AdWoo Jy Fanta bp1 Jsiras ciam .9 Oiies Bbie ai beticspbas-. atd soumiss lire a gterglieg rate bas-yoD ' Gise uWsep. a tentait Acces-ding te Ad Wandtey ut BronlefSt. f., breeder alPse taut"ain sd belmete fus- senesa peurs. reaiefig pigeons le sue ufthIe mont ieleresftig sud ecrtomnicat. hbbiesa yeaeigsler cen gel toril. Ad sbsuldd bana, he was a 4-H leader tas- peare and pear- Wbes Ads-elired front dais-y teresteg le 1962 sud sutd lue BesseleSt. tas-m, on subis-h hie'd is-a sitese 1921, be and its mite Rite bafii e s-testalbe- bame on a corers tut ni lue ta-s abt f cas-pentes-p tes- e liomn sif dida't bonp Ad busy eonugh su ite teebed arsued tes- a hobby. fbaowig sa te bis blond, Bie ritales. Hie gs-andtle- sbsoed trahesa showu s-bas-ees aI lue Ses-lis Fats-t in ig Ibatuon Ses-len bs-camne Kitc-hener) atd shooed uti bie died. Ad boed pigeos and exhibition Peattrp as a bap, his-yclilg as-oond lui ts-boni tais-s ollu e ban nof bison uthle bas-b obont.t Wbes bie tradt bome- pigeos, Bie onp badins-cart thees une suep. o lue e-tus-o jourey Be'd lt luesu go, and lus-y'd as-s-me home balte humr Ad wat oinnlng prizes oulu bis birs-den luen, ailhugb lue prize moes- amuted te ont i0ncense. lThal oas quite t soes-lug," be cuus-hes.t Ad Woodley reminisces andt Be s-ut go bas-k tlser lhum, earty sholeg drys. Hie asuesturs os-s-s the tient subite t setlers in Gait, ars-iviof byt un ces-I. The-es li a litlei pus-h ioDGait subers- luep iived.t Sp the time Ad uotu oesr lue hume las-un en Milot, be mas a di-in-lue-suont ebomasr. He sboesd lise Holseincealleathe-CNE I fus- ps-as-s inctsdisg the renerve chasupion Hultein When lue Wondtep girs-t os-on ber, Lus-na Item Mss Giesrge Gronios ni Jus-dus ftation) and Marilyn uo i Mss Robas-tes of Jarvisu oere b-tsnesy active in -H t ass-i Thir lalues- hadt heen - on 4-H asabey and lter a leuder tes- hait Bis tifs- ou cunt fs-i ebusuinoul ut peur blond. Ad Wondtep fontls, su a pigeon luit oas bah t lus-h Wnedtep ps-epertp in 190f. He s ap be tuved poilîr and hirs, bel "Rita oueldeit bave anp s-Biks-st arond,- o be ds-cudsd un pigeose bs-causentf the suait s-nue and aurna t of led s-squis-sd. an unce of grain a day," d espiains Ad bas-dltp sailes hin pigesos a pus-bing us-uts, be bas a beautifl Weudiey-buit lot cusupete witb pigeon boies, indivuduai apas-Isus, atd ionding quars-su lue eacb faesity. louens-îght b lit tont as-eu divids-d mn Io loftn and ies-d ies-uts-, Ad casl bandie- 10 buonding peurs. ili pigeon fancier AD WOODLEY shows off a prize bronze tailmark, one ef thse tantail pigeons he raises in his Bronte St. S. home. Pigeon rnising tnd showing iS an ideal hobby for a youngster, Mr. Woodley feels. Tha chu sua The antaute tepurut tuas-tes- cuutd usubtet ban 29 I oheut Thu fendIs- ul the .074; ut be C P hum pi ibuce - ut tht e e i s- t Ses-s eed s-e lugeons s-o yen i wIIq lent te enough fos- usynne ste te sho." Io lete hud lue and the belmete in e quartes-s. Moteez les-s have ebared the n in eus-lier deys. Ad tubte le gel sumne tel add te bis un. There as-e mus-e tbrs--e ut pigeons sul d baaobis-bfu-ehs-e e et chuices. prias-s on by lue phusdinctude speciai shuc uitIhe Reput sn peel nf the shown aI .E. in 1977; s-ense on ut Gueltph Peultrp chasupion peune bird Canadien Pigeon sushowand many Ihuugb the s-sue and ouis-sms-uts et a teo as-e mndest, il traites a ta- of leos-ning bes-s- gondbtrr; ares-brsd. Ad and Rita npetd a large pus-tien et Ibeir spure lime tranetling in the cas- lu ninit elur- breeders, compare soes and puetu u- nor bede a fs-o birs-d Ad tie-n te ail the sbhos but Rite innt sure as- filles thons-, lihe ps-sfes-n the visiting. Shos nu ba bering tes- a non-purticipunt, shne feels. fs-tss any sbho, tbe chuen birs munt b- oanhs-d and ps-epurs-d Cars-tut bathing in deleugent and rinsing out te fathers, un teioed by tluttung, drying, and vaseline on the legs te beng out the-uedeetuur The identification band muet be cts-uned suuth un nId Ioth- hrueh, ruptaten Ad, ns- the judas-il otîtIinb heus tonu ut a diuty bird. Fer any peungster oushing te gel intu pigeon u-aisiug, Ad remends geing te oes of and ashing qusteions, Bird bs-ondes-s as-s a helpful tut, sayssAd, and willtutps gie udetes- and assistance te unyne ntastttg eut. There arenev-saths-eed associaions to jin and books ta e bsusad. A fend bs-es-ding putir et pigeons sheuldu't us moe bhan î20, adeinen the exnpert, altbugh pries of $3Wu and $4001 ta tit0ane bheen purid ters- peetat pigeons. Liutening te Ad Weedtep, ut sees-mas ut pigeon funuying us the ideal hobby tes- anphudp teitb a buetupurd ItIstorex- psentie, uhueubung, social, and reous-duef As iftiret lent enuugh, the uusultung guerre (bird dueppunge) as-s gasanleed te lertutize a gauden sei extennuvety, the egs-tables grecu gtanî-sits-d in no livre. li vour Iawn Attack chinch bugs may hie lsariertitg bat- chleuh bugs. se humsssee sltnatd plant Ileir eussent campaign nuls- Dr. M.K. feus-s, an Ontario Ags-îcltîural Coulege este- esutugist. bas s-eceivs-t funds frones lue Ontas-io Minist-y ut Ags-icultur-e and s-sud lu du reses-ac on thalse pestes. He sape tbep batcb froes eggn laid in tale Aprit us- eus-ty May. In hot uneatte-, thte s-ast- cutus-ed, oteite-sts-iped bugs teed un lte us-on und sauceu- lest stems ourasf. tie grass; beinga favorite . Ctîltcb bug daesage je suatty nnluced in eus-tp te mid-Jup, obett dry sunmiee patubes ut grusu appeur, The bumeoner may thlii the bugsrep-eadntgin the taon, bat lue Moellhes andi- cateIbheareas in ohieh lue te- mates laid Ibeir eggs aller teavunt oites tubas-nattas sites lu tees-bp Betges, tenue- s-os us- tl grats Tu check the taon fer ehincb bat infestatin, Dr. tieassuggests cuttiof eut the battues of a gallon-stoed cen and lusring lue ebas-p edges in tbe suit. Thret tillth u-au oilu oute- flirrief lue s-entente tus-ces lue ued-eutored eypshter tuaI te tbe sus-lace cubes-e tbey eau be asnt s-asitp. "Il ibis te dune te limes i the Iront and becb yards in suspected stress us- n the edge of dead patchesand any bubt'y en..agbrte justtty Ireu- tus-a the an fIan te.' tel ebtuctt bugs s-uinthIe graun. Lapung sudt us- s-sdiug is uns-ensive." Onechernicalts-eutment in tbe lis-st Ibs-ee sue-s et Juty bas proen rîefetis bs-as the total pepuatte -n psesu by tbattime. Eus-t reatos-ut misses thbgs bacause ths-y suayuinvade froisuuns-eat-d us-su, nr bateb trusu s-gfn un- uftlesd by tbe insectIc ide. -Bu sure yu nps-nd the .Iaty t betidap oeebend in Milton, Iber- is a fl pue- gram tins-d ap for the Cem- unnty Day ce-ebs-aliee bs-tue baying eperattans. IDOW STICKER seen in the bacit windnw of a uer ceught thse et- ion uf the photographer. If's t rue, foci! carbaryt es-e umcomeended uithle rates speid by the manutacters. Dr. feus-s adesses eps-mb- tisg lteon for-anhualer- apptication ni the insecticide lu hellp petels-atten. ibis flodelus- cbinch bugs troies lueir preciv- coesr su Ihey contect the ubemicat. Hais-y chlîtch buts have been a nuisance in Onturi metrupulitun as-eue ninceý 1s-t1.Sonnebemewneshave been pîugued yeurly but s-e teatchbhas nul estubushed wby sorte tawns are infested morethuni utîtees. Earty diag- nosis of these pesta is the tu-st step lu eftective coetrot for the nuesmer. The Canadtien Champion, Wed., June28, 1978 C7 Study engines By Datvid Agtew suenbers umude a sketch on puples-ut ellenpus of a diesel The Jute meeting ot the un u egn Duuglut Muy Halton 4-H Tructo- Club ucuu ucun ut he meetingto discuss betd ut the John Iteere a Junior Pluuuug Match for ContrtyMariin ActunJune the membereloa prepuetur 21 Vuce-preident Doug at aeeen-t duy Mus-huit opened the meeting outh the 4-H Pledfe. Thetumeetinguwauadjurnted 'Russell Murray und the by Dnag McPhail. CARPET SHACK DO A ROOM OR A HOUSE4 SELECT FROM OVER 40,000 Sfl. YDS. OUR HIGIIEST IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY MORE! $49S O 31r 'CHIPFOAM UNDERLAY WE CARRY REGULAR VALUES I 29 VERYHINGELSEWHERE 12* a D SO OteO N ERYTHIN UPTO1 4 95 s D 11s-,s-YOUSELF ON Right nelit to 320 STEELES AVE., MILTOI ye' Cas-pet Le~îo~AI Queen contest seeking entries Wht um a su eesu Mrs Rei suesd h opetr emust auohave nuessas-p s-vents stl og ie of, supra petiini ntabat ba si kotedgsetofafais-s-psenOtg Mtotn Fairtfor sinl uds-rwue te betd the eonts-- and local happenings un ons ps-us, usetudsug the second annuel Miltton Fats- "Ws ount a fiel te Mitotn, centinu-d Mr. feud. C.NE. Qusel ofIhe Fois Qun oenutesI. s-sprses-t eus- tais-, and uire Theus- otît bae Ibuo judgeu ('entent. The estotispen otgirlts done net neeessaritpbhavee tuuorthe eveeth ut ath u eu Enforma tsmsuay ba eh- 1t peurs ut age bp Augut 15, be beautitut, uhe stuted. Ibey have sel bon nasusd. tauns-d tbs-uugb Ms-s. Reid, 1978 and net e es- s ofont Cetaontsowittba judged The ensupettien un RR 2. Georsgeton ut 877- agle hy the saime date. on genes-ut appeuuane. ncheduted te tubre place 8429 us- ths-uugb Ruth, Luel peau tour girs-t dupotes-ssn, pessnalttu, a Fuidap evesing, S-pt 23, un ofieasIS RH. 4, Milles ut entere--sd the s-vent. but iu cs hus-tope-ch and a peucaus- Milton firgrounds. n7n-7462 The ds-adtise tes- bups-d mure girs ucil entes- untseus-ow Thetutuos sust attend ui ens-Se is esdap, August1 the unsupetitiet Ibis peau. aunes-ding lu Hans-t Reid, u assistent en-es-dinttes of the --Wr oute tibe te bue an thulemans interiors suanp aspossiblesresad i and addiced the competittus n M 340 MaSt., Mitoe Ot. 879-3435 CdavrYarIMd epse lugirlu living in the touIn~ as wetas girlsivingin the- conts-peide. i Fuil fte psa- Ibe en CHANGE 0F NAME ... SAME FAMILIAR FACES and s-inesssaid Mrs. Reidj ftenlon ba stric Hig suoo orm CdvYsrlett 10rec bylIl MiltonI Geown o aelie saru teo ba pu icputn Where you can stili gez a good in an4H clu bH nlai. 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