Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1978, p. 7

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Ra/e tscamThe Canadtan Champvon W-1 12, 1978 7 Arena street speeding dangerous situation --1 ;' q1 WHT STRANGE THING crawle on y aur arm, questions fotar-year-old Karîp Wodey, as she examinnea a betl climbing lui the arm of Celeste W o leias, ants and grasahopprs were ail art of a nature huent, or1, by heOakv~ile YM-YWCA, which ths snmter created a M i on Y Day camp for children aged three ta f ive years. The two week SffliOED5 Ja Jy enclude lotso0f outdoar activities, crafts and fun for thne children. Grasshoppers, hunt highlight Y dlay camp By Line Kteby muaic day, wben vbîtdcen vcaots and gsmcn. fita a bcigbt, sinili made ibein otan instrumenta Atthough tbe lîvattsession nommmier mocning, an eigbt and naine ta a vsetety ot tîntaben thie Feidsy citît a biltdren arc coretstt avaittbte mateciats. picntic, b officiats bave ptcnty exarnnieg and cbeeking ot Parents ave eqcatty Bntbes aI cacea tac aay iatecesed individuel btades, oI grne. ie about tbe scttvitiesaond paccnt ciehing ta encott tbeie A geansoppen ceape, and have vaatnibcted botb idean pcescbaict vbîd ta tbe pli- thterecqoeata otmicd and matevtats. vcding to gram. tr and detigbt, as sevecat Mina Wbarton. tnteceatcd spptivante may cilîdren eccamble taitb baby Tbe pvngcsm tllbes ptave at vontavt JaeOtt ibert at 845 food jars na vapture bhe ittte Roly Rnsay Svbool and caca 3017 to cegiaien loc bhe acat ceatace. thb cvbaclgroundsnandaores sension. The pcogra antast Nottaisbîng tu bnt the inyh soo n t a s $4 e f o teIowep animat, they cacetutly iocv __________________________________ thc glasa ta tbe gcocnd and col tan the tittte bapper ta That dane, tbecvhdld noo wZ D I liradi dieplaya hia vatvh foc al] ta se I E A K S L Tbe game af cstvhing Ibene litttecreatocta waa ail pavt 0l an inaectbontvcrganizedlfor tbe monning, by leaders oftihv Milton Y day vamp. The dayvcamop pvcam ls tbe tient of ita kind ocganiaed byi thc Gabvilte Ytd.YWCA v Milton, bot tn appacently enînytte gcod sces Tbe camp sattd tas pro- gramatvith a tao eektession in Jcty, tv ho Ioltntaed by c second ttao onee peant neat ceck, at Holy Roay Scbacl. Dleepite saol atteadance (cilyelght cbtldcen tcvned cp ot ofan expanyd 20) all ave enjaying the pnogcato.in clcdfing the foccyvra y* ~ " leadesncoeing Ion thv 'l/2 PrîCe 5ae vbtldcenl The vamp as open only ta AIL $2.69 childeen aged lhcee vo tv-e. GOFBA FUN Shaeon Whartvn and Salilo AND TENNIS orme cee hotb licol ycav AL FLOAT ntcdenta ai Sheridan (olilgv ALL and entoiledt in varv chtld Regca av hood edccatiov pvvgvatoa $3.49 Satb landvd the job tu bv leaders toc the Milton tVeiamp and hoth apabe veilo vth0ve sae S "Ilovevvvking vîlh the S v ch ld ee s aind M iss W ha v- S a ve0 oc added the vhîldvvo P$1.2 ho ctb STYROFOAM The two senior leadersarvv I BAGS COOLERS aas i tttd n hein dotien lîy à o$ 1 0 Sondy MacDonald,a grade 1:i $90 *100 eraduelle [rota Oabvlle, chu li oecioaaly considvvivg applytng lacsa pont sevondavy corein eacly vhîldhacd edavation, snd tîvathen Piriv. la, [rota iainnacga Oeing leaders in tis vamp IAWN CHAIRS cccv ~L lc hngnA N CHA ISS Gan thc hand il somiA DCH IE charges. The Ico-cevk alarmnavt esionvbas intien hevvd H'A1 Ocratv ieasais lader and 13 O FF vhildvvn aubke ocavohvd forev Thece haani( bren a day Plus BonS wîthout sonnveimaginativevlsS iu avlîvilien taking plave, ac Re- Web Kit conrdîne tv Mins Wharton. Theve con the day of the dinoaac egc havi wOco paînted oatvvtalnovitvv caedopaà o thv pve- historiv vggn. Thvv ihcvv as, Hall proposed Sae On V Price1 Moaday il the town as getine 19" FANS tac many vomni halls, FANS toloctg a cettoet (tra 3 speed PATIO Haltan Agrcuvltcre] Society ~ U 9 A L for approval inprtnvtple ots0 A L ea mmoaity hall in the ý Milton Fair Grattai Counvil des-îded tv asi tOc fatr board tac mare infor- mation, hofoce pasang av opinio Wheve wolO i bv lvvatvd in the fait gviioO1 / ' Xtvvvo and hoccvctld il vt iaoivt 1/ i Ce mIICO and asdc ourianillova con- 50 Fit dered. GARDEN HOSE 78-4463 FARMS WANTD Reglar to Mn. tond953 Cins,nnnne n gnntino T~9 n -9 'ani gand morable toofai o gcesntnd ation Phin Gr wdO J>J. tenmti vlette Lui, Fnnitay, 28ms Lawrevn Ili E.,SaybooOh, ont. vi tai clleitToronnnt -468 19 M AIN ST.- Laurier Ave. acena avIli dents nc aotive Onota woa tIlt spcttng atong Lautier Ave. ties are eaasnag traîtia proi thn passing can, but te an- anupttantteper hnou bteme-nanoety speedine-be- videntdiratnbathbvenidents and Th peig as en tenen Canamecciat St. and the yoatba ilote te middle aI the nTie cthe endag bo oee et a=en, aceaeding ta stetfrahae ebld-the Latatier Ave, avena, an. lalce ceaidant, an Laurier batc. carding ta auire, eident Ave. MuieGge fCria Thne pobentvcamteta abcad The incident toavbed te Ma ut agncmeaCndmore Sondaiyventi tben, atvscumination ofaeverattaeeka tbtabvnevnav appraaimotev to.3o, a var of soiypranest byvloseta 20 prevatent duing thelast four was structi bli banebaît bat reatdents onLauriervAve. tao Me Gsn3 tct* e t taietded Oy an aegcy ceaident, vlatma yoag dvivccn bave ap.eGdine yatbn attedtng s it dcve by. gone trogb stop signe at Pengt ohiatndg Procedural Mitn Coonctt talaid it yeac-otd pravedocat byi toc the gacbage von Monday nigbt, tecby ending s mun ning vanteavecny ttst bas ocvupicd movb cocait dia 00sonoev thc pant teta yeas. Tbe by-taw, chich sets oct thelctal vounvit's esforthe conduvt ofnmeetings, mtion, amendents, etc., bas been s vanteovccnyasinve il was tîva passed. ConvtttocJim Kerr tevetted ablaatt MayorDn Gordn, atec nbe bytata can avcatnped Maaday nigbt, avec ".jg. noci thetncn1toe n ai- tempt ta get o motion on thc flacc cactiec an the soerr meeting. Kerr said latter te by-tata taa escnindai betaanted the maycc ta tett voonictlt athie stact ot eai meeting bac tbe meetingtaoctd be cnduvtcd, and tabat tbe gond ruica by-Iaw scrapped woutd be.Temayor ceptcd taeeittnbostdbhaveten thc toia taotld opnvste ondec dcoait tb the MunicipalAct, rasu ave ignocîng me, Thec vanicittov objected tat bcaace y00 think t Oam gaing Mayor Gordon bad ignaeed a tavun against you orcmsyn ovitten motion he bsnded. in abouted Kecc erivi thn meeting, bot the mayoc detended bta avtion, "Are yo convi toc saying be detoye thn motton msynv? aabed Counvtttoe itnttt the -nec bustneacI Race Harrtson. porion et the meeting, wtvb "No," eplied Kerr Barbecue on fire A barbevcd vhtoben gat andsobtcned ataachair, more tban touiamosntnof belteeittasaetingioed. vocoting Fciday evening, Tbe gas barbevite psy- wben a gan barcuevovaogbt cbaocd veventto toc $420 bad tive, metting thehbavbvcueand onty been ad toîve. acvord_ bcvniag a sectiov of vedlie iagtoticeofîivtasn dovb neacby. An investigation mita thc fice Milton tice offivias _____ontiuais cllai ta te toton ot Bcuce Dotaon, t85 Wabefietd Rd., -Svholas va oy forth Mitton aliter teabîog gan tvomn sommev and more vbîtdven a tank valve lgnited ave ov the viveeia Drive Thc tire npccsd ta the devk. vacetotty. IThe Luxury Canadians Want 7&hsze Ganad9need.l 1978 AMC CONCORD 2 DiO SEDAN THE CAR BEAUTIRIJL * TEST DRIVE IT TODAY CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON 500 BRON TF ST JUS N O H O OL'88 38%l c &4îÎiId~sGARDEN EHUPMENT CENTRE MID-SUMMER SALE ON ALL WALK BEHIND LAWN MOWERS & ROTO TILLERS, (l HLf~ITE ROTO TILLER 5 HP Engine Many Qualmty Features List Price Save '40 $339.95 ~I I SA LE $909 PRI CE 29911 19" LAWN MOWER Excellent Qualmty List Price s5e. o $129,95 - SALE $99195 PRICE JI DROP IN & SEF US TODA Y! 1I 1% HEz:ELRE Corner of Highway 25 and Derry Road South of Milton 879-8121 878-8121 tthec activitita. but added areets orcharges aitatil, bhat te speeding tees place Accordbtg to Constabe t vo e u during the day. as oeilla Gall, cnotd-be speeder svco rre tav sisto evvning.> spot a patine car and are k v iec Chtid Theee have bn no accareu ltaldtn. z II ro îvc cidents, batithasbeendantn HIe said somne ot (,o. salddpolice closea," stated his wtte. probentsrsetrom thevtactvi , n eidso Thte vaaple comptatned that that Laurier Ave. Inas for ,h, r .v os spi caesadonot stop forntap signa tevty a dead-endtseet. and bh', , l.H andvconstanttyacreevh teie usedbytlocaltcaticonly . . bn ie braies;on theasteeet Chddentlivngin the avva ,,,vodivci "yoheuiavaaeeb, and had n ie fac anatvd o. Godon yau aresittine in ynoubavb wndered treely atonge eann tHI he yard you con like heul ta see ateet. Cttilteen taere accus 'Iv.1oIgoIthe chat happened, and theeaee tanted ta tvandering vv the, I idOvý hv about sia atove parets alto voad naid Constable Gall. anO ot on the front lon,vchekita tat parent have tvtakv lo- taolai whattnsgotog on," aid etra peatons to enscv,, Me. Gagne. thete vttildeen are ont oui on sovtrol Avvovditte ta Mr. Gagne, ttteeoad. hI OHO i the teve are3nvhidencndevthv He natd one satai vhiid had ,, 1h om age ofrire yeavn living ottu oin tthe psthoftapicev . HIgesvi LauriereAve. and parents ave vcuiev eeetty, chen thev- .' vonvevted that thereevoutdhe poivevcatta doatg only 2( rel il fatastty, untett speedeva mitles an hoav clown Laurivr ,."e v slow don Ave.- ., v î Haltat Regionai Polive have Otttvert have takvv dva . vvotted theavreanevevst tian thn livenve tttabevo v of ars' Ivv davng the pant ceehav veepoted thbe dviîg ev 1).1 li îIv vovdive va Connstable Bi GatI eattvatty thrnagh the nvîgh "Bobby' Bob Newman ..of Newmvvi Sue has been appointed boss 1 while Bob's away and she's "SUPER SALE!' 'S UE S A L "ood/es of boodlî , IN THE STORE! ON THE SIDEWALK!, ANDA TREASURECHESTFUL' , 'IFTS COME SHARE THE 1,OUT LADIES' AIR STEP CHILDFNS LEATHI -R SANDALS 0 Regular P ilac * to 3200 5 0W , ý 1,98 LADIES'LEATHER MEN'S LEATHER OOMPHIE CASU 41S SANDALS FINAL ~0 1 7 REDUICTION = l Regular R~Iegolar 5to0$24. 1278v$29.98 THESEAREJUSTBUTA SAMPL/NG 0F Tiý /' E WE RA VE A TSALE PRICES! INTI*ES TOREIO 7, /,1 L- WA LK! NO[ DUXSorC RE S W ALSALES FINAL W ALK Robert Newman Shoes 164 MAIN STREET, MILTON 8789R77 Thuaim n& Frietlt9I- Menebero at tný a

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