The Canadian Champion, Wed ,J une 28,1978 7 Police offices too old, crowded: report Thse Nattas agisea Poales overcrwded. isl h down isy tihe Centre of For- Offîcers are conttsaty caltt AssaclattO t mae 40 'Te oettitsi b loeck iste seulecSciences. on ths pe mua lage; thse au lnssat a iIs sstty ose ta accommodiata interrogation Rosse. No lunch ad go dont a tJist Of sresaaatatof thtie pris=e front, Miltos, Actas ros e i set aside for tis stais ta anier celle. toits. as meIla ereoo pospose. Security: tise bailding la Ma:y af tdmsS woatd ancien P nair areot seea= . PrpryRse isit sa iocked! op atter 5 p.m. whlch ciagsfor Matos, George- Feosae priaser tltt~ odaisotoi e ni a t tesoso no one ln tise bilding. owsaActao. acomoao thte cell la ana i. sner scr.Con- .PoSeeraI oticers teaoe tiseir Tbyisclade: oistalsing tise already in use. ."Ttere la a sequen tty to preserse Ilo in tiseir loceron Natas Cosstty Itealt Unit crasis bar exit dsor mitisin 10 evidasce tise oficer muet keep coietion of tise siitI 2 Buiding at Mitto tsi use an teet oftiecell (escape)l it in isslocser. Division was eser hroken loto Distrtct t iseadquarters and t2 Ttsere la no triacy in tise Parade mrose. 'Tise tacititY tise departoteot coutl isave a divisioofestls'. tunsh rosse, this ronts 'o part just dos not exist unteos you ,ery embarrassing sitation if Dstrct 1taes in te nr o theconentaithalwaywisich use tise report rost%tooh seseral rvles wr ot Nattas and iseadiqsartera in teads ta tise second ttosr of- rosse etc. tisere 'o atisoîuîety stoteo." Georgetown' tie". nopivocyl. Etsewhere thse police Aatotiser recoomeandtiton Tlisougis tise omis parking association woud like tise canator thsereanationofthe spots are eotremely limitedaet regionol headqoarters Gergetown ottice to se o50 f tise tosrccocs shift; it s ot building at Oakvîtle used an a isothltasottlffcers andtsose uncommon to osait tor o potice station instead ot ýA nom moing out of Acto. Il - ', pariing spot tshlesacated. hoosisi tise admtinistratio. RUELENS talks te, re- would, tiseretore, maina iis situation in Actos han "It (tise building) se tise osiy closg thse Acton precinct. îosprooedl receotly, accordioti police buildingithoe regios porters after Thurs- Tise recommaendations ais 10 tise report, isy mosisg thse ond isnt 00beisg ued toc tisai duy's commission meet- sal! tor csasideration ot oses front tise old tous hlall porpose." ing. sistittlng District t, and i.. no the YMCA huildingi on In Oorlîngtss, tise reportouo snaisga nem ditrict. Undet' Miii Street. "The condition of cecommend pttiot the three f0 o sight ... Do ose, on al tise aciseone, Milton wosld he -,thseotdhbuilding was kssicshy divsonts sn ose ceotral loirnesu, hase 10 mrk ot ol sperae trose Georgetown- " 'tise Police Commission. yci boilding old and inadequate hoiidings Actos they allomsd tise men touwons "The admisniration and the itiss otiser bsranchs ol LSoilg aitie Georgetomn in 1his deplorahie buildint commoission soutd he gosernoseot, issus leatty and office, therelot celefora witsot cossiderationlsco te asamedsofsur opratiooai cetiooulty, hanensocisormns tatrty ns, bidinlg 10 replace mes miss workise tisere. Uoder isuildings," stotes tise report. and houter tocitities. As tise otd oee. Honing ail Actas tise neos situation, parking for "WisrO oc on officeco ostis eoemplen pleaae compare titi and Georgetowen ottlcers mors pornonol sehicles oa sitl a ict liese isuildings 10 report fiee depacimeoto. tise toms togettiOr moutd iseprose prshlem, tise tumn wiii only tor duiy. tiseic morale dropo cetiouleseployeeo." esprit'de-corps, asd esahie alloos tws packing oposes for isetter utlisatoof prsonnel. departsieni veisicles on MiiiP lcldm n s rtl otlof on ui oldg h oe Tise buoildingi et Milton is tise bu 0 shildi ogo sev te HRAP IDENT AL isofs tise tiscer, accocding ien and icrase RUELENS relcasco the report, il leso l n yeos said arrogant, elitist M-a"osedtseeot morale report. otd, sot prsporty osiced and ReesPtseItlnPoic o In lise lot of tout ycor hos, stidated iseatiof sysiemo Tisr Halson Police as spposed 10 senior otlicec CmiSO oree ie tise police odminstrîatison obiis cosiinuoily bsrais Asoociations mocole report foioatisos o orce policy. taodomoer of tise Georgetown ordered cotise and po~p dos. seros in os tise ad Tise Nalton Rogisool Polis ottlce, Ny Gladmas, ta malle machine ise remssed fromt lise Tise momens ooliroom is miistcaiscs-scstei' ofliceco Association mould tise ts se. changes 10 tise appearosce luoccirau iseeoosessrmwood tocoted iside tise secOcasi's .ho manage tiseiore-siose thie paco miiiiary concepts o and structure. According 10 sot supply tise Comminss sifice Os tise main fisooad os attitudes ace mîistiotfl, the preoin torse set oside tisecommissionotis oscihona s Ohc per item salt Tise soivery pcivaie patecoalitii. orcogant or and replace tisem mils tis lieent dose. Itomever, tise administcationibs oosiercd Thsemeo'smwhoocOOmOiics etlotit notionof policehbeing a profei police ottices" report sosies on olternativen îce the dms isove a sso'.ec niali, os Tise report dîsctoimts aoy son of "sopisisticoted pui thetfollomlng: mocinies mecs cemooved. locoted on tise second fluor. isioshet condemoaliso of tise scrvanis." Tise oticers' locker romi O Th, r Ocstislyzer o in tise cr01 ta tise tocesîe and couct odministration, isut sOutes tisai Tise report dros on O0 1 insthe celllosh. This mes lockecmontmandsrxtitotsr ofices. ifone has taisowec powec ioinsthseihs of aoem sources to pasin tise ides o tise otiersl pot up ositi tise mss's moosrcom Pcîoacy ise bootso go occoos lise hoall torse wo rotraoge tise mon is hisio police associtio stescisand abuse fronm wite doiog tise tesis os vic the toiser rosi, lachaooge. the field icosi thr odminlicta- memis eno tise gosersin prisoner whe ohe ar ulyipsil n os eio phone is tise tion if tose fr0 lait in ibeîc polire isody-tise Nouso rhnlng o ce cohai isey antaltegieie e uc rtr ntetidfor tiue or s Pbltë egionol Police Commision chagsg7h0 lche no a ospl ofm spes o hai Tise îcot socrce, o proie fil fiessated on thes oc's report. costeods th;o reotae srostis o eitiser comiosOinO o M etro Assoc. PreSideflt puln h oreaat assoiion somrmoa And hisone . .theequippdlfocmanatrment i aerbr o d el rguost iudui eltimonscT looks lat Halton report osuyche n ciseioal ehdofidlemn oedurtr npectuo, and cosolutiOr memisers ut il Masy ot tise proiteos ciscs police cieis and (iis youohave thseiigbcot ,agc ,hi oblyt deoith ossociatinsare inooted " menissned in tise morole associations cotuisit i îthseprovincc,.isalt tairueus aod impartial oppropriais decisoo moii report hp tise Naltts Rogiosat Os fisc drmasd 0h00 ait Lest year tse cage toc a li misoec. regard is discipline, in thepolice force". PoliceeAssociatio an ise sreo promotions ohould Ooisr place Claso Constaisle on Noasn cas investigaions and more Tise second source, a cepc sn ailer occupatios. Otiser witii ou days. lilelyns aîd br $tiot77 os, A police otticer important gcîcrat at- tu tise foseroment of worierotlivemith alamifor the coutdl sec managrment oîttheisainemtcaoiinTîooto titudeo. " meots the police cirand t ctaet and s low tor tise Indien, ucceamîso about btia use. mode t19,025 Tise report poisird oui tisait presdeot of tise association i tasorltlsse and tise leur tos Mnagrement. ise saîd. moy Front isattiitetI'vcse of exemplrs oft isa O ermed us tise hourd misici gaver crltîcirseprions. canl Os chanoge Ose s000us tise report, tise recommenda- administrative sorcom1005s thesforce. In order ta beelp place tise wuisi Ohe force. oee il il cent lions are tatOuai, saitd "are ra u mrous tu tint." issuesin thsemaiostreamtof male a Usriutchange itiout Tocoiu's EoeyOH Osaidise buci suhocicumiigo inciuded police lite, MetcopotitOO fiiîga positiothat O ocn as surprised ait saime tise reluctasce of sor senior -Tise FarmecOs Mach Torono Police Association "Oui if tssy're (tise com. recOmmeodations. fronm tise rasAs o mraite o ueom decisisonrs esers Saturday mordit President Allast Esetyn mos mission)t aisusiof tisai administration paotnt o vioco os bher o n an d as apparent snth igi Pi. paring] aused 10 comment os tise situoltun-chicOt t rcad toto Heosaîdise isuugitPHattoas dîscccpascy iseicees tise and is stoctiog ta dc tgo Naesnreprs.s-t'h Ibsre morradiiosrd, treatment giors tomer runis crowds. Tise inservice training on invitiofi thisai oftresous Noton Oas stuPPed ]ast lcom thiasrocutiation osturmo hecauue lisece wa00n O u bltistirs oitithe ireprtr mooey tisconer tise catit Of s000e tise ratio ofpolicerOf avertimas whide tise men cere ticers tccitirrou tiper 010 on couroe, accordisi O tise t didn't realior Paton 000 report. liaut iîgi Oer agiat. rtios -I dos'OisOiow oa police areusetes Hesaid il as ise dapartmestucan opeto ay t aiking Ose outoier out n oltisool in-service ralinn. moses as cubier gites ot ositi tise changes on the lotos." and say Ocomto at. buat bris a Evetyn said, god or hadt cficer, t depeodo "No police deparimeot on thse ummuoiy. oporatint ositisout in-service "t1 really cant ol mn trainingitskeping offcers absoat iseiog igb. sUien istormed asd eqaipped O do aliter thîsgs in tise reportno lus jois," sid tise Torontoise'rce traîcîsgt1h00 presnideot. Accordiot Ecelys. indîcaies Ou me bhey buve a tise Ontario Police Commis- pritm. sio-siicis goseron ait Police Tise Patos report toits fora commissioss-hs o duOs tO isandsoil atitude tocards saS Ohat police forcers have in- police budgets, Tiset sisculi servicetrsisiog. noib is uhîrct toi ruts or Tise Nattoo police oouid tike ausîricy measures. ilstte a pool ofnemsvesictes tuodca EvelyoseuiiOis a cuocers of on whe tilestseyuse pon 99 par cent oi lise police the fo,lsl mile mark. associations in Canada. ts that reaosahte He Oscierd Ose cei4uesi "pie The 0Osomile figure 0500 on n thecsiy". usedby the Ontario Provincial "WisoO Oiey i(tise com- Police toc yearo, ise said. Pr mission) shuuld ise duog is custisurd ip sopint nui sproding mosry tOsv municipal torces use Ot Ne moey-lu finid cays ut put- said! ise thoughtis t as a isg police forcrs bath os tise reatistic figure. rc. The Nalion force is osing "Opne ofîthesadt tiîgs abut tisai tise police association ise bsudgets acroco Canada i0 tisaI pari of tise police commission gotcrntoes bute doue go lise association cona bote a nothîog lu oerîcoutly study tise say inpoticy making. impact of police ors. us "Tisere isotsingormwaout cays o isteruor police ossociations asising foc Ibis proucticitý or efiîcieotY typa of isivoisement Tisec Tiser ba., bers nomjo are srte isisecesi proistemo. study is Canada." salid Ose audit os isargoinisg." soîd Toronto associaion presîdent. Euelyn. Ne said! on suris tic Later on ou îstercîec cis cunistaoces il woutd ise a con- Poison Police Association filetOoliotecesto have an resîdeni At Purltîi tise association memiser os tise qurotio cas aukct chY no bsoard. mention ut cages -as made in Mec said, however. here is the moralerceport. no douhi tisai chanoges misis 'sou cas isaedtv du aoythîog thseforceoare motismocir rise ohen tise tout year astO The men in blue speak for themselves Thetuttuulig diilt'i'stpt kceiîop toi.ol i liii .0 i 01 aîr firitetaliion iioliritl 00000ý1 pý,I(iiiii 000000' Police AsotctIiion' u morale' i(l',bl' ha-î an report. They arc misai ther c'atpisrttilti"' otticer os tise otreet iold the- "tout i0 site ii lise <'Sor tal association, ltius uosetecesiai R.PQ. .1 casoý ceeme tise aest PRegional Iledquoritrst t tl. osas proud to hase gurssiseifiguced sicrltis the somneor sisit our police osiy tese police building in station. Afber ait, mios pcoud lise ORgion cýe sisouid houe ofiduio police o in saime accrus O Ol Otouldo't i0 hsave ailesuildisedrosos? taen simplerctaput Ose ceai ".Cas asyooe Oel me misy policemen in a r00 Polie me need on office in Actos' building and lt tise Admioîs' JeusI il aice ose cas aflordits (Cuntinuedon page 12) SAVE $2.05 Women's LONG GOWNS SAVEV $4882 le Piece 1/2 PRICE MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS MEN'S SHORTS sET $11000 SAVE $3.02 BOUDOIR LAMPS SAVE $3.08 Gouvi Psie DUMP TRUCK $430 SAVE $399 PATIO LIGHT SETS SAVE $1,10 É"LOVE 1505 SLIPPERS FEASTr YOUR EYES: Bue1 CAR SMALL PRICE 'Local treish handlitO and taxes appliable rB 210 SPECIAL exepioa 000 sac alue. Bulti sDatsuO AV 45 SAVE 95* TArd cer coa tn busecono y BARBEQUE àRUNNING Cati noos& TOLES s BOOTS 878-413 *1q 1 NORTH END CLOSED ON THUR .anFRI tii 9 CANADA DAY DAISUN TU SadFIu9 Mur. Wed. 9-530 D IASU TTRFT Pani.9- 610 Martin Street 1-"'1.'ý51 14MAIN OTE 78-4U3 Tusat 93 Milton WHEREMSMMMUEVUw W I9