iseart for stress goder iseavy exerciae. At rigist, Moday, Jsaly 31 to test local reaideots on tiseir tise amoant of boady fat la measwred in a skin-fold fitnesa level. At Ieft, staffers chseck a voluoteer calipre test oniicis Cao also predict tise campa- for cardia-vascellar fîtoess oniile moitoring tise sition of tise body materials. Fitn ess Van offers physical tests here Thte itles' Vanli toming Monda>. Joi> :il ai ltee lommttlîly Sports ('etrne., Lauriee Anc.. Milfinn aili e gien aaetaimeasne ap tireur on persoca]il bnes' agant theostandard, and negacîteno areepeedctinglthe nlalortty oi lait lte tesi, 'e Fdness Vanovs train lîcg teamn id phynîtal limnent Crafts dinner itenceen nI lte 21 memtes of Ceotîottslaied met une 28 ai t he Mfohawk Inn. Titev acre îoaoed b> Bett Arnhbiaid, pani prei- dent nito iteiped in alrcn [underaîsIeg penîrci itîrn one enjoyed a iotelt inrI markbthte loîng li aother Polfsnîng lte dînner a lntteey matheld on an raige gl and bena unano squaree afghan and pîlio set Thte clab mcmiteeîaais e on eeatheting lte squnaesandi insellîng lte tîcktsî ']'e afghtan oas dtspla>edn Betty's fandîeraitn ný ilton Jean Keneel a mem1wr oito donaled iten lime na assemblie itesquaresend putininal loantes, oas coitnta ldean îteaînnsg tîicket. Tbeiaehy: mi nnen mas Eîteen Taylor ni os3 Woodward Dre te ilton, Aithongi lte coit bas laiten a breeak for lte summe. i a oilst p againin lte fait Fie inetitit infoemation ton- tact Ifleatiten ftisuito 78 7,57. -.peett obo tîdt corn l s ite inca. gi0100 itnesstlents and itanding out .omprebenltreaitatlol ite penple irnird Hurlinglnn itamilv YMSIA a sponsoring lte S an's ind o ibis area, aitt lte ii itnsiryof iltue antI Oc 'cal ion, Il isiote ni ocien taci vastouieng lte pravince bhis SVan enuintcfnet poitolt tait ofi 21) per cre1ni l' an- ala spopulation as aitti' e i itn lue tiiisica ativit iî rdeitantar diseuses 'liote afficting lte itrarli hcola nfomre ihao hall ni ail deatts. i asadiansoal itoii V teyint ou(0 hi4 e nt matc ateire Shop MIWTYON MAII IEDS ... IN CLIMATE CONTROLLED CDMIFORT 58 Oarieof St. Beach ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVEAT TUESOAY 9 p.m Gt...eihOtia Havcioa pibicitt Patîitl'Hall Drapo. __AL-ANON ALATEEIN Do Y..t itaae a. oiio o yn parntsI iothiftIiiiyiiibetItitm drcng baioitiilîmonY-- Mienn Thiaîclo >.00 MenIn Wodnnoday. iQ00 pI ts Clh o m t 0 taite Citaich Patitti Hall PatioS Hall HONDA CIVIC $394500Pl,, PDIta qlyeu>itiî ot d 1r per ceni t h mortu' ii co iun Thei ' ,lite Sa ati aI the ilne Sportn t'ente ail day, bol lt-to lion i.- lier vni tif illînîte utpponnmentn mont Canada s auli populaion Se oittaned in adoasn laesnera 0frll ccp iitrnngblteReteeaitontoficte teil tandardsn (il îiuai l ai on hall. 078-701 t. Amont- ns,. les avili piano aI 40 tas 1w tesîcl cn tiîliiiono higi l itiup one day, snearlyeregisteaion Iiitti.ilet it ,0ý12.and isadtîned uttoane registeatiots nnonst Theîtestilden an lie made itiiillii Siîliin eleeirntaediogeael. niîri tarits and Reealitnisentti te pesos phsnlan llt-paotneni' aili h le irnd altreoaedo orîeadîîacua n'îiiîlîers, lThe S'an il reluiaenc six fa inii*>vimlght andii'tiiiiaelllaî line montio Io relentloa 1 leuibililoN miuîî'oi.îir 1eOith tesitfeotn and gîte an lenai- aînd endurance B" u0Vuto oeuls thyI ec an Adaits1iftoitSane înnîted 10 ,niiduahzd ere sgnup. HOUSE HUNTING? Check the Real Esiate MarkeipiaCe in iadlay's isbsue ai The Champian IANOUNCEMENT.~ Thi iAm ta Onf ounrna castnnmac ltaI rtae nhitt ube cinneai for hoiîapo bagmnming Julp 18. We Wi *re-open Thocoday, Jo1027. * HAVE A SAPE & HAPPV HOLIDAY BARBARA'S tBEAUTY SALON 1 98 Mîiir oa peize c set of tieralntO mats i ta Jane tîKmon. Inthlie Employens' Assoiattont Dra., lIhe ttent peiae ($100i oen lienr Edea Besby of R RA Aîot necondl peine 1$75> nent tla Vuegînta Mayes aI Mitn; bond peine 8$0>t0 R. Sei. nf Milton W0mb and cheese partl> a tetd oniounel19and esidents danedItalthemusicof lte jntty Nttltaen oI Campbell- ville, A beaottil toton pan- ItdîlStatnley Allen was pre- sned ta Me. Allen fre Adiodnistratoei bylbhe înoom- itel Jackt Charlton andl ai bang in the lobby (ifthew auditorioum un Pettît lonne Thbe danne tlooeawasoo cil and elerynne seenoed ta t-onth be ent Jane 21, tbe Peane Onne ('boplen .0 the Eastern Stan 157,9K Immelliale possession cachbe had niliîs4 b3 edennmnta hathiplil mîli ant aîîaîbd gar- Sage, 1 1S liats, Plan a nec nonom min fise- standing fiepiane. 17 7,00 riPeme locatin fnr a peniessinnal office in tn he Main Stneet and Hmy. 25 area and to se lai te Mail. Large home mîith plant> ai1,o paring anailable. Preennl> net op rIno I!bhee apaetmenls. 109,900 t Newn, fonr itadenm, twn slaeey homes miith aînanhed garage, f Taý batis, mats fi ln laondrn, nnagited e fîneplane and Hoillywaod snyle hîceen mîith balcons (11 aneelgahing a ravine and ceeek, Tahe f3 adnanlage ni lthe nedoction te peton. s? s? fi 'J. 'i Ù i t 'I k "J EL EL ~Ifl Ou ' fi s? fi C At thte itdavtiable uee Men. Edtb Baeititldee. Mîisn Catbaetne Altan. Mes blaegeey Scott. Mes. Alice Oîm. Mins conne Mn- stneenep, Men. Henry At- iînson. lliamt Feasee, Mes. Mary Simpson. Mes. Ma1wl Henownetl. Wtiltiamt ilett M e s a rie T ito mnI so n . Geeafd Cnntngham, Mes Wînnîfeed Nantals, and El mer MrKtnney. Thte pengeant înnloded tIn encellent ntaglelans. Andeo Godnd and Lmn Felcetti tan teotrgetownl, plan sangs b> Pityttis Sttanley of the nurntngnstafftasnitedht Janck L'itaellon. nar admisîstnafoe. twhite Isabel MacDonnaldl î stalff) nined auxnlon Maree Titompsnn t seneeal piano doos À tenraitln pefoe- I .VC a1.«1LMT &eanE btwçi le iLig 11009. We hnave 3 and 4 bedeonom tonoes snnme mits garage and famin noom. lî us possible Inn 0001 toîn Ilte omncesiip ni ne nI ile homes Ion lens pen montit titan pon anc pnaseiln poyeg lot lent. Colt niom and icI us eapain billm avnn $i1,000.00 dnmwn tan maite Ibis possible, 13,'900 Bnickt and ainminnm, fonr bcdnnnm, Iml storey ita onecartgarage, pannd drivc Lonatnd oe a lange connen lot, 177,900 Ridge Drine sîdespil mith doublie atnanhcd garage, 3 bcdennms miith ensute off the masnen bedeonet, pins a baaniiifllY fin- îshed iamiiy oom mîith fitepiate. imaginet a 67' n 171' lot. 15899 183,900 Loafed an Sony. 25 at Painnono. Coay, b Sonntmweîl of Milton on a 160' o 175' noom bungaloon mit a nono can garage on ravicc lot. Custom bauin, 4 bcdnnnm, 2 a beaitioiini andîtapcd 131' 0192' lot. nînney htome miit an atlatitcd ganage, main linon den acd a panclicîl necm . Musasncildt Juat nonnth ai Stanins Aitenue. Raîscd '19,90K britck hungalown minA a 2 tan attatitnd gar- if >00 anc inokîng ion a htome junf a lîtie age. fiering 3 spatînas itndnooms. 2 dîienent. îtcen citantes anc titis miii be nt. tompile hattis, finisitnd nnc ncon mith a Bîln mîith ccdartan bienî mîit te leses, beaadiail filepiane. The lnn is 127' x 265' nis too snoncy home itas a fiepiate un lthe andl enen bas fruit ilcc living toonm than tan be cnjoycd innm ait sides, 3 bedecoms, 2 batis ana a hîiten 199750 la incindles te stove, fitîge andl disit Guelpit Lice location. Raonbling foat bcd masiten i yoau itane a gner Ibamit yon mnt, brick bungalow muith a tîee tan miii ecion te hited grencnoaOe. ganage. 2 balts, main iloon laundnp and Locaîd On Il acres of tnecs mit a pond cecnal vacunm sysfcm. Ideai itome andî acd absolafe pnvaiy. lonanion ion fte proeso mac that 5,9 mants ta mont inoet home.1800 Pncslîgîoas tsapmcnn netfîcg mth a 198.500 panonamit îîiem of Toroto siytîna Titis New,. cusnoon bitni 3 liedoiom. 2 ntoney sudcspin itome han 5 bcdnnoms, 2 cnm hante mîith atîached garage, 1 î/ baths pinta batits, stops fincpiac iithe litinng ondea gongeoaî main itoon familn nnom tnnam, gnouncdiaociiaandt'tand a twoca mth pie mainsctting, bcanîed ceiîng garage pins ol toc, matit gnaîs 10 ct and reciaimnîl brickt fiiîpiate Locancîl aust nontit ai Hwmn 40f 0n02 aines miita 1999900 pond and stneam. Top qaity it noce- 5 iAcres entit ni Campitcliilc, anlique may! Spanusit style itome, Boiin wnit iamii> lit' ing inmnnî If yoa nequiens b itdtooms. 114,00.thea 4 pince beths. fomai living andl 2 Aces ai maînstit ionast snnnound nis dînîng noons plan a lange, gnoand levai 2000i sq. fit., brickt and aluinm bath- iamiiy toom, ten nis coaid ba if. Tite splil. Titis htome offees a gnoand iodal grounds inciade a long, paoad drive, In iomily noom mitA fiinpiacc and coay an gronnî heated pool, sepanane change acd mosphene and a double atnacitcd garage. cnenainmenf arco plus a new tamant Titanes eoee o moekhiop ion te innbaed bloîk stable. i itnom pon moain'f belînva ce eaoitasc ior te hids. ail titis at tis prlce bot seeîng il iteieig. ltaeftngtoe peesetid a gon oeIl-aeled plat entîtted --Paedonnez-mol, Mlonsieur' Lenenolom." a play on the issueolifoepaeatiom fane 2a. lthe W lite tfeatbe' oaioide lte Manner brlped tb tttl lite audttorium aiottg thb thcretdett antd ailennyed bale, ltai lte White Itealher club nulirueaansl. ELECTICAL * INDSTfI l CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE POLE LINE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT LOT 3J2 tir ï2# tA41 D~O RE44TOE loat eo Jusn ncdonnd iccansn lthe onndnn bas bcn nrnfeictd Spoliess fonr bndnooet banitsplîl mîith an attachnd! ganage and enîced lot. 179011 Pennt onme oifenndi Lînqnnr model, fonr bndeoom itachsplîl . Thî s hom e bas an I annaîhed garagn, Imo d pince batits pins lange eonms. i53,900 Spanînas matr bndnnom brick, nemi-de- nachcd htome omith tîtoplace un lthe lining raono, snpanatn dînîng anca, breahfast nenit off te itnien, 111 balts plus a aanelled net om t' o q 90 tnt p la. alaî 8d ang ,9satosbdnn0 baitnom per ins arc bungalowd biacanr aeaedcdarge,3 annstnnitngimen and a panneamit vimw ni Monnnbcng Laken 10 Aines mîith a hobby fanon pocnhal.$ Spacinas. 4 itndnonm itaîispln mitit a doublea aînaeitd ganage, 3 bathnoons and 09 a gtoond montl iamdy nnom oit mall-no j, mai, flnron bîniîing bickti fîneplate. < ii09,450e Na- nndnn constrution on a 5 atre, naonaed lot tlose 10 Mohtawk Ratcmay r Qnalît> huitn 4 bcdnaom sîdespit mîit doublc atnatitcd ganage, 3 batitnooms and <j plate. Vont dncams tan calmn tran morit titis home.f Don't tati an titis home aninss pot regaines jasn thita ltin extra in ynt livneg Stylc. tý Titis oocn sie, font bndnnom, to sloncy, bickit home han nncnytltîng non moald ns- pct in a homtnn nis pote. Lotalnd oni 17 acreofmanturenmlesvth natnre doing thte landsiapino. Cati nom toit comeplone datais and a poîisonaln0nmiflg. 31/2 Atresîith tavons, tiens anid nann a pondlncnihantn ibin castone bitat bnnga- low. Badft muith relaieied brick Iogive it tannin lont. li ofcers 3 itednnans, 2 talths. 2 tan aîtaîhed genale. main iloat tanOns and iamdly nonm maSh Uneplate and math- nntîtoinaised dnti s KA SE .b «uyo a i f Ataa oh denic îi 0'o 2 ce i bo t aI t atifa No. 7 1 3w Aines nI mane tu' . nsae o 11e Acneei oa clma aadnc 40 f 12 l ces0li as, D o otitsenate lins tiai Enhanesanyome, 1d.,n frolage. $31.000. Hmy. mitl 7Z60 s roi tg m o rvc. eeyn ok o 5) ffontage. tnn pnat stuea.oo tr.amae ngbrc Ashung $45,900eeoc in A lot000 'i tS ni o feetagnrsit Neinld anig91 Actes, masghy monhabie. mit a nîce in Ot în nier nfme lo e ain 20ny- garien. graoo f ni ees tai bud in. Located on a 5 Acres an tite sida of lte Esuîanpmenl. 100 Actes mîith an ole nm tm nd r Chie of e e nd fiei.li. < quiet noad and ashîng $1,000. per acre Good square aIt mîit a vilm Wallin- barn. 55 Acres prnsently seadeduina good LO AC O Y RCE Nand lthe nandonr mfi iteip mit ltae financ ciadaîl. Titis tyepofa lot is banantmg ex- itay mixture Lvnaed an $139.00 mth 6% fi' LO A TO YoIC SO tînnl. Listedat f64,9010 andg8%iinaocitllivaiable r OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS ig le Aluminum Doora IE (96 r-77-2771 e Conîibination Windows è4 BRETHOUR REALTY SERVCS(96 caa - výlL,,. e Cr PrtsLTD. REALTOR FEDERAL INDUSTRIES < ~ MILTON-878-4121 apen frnma.00oa-.- 8.30 pi. TRNO2099 OFCANADA RJ get rdnq8861 Ie o eie erne.tekni Les Bachar. Mgr. 878-7099 Ken Newei 878-836Mty ndn 8861 fS 3-aNCBTMR , AdonNmi 73 Betty Ie8le 877-4286 Ben Casoidn 854-2339 PHONE CILLECT f MIIA U O @ 6 L O 0 04E 040