B10 The Canadien Championl, Wd., July 12, 191 Mifton Then and Now ginnngg ai he end ef 1912 was ne mere flash in th a. C ume look a ery businesse le approacll le motion pielore ecsectciss- ment Encouragier!is his eerly socceso.ise had hIc Ilseatre newly paîcled is Feisroary 191, uin..cîoelrs hich served teisrel out the pleleres le heller adsaae Os Fris 21) ie oas com plimecled in the coornso The Champion. This o-as not 1)0)1 hecaece ofe i mproerd apprarasce cit he Ihealor Tise qualitl, of lise picoures ,as aise apprecîaled "Noeploues are shown ai thetPrcess esfil lhey have beec passed hy lthe eltirîal cno.Nohody cerdlear see)cg anyiic ell]e1)llecale liselo. ' here oaocl stise er-rasioal relerecce mThe Champion te a -choice ltl of pic- turces," hut local necs oces and ad- veeeîsbrghbeeame far mre spe)ill)and informative during 19131 Tise pregroos lor Nlarris 21 and 22 Feîdeî. and Saleeday eîenicgsý Oas the lîrsllellecdecrihe ..pecîlîrOll 10 is e paper \eelh tise lleoesn the ses-pro) lise Mleelain Teagedv ise Poe of1 Coscenece. .îa cle's extîravagace embarrasses her hsech.5d ' lisere There sSoap Thees' s Hoe. lI lise end e) April l19l3 thse eehl: pree geai t o shos ai the - lces. casex pacded te incledentlel1ll -.loees n-sîda and Saeedaî. bel aise on Tuecde* asî Thrdal Tise deers of lise liseae cre Around the Camp lire Camping tips rincess TI 7.0, misicis gave tise early cemers c chance ce eeciscsge greesiego. Tise second showe of lise esecise stcrted abonut 9.00. aller a short intermisiosetiewed thse eal rtsowd t depart andl tise lte show patrons tetle docn andti ssil for a ohile. ey Joîr et 1913 Mr. Hame was buaildingi c 24 Tolt addition elthlie reer of is liseetre le accommedte theelerreesisticroOds. Ose efthlie liios ohicis greatly impressed my laîher oas bis care of tise peemises. Ce usualty soepttse fleurs imnel eertt sn lise morsislitolloisgec show. Thetire es- cape dooes on caris sideofthlie screeo ocre epesedowideas mere the roîreores Train lise sîs-elt egardiese cf lise ealser. lise bieldinf Oas aireti out tsoreefhty. Me. Fiume maintaiel tisaI il oas rasier tlest trecs air. Allhoegh sonme csows ronsisîcl et osne longflealueesloe. "EastlLynce. lise eceal thîsîf Oas t0 hase a grcep et short Tentures. Fer intance, et tise mîncilie of Nesember oeeprgram iccluded-The Last Blerkhlse' (2 reets), Cees-ea Celps lepîdi ancd cBachelee's FIaI le appealtle avrel f acles. Thseregular admission ma i e et fr hîldrec. ten cects los adelîs The scoerciael. lise Collywooed leers. oas hecomilo evideol isy lise end ot tisaI "ecI' fait le ser Alhrosia's greasest e)asteepieCce SATAN, orTHE DRAItA IF and 15 cents." Despile lise lem ceai et edmiseies 1 sel- dem saw a show et tise Princens ie tas erlier yeers, isat i isevea e pleasasss memteries. As lise crowd fited ie mils lriendly excisasges and wiseracss touas enjeyeily impresseti Tises tise prejection- isI. Mr. Fred ceiscoci l iseliese) eppeered andl proceeded op te tise Projection ruent. Crocs ofelle in tise limeligt isrformisg is glamorees dolies. Severel limes eues eveisg a film oeld reakand thsereen Wecme a istindîcti white sisecs for usin stant. Tise proleclor ould bw sisol off esnd lise liseetre ligisîs came os. Mr. Bascecis then spliced lise film and starter! ligs up againcaesoconas he ooldibutecsiseain thelfilms -astgonorea fem minutes of fun. TIses t00, tisereweee lise bsreakss oeac reeloas reocd andreplcedsy aothier. Te eclerlelo t1he crood doeissg lisese iuo scbroaks lhe lisealre hed a ployer' piano whles peosîded lively mi e clong as cee colis oere isseeled i il Irel lime te lime, asd lis pellets w puoped egelarly. illeotd breasstas ordinory pianoof ourse, weisere omlcal mcensî%asoopaid toprovlde muc ferlthe in the lîcol hall o etse decade motion pictere ellertamccec cn the lîrol hall of solt decade motiee picteIr elllertaicOcclt oas improved greelly acd hecame an enjoyable ex- periec,, for mool Millossieso Be tven the Willos Itfs a GRAND old flag By Doane menteis uft lise w mserved and tise ossemy mise feeed A pos on yen, Peut Hellper, =vser yen cm. Yen mmce titste. tise Misister et Defesme respoile for lise unification et But in the tenneeof sfftcieney, Peut, yenhald temisse tisalcat Ccnda'e Armed Servies. ent. Anti hem cemees-erygt=ea olIticien sesceut tesBaeou Sfereone havesever fergiren yenfor dumupite nay nd meney,mwewisdoppatelliloAdntt cie. terce bltueu asti areny tes fer lise parking maer petrel Se 1w IL on My fst trace lise p eut a ens. Il film 'Oren Hemnet' unifermu. pmoudiy fesse, as 19-foutpote. The RCAF is aiteeand liring Te demonsteete my undlylsg dtugust, and in defiesce ef andtliingnMont Nation. peartiecisien, 1 pmoudty fly thseflageof the Royal Cndice Air And mils tise ielp etca Milloentrepreneur, fromt wm 1 Perce. amuable te buy thehbussti, the ftetiill lonanadeon.Per Tisenls te yen, Peut, aegeseeelien or mere Candiens hure Arden Ad Astre. groon upoiliseut tise stigitsti dec ef mhut tiss isecuifel Talleetist, Paul! sustisgieisn but. And t0 tiisi yeu hud e bo sie eisg Prime Minster of s-eepmlede Canad .recei .sr .5c1 Cgtssfeee training luciltiîs frem ceest teceaut. If peu meccli, Peut, eur country wes gises tihe mssie respensiillity fer lihe Comt- monwealth Air Traiening PregraM. Tiseusendu et yeusg men from Greet Britein, Acaireisa, Nem Zeeieed eed eliser ceentries received tieir treining here andwentnteeed the wer effort immesristy. Cempeeed te centemperery times lisese were yeers et ficeeteese fer Ceanede. We elew tegetser. New. il sentmea, we are on lise isrini ef flying epari. Wisile nos se rieisly endewed mils treditien as lise sleYel Canedies Ncisy or lise Army, lise RCAF meut certcinly ises e distisgeissed isisteev esuirieed ie lie ercives, je tise liceop the1 reet a mays, iseceme iscoei-d ie aseeious ac- cident mitile ridissg lics metercycle. Ose ef hie leet mes seveeiy mashed 1 mememisee, semoe yoes &go, msen lise tisreeof es senm flisisg reguierty tanlise river demu in lise caaley. He mwa c hauppy little guy with an eay,isby mie ad ifetis lagh. At lise lime et writlng i teck deteitu. hut tise semas m e taistysnet verp esceuragisg. 1 gsuetta misen yeu'me rldssg e metercycte yen desIt hase much protecion when soeting ges wrong Hasg insthee, Tey _____ di %Éwe t If ce campingonesaheslrin rloe elcerested in old slcleieeamping. lhen-s eecseeldrcsideellsp-oslsintia sleepîsg hag AI ise hs ersded ae tlaees iseol celer. Ilasselîssnerý An îld Srîîelgsarraiecremeesche flllling meth)d les-a hoesîe lelepng bag - - - - -- pîlisu 2 Ccicles-lr hes-ecl or squae knrhi'llsedforlylcf 10e -oess ot eqeal liîî'ess aed ls-îasgelae bandages inois ide eecs Ttesa e a sko tor Jý 14- aaeL e5- caisdR '~~0,M'lssft IF Tise lsdiee or0 star- ls-c 1 esed meislylfoslewoeeehîg orleor csrviOgllI)d. Il rpsery îecded Il îas ge al] As lise legs ae î- rssord lisey as-e peched gradeellindeu A MILTON'S PRINCESS THEATRE wtsich oened ie 1912 is piclored in Ihis carly photo. The linsmilh's shop is ccxl deor. Philosobits BîýihS.p Il isnol hal cosey s hoise*oeescyl + %hîle hreekîcg oep a ls-îendshîp s se-y pailte) is ri'îl realîe soetrirles il i5 NMore importan lct ta ýha) elisers csal la sercel) Ilîs fo hen al seltiecchip is no yeeîcelhOmelaeylou o orOrse eese e lonsger 1-enohle, lisens tim1e lu eutl lis Your home due for ,a faceli ft? you may be due for a home improvement loan... If your home is chowing it's age, don't let a tight budget delay those needed repaire. We'II give you the cash you need ... fact! And a repayment plan that's convenient tor you. Stop by todcy and we'II tfic up" the terma tor a tfic t" home improvement loan that wiII give your home ..and you ..a lift HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION I 44 MAIN STREET, MILTON 80 MAIN NORTH, GEORGETOWN 878-4168 (MOORE PARK PLAZA) 877-6926 11 WILSON DRIVE, MILTON 338 KERR STREET. OAKVILLE F POESOAAVC 0PROMPT SERVICE O LOW RATES R FREE ESTIMATES ON WEED CONTROL FERTILIZING STERILIZING TREE SPRAYING INSECTS E& DISEASE CHINCH BUGS LAWN CUTTING AERATING CALL LEWIS WEED EXTERMINATION Milton 878-1693 ALL WORK GUARANTEEO, PULLY INSUREO & GOVERNMENT LICENSEO SA TISFIED CUSTOMERS ARE OUR PROMO TERS