Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 May 1978, p. 34

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Around the Camphr Burdock, an edible plant 04 The CaudM Chmepeosc Wed. May 3,tala 4 ROOTl THINGS WERE DIFFERENT in local groeery stores ibte early part of filor or Sare Serre il stîceci aller haiîog with suit for as0 te centur. Tia is Hannant's groeery store. minteslc Served in ibis manoer, il miabro ac eocellent pet-R Mifton 'Then and No -Wuynceim Ha nnant grocery store Setween theVVlllows à hetl1l tns <if teaseI By Met Robihnsn Over tse peures e peopte of Mitton hace baeoservedcoellhpymany ofUteterchnts mhn oerupied stores on Main ut tlomse ut thein standI out in tnp mind more ctsotty. beausa. aur tamity desatt mîth themt long eough toa khent s eetlikeuald friends. Juck Haubant SeniUr, t remnemheo quîle welhecuset1cais in sstore seofft, nd t 2a ststt remember toto as one oftIhe mardens uithUe Anglican Ctsarch He ms a dynamnie person milS quiok movemrenta. an aggrenive, decisuve Marier. Histsair wasttmekrd with giay and hsured face betrayed an actie iterest i is estomere. Useir soants, and their pereanat prebtemas as se chatted with theso uithUe service cosurter of hiu clore. Ho tived on Fauter ut. aI the coroer of Commsercial in ahome lt aac ilt for hlint i109 y John radley. Thsecontract price ofthUat fne home man $2,750. WNheo thr jobwas atmost finshed Bradley dropped i to speak tohim aboat the attic No provsion wao in Use cUntract for Use flooricg ofthUat "Jack," se said, cor are nearly tinishod. and yen reatly stsoald hase a floor in t asle if yen do it nom,t1witlprocsde the est of longe and groovehboard andlay themi- aot for U25." "Go atsead," cous Use quick repty. Whms Jacts Hannant look 0e the grocery store Usas se operated toc soooy years ut 28 Main Ut. hte vinsnoonoviceas a mercisandiser. At one toce ho had operaîrd a hardware stosre at20MainoSl East. Thal bsiessmwastlater operated bya orriesof oUser owners--George, Storey, Mun. Nion, George Dawoson, Chartes T. ond Etna Day. Bah ami e McKim, hetore it cous pur- ctoased hy Larry Sohayler coho moved il10 Use Milton Plaza as a Home Hardovaco ageiscy. Mr. Hannuol masaiesoctd for yearo s hJim lai inUseUflur, Iet' and coal business. OneoftUseprobtemaifaced by hi i ohto irst year ofbusinessmaste lay on o large sapçsty af produce for Use %interUseaoo That cous in Use dayu hefore producr mas brmsgst in fromt aUser areao Uuctog tUe cinter mocUs. He ohtainedUsheuse ofa plot of land hehind tse Towon Hall and planted potatoes Usere. Many morningo hr oao Susy cultiting his pateh aotit tl oas lime te offletheestore. Mach moore cous necded, ot comrse. When coloter set in Usere moulU te about 300 haga of posatoes slored in lte baseinent 0f Use store. tant hefore eacS n-eekend 3o or 4o pocha more meaoured out faito hson paper hago-ready toc cale.I suppy of tureipo, cahagesand nions. Those ocre the days Itofore retse pre-pagice aI Use food peoceosor lecel. and hefore checkoaf coooters and self. service. Hacoaot's mas a service store en the truestnecnse ofthecoord. Largeroarders ooe uaffy tuheo hy Use dtriver of Use dehsvecy coagon--Cheto Curry or laler Pal Frd. Clerks pachîogUthseeorders coul atoays stop t0 gise promopt couriter service lu costocoerc coho came in off Use strret. The sersice cotec wana cheerfot place wmtt cuntomers aodclerkSChatticguo0ay as itîemcsere measuced or weighedout and o'rapped. finally aclerk ood haveaat- able a ie or 10-pond bag of saor hch boit een weighed out previously inspare lime. Iftnooshe vould scoop theosugar ot of thebig bag ando'eighlitout inoapape bal; ohile the cstooer tsatched. She polled duort cuough stig fcutti the baIl on a Solder ahase the coootee, A feco deotecoot movents and the ag ooo tedand the string bcoken off. Lard Oas leigted out oins thiltlc usoodeo botats. aod su cous the losury item, peaout butter. Dates, caisns. and corento oem bagged, oetghed aod tscapped. Maple syruposas roo off tUb a boufle fImm a tup in the Acuco Whtite urne and ctder ulcegar came inby thtebareland userccoo off tmtn buIttes, wuh Oece otIen hrooght in Sy lte customers. Atlarge clttth agof dcted eans vas awys convenient t0 the service counter Theytsere scooped out andhogged as requircd-anoere dried peas.Tcame in largrcheslts hichOwere lined stth lead puper and oas tseigtted out us the customner tsated. Coffre Seutto coutd Se bougltt obole or lte beaoo cooId Se pot throagh fhe coovectenf grindoer. Thecc utas a cHt of balaoce-type weigh sclson the c0001er the tait Salasse and the veitghts, on hioîog bruos Lîhe most cunutry stores there Oere chairs or sol toc She conseoteoce of custumners Mt. Oasuatuwoeked ut the serccouetec hîcoscît o f5 a tIerS or f00, Customero cojoycd prompt service and pleusaot con- vecsation. TSey telf the store in a plemaut trame ut mod. f liou, ltaI modern mechandtsiog cottods are essential tacoct the large volume tof btuoiness doc in modern ltasu stores. butas 1 at patientlytiUfettocbo checked out,f1uonder. tfeelsure tSutthe oldtfashioced courter service mus jUI about as faot foc te average custococc aU il 000 is lu fIto the items OU a shopping lot and have themn tteclied out. SytOossIspers Potato Gags LUot year a forent of teaUet greco on Use fields Seloco Use front trroceand around the orh ideofUsehouse. peicktp. -That's an awfat cîght, Do," ohseroedi Rhea as ahe prered out ut the lîiig coco window -l'Il gel t0 il as sono os t con. t replied and cotthio a day or o found myseîf bsaity palliaig and piting Use fiorot teanet. ceop in HtonCounty A 1 orked,tm odered tsn'til a hame theres no marhetlfor afltSiistulff The oclyouset1ave eserreaiduhaut forlthe preolyplattooo to raise the ap on mmtencloth, whatever flit mentis Whte tus engaged my mind wadered bachtonifier crops .e Sase atteopteto uruise oufheme 1trecaliedwtha chuckle the yearRheaand ichard ptin sorat cocos ut asptaragus plants. eueS une, otthoolcex ception, ploced caretolly on Usegcoood UPStDE DDWN' AS, oeIll We dtd mueS botcr cltS the stra.herrem, tomutues, peus, Seoosuond os 1rememhec.Shocorer, the odUses ere a bttetr dîsappeitmeot. thc pelalues tmhked as fl tSey Sudi tougSl tenccouoty fer flefoolyltol]seio the ed. Aod my pet project, a coc of olapesvines. slocoty shrivelled and cried. on dtd the dcorf fruitfres. Uc did laSe off a [air load of Say the yearo ý ownoed the horsc The peevsh Pito alwas supecstsed the job, mat- ching every move tran mstcorral ad whinytogtin- The Scotch Pincs and N. Corottoa Poplaro wcre a hoge succesand octomer againtthesky, And. ofcourse, the Weepiog Wtlloosbhavebecomc eoous, her tStrsly rmots tedby thersproooneac wchthey grow What ltte liouabout gardentgttearned rom my talc latter. DOritg She oepreUUioo dad ItoogSt lice acces ut land oc the Dixie Road %esltofTooo. Here ce Soitl a aisil, trame collage. t dm1' knout hUm much hep 1 as. Ma 1d r~lusto agtoftstieh StucS tîqoîd usphat atiet Siteredrmoftvé, lraog a per- macentlslats and aconstant reminder of amoment of Dad dagacoetll most oftitbachrdtnSbytinth throgh bard. Stuc club. and tf ISat 000 n01 Sud coogh, ohen Se tîoally struck uatriOas o lt ifttasted sostrocgly of lime coco the oeighbortog caille old 001 toacS il Wo pul mont ut the tîce acres in pelatues -altoogh mie, utoo greo other faSte vrgetaStes. t remecoher Soetng aod Stllttgoedlecos , of spudsand getltog op a 4 a in t odast thc plantsto li cet oit Arco lu coacd utf flc15e ciu Philosobfts yEihSap t guess t oas haro in the A ccmoked tree durs n0t ,vroog ttmc. WSen f was straigSten ot age yougo oecepected + + + v alti, 000 diat t amo oider n une respects the ogcd. HemecoherîShe mreday", + + 10 tSeep tl Soly. Serve groups of 15-30-50-200 or mooej.J1<' t ahae recail stohicg Use mmod cooh-stooe in Use tinp hîtehen and the enotie tra of toast domoer he seia. Saomueh forthe past. nus throngh puttlcg Usese Usoughto do t did dimcoser a mueforthe teuaelt1am nomharvestitg. itsgret for crttcig your tse ory Want sone? Sheridan has high en rolment HALTON PEEL-A e ceot prt-lime eorolmtent re- perS imU.ed Sp Use Miosh-y oS Coieges aod Uoisereities showos Sheridant Colfege cots the higUmIt studens regiatra- lio i the province as oS FeU- ruary, 1978. During Use period front Nov . 1 17 ap untd FeU. t, 1978, S6u53 part-limte studenla were registered in credi and noncredit couses otteeed throagh Use Cots- moolîs Services tDivisioc wbîcb prosides stadies in cootnuiog edocation, relroining, andltraiingand leadeeship desetopmett. TUe proincial total for att 22 oosasuutg alles mua0, -Suodap. May 14 os Moîber's Day ARTHUR A. JOHNSONOQD. OPTOMETRIST 214 Main St. Mitlton 878-3673 By Raes oale Edibte Plant-Great ISarsick (Amuait Illppa) The Gret Burdoch as wdespread throighout Norths America. tUe stioky burs of tbis ptant are a common nul- TOaP sance, and are mualy oudn gros of titres onaong nIalU Thettlowertseads ameoosed of many smattlomers calledtlfeais, urroaded bybracts. Bett.nhaped dise ftorets fartn the centre of each head. tar- shaped ray Storeto eotend out tike pelais and are sometimsne Sent back, trots the contre. The neputs are redaced 80 a ring of baion, soalen or brintlen caltest the pappun. on the mature truot. Theone-seeded fruit bs aaborduter coveing The large leavs are Uhaped like oblong hearts, and ase rugh, purplinh. mith promeo ein Preparatin The early leave may behuttled and sred as gren.The fumwer stalk makes the Sesl eating, but be sure t0 pet every bit of the bittr skhm The piS Ufthe Ulocernstath has long beec aUed inthe makng oftcandy. The peeled youog leaf stalle;are excellentlrawUor serOed ina satad with irch sap. Thetrnt year rots are theltlttdret in aste and maybe recognized brcausethe bienniaontrmmtt rntU lhave no e.V FOR ALL TOUR MUSICAL 11 Get movin'to Metro Trust! Ourpeonlas We believe borrowing money should be painless. That's why. when you arrange for a personal loan with Metro Trust there are only two people involved. You and your Metro IL Manager. Lending yoo mooey withoul hassies is just one of the many things we cao do for yqu, ~Metro Trust yÔhs getabso- Ve Iutely Free Cheqoing; high a nai i ot interest on your savings; tMIKsn mo5q no-charge Travellers' Cheques; Tel: 878-4173 and the convenience of management with a personal Saturday hours. touch. yoo're ready to get movin' When you're ready for money o0 Metro. itMefro Trust flThe Metrpoitan Trut Co.pmny Member Canada Deposi Insoance Corporation Mtn: 55 Onti SS (M. M.1) . 878413 CARPET SHA~K *ANNEX 0F SYERS FLOORING* DO A ROOM OR A HOUSE SELECT FROM OVER 40,000 SU. YS. IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY MORE! UNDERLAYEVERYTHING 8SSQ.YD .1111 YOU NEED TOu DO THE JOB VOURSEIF only$i .90 perpersALConJ chikeViQoMan Commercial 320 STEELES AVE., MILTON OUR HIGHEIT PRICEII8 EGULAR VALUES E LSEWH ESE PTO 14" su o might ngIt te Syr' Cerpdt MILTON CAMERA CLUBO had a daay of members' prints and stades at Milton Malin the weekend and the display drew a gond crowd. CA RA-M

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