Paradoxical situation 110e EriIor Asyose eeadist Bill Smiiey's solumon in The championsofMay 31 may have hoos stiuokbas 1 as wth he interelsig par- rosiesa situatiîons olhrs totîldren. lise oel educalod doogblor rsilh nlo rmployosrnandla dimt future and nusonsa "Naha'i" Pioneer a'ilh "psycbieý toro ,igbt.livong tappîly. hasd tir mout"ý. 55e are &u Il tfamilier mllh tirs daoghrer's stcry as eiahseýaied apos hy Bill himseil, bur whal about bru sos in Paraguay? What woid motivat a young man of27years tuleavebis naive Canada and jooesey rhososds ofbilOmoeesic roach and mort amonsts Poople with treange custom, loogoages and îoadilios' Asposo isvesliguig the sassai faitt snole the c0rrec$ speilinal mitis art open slnd cannot irelp bul be imssoessed mit lis relevanoo asd urgent importance 10 ail of tke people oftIhe oid to-day. Siugb Smriy. aiong misir dosons of Casodias Baha'i proeeo in ail corners ofth0e world, js oMmrtes 10, the sahai princlples and devoted ttiheservice oGod enas leosacri- tise te secueily and affluence of his salive bomne in esehang or ae aife ot solliiude and poverty wii er msloeoic and reward- i00 Ihan me aI homo vas oasiiy imagine. Paradosival bal loue. David Pisillips rsos ronteoStreet Milton. Battered wife syndrome [)ror ,drror: Asi lotlrn nioler aboîrd thobtieredmwifo yndrer, 'm, preohim mas mna abuse 1 n- ctrîlldehran odtO a gea inutiec heîcg peprraied. mteoe 110000v and dryrtdoo childes rein r cive Orheuî reas a socelY ycaîîvcl proOlOO 000 defeirsrles.then e ollt ome te dipmwith Iherfacithalow 11110 nothrthe umane soc- vra- lIc try tuI pi tra> orsolvos as hoing. 1 au o royîrrtc lc the hIameonltaoyose 1 ervoc or yrv.îîîs.hlcusr l wocaid b un rosit c fit r',,'rr,,tie irdu, a pigeon bole casre osomabe aves.l Orbai I am Irying to say lo: 1 usderstasd tbelfear, and loch of confidence Ibel 000000 loi aller raoiy yeses of abuse. Wt Godo tosp and lime, poobaps me wiii ho able 10 eradicalO the sut5ering of w000en and depencdenl childe, we bave ta look isside lies jus 'tpy te advertise, says Edgar Fouler, Woodward St. A couple of weeks ago ise sp- proached Tise Champion to see if stiluada picture of Bey. Je W. Csoley, Wiso mias preacher attse Milton Metisodist Churcis isere from 1901 $0 1904, as itw-ias needed-by a churcis in Walkerton. Tise nemapaper didn't have one, but offered to publicize tise need in tise People Column. Well, George Haustos of Oakville (brotiser of Cllff, 0f Milton) read about tise request. lie at- tends Humbercermt Churcis in Toronto, and J. W. Cooley's son Frank Csoley is also a member tisere. Mr. Houston p ut Mr. Foster in toucis witis Mr. Cooley, and at last report, tise picture is on its way. Howr5 that for results? Champion staffers iseld an enjoyable steak barbecue on Friday evening. attse Acton home of advertisiflg sales representative Mary Wat- son. Mary's fatiser Tom Watson, a former Acton restaurant owner 500/ working il Tise Cham- pion's printing plant in Acton. brought isis chef's apron out of retirement as chef for tise evening-and did a super job on tise steaks. it mas sucis a good party, me aIl threatened to go back again. . . otîtiorreturned home recently froso a holiday trip to mooid Bite themiomren 1n bom dit teoo Great Britain mitis lier husbsnd Burke. Tish *peopleoin themwoeidmho eealy cre. and brought home a copy of tise Nem Milton Ad mili continue t0 figts long0 as soot sn vertiser published in Nem Milton, Hasts tiOO continue. England. might add bait sisrve me haoe tod sort ellent pressovoverage, many volunesro ,e onteiForth andrifiis oninuesmwe 9 p«:o tmietrheome he ompasion orientedOp cio ie s e stouid ho esetsl iiyone %ishing to hareteir story wit (confiîdencesmilhobcrespeviodî please Did yuknv ola s'i lto tos Oa13rok Drive, BureiOgoO 0n.01 rcltalsa oh co Glioria ks aclsv peboycriIadt Chaiomas The Stopsveo CommilOO cooii adctiecr Marg saya they enjoyed a visit witis C. F. curry, editor of he weekly paper and ho gave them a tour Nf his shop. He prefers $0 print the paper with hiN omo transformer, run by a diesel ~aengine--claiming hydre rates are exhor- Itro graduation time agarn, and many local students are obtaining their degrees and certifi- cates at area colleges and universities. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, reports tisree local people among its 750 grade tis oNprinq: Mary Louiue Beau and Douglas A. Card olMilton received general Bachelor of Arts dere hile Laurence J. Treuwlth received s dil Wain business administration. Warren Cralg Blggar and Mary Clare Stiason of Milton are smong the 500 receiving under- graduate degrees ait Trent University in Peter- borougs. Congratulations, students. Congratulations tisis week ts John Wood, pesent secretary of the Milton and District Kinsmen Club, miso bas been elected as 1978-79 treaNurer of tise club. Heil1 be installed in office June 23. iJon' ho aioaid t0 taikto1 yoarsoii, ilv PHILOS- roaily tbe osiy oay youcvae ho suresote OhITS oe i listeniot. 5y Edlîb Tbey say mestal tospitalo have more Soapo bme patients 1ha0 w0mev in tem. Who do you suppose par ibem hboe? The Canadien Champion, Wod. Je7,1978 5- Cut sales tax Jelinek says U[All abou/pI cperated ornaIt business mrartOlartues. This oald no( crly tnlp rhe or'orol sal business orrrOty, bot roake Canadiartproduced gccds cmpottrlvo mrlh Iher îroporroi conterparts aor ohiOSa fleral---ao wold crcou t c ho cllected.' Irlîrrek scys 000011 toor tessshcold ho dolroed a oe hat is 000cr oporarod an rrl or domicatnt in rts f roldý The gosoroment deftios lords rhe oomtor ofem plcyrro Ihal cao bo ern- plcyed CHARL01ES LI'INEN5, ('harles L.îrdlrorg vins one of tho screolioro cho rcorked o h rsî ortîfioil haort. Voor sopport of OnrarroNs llrart Fund kepsrsearch programs aivelO ACRLIWSANOYMOU1 MEETS EVERY TUESDAY 9 p.m Grace Angli'vu Haccga orohle. Pa,rh Hall Drop m. AL-ANON ALATEEN Do ycc have arelative Is - uns orh a drinin rk0Iv1em d,,vk,,g bothngyo.' Meors Thorsdayos M:00 Wededay. 8:001 p.r. Grave Chuch P.M. Grave Chuchl Paish Hal Pa,th Hall Stretch Your avings Cash ln On on CIL'S Acrylic Latex CIL's Trutono Housepaint, too. Lo-Sheen 115.99 PERR GALLON For silîrig, hrit'lk anrd masonry. Latex a eoiln, stretches so il wori't crack. blister or Peel. ALSO AVAILABLE IN COLORS m ~ THURS. &t FR1. W*~vOoNO TILL 9 II HadWare 385 STEELES AVE. 878-9222 3 ic rel hsefed I599 ' slar u ofo eilRce v rsfo s 9 jAdriralDiswashrs 1 59, se 00 faromr ail Canadien ...edaodoperatdorrcll brusiness ooonufdcloeers aordig to High Park Humber Valley MP 11110 ici Jolioek recenily con the Tory nominoation in Haltcrr Jolirrek as speakrrlg in he iiotofComronsorfnOa pro- posairo raie frsîo 1000 oI $51.00 the levol of sales by crcrtd mnako thoor eempr ioom poyiog the 12 per cent1 federal sales lait ce produc- tion and salos. Jelrek sardt the measr promcod hy rhe gra-errrmor drdrrr gc Far eogrh and coublrtcrly effect less tiri oe per cent of the soraîl har rime inheourry. 15 laloevecroderation should be given insrad to re 1~ ~ ~ ~ 5 YS',fc1eswrar *9 1 (o,,-*n1' Bra d N w Dr we Do bl Dr ss r o$ 9 9