B2 The Conodien Champin, Wed. Jtet7 12, 1979 The nonnolation final oas Procor a t-O tead. hetoeet Acri tront Bramp- The tags 100h ad ton aod Fobert Reat EutaIe of Ibree Procor erro from, Miltoo ovith Acrîl score in tbe sistb en oinntOg -0. Avertis onty lues; Bilfl ouheeacbed fi inotbetoornamrot came frot erroc. motied touecoo Procor ou t bey ber AvIon 10- Oas mtnhandled 1iandOabvtle Post Office -5 ronners on OirsI and tneearh therfinals. Oeus snored the t Brampton Letton beu on Lorts Fuettoon fti Fobrrt 7-0 hot tiben Foheets rîft ohscvies dropp brut Mach Truck 0-4 and tnnn asfbhetuamra Oronte Letton 4-2 before set for extra tnntug Mohaewks lose? . (Canbed (rom Pste et>) Cumpbriliit non trutîrd Onve htts and htt a 13-1ioith connra uthrnioand Scott Garddalooorda nenond. Boh Oinhop ptnh htt hefoce gectn trot toc thv ptcher hot Tonelît the lest bhird inotot. borr doon In get ao ootîcid fly iîtos s ottence w o0 end the enns-. eîvnn ho [Gary Nuylerrith to Metrnhants hfeur tient non andadoohler DootHe ovr Cumphviinillv thtn a donhle and thee seasonuad Wudr OBukr a Ray Toneti vni the homernand doohle. distancrtortheNtvvtihotn. lduvLedncru rd a allo.no il rons on 13 bts. and to snoles ob thIIrm-atkoand hcsaruckout Armstrong homere Churles Cnvvîv nttred thv donhîrd und Gteo insnt asvb pitchet neoco und Aodp Hull aod onethodonnstgivn pi10 llloruyoeachsnglte von, und o2 hons inn nulhs Mohanks' unuvckr ovt niconhk ont nve. Brncv hy Tim Robrrtsowth Evnsn 0o0v tut a thîrd vunoublethtand intt inin4s gaveitp thvcovrntnnn Tonhvîn added ihrev Charles Hotel squeeks 40-39 win io; ivivii, o b,tiii Diivo tAcet o, Oi MIl i-Il îtoongvttno-onvttnfonou - i. oitt-fl p, ni- tobvrtnnvcivint una ,lvilciii liuuont Stock cunin I, l îlot tron lthto Aii ohclnbn tiftn ivethr- kn i i- Iii,,i n major n ain nt fio ad tot-adtco îl.nithc ntituled tvdtnpintsoina iii iii 'Il ilili one ouoer, The most ni the flihe ari- t loiferlct ncorivtouameoffoftheccn 1 ,i anIl niiio, lbo.iutccnt [on% No inh twotteldtgoas i lit îî.!o!o-o t ooc %iOvedncndun. Surtent jtilI Ic Fmi buoii -kilull iocottbuon anmooniog oiiiiiiio nctt u niot nuhivg hp Catnad ,u-hi t. ar ild non ,înkvd Tire tn- Tttt-tlJIoclen Doletra eto iohv ttecbcct vtth six and t Ik ,1e rI d !oi flou ii ii ,t itiitit oîîh neen dit aii pi %% [ îhoollit th ,- nocootn toc Canratîao t;e ictvvrgni fiitvt Johnsno and ioe I lO iîl kTntiik hadthe majorsnfor naa9- l)i -ni-oh Sngntn.Tcvvpttnnugtoncn- 'h ýi OlOtieriOT utot ovr poins A inTcot gori me s non y u -Thurcdon otîrti Socc n -th n8 Foctînt u; pittcd atainst i-ii i i I(I iddedci i iioLlîntvc Mtonen Sro Tom h- fl lcll)n bol Koiipopolnnn and Dont iii i ht il \1.01 i ndes nr hoth menv oth ltioikeKicc.trtdtand tuine Otl,(nuki, go( thrnthrv ion. Local couple In iitnev' - i NIlbii %iiI Olitms thîvt loi enb O.iîtnook piuctvseond iO loti hîgh toc thetup i ut ou l ýIn- l [b mentî i trrctnoit vi aoir- da% Jacki iL E.1btlliot ohoppet tic ciok, onitet ho Petty ono iiiitn non ond W.olnttn ioiii I.-,.-ocool Barbecue Daîtî iltov feleeao Protrennive f 1 1 011111imnnccotientarnhnldingta oît nîght calîcO o ' Juin, te>cniiio ttidottocuumotout homo Sociol Club in Miton -Iiiil"Iiih Ilaoc (t ýInt ot out oolnt i, i 1i lift yianoning bo bv on band for j)qiî.ot îîîhbtd civoiton Ohlk minet ooth 11-1l aild t 0Oîvvn dancig and breton-o hon. rHERSIDE m0 1U1AIN, 824-5431 inolor. [in boilitotgn-tnouon m oHaions nitioog i8 pints in tbe tomnt boit ton Broon otOcO aothcc 10 ont Pvîc Mutnv the finalitonvit donor iocvetgiomt W liîmeiocTbe Champion s onnncv fnn Elel Prolit na yocb the otoncen toc ibis ocekos gomcs un Tnvntuo tns tonadian Torc rie onherto 36i21 Thmn nhnnid he o tooth tuor on both catins hanc ecellient yossng tt ok, On Wcd- nesnla i ing i nc ol biit t he harol, 1 as nilinn-vitas hvvn plioing pvctto gooi hoall on oi talc bot t dont thock ubv aon breok ihocios, non lii point, lin ihorsdin Sovgvnin n-11 1tioîo t titi inn t o iii onothvî oo lkot avi t rocar nto lei bret bmctbvnvye s to tir niet as d obirb feanint ed. ppeaeed Ratph butter. idooble n led by houme ru brs it sintles dded a Warren double lec Ken tvTrush Turner. Noro Oas led a home- le. Dont sintles, gond] but] tui ee vbnder the directinonI on HtoGev ['p ifvont ant pronut n hinh hon nonght on o h both plupevuanditon looksu aiutl hogirn Tfoni lt.thtns. Ottectînn.îiî-i knoon on ..h lhv uk . ot polied in tbvvv tonnbîiovi astncvek ont un iterceoption i deiiv Onoev ypers. ns trn voIo ut in humbhle and grvot ot the 000v lme [-q N3 "' C ao joa ALBUM!jot.. SYN4o OJw v~~oYoncw to fooetb for deteat Fobret Rsil Estate O-0. Singles by Ed Grtllage. Af Mitcbell, aod Bob Duon aod sOod Piuhbaaes double tave Accell their thiree rnin the brd aod bhe AROUNO THEHOUSE Wb whe vo srapa foot a vhweli oneigufl muingneatv nset neulre, snlIc i ishninnhln dry bern,. Tvoue soit plastic bons nfon teClanent canvneo oîaays snrtnvi,noitn teduc Erckn n non Do to0itIca i ontioto os fopts or CAQU1AVE 1OE BYHAV1N1 Stags foUi to Procor in MFL tournament The Milton Football touieg ta Acreit in tbe final. Smith doublaid for Precor nietory as tnning pileber is 10re' home rue, foo tbee u beague's tbird annel tur- In' lbe obaopiaesbip game wtif te out ie tbe lest et tIse (tract Ferreut bleabeul doubleu aed e single. eleitslege toarnentwest dotoato thebe fia d Droe of the Stags and nevessb aedueered on Demis Fobertu on sevenr bits obite Broohs, e ceeter fielder, Other out brfore Peocor et Gabvilîr Mbark Curtis ot Precr ecre Adllurs' siegle. stribbtg ouI four. aise, on tbe detemine plsyer tournane defeeted Neswmutn hor Stagu hoobed op on a noorelesu Wiueing pilober Mark Preror not only on tbe asoard, preeented by Mefles Eqeigemet 2-t on tundayý tome aller Ibree and a hall Curtls atoed oerus on tur obeopouebip tropby, pre- Tbruoey Mutier Centre. Artee-0l For Pronor 10 french the iooints ohmn Gave Ocrtroo bts obite sfeibing out six and seted hy Mowbray Fuels, For thr secend ceeseneslve cor 3-2; B fieals tbey drîrutet Aoorît 4- led off the Procor fouets oitb Ed Dunnooas eust ae refeectine but abato 100 of tbe tbree in- year Ed Duen ut Nlewman ObvilleI o, bleDutîr Equipmeet 3-2, a singlfe. elviot ege too rues on nix' bits dividual trophies as oeIl. Stae on tbe mosft netueble nef 3-1 bel aod eanvtl 9-4 whiter Stugu tim Dreecen sacrihced and otribiet out Oive. Gary Breobks tof Procor won1 pitcher asoard, teeseeted by 9-4; andO tieat Oroote Letton 5-t, tsar- Sarrow o 10secoed and Garay 10 tbe cnolation final tbe best efteesive player, pro- Mas's Wortd Hieistyllsts. le 1 b' Harle ton ibotors 4-0, and [brrr Broobs' double eff 1he feere Aerel sored tbree limes on seoted hy Ndeoman Soes fer teuregamrs Denelleoed juet BraeeL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE pMci.sy odey pi.cde. anI% d heop your eyes open ro Inin ook.'heod. RI 0ýfo botter livings oni fine foous.. . S & compare pour prices Specicis Onin Freet Ccd. teBSt. 6 fil. Becuitul-Madere Por Donnes -Weddings -Banquets S nponlty up to 400people o ROMA CLUB 3090 Steeles Avenue 878-2460 (9 cm-B p.m.l 1 r Aider heurs gleese cali.i 878-4903 c 878-6527 GRceRE Prime RIB STEAK lb . 9 iodae or Short Bib RDAST l b. 1.19 Blode or Chonk STEAK lbt M9 NOTICE Veitorcpe WENO LONGER ACCEPT BNNSl TEL EPIIONE ORDERS ON GROCERIES Dvtn N lbiqo HsesCELERY bonch 59e POTATO1 CHIPS Lmt2 Fer Cuomert f WATERMELON 112 c"'ps 7. OnroNo.l LANCIA PASTA MUHunelb9< Limt3 Per Costomer MSROS lt q Dntaoio Qomen Bvý.or Bertoii CUCUMBERS OLIVE Oît toi '7.29q ROMAINE LEUICE Bravo 1100% Pote Ontao o VEGETABLE Dît '13.39 NEAD LEITUCE 1.5Litre Otaro SPRTE in epn45 LEAF LETTUCE %5 Dontnd's Buo or Joq pins depost RADISHES ou. 2% MILK $1-35 O REEN ONION-S an ee seits white ut 22. tte teraies bn liu et ocre MeDfle nt, Wo deteraterd tere finsrai te Pro- aevll, oho deteuled Legiee 13- asd Dar- aore lesbsg te Precer WceeBsc woe st 12- y Melon cand 11-710o aient. taie SARGIENT FARM RUNNING BACK Mikie Kcodrick dedgto Ceoudien liove deioncemun io o Milton FIug Fotball Leause buffle Wedoeoduy evn ing F/ag football MR. MOTORIST: LASSO THE BEST DEAL IN TOWNI BUY 3 SHOCK ABSORBERS AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET THE FOURTH ONtEF ahead with our shock absorbera" Maufoti 701 MAIN ST.E. tRight ocrons tramn Copeised Lember)e MILTON 878-881 9r.tn milieu, lin es osls ooeies,enIn bord ils oe band and one eft 100e esely bande IN pardi le fronltftbr Cesosp Court Rosge. Cenerts ocre etteet ptaced le Vitiael Park andthe bsndoasuantimportant part oflte fieierfotomneotu BRfiabîitrien ooe nsua-r is sital, Tbets, ohi, m, 000v indrpcndcnt agent. ordeal witeu os rsmepetedrcoepsnirlinthe bsiness. lnd asnyoor îndrpeodentsaet eo rsn ohtsinebenlfaityoslemsnhs abathytallr. Fn ne our nune pro eff Biesec Daiga et F.W.B. FITZGERALD INSURANCE OevtogSînce 1934 2IOMccSL iliSn 878-2326