82 The Canadien Champion. Wad., Juiy 19, 197 Banvil crowd McDuffe in fastball standings ByJc lthr Chuck Peavoy. Doag Marin, Batsi sn Usi 10-0 hie Js ehe ad Bai Bl a.hg ai Boakel Basail maoved la aîihi a ac-o s oro fly th es o hall gaise ai Irague leadiat ha Bill Williaamsos gave C and Roabseli osly tsar lis -hile Mclioiia aquipoiesi aith ta Landscaping thre cais to stricbiOg outisevesrscrd- hae v-a aicisl vae ie escaore isgobfeshioo - la e MiaDalle and and 10-0 a out ai siaga came haak ih tre oei o - rdae Raite easaiaaciisî r Cand Plaodscapisginsthe blaDuil aqipias edgaa, ýalh cassecaive doubles by lrai assio s snl Ris Thaohacacao BP 'Mailles 4-1 G esa Noyiar aid LeOs on rl abetadaar is ther Orther gaine sfiivk e and a sacrificr ilY bY os tati 0Bio iai it iseaiva Shua Siaga ails a Iasn Neaah oi taobe a 6-3 lead. Bridgman doobled on the paîir fgoaaaihisa,"k and hig da icemr hied andscordsonan iiield caaaioaiinaihiad place, hro casais tha sih as NaylO ror co la ie the score2-0 and ahall gants autao iisi dohiad. hiev Grvais A singleby RicbbtcTrach The tagsdefatedC an P vingladl Bill Bcosh siogied, and a douhle hy Gceg Chuch- ThýaSIaigd1anidi bavkd pecrSnlsadGn mach addrd asoihcarus lac Thuashacou SP biiiiiiaa i-0 Taîcc dauhies The aissiaf Fabiet ad Pvi ihanca csaiv Faberi Real Esaaaii aaui tpitahea ,as AI Lsha (0Ihcae p ait he rvihlsg in aiii pavaviii ii iaaiviiiiaeialilPcame ie thescorasvaiiaeitmade place îIhibeiaî4 iiaiavahaaii wo aerosNo oapin aucîl( ad P Ladapi lhahaaaor SP Mailles singîrd. Chack PeavoY and 3- ina veaassakucîi juaapdinicfront of ciOlr walhrd andloae Pcaia Aller Iw aacacclava timinga iqaipsiesi -iii tsha iapoaihe s Iia lfiaeaahriiiias ioah as Dassia Glerd siogîrd.u aaicaaiiasciiaivvid oca on an Cossea ive doles hv aecond and ai-ased as 'salai Iviield eacva atcliuttrEqaia GCeghochaho Lac lewin oaa-sisbae orI aashakiahs eutcPheiisthe aaiaf Fabasai i14 lead llai Bock ravaisaIhiahaloftherîoocih hat shisîa îîs ivl as KithiabicKiflsn asoi hby sha -ht nnn.Win Back lat hiai iiaiailes hi a pici DiacaYemmaas sale piahec woas Mtock Grncc ý6 Chachai Niai-k ivio-ka aad anin a arase and bhey hoih 4 Oin reliefiofllasdBaalsaa klaak Nîicialih padicaiiaaaored o aoeiBlesseis AuwaikitagBll Bauuha paheiaavvaaliitianiad John ingle as malle the score 2-1 caipte hy Doue Spenceanas hiiheaia.,snl, tirade tha fov NaIaliuffetta pe geaasdoai cava Neasos allia I-1i coraa elvad Sauce EqaîparO si bsad vio Sagsa o2-a îaesîaosascg lbceiialiua ia h lbclasui sida Glauther oaikad asd laad osher aa oaa3-0 laî luaaao daîhlai id- ]laie Pallu's single sared viciory BOl hoashacasa BIi' lai uai a aiaila hitBraa~avla pa Thn- ltes Ragea Johnsona- pfoiad saaaadion ailiafild isaccua ahaa :32, Dae adO ausaaia crror ýort.o iier]rdiaiad ofthe i na u aasehsa enaadaii 1 ha ainacuag pocahea ,au îv(h Ivaisg lar c blaiie's Daage lircrdas 3-1la \laivkiaiikaviiiail hiCucho ,iaiaaadaRaeei .ii.aîvdirian( ian ai n oe nRgrWl and scored un ienLeb i' rd loiaiigiaiii vsniaiaogiveaBasval a 1-ilai shaîlai aailihaaa cuva gasia as thaeiiaiaaih - 'eIsa double vcaeed avfe Eqaicioli hquapoth,, hal ona hala iai lai i 9- %l' a ildilaS Io gie Mcuf'a dls i qaaeiia b a.aile (id l' L ad-1b viavca o ue MDue Yem (, sor as tha iaueib as Peaer Neea5 e iDulta sasglrd. iOa îaing ai tha uming piachea in faciicd aitsacond aiea Fouri.n,,aeut,,eili, lansaileliîofLaabsvBenet h acaaiedsiiad ccvoii l i Bliiiiih gadiobiea anssalehekahgaiseidî lilcapacaýr is tache Y- g'le Ruia ianian d a hea ahi :1Ii iead in the ctal ad saîsubl vaKevnSvmith did bottatafaheauaeusa as Dahi vasig angla, r clit ha an if thba damage fac bitaaiheiuabiaiiaîî Mal Dotis defeat luani s an 'dahuichaso bi is, aeaai teipie oi tha gamae Baisail malle il 6-1 as ah Hornby W omen fiîlibaa Pair Haaliedihla revdý orhi[pth aaîLhia-d. abîle Caisa bovk ecesa Miahulti Equipai'al peta-saiiii liaîs l),Iai,anai d laicoi dvh(allum rocb cameiackoithithaaaaus i a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o aaaladaaaivivai agdlaaad out Mltas tha saih as a alk aiagles Il lbaaaiivied thais I12h can 'iaill s balaisE daîpali. Bas Daiegureanld Dai aeuicvto>ti liailiaa The Iiîlis plai ai home Yaoamansaaaaaaad a hase lid a viail .10ai ibiis aaaa hi iik Iiiiahagh. iaaded asgle hy [tra pfi, ahi delcadig rcague MelDutia ah aiiaii siapply ha Bu- Baisal bald o lIo lai liaais ava ae iiaaaa iais aasighi _Ihile Aisa. hiclile's osheoteai slaincg .iing out Ilii> hailcri allai ýo iilaaiailafaeýl.iria ieunanaidavxiasdlbaisao ,cle,, miling.il, thi-o aisdî Ihaicadal Sarb gamas a. seae gamsia licaî alla-iei aîlli ar ichi,hdailed fas Roary pichaa ,as Dac lialPaal illI.nias 121 ilal ars P'v ark ai aliapi uiha 1î-iarcord Pilahea V lialul g- ai avale- la-ced c il, Deliea Sal, iarhand Th, pilai bortlig 1l01lu uppiraad is alla bac -taha il 4bait l'ili ilai lllluff1-Iak hUiill alica bhtu aillI eIaI aim hillir lai ahi plait na tha his ;nring iailaiaapcd il, i- cai l' -nhi aisu ddiii t aîaîai inr 1 ns cal th h and J.ed iil", harut, haîl cavarn asai lilyb ailre ahiah hacal hai'esiai lînda Brok ahd anecletngh a h thadt Ib u Ige vgs" h par pddube hie on bt""h hc h H 619 IE HLIE3554 £EX *OLWIEPR "HEiAT 'EM HERE - EAT'EM THERE! TAKE-OUT LUNCH SERVICE Subs - idambui'BCC- HatDOgs- Coffe Rasa out of mix? Our pop machinei the store i raady ta serve yas 24 hases a dey. *GROCERIES - ICE » GAS - BARBECUE SUPPLIES FOR YOUR CON VENIENCE WEARE OPEN:* Monday.SaturdayB8a-m- ilp.m. il .m UE LOLLE Ump throws Out FISHING TOUCHUES are put ona epoyera TraCEY Corbtt, left, and p arutions for the allouai Hlorny Ho a n.uai l~estriaf lavent ta expte ta and Ehe Unitîd States, as ridr comi prizemoley. Milton mosquitos ,%lilians v iiasad Micese haoogbl op Ira siuiil caps td 22 iii iramtontrial an Ei iiinPeel Leagur usadn an play iboavda in Eri s goth oal ch. Mi t'îuiiaa povaasg and goaisl acuae h oting iaede itoc'sle iiiiliiad ha ail Mitiias s d i i plaiaas aaadhe coach sad lavae lassas arcal %au au cance li selecita rinstacas Ci stadot pavm ithth I .Iray M ahIbal casa gtubS ham ex- hite pIay sias alliai foiotball ceeer look Sbliig lac Mialton are i sas Adamss andt Ilacalat setiia las quîs i ainn Eddy Miaganias Just teoc -l'hii) jnaface by Sam-Son farra abbt Browfl, as part of the pre- se Sow Bt amSn Farms. The faw ovar 30entrie from Canada e for approximately $25,000 in Yukon's fat Geegiso eytr ttider bockey star Halloyukaon' Evans a. s ad to pattnthe lai part ate bat oa harbatis aad srading tiri -oring ami0 ai Ue sassa, bai eil gave phua ssal dorisg Use Harlry Motora indasirial athail Toarna- ment o tesreend. lîmpare Barry Jeins ibogbi he notiord nomeing slrangr shen Evans strode Io ihe plaie an the li iîaasg of the asi-tisai tomne betiseen Miltoi's Thorn- bar rit BP a d Hariep M oi ss e sas ighi. -Yukon' %,scarrisg ansasosoalîly a e hosk o f amb r isho su i m eni aloi sis t a is aos a l l d ini a di rt ir v d E a s be a ganoine Louisille Slaggr. atomisais basetal bai. The nubile bant sas that -ukon had bis Bondap aterasaiba mased op aid bhathe'id brttrstick ta cegulabios lasihail bta ohe payiig tastbait Using bis trsytsbBbtguge, Jenkisdisco^eilamNat bats ani the Ttmrnbarrsis collectionsand depssited ibeis ad ,E.vasi' Losititte Slugger on the oppoit sde si the fasse protecig ith TtOnna'oW bah leabios said be'd atsa cs=jt UeMiltas crew using the bats an as estiler garnie, Evans, aormaltp a retiabte bittes. coutdn't seem ta consort no metter ishat bai tir used la the aouritaient. Ha wet "- ai the plaie, atbougb bie raasabed base tieon terrors and watked Once. Thora- boras used -Yukon- ai shtstOtP The airoduction ai atlamisium bats bas plocr added p=eure on unipirres. At tirai glance, il's dilticuli to tell the diftereace bisera a lasitiail and basabati bat. Alooaiiiia bais are approvadl for use la the Balloi Coaoiy Senior Baseball Leagse, allhough ihey arr sroi yei aiiowed ia the Major ,eagaes- lose pairv M aald detraird Els ý y0 U TR O I pair Irc ya scr of s the alois MaltOoIs Wayne Wyckotl 5'8 as a Maltas hisse id playrd as hooird a goal tramn a long Basehol Asociaion BaatmANST E.8 -7 8 e, acoordiat pans mode by Kecan Deuilsn gome as Jaiv 7.83 argas mas as Kichener maehed branr radioS hliecu fo taihe Bord goal eaeyite sod a-ansse are Sieven ge record hait ta raille tha Milton Clemetsaaith i home eus RO t ir and playars. and iheee hase bois. Jobs ?O E T ui A Beoreu. ave home rast nd Y U A appaiaPlysg top fomtball lar tiea ae i. Glas Southr M I T .8877 M iab n r l o n a- e e O ea d W atts, T am t o s h a se lais. G a rye M a G u i e atsauidPoiles and Ed Moran. twas-hue hita and liuavie 5 YEAIR-50000 MILE aiy asd KitTheing lava' base batse dvsge The masqoutasneors leagai Wassisg picher mas GUARANTEE k goals. game an Joly 27 ogais Oakh llayo Theang. a-ha three the hall ville. ulx vicakeaula lii ENJOY RELAXED SHOPPINLi ý ei. CONRRNED HOCKEY PARENTS SHOPPERS CORRETTS in MIL TON s NOW OFFERING 50 /o OFF t ISI O R LD i ON ALL COOPER HOCKEY u(IUIPMENT BRAMPTON HIGHWAY 10 AND STEELES AVE. OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M.-9:30 p.M. SATURDAYS TIL 6 P.M. Mill strïý4ý Phorie,'Mi 460, mý-