_ FFFF~ B4 The Canadien Champin, Wed.F Juin 12F,1978 (amem&&FishNews by arn coulson Holidays! What a wonderful word to people the wortd over. Il bas a spejai meaning ta most Canadians, as wie do not think there is a country anywhere that offers sa much, and bas a littte of sometbîng for everyone. We have sparkhing lakea with an abundance of fresh water, over 75 per cent of the wortdFa SUPPIyF fast running rivera that hold a vast amount of fisb, foresta with cool campgrounds and for moet people, a great amount of free time. Are w? goisg ta enjoy aur botidaya, or makle theon a nightmare It is entirety Up ta you. We are sot g ng ta, put a sbadow os your bolidayn. juat a reminder. Firot, bie carefu-in traffic, os the water, is the sit, asd tbis one we emphanize very strongly. Be carefut of fireF two fuil paits of water on ynur campfire after you think it ia out, in a munt. Basa! They go, witb the outdoornmaso hoiidays. Basa are ncrappy. vicious finb, and nometimen during bot weatber are bard ta catch. Some bans are amarter than others and ta my tbinking, get omarter every year, wbicb is more thon you cansoay for mont of us. This migbt surprise you, but basa are oougbt and caught by more sportsmen in U.S.A. asd Canada than asy other kind of fisb. He sîriken tike ligbtning, jo an unpredictable an the weatber and shows courage, stresgtb and cunoing to any finb bis nize. Any good bass fiohermen cao back that up with ait least a dozen bans sories. and nome of tbem mightl be true. If you arc going oortb, Lake Nipinningos South Boy and the West Aron, The Upper French River off the Manitoutin IslandsF hold snme tropy Smallmouthn, an doco Lake Taon, 'troul Lake and ai the oboato out froon Sturgeon Folio. t bave becs lucky enougb ta finb ail of thene npots and I found the o lbe excellent for omalimoutho. Wc bave had gond iuck at thone spots wilh ornait grecs frogn, live minnaws and ptugn, in that order. If you cannai catch hans il in cubher because you are impatient or obstinate. Fiobing for boss in cotd water in a wanie 0f time. Bans gel realty active whcn the mater gels bo around 60 degrees F. Do sot warry aout the size of your rninnow, for tbey wilt take smaîl and large minnows atike. The lie=o finb seemo ta bie a big factor when fisbingfoba. Afier spawnisg, bans ocatier and an the weatber gels botter tbey move iat thc shattow margin osiy during the earty morning and laie afternoon. Artificiat bait seemo to be the best, whes fish are in sbattow mater. Oddly enougb. once the femate han deponited bier eggs and ibey bave been feriilized by the maie, she moven os and it is the mate who guards the nst. Then, believe il or nai, ofier bis famity bave hatcbed il is flot uncommon for hion ta cat hatf of theon. Bans gain about a pound a year when con- ditions arc rigbt. Peter Buniz and George Elleir returned Sunday afiernoon with o fuît catch of fioh froon Wolaston Lake in northern Saskatchewan. These ardent fishermen froon Oakvitle saved for o couple of years and soy il was ail worthwhile. Ynurs iruiy and wife Helen had gond fishing over the holiday weekend, froon our cottage on Sturgcon Lake in the Kawartha Lake District, t mon lucky enaugb to land a g lb. 14 oz. pickerel uning a large chub rninsaw for boit. It omply fed four people. We wish you peopte froon thc club and surrounding district wauld phone me ait 878-2471 in the doytimc or 335-6144 ai home, and report on finhing trips etc. t have not received a fishing report ibis yeor froon our club, sure makes tl bord ta write a weekty report. We nee o1 get better responne froon the sportsmen in Burlington and Oakvilte. SHINNY HOCKEY Milton Memorial Arena <Thompson Road) Saturday Et Sunday 9-11 a.m. là 5-7 p.mn. POWER SKATING BOYS ANlD GIRLS UNDER 13 2 Week Seasiona (4 Daya) WEDNESDAYS t& FRIDAYS 8:45 9:45 a. m. or 5:45- 6:45 p.m. STARTING JULY 19,1978 ALL FOR $15.00 Registration: Milton Memnortat Arena Thursday là Friday 12:00-3:00 p.m. Or Contact: 63-1943 MALL DOLL CHUCKER Kelly Vickery tad a tougt firni inoing in Wednesday eveningo final g ore agoinsi ttc Fifth Wteet RegaIn. Ste came bock wiib ttc rest oftite IJolls to haid an lt-i tead ofier five isniogs. McDuffe's tough no runs in 24 innir SF Jackt Fleter McDoIff Eqoîpmcol tryF op FheFF FoFFFd pooe in the Milton fatblholFeague laFF week wFFh F00 ohuooo FFFFFoFFOS Me- DulleFs havoor k01iepF the opposiion [romO soriFg iF lte laFI 24 FFFFFFgs. as Fhey htankiedC and PLandFFopog 9-0andi Foberl Real EFIOFF 2-0 AgaFFol C aFd P. Peter McDulle oFFgled andi FFoFFd on Milch LajornesneFF eFFh home Fun F0 gFFFO McDulles a 2-0 iFOFFFOFFOFFad. BFiOF MeDulle's RI sFiFgle FF te Fird madie lte score 3-0 uand Fent MoDuffes t0 theFr eleFeFlth wifl Fn tirteen gu mes. Mort Grenite held MeDoIffe oa just 10 hitFs bol nFitt lOFF 2-0 os Lajeonessc doobird aod ocored on anFFForfo tOFhfi 's mun andi Lee MFPitai FFFlked,' soroed on LaenesseFsnFg le. WFFFFFng plcher was Dave hFFF OiFle sFriking 00F fiFFF OgoFFl emainedu atome and a hall behind the leadier as Fhey ohFFewaFhed 0109F 7-0 andl edgcd paFF C andi P O-5 AgaFFOF te SFags Doog Me- Colciteoo anFd RFiFk O'DoFOelI FFgd andiot cored on wFFFFFFF pFFcher Doue Dri Papuos triple De[ Papa scoreni on Ray FTFFFoIdFs sacrfice fl F0 moite thecscore 3-0 aller lte fiFFO iFFiFg OanOimadiF50 in lte secondi wFit ROt singles front Joce Day and Rich Lentie. Tbe. finFal F0 cons ocre soFFOed on singles ity Ken nFndcnnagel and Boib Moese and MFFCucffFFFFFFO nacrifice If>y i Mvl.Fd sFoFOd itrm nFo nd droite inanoter to cosinladiFngFFFFiOiatheir noFFFFFFFoyovecC andP. MeLffd lii wo snFgles, a trpeand aihomeTonFin four platr appeaFaFFcen. C anFd P in tFying 1fo ltheir fFFFF vFcFoFF ledt BOFFFil 5-3 alter four FFFFFFOF as Doot MartinF drour inF threForno MI LM l F F 'FFTFML E FFFF FFL F F F et F 1 1 F" . F1 F. g FFF g T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Fl Col F FFFF FF FFFFFFFFF FF F Fl -111 FF " F F FF FF ell F l etFFF FF l F FF F FF 8 F 1) F F l F F . _ F - FFF F FFF ste toe FSl eyt o serve P o 24har PEPSI IPI MILTO Mo61 St.79 r Fi GULP UELP 35ARFE SnaF9an il pm LOWFFILLO PARK Milton Mail Doils chalk up 10 wins The Mito Mati Donsa Mook us hts, tut lte Regais oin- adasae t Ilion rnitted seyves defeesive mis- elonessa ai~i lre- tes. cord teir BIth siraigitvil ie Tise Reaos look a fiest-is- Ballon Ladies Faatita0 sing t-O tead, bat &ided by Assaciation play. ltres tildisg terrais, Milon Mail carne itack t0 score fine Thse Dolla defealed titeir riasais lte bttont of lte se- orosa-twn rinais, lte Fit cond. Witest Begais. 1i-s ai Rotary Winning pitcher Kelly Vie- Park. Loslng plucher Donna tery ituried lte firsl six and Priceiteli Milton Mail t0 onip lwo-tirds insingo for Milton Optimist girls win ovor Pizza Delight Ttc OptimFolo deicaled Benneitcrry pancted out 100 Pizza tiigit 1- iFn theFr singles. and Carnie Warwick laleal mesting wiit0 pus'~ and Tracy Yongt ingles. Carol Aoderson itiliga Botary and Knlgitn of itome mun, and Lyon Pithillnp Columitas pigyeFi t0 a 13-13 lie itelingtres moreitomera. inteirilasî meel. K ofIC' Piza Detigitîs Sitaron Bar Nancy Eiismerc camne inga also amactcd a Toar- troagit wilth 10 iFg tome bagge. 00n and Chitnine Grimges ighier. Enierigb aino btild a Heurer. Rolary's HitFFde8- En gic sigeal Jolie Campbgell niammei a Deitiie Aicoonder bail ga hiFnerun and Michelle home mun and a double. Bughtes a triple. KFO Boitalacit tan a doable In Bantam play M.A.RC., and single, andi Ousan Milton Area Radio Coit KmscoosiF and Meianic downed Speeni Qacen 2219 Hoiidge aod MaxFnc Nossiler ith M.ARCn'sJanet Lonole cacF kil singles htling a tomter and Speeni KFuoongo Kim Cooler Qoccn Karen Dean wFith o iteilen a htome ron, Jane loon-itager. Christianson o double, Uisa Milton Macine defte Steciiy trer singles, TFna Fiin wFith a score of 23-18 CamptelFille Mohtaks i are FF DOaile lonFgh aI 7.30 iiiie a p.m., visil Milton on Oolurday aF 2p.m. anditool Camitodge Sundayo ai230and agan on Ousa t64 ipm. Break dlefense 'ra SHoed i a s TokingFhehotthby hehonoFo wFit its triple tagFFcC andP tion, so long as yo0 and the lthe lcad. Ed McLeods solo boit agreon oheyoo con]e itorer on lte tillth mode lte goL score 5-4 and aller holding C F+ + + and Pscoresinnorlithesof Food jadgm-ol Fomtes front thecgamte, anvil camepn epeinF r.perience the btoucan of lte seventh camps Iro hiadt jignentF. Fraiting ty one and McLeod + F sFFOted. atli second and Notiord hoo quFi et cectFoo scored on GrFsoodas single ta haoe hero recenFîF F iFe ltegane. PoiFîFoîans uecm oib houn- Grisold mon sacrilfced t0 FFFg ouofoFFssues Fo FdetFp secod and oored on Ken + + - Blndernaet one oui single. TiteroF Folthinn ttati hFF elp Wioning pitcher mus Richvit Funoderetaod F our itriein Lesie (2-1). more than tryingltorFFplais Newman 0h00 Slogs ncored tem ta an iFqaiFiliFr OlFild. toar ons in Flic tird innFng + + enroule t0 Iheir 702 viclory conul yoFF dooFor billoe, ovrRoctooct i sotidty lteir heginnFogFFtreFooooxrcse ltird place stnding. A single There s always a chonce hie ity Ton Stewart, a pioch it kilay ado For agoFflol iF dooble ity Gien Turner, t00 + + F watts, o sngle by Daoe .log FIee FFF Sperd Flarrîg Spencer anduadouble ty Ed IuFndrota ad Tir*F Doto gaoe Stagn teir foor ( IFaniFg on MainOrtr,FFoF ra.A torn tomer byJOon doorltoFthe Iredil togion and Voipe ucconotld bf Rockt le(tu adise F0 0 to ou 100 Til mus Oioning Frodrl or cane 1fo tn pither wauEd Duroi raiog uune favoriteF hi nreord ta52. fco.op3ý Mail belore receivisa relief Paytoni teMRoS Ma9 lit double and singie. Penny assistance frornt Detitie Wit- piate mt o air of aigls Todd and piter Pricecuoth son. Lynda OrSt asd calte tia pair of singles. Wilsoncar n oit Ionout Mary jlete oit dnIl td Tte undefeated DogeS mia andtireRegutu ontbase,tbut wtiletelarnestas Janet tsoeoutt ratel iinoa rme site trew a third strite pasi Vaslier and Curoi McCaiissn lonigtiemidie Boraty suppiy- Kelly Anderson 10 mnd ltse onnlrlbted uingls. ing theoppoiion. Garne Orne contemi. Martens Otwu mslte top iu8.30 p.r. onder theiigtu ai Second tasernan Donna htler for ltse Regais mt a Rtary Part. ~ MILTON SBOY SCOUTS Paper Drive NO PAPER COLLECTION IN JULY OR AUGUST PLEASE SA VENEWSPAPERS FOR COLLECTION SEPTEMBER 16 STOR IOR Lý&_Il