Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Jul 1978, p. 4

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4 TheCanaieanChamplion, Wed Jlyl12.1978 Estab shed 1861 it ftulaabtal~îîpO - _ 15 ne . . .....O ~ . os. O 191 Mai S. Eat Milon, Ontario L9T 1N7 phon878-2341 Something to remember When you travel ltera are oflen those standoul mamrories Of Places visited, sighto sean or friendtiness extended. Often it's lte expressions of friendliness or halpfulness Ihat seem so5 memorable. We'ti neyer torgat on a visil 10 London, hoal genuinely itelpful peopýe were about direcling or redirecting us ta, lte rigitt underground. douhle decker bus or street. They didn't maiE lo ba asked, lhey volunteered. one aIder gentleman, noling our ohvious confusion, not only volun- leered directions, hut walked along with us neveraI hlocks 10 ha sure ha hadn't confused un furîhar. We sharad a cup of coffea and some congenial conversation and parted. probably navar tn meet again.- 'lTe sumr total nf te friendtioass and helpfulriass laIt a warim spot with us for thea City of London. IS for the samne reason the Ontario Governmeitt is urging us to ha helpful and friendly wilh lourists and visitors la aur pro- vince, our community or aur naîgit horhood. You don t have ta ha in one of the service businasses mitera you frn-quantty comae in contact witit vîsitors, aithar. The tint of suggestions is Worth sharing. You won ,t aven have ta ha a visitor te, appreciata the sugges- lions. t. Smile. It 's the quickest way in lte wortd to make a friand. Il yoa look angry, your visilor will feat on- comfortablea0d ltaIs the last way a visitor wants ta feat. 2. Listan. Some visitors have different tanguagas, dfa ta cents, diffarant customs. If Oa listen carefully to a tourits neads. Wits aitead proposais for a neal Canadion c-onstitutiont sounid very muc te tut s like lte early calîs for lte reîutrm af caunty gavarnmant. Titan, alter countles hours aI dabata. ex- pansiva studios and cammîltea con- sideralian, me ended up miit mit me nam knam as regianal gavarn- ment. And il seems thal il may lake a furîher ganeration hefore ltera is any fuît acceplanca or general underslandiiig tif ltaI. Il lte whole country ends Up in ltae same kind oI situion, ltae neal Canadian con- stitution wil ha samething now on- draamed of, Congratlat ions la ltae Otio Sehotars mita ara announcad in this -00 ; iOchievn ai0 ner cent Il Ooti t opppc tîltîs. Outln prvle o horit otînt dingll Or, ileîlvsdoioltitlinonll esionlî Il Betginîr ileiduotr rron iell, hokingttt)heelliOItloit lo itaOtyui Mtory 'il 00 sel oltael' iativo opproach ini Ihtcalg ,0110'b rpr1o Itindfill pevhlema, ha1 00 Ooadcd covîttil for soitlong no MosNumr bltstOtu,ioeuticeliiedOiIlbt tirai p.ittîis, ont e maier suvcc the ),îmnmg1 si ,theOrdea oflher preOrOti tat thi corit,> ta O-)tii tlt h, Ntii oi li ihey suipport Or liat theorte lial otaiosmoal Nuwta ht us.imthing thot desi't happes coccy day' The Maindre peopsal oald sacS extra t'ae'or tac ladili theiogh invsmtigatios il esadine' ceent sie. opesnn o dry wsesite a1 Milton Brck yard. hacsisgt soure refase. and taSing a seruio looîk ai She NATClisite in Blulngt.n ilah illu e îuî (;It I t lt t it tti 0 a,,as IlSe a Scealit ofl t;,h air0 Event the Milton coo,,culliic, o-hoa hane henfre etr yia n xrml 3. Be polite. Thank you" is prohahly the most imporEant thing yau casi say to, make a vistOr feel that his visit has been appreciated. Simple courtesy wilt work mon- ders. 4. Be prompt. Most tourists onlY have a short lime te0 visit with usSO naturally they don't want ta, spend their lime ssoîtiag ta ha served. Do voit like ssailing on vour vacation? . i. Be heîpful. Try ta, kno ysur area wetl so, that voU cas help visitors tînd lheic wav VisiEgrs offent ask directions te0 hotls, batiks. hospitols. restaurants, sîghtseeiflg attractions, tiquor out- lts and a hast of other ptacen. 6> Be clean Nothing toron a toorîst att lîke grahhy peopte and dîrty places 7Respect Ilîcîr money. A visilar's movcy represents his country. litsiooc and his worth. iloues erilr nut- u tie i's worth in termis of iaioiian dollars, neyer treot ut ;slos maney' and ai- soos- gi\ e the,(st Possihle rate of exchuange T Wish o vary vs iîor a happy dav Il inokea ouîrtst teet gond 10 lhiik Il aI soineluidY cores. And if a vî sîtar tacts gond. ha'll came hack ogaîn nui ogaini TOi-rs a lendencv here la think lhcri iran f mono toorluts in titis arroi, îlot a vîsît 10 the Chamher of Coimmerce inîformion centre on Ilighîsýl oz7 2i îîid surprise You. And tliry arc stiipping in Milton. Yoai omite or helptoîness 10 a vsstor colî lic one of te hent things a torist wttl htave bo rîvieihar. and il îcîold star> ovitit or mitre. in 1he -todeitt top Six Gtrode XIII saItteuts raflacîs dili- gence antd schuîtostic ochievemet These aie îî,urthoshile ossats l an age ohen gîtilug 0v- is 100 ollen the occepurd 11cm. li lte hast ta thuse sccassltil stadents in their fturiý ort h notisg Small basinessoaperotors migit mont lt milke a note af o telepitone nomber. il s o free lune ta, Ottawa foîr ombuîdsman service 10 cul ced tope antd chrimnate poparwurk pro- blettis Il itteroies, Mnnday lhrougit Fruday 8 3ii o i to 5 p.m.« Titay'll occep t cllecl colis tram aoy hosiness uit ottoula, The nomber is (613,5 ý 014 i197. titînI hasîtote 10 use lthe vuiii,> l-ri sutoe goto c ed tape rr exesie peroîrh prohlemn tn' ;t- I io ý ig1ý , ilit ta 11s .t1- r , , ni 1t ,- com titi .i ..t. I t i mtion t , l111 ' n 0,l tiro 10> te t tir tnd telay Shitilil lic luItOitire , .ros of lim îîoovoîrouc inihotiscouliuhit ot to O 1 , tu l lOsedoi giv _aoe 0 tdit t i . and i ha isrilyît ati, de,g e tut tutu I ti o u git, - h h rgo îîiî,t tîtt 1abnonilF tOc onceîd and lic aoitad ,ekaten le nalong rangcec vaiS ( .me re . pe cotiuihîd te eOo Canadians are duil conversatioflalisits covodio , an the iihmit oea crihmhe tf theaMost alcing cocaersationliiioinihe ecMire ooid. ldon'saylthol dl. iCiiIP l>0 puthack ot1ooy il fom agoviing i pacsouta spciene Hl s nui hecasewe are o doit people.i lha>gh wc are Il's soi hecasetcee ,t>pîd h ecaosea e ocen*ti Il sctais 10 bc biaser! caler >on a ot ofPhîlîstictm Ihol loabels iatecasting conversation as a 001pollinli. fit os1, lac dilettantes, tîlcoliolo Engishmesvoeacltit hck gcoulnd, cdosoied Eacapeans and îîlhec such intllectuel crash, oct sinuiocr goihecîng. tend an coi. TOe dtaogue ail depress oa deepis Ceehapsithe eOi fouit lies in theltact 1h01 ,,earehollcOllyaation>of aeialistsý sut. wilh the aithering of the cherches and1 the inceoîsg afluce ofnI soit ()ortapiecoersatOionchangeoih diecades hutlmoioncawesamel>îiva il theicciontent, A lao decades ogo, men caaid taIh loc bouaoutO coco and hockey,' ohie omena ohotteed inaaosonity aouta chîldre and cecI pes. \owadOyl, lheme alk aihout ceai esaoicand 000>1. and0 women g> o an od un aoua Wnmcn«s liS and the trp dheaod they hase iasl loken ne 1051 aotal) fite. Antd 10ey ait loy the salne thing.o îlea enoogh. Ail 0i hemn, especiolli the ciel ar ,uhsaehed 0> their oaions.î the sodiotio cueiy oi therevenuei depacfialeai aitd thcie lotesi acqtuisition, ohethce il's a poweciseoer aasimiig poolin the (;t a galle oI e--- ais logeihie and 10e> tli shop. golf. and >ow mach adoeciising pmpee sa OiscpeSacnsl I Nhewas-atsuer uI eîalatct the diue pemelss and Se iadged on 10ssocn WiîhosnyhundoflekOiOîll She cegiva ouif heing gesuehe rcoseey bautOt (vni front barrer and establiîs asellaus stance unts 100 part ofthue pcoSlem, lOakvitleCoc1105ilor Roc Clanche woos t l ac ufftilie mnes ohes Sd pOli1 reiecacceilu thesed forcsouroce utcvr Cloche s higgest pctîit-isî nt th1e itîîh of big udeas, bat rathec n ovneaîll lse LsSe cauicitacn Laucie hiatIelI and Jum nialson, Planche Sas lakes a radical lune fo oi n9 .sand prelentecd esacil wilS su maeh gaSbiedygonk, Ihai the instant Se speakn the cest of the cuancilors hi( Shein semeen Monnell and Planche, She lnuu okil Mutre verbal abiuse front flloo coanauillars uSas attpone old enec gaîss il us liolSing fnr hal a dozn cansiiiOrs tl 5slt-shlaUp andsitlown" nitetîeilhe I tryîng e m aSle a paint. hesactdiregilglloliiOch telhaitianscilîlr 1>10 ni , a liheraion îî~Il dvi lls. puil glatis in î-,iihlî,id ait'] ilai ta the drive[ .bot t hc iititie If, îsedicarc thi ingratiude il picîl-nt. tha pea axes hBantit idhehuccldliaOa a 1 t,itear eiislihO aatvs ha ,,Te. a'b liit 'e saOphili.tl,ilhar, th lîlilllî hut hae>ieOuili, tfuu ileppolg haellli îssic (Ilîpa iv" pbsio llli-,cd y tha posihiit% of geiîlil JulîdgeshiP Oîrdl HU, iliii tae s lai A pas>, n 1 pîtlteans sen- .,sling hor altlios lichstiippllliielers îhol hai i,aro andhosoahin velig lhoesemly secisg .,acilthîiloin llch oitd ClarkiIdes îiî-stcll,,l I V tllfigures lie hig sht- ot and, lai thi bOvie- il ho s ,bin (l î,lic Ocs. bull fay r th,îîî'îi scîanls cmpie hideel. dcean deas 1f tha stilttis ,iuO vera> thîng i t1ooîtotpiicale cscctthing secret The public i on 1en[ avas' lis go throtot chavttil licup.iinitCOlea tiovtgat o bkik mirk on uet-cored. lili. doit Ali, ha' The l[ames- iî,e heîttin110 hock ist,,iîoO lOis Thaire dcc>Y hit as hall I, the lest lis liti, 0,sersnlen*s flaitt Il-sh hnt stores gri-d i-ii th titi, puititî il s h ,-ttt0to tt ore. ulth.,iî,i he i-si paeilc doit1 th, icops ae supcîl). il s tîkivg filîî litiici, (lit of (lie ]and Otîsiesý nen 0rc 1115 a, colpohir ai devstitilt dîîiinest;i t 1eIi-ilsî-acsaliil Second l'ie orniere choc, d>01 shoîppingo piaa on0 fsle edlc nittown Marn fcittie lire ta tht- 500e Ovot llîogesztcctvohgh locI tgel parts. thai o the mllier vîlh thale people Toit much ahsentiacioaln Otonda otlinio. Ccofii downv Oftper cents(Oleoc('n* lotvapel i thlthoevi laoectgces mihoiitekifor peanuts. ttin mouch goveoeltit inter licence DtOccis ito.tu Tha, dice 1>01 îs dîtil ils Treasure in old drena? Il vas ilh alOch attention 1 redit the ors thot letown Si oceloa aouitl ha i>on.daoi M% nther. FlCoece luch. nec Ntocîholitt, lido in Mtila viltn 197400 toiiidh.lti Iei buaiildntae ovî ecodr ,,I ont l 0>00 d9e lic0. insoleol> i Mes Jeny ulter 209 Nokoma Rd., Ancosner This and that Worker productiviîy tii c .siada ruse by 3.6 par catit in 1976 the largest increase since 1912. nîîerestid and ogreeingo 15t ihete plait- tardes. icc otîo 001 ying tu 0uy us. ,hiit p, trev s %oti kow. 1 ilwaoisahe es il hi 1 as 1h00 t contes o duilines sîîpcerit, in oersation.î1hoavehaîdîil Io IlleletochesThe go on adîo ad or out sone hd o taIt won' do his hoaleorSti or onnc riieanigleissmm Icoii the toffice, te soriea stodeni o-ho ditdcd Ici spend a Mot, toie day in dodos geeaiototîlts instead Il il, i duit eitsclal mîth iî douit îcochee Stooho toc Oechish cn lbis sîmewao hioshiel condemnaon. Craltii coca o os friens are fi ovraianls M .iot rhit's ohy Ihosestîc Ic,,fiendlý lic pachops ai, remoarks are hased on îîîîen001 thaen' gela condominium in Fltcida. t hoselit con o ron-Soal, lt tbteacusr Sasen't a w-a garage. thogh 1 aveln0eo as, egh>0en yaicstid helocen tSars Thol's il lealousy. 1dnShave a siO- inlg pool or aideplaeiUSlOi40 8rS, iînd ion -inithe contrly. My mile litas na oieraisseon b onekid iga misoayil Caraguay. the olilai coolt gel o joah TholOs ohy t eonit stand aeond wilh the duolocs andlaisoees, etc.,and ommse- ;lie ith them n lthe fiel that the pile of .steak 10 oin0 ohsolalely oui ni reseh ni the ,îcdinaoeprnlessonal man roitig nl> frylise ihoua oyae ETurning the Pagesof the Past Fronm the fles of The Canadian Champion -Frontthe Jl 1i, 19771 issu, The emiitng 30 plant okees ai llocOer-Geene Canada Lt10, onsi anc of tiiaioc gesi indastiees. have heen laid of1 The remainingplan orees ere liod ,,IIa of Jane toa nd ail1 moaloiacting .tps-ottin, aithe planti ended. -champoon li10 coald hecoa f ae highoos lhcoagh Moilian, aceacdîcg t0 o plan caceenils halsg discassedil ola ofiîctais and ihe tuinistes of Transpnoai and lammuanlions. A praposition ggeocd hi- Minîle aI Transportaiion iovdiom iiictlos lieSso ould se lîghooy, 2s diceeled olong Deeey Rd. tut iholpsosd, ad eI along Steees Ave h tîîga îh liighaoy O>5 t'las adolniidc esace - ommedoup otnas Caler Chillipsl a loa high school teochee os 0e reelanired the deloils of On exitingceaiae- by soîtlol aoalicer Mtilton mon palîcOaI offoti Wasogo Bech recasîls T,,enty-to-uyea r lr!ee Brittain li l Cir emeeged os the hec> aI She aullit lits skill in manoaevecing o sew Iloholol catimaron sailhoiooosccediied mtutîh svnglthelfilell of omonoolimmiecin taube in the Faike un front aI hîs parents' Soîad avd Sar[ Cottages al Alienoo Bea-ch A gcuoigcaoaitn lollon'sdeînsl Court hosanecessiOled 1he addition of ton- îtlhe f>uul liia 1adge and Thuesday oller- Uiontt, Jithn E. i Rbinon oI Burtington wssote in lu FOIi the nes position. 20 years agio Frsot he-li 10 15lisi ipp c Oîliy Watson, fauons reoilee anîd ociior supporer ofl chocit ok uni ti i thc reîootled, cupil i dîsohicd utttiipaid at i , itîtoutîtt Soshtne ohiIi trt i a lhtilcion hetir h odai% vîghl' irtceingimatchesoalthc ara lic said ho aos qaîle impeeoi w0h0 thc Altonso ilestivo not uniy won the 5W finit pe a01the Bnly RosaiT gardes milsY dean Salaeday, butl Se aise soird hilonseifth1e winning ticket, t0 alaim an acidifierait W Construationîin Milton during the ftsix montihsofl lois year ei u lsi shot of hall a million donllars. whin6 is double the non- strucîîtn îttdeeihelt in 1he fictif s months of al, yeai At prelent2 bOoles se undee constrction in lthe Fatlisgheoohe aiea c c. aSmith. Brigadier. Couricil ibsowek ataUlSaie the pavng of Mi]]5 Si,tcnm Marinl ta Bconle S. i an estimatedututslt o $,0 A herm oalied AshOcook Esîaîesappiied la caa0icil ibis Week forpermission tedeeop o SUi subdivision on the WSenetl pi tupacloy DiescendantsutflThomas Seowncdge, nho ei-ted [rutm Yorkhirîe inlS8l9, gatitered Soauros ai Brampton taie grounds. In lte i.ili ecshas- in Cnada orUaA. New cicer foc Nassgaweya Township is liun tl Sîrtillon. tic sisu.ecds hs funter t,ius w, McMillan illna served man> 75 years ago ront the ialy 9. 190; issue tues, E. F. Bakla>, aI St. George's uthouth. t utasulle, Sas Seen appoinled recitr ofEluteoand Alma clOartes Heinaan able preochce and Sbas bete8 atfu %orkheduring hisinuUmbeney aiLonnuile. Wile his remlanai us greall regcetted S> 0s Hlin fIcîcdo. ihey are pieased la kf00 thou Oc has hein appounled la se imorant aorechltr ion Otondo> morninga trian arrived ai Turuonto Icuin Oonîceal Seacing 100 im- migrants and Ohece Oece 200 tarmers or lSeuc depalies oailung lac ISen. Aitth1e nm migraonts oece sei engaged, gsing milS thc hughesi huddees, and cilsîcani vient as hîgh os $22 tee menn. luth tlucdeiie, 1he Sumneisi, Sas iacned preachier Ther ttpci Oic orse show n unnet 1%ih the Taronto Bomne cameen' Festival %Os iel uta soacOOsay ilOîlittot cemest, come il) tuown teutm Sîs i tiiîotarin tue Tiesday Hea rciports an etl in,%lidl sicooobectes on theFaite sore The rauOoay station ai cîarSssn Sas heeun coded dautyowiiiettresdelineig herries îond Se Sos seen as ma51 as 70 croies 'lia load, ech graite containing 54. TSi Min MelhdiSulI "udY ac6sSld Sipini aI 16e ark Sersa na o ti e n l T Se e w a a la rg e tu or dil n lteesandseSstaFnli Gaesmecepiou caied nS lit ynn aS er mseS tuai, sened A neey eniatia.te atena oas spet. Commenting brie fly

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