Ail hbomes Conratilaian taStî Gr ontt mia as ma È-2cte rinta f Mo rnif36, Rayali t G Sarah Martin Park Canadiansworing againanid 'reslore tise pride 1hat Trudeau han done se munis lu Lottereferred estensicely to tise need 10 roisuiid tise economy and isis persnl qualifications in dtisarea. --mc have to gel rid ufthlie oela re state and restore it mith lhrîfi and 1the tusting valuie of work. Docior Art Ross mas nominedby Met Torneof Ooisvilte and the nomination ivas secondedby Nancy Koe of Milton. Ross said the UIC aboutl h eevamped ta protet only lisose miso irsty coald not finit inoris "I oppose a gacera- nient whiRi prntecls thoso inho can vris." He salid theu etderly teel cheaird isy misai a houap- peved tii iheir pensions and Roei, country llv ai. osidth 11,0f105 overRpecdlng ot tise goverm ment inoutd ha a mitîstosie arosnd the neiss of Our cildeen and Noeir childre. Ho rappod,Noe PM tar misai isas isappanodu Note Canadian dollar sat alter listing the rdaugovornmonl'n doms' toits,, ho, said "ise Nhini Canadins cas'tcotat, tisai they rani heep score" Sons ridiculedl Trudeaa for telling Cassodians ta tigisten tisoir halis alter hoe bil hrlied He sait Trudeau mill ans Canada lu hsaveisim nogulioto mith Quoisoc over separatin. He srutieti aI tise notion, indicaing, 'tisaIs lise asig tise Boston aleangler ta sirnigisten yu 15e". DOfflOUWSEA 10W l Bas tisa fsstlsewsUP a Ot Oydes MIs.nisn l supeLierSrptsaa - dit, p-enn. j Innd sue i0n liait nere.Suav .. ac. res.n sai -là HIs COUPON WORTI I1 OFFER EXPIRES APR-Mti 385 STEELES AVE. De Oie: also hae isetadet, misore asy oftheo mauy In yosr isse ot The Casadian Cisampion, tatlettaisands in toms, trom uciual isands ta dated Cois. 26.,t9t5. yoo madeentionsof tse sesior oltzena, mciglt peorr and entertoin psrcisaso hy thseTown ut Milton oftheaKerui- uson os nday aftons misilo osjoying gisan property for ose an a passive paris fnr tiseirumunart. tieon. Aa for tise nId isouse itooti. 1 utd ogre At tisat timo lt wan paintedl out tisat ose of mits lise suggestion lisat Il hae ased for shsows tise conditions of tise purcisase agreement and dlsplays ai narios iids, inctudisg art, wstisat Mes. Kerigisau hae parmittod to antiques, isaudlcrafts asd pisotograpisy, continue living in tise bsouse on lise pruperty mils spactal empisasis haisg given lu tise for anoliser lino or three years, anti or tises encouragement ut sucis disptays isy chitdree Mayor, Mrs. Anse MacArthure, onpresd adtorndna tise hope tisai this lime moul ihaed to Of course, il mlgist atuohaeused for perfor- devetop plans for theouseof sai isse. masces seisedaleti for lise isandstand buat 1 am tiserefore doligisted t0 tearua that Thé lisroatosedisy isctemestmoeaisr. Rota ry Clubs of Mitton sa nom in tise process Ose utisor suggestion misici mîgist hae of soticilîsa ideas aed suggestions for tise wurtissaine cusideratioumuadhlie estag- devetopmiest ofthe pesperly, and I siscorely ing ut an anual Regency Bail msicis, I test, hope tisat ait Mittonians mitt rospandecuais-n orosldie a ratier uniqae attraction tue tis iosticatty lv tise lotarians' appeal. ares asd madld hae isoeping with tise t pernonatty teet tiat denetopeseont of ibis Rotary Ctais's desire for as issîricat and propeety an a paeh, atosg wits lise ovostual cultural ciaracterfor thaParks. tocation of a tlarge natiosat sapermarisot But mestof Pli I would lise ta se tise paris oultin thec downstomn ares, ii do murs 10 caltedl tise Sarais Martin Paris as ue trihate isetp evitatize dontown Milton. 10 tisaI bravo youg womaîî miso sacrificod 1 islly endorse lise idea of a "passive" thsecomfora ut iser oms homo sn Eugtaed lu type ofpark un the ernigisaupropetyand corne to Canada mitis lier snad andi t hope tisai my commuenta on tisis suijet evenually taosetute misi hies here on Oct. 15, iittbelipta encourage your readers to offer 182t, in isaI mont have heen avery for- suggestious oftheir oin iiddig place at thetlime. At tise time ot tise parcisase, Mes. At thsetender ateoft24,admiislinosauat MacArthur epressed tise hope tiat tise nom ciîdreu in tam, tiss urageos tady Pars îostd ie toRt in itc natorat stalle"mits morisod alungsido lier issan i n ptanting a bridge ci saime hîsd cosselting il 10 theseods ofmhatisas since groms intothse Rotary Paris, a bicycle patis arousd il, and lovoty littte ton miir me att soin love s saine picnir tabltes sn tise parh for tamity Wiel. piciR". SisralsRoinwit asa place toerelax, At 33, an agemiseu today's yugnoeen a pacertoinatkaplaceltovsit.and aplace to isas js conte loto liser so, Sarahs Martin dreain diori, isut tise tomo misicis site iselped to bioid loosld tendito aeemîtisiostuoftler sag tivesuen, mscito thseenjuymeot oftsal. genîl1ons. escept tisai whiite 1 agree initis tise Today mie pay consideraisle tip-service to ides ota polis arosnd tise pari,1 do sol or'"greatisoritage'tyet very rarey doie particotaety agree itilithe idea ofaloing see any monuments or memorials to lise icyclesr inthseparis ises ut Sarahs Martin, lise real heroises ha- My own suggestion woutd hae fur tise pals' isind ibis coiutry's greatness. oayn toisrrrvtrivtedlotaat viicstar teattic Whisie iis land ahassdsnitsmonuiments I nfiskateboards andiicces) ecopt to"The Gtorious Deadmiho gave tsir lives -trotters. haisy carriogeso aniseetchairs. sn ftunsitly man-made mars, lise Sarahs Let us rreatr a paris for tise enjoyment ot Martion of ibis mortd have iseen perpetostty people of att ages, a paris iniere maim and tigistisg tise longest billte in issiry -' tise diadt cao laise tise idries tora teîssety stroîl hsate of esstierisood, mils att of tas trials, on a smmer day. wîishoit isavisg t0 lnoriy iardsis, sacrifices sud utes lisanisess abut lise frustrrations ot modemn everyday devotios 50 dsty "ahane andi hayonri tise livng orthenise anceaof icycle trattic. A rail." paris iniere chîldeen cas astis and play and 1 wisis tise Rotary Clubs ot Milton eveey sing to lhir itlle herurts' content, and tise success on lieir efforts to prevideousmitisa older toths Rau siroil doin tiseir private paris of misicis me cas att hae trsty prosd, and Memory Lane- in peace and saety. A 1 urge "Champion" readees;tsroaghutMil- paris miere rven tise hids and folkss at lise ton tuiseed thoir calt for ideas. ElC Droey Rcoot cao rome and enjoy Yusssiocorely, înemsetves lreety. Hsgi Dease, Jr. Priaps a isandstaod ot saime sort migist 4OWoodmardAve. Response to N.U.R.S.E. Dear Sir: iehaving in a more resnslislo, comtes- Ineresponeto theeeutiv of N.U.R.O.E clive masner f tsodevoted thlronrgyluo rogarding tise propocori certilcales ut suggesttag a mure flexible melisod of mais- rumpelenco regidaioon, i inmdd like ta tainiug cumpatence. Tisa coald iso dune isy peint sut tiat under tise Hesilis Disciplines eithr a esinimumes mployament requiro- Act of i9n4 tise objectives of tise Colloge ut ment or a recugnizeti program ut contiu- Nurses include: ing oducation crodito. Again roterrtag ta "ta estahlish, maintoin, and develup lise Healtis Diaclplineas Act tho Coge ias standards of haumtodge and tise pomer ta maso regsltilons-- sisill,. . qualificatios, practice,. .. and -providlsg for a prugramn for the cuntia- prolessiosat etis amung tas memisers." uisg educallun ut memisers 10 maintain C,0, s2 a,,cd,t iisr standard oftcmpetence andrequiring In order lo do ibis tl s logatty ompamerod momisors to participale ta suris cuntinuing tu -goveen standards of prarcoc fur the educallun.' C74 lit profession." C74 (f Teccaddalso provide inputith sosap- Thcs lise uppruvai of tho Minisdor ut ing uft Nese rogudalon andu ofh proposet Oralts sa nul secessary for the implees- re-enlry prugraina more effelivety and enlalion ot tise regulations proposaid tue lise prutessiusaily if they murisod tisrnugs Noir osoanno of certiticatas ut competanco. Tiso provincial association ralieor tisas aa sel- Coltege s acting on Nhe isest inleresi oi Nhe fins, vomil misurty. professin and tise public, mhalhor Ma.yusînrt, Dondon and lieor culleagues reougnine il or caoYn yors, cRN. Tise noemhes ot N.U.RSE. muuld hae 3M WilcsnDr., Milton -aSsday mas Dattudil Sun- day in Miltan, in isonr ufthlie Jelinek w ins ... Cancer Socieys campaigu. (Contînsod fromt pag 1) tom mils glneamay pro- -tindergarten regisîr- gramns. 'Sanfomut a ld ageat atioss for local pubslic scisonis Lti salid lise igî jobs aised hace atready tigistened tiseir miSl taise ptace Friday, AprUl . . . els umii il harts.' 28 ai local scisonis. Former Actan resident Rgmo arnce riding He bild once considered atas bserle, in HaIfan, hut npfed for tise Toronta ridir andisusinessiman and uaec This column in suppose( people, buf tise mas wha chose fa romain asosyr Bromloy of Porf Credif a ved in a car accidenf refen somne weeks ago, and sfapped to offer assiafanci He drvefhem home Naisieton, misicis mas a la as ise said he lived is M beave his name wif hfie fhemn he hoped fhey wouk ose elne, some day. Nom Misa Bromley mat misa fise asosymous Samo sf111 tome people Who. car proud fa have ose of thent When Milfon Aosweric isouse ai fise sew Main S fancy sandwiches made Clarkse wan preffy sapî made sure everyone 9 aware fsaf fise food was tise event hy 11 residents Manar recreatios sup expiained fisere in a gron wiso esjoy putting up far funcfions. They work hi clans every Monday prepare freata for f meftings and any fund Couscil. "They likeftofeI Junf for tise record, fi misa parficipafed: Ana sfrong, Doris Fryer, L Murphy, Elizaiseths Rais Marie Thompsan. Mil Lovies, Houlie Palmser Congrafulafions, ladies. Obituary Donald W. Ro Prkrwopte hase in Toronto iasft Wek. .Undergrosnd servicisg and strssystems aee marhisg confesting the nomin- the iiia stages of a e changed his mind and Vic!tori Wood housisg sg. He is a isroadcasfer cosmplext, enpected tu ta wsrk wifh CBC. represent ose ofthOe targeol residential denetopiest in s Milton. Victoria Wood have statei devetopiseet of isetweesi 150 i taie aboauf particular asd 500 homes in tise Ontario stars in fisis segment St. and Desry Rd. location. nous. Il seemo Terry ihis year as part of a lice- nid a friend were iovai- phase ptas ta hwtld appros- isin hom frm skin~ imately 1,400 homes ie thse a "Gaad Samarifan lh ana imsr l. Tise homes wîi include ta Port Credif fromt semi-detached and siegte s g wayout fafhis way, tomlty usito and are gearei ilfan. But he wouldn'f fo comiied famlty Incomes twa girls. He juot faid ot $20,000 onnaalty, according i dotisesamefor ome- to Ricis Grilfiths, markseting d dothesam forsouie-directar for Victaria Wood. Tise semi-detached houses uid stili like f0 fiod ouf are especteot to soit within a anitan wan. 'Tsere are $53.000 to $59,tO0 price range, e, aod Miltas should ise hie said. sise aid.No price rasges have yet site aid. een set tor tise single hoosing s seits. A sales paviltioo illtlieset hed p hy the e.d of May, said g Service blia opnMr. GrittiOls, hut houses are f. location receofiy, fise not eopected to ha comptotei a bsig ii. Owner Freda uotit tise end of sommer and py oaver tise lunch and eartv tait. cho visifed was made Lot sinon for tise bouses epcal rprd for very [romn 70 toet hy t2t tet espeiaui preare foroa semi-detached uoit ta 50 of Haifon Manor. teet isy 12t for a single tamily ervinor Peggy Odeisnal soit. p of ladies aitie Masor "We test tisat Mitton icy sandwiches for local detinitety has growts srd, and have a isakiog characteristicn'" said Mr. affenoos Tisy ofen (rittitho, addisg tise ne' afteroon.They ftenhousing devetopmont saex ho Residenfo Council pected to attroot a commuter Ls they raise go f0 tise markset-pesple inho now iv 1useful, ' she said. in Toronto, but moutd prefer ese were fise Masorifes o OlovO ouside Toronto. le Aisins, Norais Ares - There are goal ochoo, eaWisaley. Margaret services and a gond recrea- Stin ares ie Milton and ti fan, Violet Molesworts, ivithin easy drivisg distance lie Grahsam, Christina cf Toronto, hoe contisaed. aud Nancy Doupagne. Tise devetopmnent fottows a year and o hall of researchs into tise area, hoe said, adding Mia Mitton dnes 00100 dtwoer ssignitiloant asOourt ot al- tordasto hoosing in single tonoly unit. and nemai- Matheson detacheti oits. '.we have determised there service was alia eld Monday s aviable markset. at Moreit tUnited Chorcis, toevelopment of al ive Moreil P.E.I., mils intorment phases ns rspected to toise toltowinainîthetfamily ptots aitaeen tvoand ahatt and DardasPEtI three years. TRAFALGAR $1095 WE WILL TAKE OFF VOUR SNOW Il 9E TIRES, INSTALL AND BALANCE YOUR SUMMER TIRES. CHECK< YOUR BRAKES. Parts and Service Houes: MocdaoiuThuesdov Bois m to 5:30 Pti FrîdaR 8 a. m. to5:00Pe. Ctosed Saturdays Our uem service number 818125 Oui nom parts numise 818129 TRAFALGAR 409 MAIN STRE Q îT he Corporation of The oclr Town of Milton TAX NOTICE Ratepayers of tise Town of Milton are remtinded tisat SECOND INSTALLMENT DUE APRIL 17; 1978 Penalty af 1 per cent per monts, or any por- tion tisereof, willtt h iarged on eatis overdse installment. DONALD E. LOUGHEED TREASURER INDIAN ARTIST Rul Gaiashk shows grade 7 Brookvilie student Ann San- sali a cors husk doit. Ann tries on ai) Indian iseadwork necktace. As weil as demonstrating his artwsrk Mr. Galashs described lodias life ts lise studenla, related legenda and csrrected many erronesos betiefs about Indians. Tise arfisi. whs paints wssdtand murals for Tsrsnts schoois, did a painting sf a porcupîne fsr Brsokville, A native of Masitoulin Iland, Mr. Gaiashk is an Odawa Indian. IT'S LAWN CARE TIME AGAIN Call us FIRST before you do anything \/ to your lawn or trees. For free professional inspection & advice under no obligation Cali Lewis Weed Extermination 878-1693 Milton WEEO CONTROL -FERTILIZATION - TREE SPRAYING INSECTO E, DSEASE. -TREE000TING PRUNING -CONTROL OF-HT 05010 Er00 0CR BUGS IN LOUONS - OM PL RTE MAINTENA NfF Fuit Insd onssomentLvaicon OratdB "Cal Nom For Miityo tsii.CnI ..t Estimsas on eOCYLAFER Cn,,OArrg.d Spring Cleaasap" SpeciiotRatsor Seior CiOins ALSO TOP SOIL 9 ~~STRLZ o eed seeds) $2.95 per (50 lb. bags) . AGED FOR LAWNS, GARDEN Bushel Delivered BEDS t FLOWER POTS 3 Vis. of seraoaein Milton SA TISRIED CUISTOMERSARE OUR PROMOTERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Donald W. Matiseson, 18, dind on Tissrsday, April O as a rosait of injuries sstainod in acar accident tise provioun mesisond nortis ot Mdlton. Au empluyoe of Prnlhone LId. on Broute at., tise youlh mas descrihad as a sensitive, quiethaoymitisa deep inereni Donald mas lise son of Mr. and Prs. Don Matison of 65 Heslup Rd. and a isrutier ut Deorais Ano. He mas bain lu Halifax bsut licoti mosi ot is lite in Miltan. Ho attendait Milton scisonis and mas a memhr ofSl. Paul'sUnitedi Cisurcis. Tise tunerat evc i iseld un Soturday, conductod sy Rev. Lore Brown.nA -Tse snom la disappearing and lise minler's accumu- lotion ot deisris is shomiog. -Tsere are always big bargains in lithoe Chaompion classifieti ado. -This is Dentat Healts Week in Milton.