6 Tbe Canaien CCampon wed, May 3,1978 Opp2ose foodl8flds designatiOn Esquesiflg group wants rural zoning 0100 C ,sa.s atîttement tisea n t s am e tredom a Rasa Mtiiler «Paea in s e Us nt me a eci-t ll la s he ht letea .seIcal retlererseta te lerrn te, theepaaa gls ete .aa-DoeGra reglrr,. mMsese essafrn ideeyl=Htena s lae-mlat Mr.-dan =CeapYetr tis G tiraele s e te d by 5 J thte-lr la. Use Mrap Csaa feel La on etag Pa - ac et an tay" .f p opte mar te B e l wbs R qo lg t-S a e epo te a h te of~ at atr stia ie to~ f e lreenaî meders of -e Soutti=fa pSa 10e wastOa e -tv la Iy'l Cave te'r osera mid Haclleslaal ettts thtedte Iatte tttitelor de lg ates. em ssed en te et seey e e oU e e et P C l e i Ue ta d l te i ee at- rp - r eln s a d o ae e't C l C ae = .,oart t rsue lt ts r 'We'r enCcurmeyeseoat so sy m, rant ht hbesaci t--ce Ue ^,r 'ttey aI c atr s te aI r ural ivteirreame to the milo.atiti Cai aflelea tard es tel la t t ha a '0fet te= Useg d o reglea H Uy Use a0fs h ave de eot e TC n a r o t e r - U ee o ti G v a 5 cadet d ra t le su tr te epeatdsk eman er rureg-a alU Z 'rll'hivt'Uehfet Me-h eofo- Cet erI Use persaet = dW.l nsi@poii e ol i Sfii mers~ "Bal User arthe r e mt 0Cenaî h he s e Mr. oadon area municiPalitiesto n atnt regeai tasla cmei eat Piey aIdRa lserd tt Usey d Ueil agaloal~com oru" Ustr. feinthli "ide ternlai ciy ee1Ctsne red ne setoe m s uppr tePly Ct. said Qoeg tSd .e7en-ne do soci ai brief say sa Belet teU - ces sf t h res h , ftaib t e At dee a st h e b c l d p l a n , s..i lan ebeto H Mttn res -e reree = taininant the mrarketlae catie tetdO:0 = .,and,.',.~~~ileet cft ao teallpfe-tonHils h ldno ' o te er e an~~~~~~'Ioci sectio Pike Useato eos h bjcs Mllion ,aCt eose teegon Cee mnniiaet week. Butthere ar otratîptosaretetobe vicbl.fcianti interesta~~~~~~dneopt cisCoit etieqaateamrsmketeyca v bc t h ;j -'Haltes on tee easyrot officiai sean for - Pero od publicatoeaieon poletesn The Criet ideotifir se Pare News, Me-. Piekney and hree teprecett Me-- vsted late-enta eee-Ctogeepetd40e C e-n PI adey repliait 72 ltronte agisl seasecatenasare liesa than 129 acres and eheecwedove-I10, aces peevncilt and muricipal ehenef faten taceme sverages etfnjeni5Ceseafe lU ste-vens 'che are eely 3601 pet ion tares in 197f. g dfr te-yeng te pe-emete lnnecen- ý Th te iUntpded Me- Densgy e i sa' - arejobla, taret "ehe in Halten that cannet Ca Pto- mers; deletatiens Cave seet cstil tUse 'ta acqoire more dued as chabtcep e es consistent en theire landl ft te-r eeighhers at efawett n Ontarioe." ra mtn ifiutte lemer peices" and a ttc nteati efthse Age-icUltel tht comeittee te knoe chose politiceschesupport lard Code of Peactice Use grwup case fa right. ret cemmittet teee Cecas 1'Usry thinh tl suggests a hyf ce aimilet ta a chairman Pas McLaettbia la atll papetder". tresofotion Usey aay enfll Ce ieterîectedi Usas Use mensate The gresp ea sreegty entroedin jehUe legealatute te-em ail formera a; "'Go agalest tootilard or hy Agriculture Mtolaset eoay and fenve ea alte-" agree uftue-al roninta but aien William Newman. Accerdlot fehite fhe Soush Esqeaiete opposes asey reterence in Use te Mr. Piehoey, Use renoletion Landeceets' Association deat n-gUolpe te the esît suate Usas eey porsee ehe tacets rural sonint, Usn Ore Papr en Planete pesecCeats e les cresteti hy Heltae Pederatese et Atte- Ug-ultueade.meetef land senteant n nan egr cutue aknttor-cmpen Usl Ageet ral Code of celeuralfaresashai Ce daemtd se deneeture theC Prcl hyeUe tohee aa effaent Pa ecepe te Ue secioneoftsepa eseetcn tceso he aea andeno eeUldwtoe naoo nda lt's cheaper for region to buy private purchasing day carfon ego Beie ginthrn e-eaeoeare n il h cet eadLaure-Maell ated t V a staff report shews. a ncutepocinsfc The report. preparrd tee- schwol etreheent Ny plannere c ue eemmanity and social that gel the sehwol board inte Services ceeeeitttt ty ce- detttcalty. Neetteltss, Mr. o erUsseating day care super- Planche sa 0 tttcold spport eissor Norma Lepa, shows 1hr lhe ned fer a social platner 1 actel per diem cest et pre- precedrd thertea was rqui vfdtg car teregionl valent reductennplanning centes esas $13.20, chreas staff. theCr stet- et tee private Haltes efilîs Ceascelle centres je Baceegfeeertre Rase Miller said et tht regete 8.7 and $960. -a beehîctier, iteeeld hae Commuestfyand socialser- euntcipalty.epe:rated day vices ertte s fr te cae cettres in rach et the report te htlp jadg IlIle tees- four ra eseecipalities ebifefy of epreeng a regienal 'Chldee are Our heggesl day car centre in Barîieg- re-strceIetsed -Weddee ton. The eegeee eperatte ecatt te taron thr eut js thteday careceres, twe in aeywee oakitfe andonein Geore- Stavg rteinalcets towe. Day care en Mlton ta echech dent have te ht con- psaechaand trone a private ctcctd eeeth profit margees centre. ensoresa coensstent qualety The hether perediete ino arergrls feo Use regienel cenrswsmecodtos Mr LePa attrihsfed te highe staf salaries, ceepatrd Quarruv. cenre, ad te ado inQ r ies erire t. n Haltas staf saaisaccecef fer 74 r a cen fecriaifegoefay m ainta in care rentre, ceepo ed e t8 pot cenet in Mete Toronto. BtefnCecle [tf flenroleentat e ulnt Cnilo Vttn acheed,cata rttieeeî Conneellays quae-yeopera- day carecentres eesld havt tors sheefd pya ta e on heen tomer than perchaard tht tonnage et ecteriels servie.e. But Mrs. Lepo halrdfeettoffstetai ean- addrd ehele erelettent taseeantn haulage routen. dreppngisrte reas.si Ceeellemade thatecoe waa rening te ethets, ettec e nt ee uorin assmeeting of the tscally Bue-finte and Miltone Haltee tRegsonal Puhblic In thehbsecef aday care enerta Ceecittre las ornA. stsady ewhich tht regee t erdtst e trlpettl recnased a structioneoftheGelph Liee etchaeeseeiteisiepossehlte te rm Highway 5 te Boreaet desereset day cue- nende, therpo Rd. se Nort Bue-ing- Mes Lepo tetU cenicellere tcn weuld ecend $500.000 and Bwrliegfev Ceesecillet eeeh et the Irattie on tht Welet Melheech. eche sejd e-d as [rom Nelson Ce-ushtd Use report eaisdl eme-e Stoe. qutfeso thae et anseed ' Etmeer Bruet Ketchee poeettd out the de y case said traticcourBts taken las1 siuonea tee whtrre ayneahed more han 27pte- sociae pltes eg rport wceld ceeteof tht te-ettec ete truesch heean e(n he hpaat the gesse te andte-ee quarrea SERVICE Fr... VOLKSWAGEN AUDI HONDA WE KNOW VOU R CAR BETTER THAN ANY ONE Our upto-datn fataottaeced mechavecs use ely Che latesteinequeteeeetanderiginal pares; att our we k is guarattend fer 6 months er 6,00lt e tes f10 tetkef Ipartand lahour>. Cosarsssy Cars By AppolfltISlft Tslophonsa 07-629oTorolit 0&ê1813 ATBAZMOTORSWVE CARE BAZ MOTORS LTDU 100 GUELPH STREET, GEORGETOWN 87-5296111 or ToronIto 6761813 ~are .idHoeere bainMr'. epe anti social and tamety ertcetoadeenestrator Rene 'ecean agreed tht quality et are-tnogiennaipriveet entes cas satesactety. Tht regeen boyseervices enfy frue thCe agrecies ehech hace an unqualfeieti ecense fese Use Mineste-y et Ceeeunity and Social Servcesa Mr. Viesen raid. The Mjnestty sts stanedards .ricare-ej eut reguta etn. specteen et centres. Tht cemeitte rectied and fil et tht report hut Mrs. Lapa cff to dan entrns1 atudY et deu fate needs. Usine feguee ceepifdl hy the la'nnint departeent in pre- Tht reien precidet s - eedzes day cate fer chelde-en eftpaentsewh ceenot eet tht tests theensefves Tht province pays ao per cent et th ot n h ein2 e should routes He sasithafeaan eep- teenaliy hitI rtsse Kitchensad the workes tht mati wan nenesaary Ce- case ifetasUetutally deec tn.Caan edeqe ate thouîder etit ced Us rapactyeof 1 r il totar at n e W fo 0eU de- mandas osens ro retien de-att etficiai plar Barl sngten Social Plarning Courocif sppoe-ted thse ln- clusior ai a aocial peBe-tes secteion se Use plan. f(The pe-ovlace oppose Use la- cîsos.) Merenver, Use Soulai Ptnlani COarci asked Use reglen te encour-age focal ecalcipaltes te set their on social go-1e andi ehiectives anti estime poficien ise erter that spart- tito Ce.responsive te ".a .a.ea asesnent et Con- mai7 needa." ThettreupCectwvter Usdet te aient with Use plans pro- posa for an ardchety Ceody Or CerlUs and aocial PoOicy pe-iee-f ies. soyieng Use Bue-îlot' ton and GaCcUlle Social Planning Ceuncils aleady porformedth se fanctions. "Il cesld pot oe more layer -people andti Ieir electeti represetetictn." raid Kar-en HUil exenutece Usrecto- ot Bue-f istn Social Planning Coneel. Tht ostahlishenent et muneitepal line-rmation offices te essist Use public je Litir- standing municipal Palicy City staff ifmoretea-m mc. reqaleilaa Paea Pul tee-Us la tise ge-ospe Cree. lie social pienniq es"2 cotte pla t:a~e Dm inlg for- Use aboliionr ot terg disotance telepCaste eCarges wiUti Use regios andi impravemest La totereeioa transpor-tationltea &om pople te cee-k in Halten. Ebenezer rY Ides-. Ison Lece Ose attesaI t Us the-aie destb ofsent FereSOs, Use cheir e-alY pla-Odt tee- Ico Sardap caa poalpossedti a latar date. Me-. ati MeS. Ferg t ne mai maryj friend 'sincteelO teU eibeeb teaf years cga and Ce miii Ce mn0Ch MINtt. He viaa ar ate-a Use Of catch and preaid et Use choir-. A nueher tramt Cern at- tendeth Ue tarerai in Streeto- ville, on Prtday. iarere ayepaUsy la natenedt te Cla mether fse Ocît, tea cite, daugCter ard tco sons. Dine at A TREA T FOR MOM Cafer foi her on Mothet's Day tf HARROP of Milton Receet Mothet te diener andl lef u eerve and de the dicftee. Please reserve tar>. 345 Steeles Ave. 878-8161 Charges, Mantes Charte, LecencerdUrder Amenican Espeso teLM lAsSOS Y051 THE -TRIM PANTI" Nnguaa$2.$OoO. Solops'ioa *lUEA 3PAR45 7 "SUPPORT SHEER" q PANTY HOSE Regeler $4.00 Saies iea *320 E.. 3 PAIR/90 a'HUG ME TIGHT" Regetr$3.0e00 SalaPr1S-a 0 PAIR/ $8w -KNEE HI'S" Retar 2 air $1.75 SaléPrkif. 2PAI/ 13 "SHEER PANTY HOSE" $2e.00 elCcl AQfA4 PHANTOM BODY SHIRTS Angelet f22.0 otloPrde 1699 Fal Rangentf Ceee-t&aSizes AIL WEATHER COATS25/oDFF * Exempta $6o0 0 ragetar Now Onty $420 avatiabie, and epeciticltati mentions r-estt ce-m modallrst. it ase aggeste 9tlse stres se nee fre a eterogtos bopatin te-st te eeigbaICaed te aresre boudai; fer aBl leveis et la- cernesit Cade dtri-bateti tiae-tgCaatt caesanici- politis ard Use regios as a white. Tise Social plannring -acil suppor-ts tise ptar'a taIt tee- sore-l impact aaassserto Or Actvlriarelfenaer Usee-eath date colectrion oeaCt e-e eSa study. Reactlat te oCatlta pet- ceiveti te Ca a Blait Cetoter emaploepr aend garerai meC tea assitance reripiente ta tefereBtes in Use plane,st g-p asetel Usrat persans hb ave met Use provnae' enttr-a tee- celfare asI te aabject te any father cBadi- tions et rlfgiCility. The BOe-BrgteB Beesa Plannirt Ceseit presentes lis Ce-eef te Use rettees Plasnniag cemmitter tas oerh. Tht plannirg teen mitter Cas nom cempletas CearItene-ea ard ciii Caie cee-C tisa romlo n erai efthUe deat plar. M ilo S Iol ofS ivn D. 0 .0 .L Rtegion pulls plug on day cars support Apptl at oso r - ub iloati Cotigetai tee tise re m ms for day e-r aMBacdts ar osafr tise Bet e-ce-l y t e n c a tit tis e b a d g e t ~ l s ro ait C u i e r u. ta bCe k le li e . N o r m ec L e ra , T e 1 957 7 C d e o a s ect-dlctrtdy -ar cpet: attaidyeaaccm a ee i n e i ta elajat meek , e-allsel: ie esst o Caf esca ve-y eetee-a eai. UsOlas- maC tieiat As a resU t et tise freos , t attlie tfsaiitrm ie arye er elgsO applieasst lepa=rect-isM ola bit Cv ati ta 12is iShold theietisg bappost tare, set- iemriitta modCv a pli a e d e o n tis e st o rt-t r i n h a u s, U se c t i t la r e -e s tae e - a s Me-a. Lepo raid, tise povnce Cao ptate a The resa ta steessa-y te tromS ras day tar Code, ay miti tise $92,0 Me-e. Lopa raid. Urge closure Etteseatera et a Mount aslgsCara cere cîtatisa Nees c rpe-ie op rtt forse sae ca inat tes ebaare bCy n O tr Te- ai C ofi Cea et s ite. Cea tnsoeit Cy1 Campera Cave Cocketi Educafion AdnCr oetiB rvtreleaeanel U se R ait R e g iB B C oa e - e -m r l titis er C e e c a sef1 - = = vattea A atCee-lfy. feateCeecaue c ws ere t e air Lcation ete asita at la tise fltd ati caeti prom Use Case e t e eece-pesent pe ty d enteem ise aiC e t a emaes it dittetetit fer tise teave. eaauoe-sty ta pale-et. Steemty Staff mere tiettei ta e hCavlar Cy meebe e nts- pesmar Use eclati et tise tpers. damage te nearby pri- peeo am ep cnd possiCle - ata prepee-ty, tampots Bo nastin of an altrata site setting P campe s onpeivate mth meers ete Strate f tarda anti incervenieace ta T-ail CC. COME WALK WIT US SATURDAY, MAY 6th From Thompson Road Arena 5 Miles Starting Times 9-12 noon Refreshments - Prizes Checkpoints Have Sponsor Shoots Forme Avallabte At: Harris Stat onery * Manis Wo-Id Newman Shoes ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE PLh chSF HCLP 1 HEI RH.1 SHthLll DONATIONS CAN BE SENT DIRECT TO THE BANK 0F COMMERCE MAIN ST, M ILTON GRAND OPENINGM Torry McDougaII'S Nursery Wed., Thura., Fri., Sat t Sun May lGth, llth, l2th, l3th e 14th &rf Opm a w us ExI*iB cvats & DowePrize e FRE SNACKS AN REFRESMENTS sO P HO M E 009PR ES f They. Fidey, Stsrdat & sundaY: ........._____________ " FREE FILMS ON TRErS AND SHRUBS AaeeonPentoeaand oendinaae OP MWpNYUSDamLYS " SPECIAL 10% DISCOUNT NURSERY WIDE OURINS open house e OPEN KOUSE EXHIDITS, EVENI " FREE LANOSCAPL PIANNN NSE RVC PUMN7IVD fMW. î15~~~ WE ARE LOCATED AT THE CORNER 0F HWY. 25 AND DERRY ROAD. RIGHT NEXT TO ARNOLDS LAWN GARDEN CENTRE. 1 t n n