MATH WHIZ, Milton District Htgh School student Palti Girs mas lise wînvar tnan math- ematics compelition hafd in the sprîng. The grade 12 mnt lstnudent is n yaar ahead of her Patti Gies scores in MDHS math Milton District ttigh Iclicas Schwi's mathermatis' de <jRADlE ClOsE-Tony pacbvenl centlt paii -\rnone, tDanny Baley, Rol specal ccagitic o he a (cr Eithy Galbraith, Lina tantg stadenis ahîî eaeced tr acIongi Stepb Kng. B0he bîgbest mtarks ol t<c, Stantr itg ctc ig cenpetlsrtaacc" lSct Rtioets. L.icla tWhite. resecie c0oret 'ivabecihth Boansaill (;o, Far- per cent.« Math lalto Ll a Tri, att larlir i (tic o Graoîao, 9a pe, cett Ma tth tîett(it rht t 20 Tracy Ccoss. 9 per ceiit haniti (Iioghbi Matb 250, Jonatbac 1(1, atcjIi 'oshtda. PatiO lanion, 91per cent, NBtîtti' 14" jjt îl. ieonard. Karer. Maria Facgiargiaý 90l T)' l laie *Cth al i Hlc Jackie crnt * Math 5, Kim Srithll 'I it roer.o' o .îan Bcab, Per cent. NI'alh 440t Shalliii (1n,00 Dubois. Nattcy ((tl S, per cent, Clatii 4(it ll(,oh'tt Jatt' ((ail. Jamie tPali Gîrs. 99 percenot StMath laintski CiMao% Rallia, ,il Jobs Tbomson. 9i Pel (<Iard (Bang. iDssy cent; Matb 552. lain Rcoets eticî lebco Ling. 98oper cent, Mathb5, (hric l(adtield. 90 Per cent (RA0 Blh I'EN- tanice SideishettcOd a Cer tcîo e. a Ocphoý Dan ticate of MrcltcOdio sr8r'pr ites. lti (ract. Lort set)i ter tspeet il(ihko, Peter Schmit. Blaienais corear airv Sciait. Jonatban Wot Lock bikes police urge Despîle repeaird irinilîg' lrohl hi'- rîsidece.Kîm [rom Baltoc Regioaa Pol-c ('alohese aIt Naeltanald Milton and acea residet(rte, , Nbto reports ber bi- continuaoeccher iht<îes soienaioaliocbeoas ai ta torsves K eisoarkie on 'itondaY. JalY Accordiso te potice, ri- dnd o n000 lake salticient A bc elcsgtng toCamer- lae a [oecl tbeir hbrce cocnon COi ePper of Wilson De., bhey (rase tbemn acatteodei NiltiD tias clolen fro a and lait to record the serial ledi gcrage i bic oavoter of the bike for itdenti. tecidror aise ion NlandaY. fication parposco. if the htkr Jait isiolen Bicycles tallr ibts îîeeb es toclade ose stoicît (rom the )Jtcactcherg asndKic banliyard of Mcc Juan King ieeac are hcsttsg the simec cI0( Roberlt Sti onlonday. tescarce prcgeamn, soc w i Jaly 3;a bille onedhsocOtoi ioaci icar. icnre-e and McGrath, of 24 Miartin St ce wocO sessions are of- Milon on Bednsda Jol 5 frd HOUSE HUNTING7 Check the Real Estate Marketploce in today's , ssue of The Champian I LEA IN Pooaa Yaho aScl aFlncg John ras. Grg P9 ManSî un îTon8894 Rates must go up Resist uniform water rates Tva pointa emerged fr000 charged Actas, Georgeton Hatnbu t e fo1,0 100 per coot inise i water increasle on local rates shoafat anhbo.lng dicussion Mflton and Burllogton hav e g '0a le'w a- the rates, if the town vas paylng ie introduced, they soggeated. Couriell ors hefat with lton i lile". wiffi Z l .ie nn. i. vo vo d He (001 for ils owo conta. But any Ragln Teanoer on Fr- 01f oupile ana Il ie c po 0 icease will hie abiat doon, if mer Monday olght - the upt ilst ya vor hg C e dI the tw Milton ends Hp hlita other tewn's oter rates reOO eca epe on Acte. enee or ad dewtao aylnrcoee tac oandomutblencreased enjoyeat low taes an voea lie atewl orc aI wornet. immedtey; andt ttlere te vo voter. Kelso0 oka.h ooa way the ton cooncil oïl! "MiltoS onssage l a voe Watone so oe lfo i aer rla agrbe ta the reglon intr0- loio (fier capital nent 0oee h unl tinr if Mr. Former woolat change ducing uniforvo water rote Region, and we havon e l w iei h cos o rdnth e cegionol goveroment Bilt charges throughout Hol Ion. est rote," soid C ded Wr 151the Millon olon hao oqon Thiemanrity of coiillors Brad Clernenta. "Kvo o v gha in o11 se rtonalo baereloal adittanth1e loon's voter vind." fatt10 ehv hgher coonicl,inted otbree of 24 rates are tolow andoutlie Treonocer Louglieed naid cote" so increonet. Tonno Treauer- Milton olltieur a deticil He vlo vtn ote . per ceo n ron onc - arenit ivorrad. He notent the ni being depletrd. anket coocil 10 sauavit a denliotlo te vecrnoory, te proninceina "dangliof a golden ouclrRn poiapnlnppe00esbjl, SHERIDAN GRAD) heild np nome rvoerne fod arls r0 IIaîob ntrnclnIinel pnible. Staff van Nancy Lee Bicker Ioraploenpvoos ltern r00a 0nîe~1 ats' n a1okent te pot ove Ingether. orduoted front Sheri Bot the ponnibilily of hep nvob.. e introdction cloiing eduton isotenhoong the comment of aan College's twea unitorvo colon acien Hollon o nIaitocin rates. Bol Foroner eqoal across Halton, yer the conollors Meovohile,0 a n eaorin vies wilnever sin supporlin oornedlbe ravtaieovlhe t axpayecpYoril on an gnrlat n cec Milton, counicillors 1014 the anoilohîr afler the end oftii vqal basin. Ganolivv, truit corve. She liv ths cegiono1 treanurer. Coan- yearnosaoacioninvoded sno. and cegralen hovoes and -HaltonSafrly Council hon dougisterofFeon ciloo ec aavon 1o1Loagheed bold coavncil the lnclnryobarunised a arniogoboutlcl- Olga Bickers of Miltonnhould plsownOY wavuiforo roten ieould loe ralresbeeqayiould lae a d angeroo eraS.,Mdtno b InfladW tbiion rates, reeatrrcvoori aowrondeired pools con bie 10 0ro du ot Milton w~~~ ~ ~ ~ouldMRncîlorl Woalsincnnoid nýaltcbc yoars ehildeen, te gtrie ug SofMlto. lo-otend u apiYs o indonîrial nr a e M'o OOCunlagn ' titihcfl obovo of othec voooiCipalitieo' the ronideelial sbare o ae otiser otudies, being ta grade 11 She topped the debta. revnes. Batuicilr nchool in her math 1h10 yaar, recording 99 per The contof prodacing we ovoked ovcr snoosr ! onMiS " fDad cgnt on thse year Hao tonhey bold Farmner, ne 000(00 toc isediumein - aurmMrdihSh o o cn why shoul th bratesncharged donîciol asers. Thif tnk e ? Fambesovorto'smii llrdîrd? atnntay caWe airr j001 00(0 te bail mumaill(1 righl n00 bf big Dancewear Centre O Af AburracOl 10ete iou pentile wbo honen't corarlta 10he roni lof 157 Main Street, Milton a 878 13)3 09878-4003 990/ recitdwh agawa anued Iheir renoorcen prop- would-helbhief ai Canadian eriy, claîvord Conciltor Summer Special C<DL O 1 l Classes Tire ntore or Martin SI. laie Anse MacArtbar. Millon______________ Fridayenigb. water renveanue oldbe used .. r e AccoriOHr Bllon Region- tapay the debin oI muni- * SWIMWEAR BYL>ANSI<IN- Aduits - Teens .o il *ieo h tr hwd n encr rcn Children bras lllaot ia Ines labslcngBa emvSAEO K TN * 8 Lesson Course Carol Bianslîeld. Tracy h obsaid plice. Couneillor im Watsn SUPPLIES fo uylt GRADE ELEVEN-Maria a aa Pargiorgic. Cosole Lewin. * Sommer Store Hoars: Register Nowl Padul Sotba. ai mit , Hsii'S 9:30-1 pao. Mondalaîbra Salarday Téléphone for Deaits tiremer, (JOnc Hanier. Roce-'o~ BUGGI aneLandry. Shelley Eabinn s. ' GRADEI TWELVE-Mark II 2, Yorbe, Cbris C'acier. Paul Y VORE Vaolorscbol. MarîieeYWEC r e is n i1t0n cboaien. Sbaotin A'I,, INVITED Nladelise Austen, Polit Gian, ( "" s u_ esas i'athy Glasgo, Jerry Grant. TO10MISret 8-42 Pefgy Gînîbooro Secr fie10ailStet 87cW GRADE THIRTEEN- alteeprst e i f collection ofplant, Riîchard Lrslîe, Jobn CaIteeprS agtio. ndlowers Laeprccb Mark 0,insky Anis Wao s tar bovoeandoffice las Roberts. Tberesa Gies. omltfn1 Diîane Geîllîlbs, Kirk îalîby, Fla -lornts o plateuplis PU LI aO IC Judy Willougbby, Alan Sow-Bugs WNhila Grubn a ickr Mro Ci aey ld Hubglbmia Chinch Bugs Si .e Fioh * accensoies Jcabo Daign Calaon unsunalm camea0 JonDinn aepinlr Spidcr ntems n k vopoE PA ET Roaches Wasps etc sil aimot cal) CO CEi ARTHUR A. ------_____________ 878-2881 JOHNSON 0-D jREAL-I<IL a i4effl I O OFIN 50 OF IS OPTOMETRIST FLE 1111 (- 1, ,H [e * , ()IY F 214 MainlSt. 8 7 » %1 7 SHOP Milton aaaa...@ aa1aMt0MI Fully GotIt. Licevssed and Insured 878367 kA Division of Woody's Landscapfli PEOYO Fmi1rN eHowtobe ANNUAL SUMMER SALEMae S"NtIuES 0 Chre aco lcu to e Shop Es* for Ont 3Sf lction t i umr OAL SALISPINAL. o eBeao laa LI eIýý epi ,h if 5001 Ilotycs drvcr 7 1 is ventei sotdoors; Heat li 'ieuy i san mhoistarewo ttc p e l Ir , to w e0- adrhitu o<t Ï gte clote ecnoh~cytc . Bas , bakl wit ihe c olo ot aloc l tlhn ou o iCtiO autside 100 ry tldslii r DID YOU KNOWe YOU CAN STILL HAVE HOME7b MILK DELIVERY 1H MILTON We supply f resh, refrigeroted milk, cream, cottage cheese, sour cream, and rerershl'ng hAnd a-ieni 'aca cIao assai (ion ts, 1 1) I' pre0ato mneais. aoa a1s stv 1 an aide Oic aidiiildoW "se sCea t o r t it ait auke seitit hgtit is h saIsis 5stsi 7ttto di orso an v"'o -îk a lait <astn tehes s'a ds t make eghîflas ifte Dat temuesciL wtteehus fhr partOOtO of0 ch trot 0<00. aaaabicol 00ef essayesrnI Vour hydro* arapes draî', as tee sacro stac s corne <Ctlotie ta t Te heat of thc sue ei calOu whitc toc coies is keroin A t nîgOt 000< tîghts to a rîteonulst cocter ana caves eeti t tt 1118 3338