4 The Canadian Champion, Wed. Apr. 12,1978 Es-tablîsheil 1861 riht êitujabiaut ehonmpxol Publse dby Oil Prining and PablishingCompanyLimitait Ji i. utiser ans 5h.or BobntM Naws Ed s.r Paul Bulanai Advetilii Meuue 191 Main S.aiMtnnai L9T 1N7 Phone 878-2341 Tip toeing Tîp toeig around the econori citasuts on 'ail sîdes, Finance Minister Juan Citretien rame ap miith a six monîb reduction in Ontario sales Loin of titrue pur cent Monday nigitt in bis federal budget. oppontenta immediately assailed lte six-munt littilI as an indication lte governutetl mus more in- terestuil in oinning an anticipaled ulection titan dealing oith lte ecunumy. In lte face of il, itomever, Citrutten insisteil bu mas reusing 10 makie irresponsible promises 10 the peuple of Canada. The ruaI probteut, itomever, may outl bu lta lte "experta" car. nu longer accurately predirt hoo any givuti measure ill affect the econumny. Obviouly lte loo-montb reduclion in inrome tain lta oas given in January and February of titis year didn't produce lte ex- peclud surge in buying obirit sitould bave creatud more jobs. Il seeme nom ltaI ou may vury oeil bu in ancera ut "experimenlol" econumirs. Clearly lte old econ- or stimuli have nul iteen pro- viding lte predictablu ruartions andl nom our arc experimenling tu sue mit cumbinalion of actions il takes toi generate ltaI neo ron- f idence thalles reqaired lu make us spenil. Il is probably true lta lte us- pectalions uf Canadiano bave citanged. The big percunloge mage and pricu itkes bave not buen as evidunt as thuy once mure. We may indeed bu roming lu realicu Ibure ils a limil l to munit lte economy can buar. Thte Trudeau govuroment ilself admits lte boom limes of lte no's and early 70's generatc-d 100i mach optimisut and goverument spending. We'ru optîmîstîr ta lte sales New records Halten Progressive Conserva' tives obviously set a sco record in the rugion for enthasiasut and for lte largesl nominalitlg convention ohen tbuy nulected O11o Jelinek as titeir candidate lant meek. And despite the huge allundance, lte record numbur tuf memburs and lte fart taI thure oure tbree can- didates in the field, Mr. Jelinek boo lte nomination on the firet ballot obichitls sometbing of a furtber recurd. Tht unîbasiasut, sustainud tbreugh lte predicled eluction campuige, coulil producu onu tif the moit botly runtcsted seals in the province. lax eut will have an effect on con- sumer spending, bat whether it will restore the essential ingredient of confidence which mighl sustain lte benefit, is bard ta predict. Conservative financial critic Sinclair Stevens suggeated the bil- lion dollar tax eut ahould have beun doubled and he offered to point ouat where culs could have been made to prodace the possibility. MaYbe. Maybe il sbould have been bre billion, but then une third of lte une billion pruvided ils coming frout fliat dangerous area of deficit financing. It is bard to believu that the six- montb tax cut is other than an etection reaction and il will con- tinue lu bu hard te, cunvince a lot uf people. Il's bard to leap for joy at the cal wben we know it will expire in six rnontbs. Cerlainly plannud purchasus will bu made in the next six months and soute will bu ad- vanced to take advantage of the tax concession. But people will also rutain soute of lte caution thuy have fuît il necessary to duvelop. Tbey wilI nul easily bu stampeded into the kind of "thing" oriented spending orgies that migbt in earliur years bave stimulated tbe economy. The Finance Minister, in bis budget, obviously toucbed on other areas filat found favur uvun with the opposition porties, but the sweelenur in the budget for the average laxpayer-consumur wae; obviously lise cut in sales tax. It will bu on Ibat measure that debate ouI largely centre and tbal the individual will assesu tue pre- scription. in six months weul know how successfully Jean Chrutien tip tued througb the economic chasuts of April, 1978. The etection haun't buen an- nounced yet, bal clearty the ram- paign is on. More voting Everything seums to bu coming up "ulection" Ibis weuk. Conversa- lions witb municipal officiaIs mndi- ratte plans are already buing worked out for Ibis year's muni- cipal elections which, becanse ut a change in legistation, will bu hetd in Novembur this yesr. The newly etucted coanicil will lake office in Derembur. That's onu date Ibat isn't depondent on the choice of junt une persun, as are federal and pro- vincial voting dates. E3E~E~E SWOLLEN BY SPRING RAINS and melting snows, lte Sixtuen wends ils way off to Oakville and Lake Ontario as it carves a lazy path Sugar and Spice Heavenly musings Lest fait, wbus it rained turt4 aid 40tnightlaandithcshcgaiiuto h atimiter spefl, t rccived attc preiiy sters tetters trut ruaders. ose oas front an etderly gun Bot encorlated me, in Ibeiri osys, fur beuing hiasphumees. C tbeir cuncers was a paic ut cou wbicb I suggaiioed te the Aintigi we'd lsdl enaieb preciPitatios, cneld stop dumtping ilo us any The E. IG. woue a cruse ietier ediier and sent tie e cupy. The wote me e long, personel letter melsbuld'tlbcsu "cbemmy" w He offered tuPraytfor me, and sent modemn version ufthie Bible, c necb morde as "Ibuehy-traps," rathur alarnted m,accstmed as the atere and digedfied King Veusien. wcoei w te pretty bittert abeut Oie Canaieniai oer. Bei a ntraîghi Cuelui of gleriain, cîntu wuaiber. l'nm begieslng lu inonder rigbi, mecor mycriics. meayls Oic Lord dues raid my prohbaly et une ut His trequne breaks. I didn 't pray te Hin hO decesntailliher. I ieldbhim raiber s tuait we ocre fed up oilb obut ditltlng ep. He dldn't strihu mc do e ihaiderbt, altosueh t noticeil thritis hecame pretty bes tbecc ouehs. Maybu th1e Lord mesed, soint ibis- "Sy Jeve, maybe idtSmieY Maubu I dtd turget te, tare off there for a Ico muis. fi wotd firat lime. I remembur a 1cm yen thbusiness wiOiNoahand hti cleanteorget about the anil it t tue tatu. 'I- gel an, darn sice of people Pra On the News Beat Otto wins on his record By Bob Burti The Tories iter ot in fuît pioer Thurs- day nighteand they madeit clearthe nanc et Oic gamce na tue leci a otner. Eter Otto Jetiiteb mon Oie right h. represest Haltet Teries on Oie hueliega in the up and cuueing Ioderai etectien obun ho defeated Trie Loti endl Dr. Art Ross un one ofthOe coustty't tergesi nomination meetings. Tors bue fromt tic rafters en Oie mein auditoriunt ai Slahelck eh Slchoot sud lilinl to gyms. a cafteria and a class runt Those wlio didntget lto themain ociwachoil Oic proeeditgn on clusedi circuit T.V. Titc targuaI applace came ohmn Jotisea situait as angry floi and vowed ls'd sahe ccpial punsihest an electeio s tem inall- len. Tbey applecded cgate ohmn Jelceh said bhecow hem l t igbl aittg Liberals. He lsd dameithbesre, andlse old def &ain. Gond atbilt Wbes JelluaS talSa&bu ligtating Llbmrsa, bu bosses yen milS Oie Idea ofc aoOd anisaal ellogia.g le o -i lta pu 'Ibrosebout Uls icospag JeunsskaMW hm supporters hasom esdcma sosti the imaage f..metlm.Ss= " fgtaî m 0 Oie oiitscr" oaa clearty ongraval i tei miede of Oie delegctet. The tedt is, Jelite habs toice delealed Liherets H Bbos cssae Oirugb to eleclios batieza olthsat euperiescteg Oie hitterseos of dotat. ahed oby Oiey'd suppoart Otto, Oie finit aser mes alocys becase bu bus c proen track record, bu's Oie mtan wo cas dotat whet Tris LotI reterred h., as "donc oatttteg yarty puppet Frank Pbilbrooh." HSm persona phitesophy andl ohe hoe cen and witl do tor the riding once bu in electeil suemeil tel be asecesdccy comidectiss i Oie satede efthOe delegatos. FPlat Ohiigs 1151t. TIse lirst thig in Ibies te l otsing. Thct'a otleadetrct rsJeiea's cher- cler. hi$ PMosgs hibe track record. MostpudIlarscIy 'oceedelbt Jebceh lisa rappe mai th stheiUme Contes, Dchibo llde meSl te escape froue Oie fracas oitbut buvng Mal trusers bu"at u i hlm. Thse remararhele Odsng te Oie o-Y Oie Chole insmade and the pointelh. tcare talasn tsaa csssiderstion. Ohtei disussions oith dulegatas they taIS fceey abeut how they msre isapsue by Art BRsc. "He ecarts very ciever atd be's et c psitt te lite ohere ho hais a ltofe esperteece ccd bun galmed as colul lot ot loledge. "maut Otto basca proves tracS record andl ohmn you're tighteg et elocties, yoe bouc te go iOi a oisser. Thal's obul ou necil, e isner," ose delegate eeplainsd. That, in e nsell, teits Oic stery, It spîto of bis duteai, the lieut liof et i oight tante troue Dr. Art Rues "Trudoe bas ahked yeotuhehim eitgtiate iill Oie separatast otemestint Quelsu. Thatle Rire aking Oie Bostot sircsgtcr tu slraigbtes yur 0ie." Frai aisos of Georgeton oct mosg Oie gulat an Oie meeting. Frai Oas oece veryctliveIteiridag but nwailleand al tOiero in Oie Gergelon ca are in Oie Braueptoc-Geergetaow ridisg. Frît a womeehbgoliO teplrty and oer seeing nomiaios le several ridiege te Odes part; ofthe province. lTaey arecal resi good cadidats. I wiasd I coald une ieau aS1 h. sther rkdleg" abuand haet et, an eir rons oreto hiey rateut obus iey'rs an jami ow thai s I bimeste tort o ff Mye hesIn aid 'ma1 sppteselh sthu ffMy e arreafO aid ' sueaybu IO Sema hed pay alsparit ofai, s ma0too1 teerase houeeisy teniontheeyatrmndue asferet clai O in haot mf ure iai ta rtmsm tue of thatisgettd a lottu mach eit il. ro tty Oiei 'U Ici hint smai i oui toc esieOicr and He couple of meelo, juent sho hm nt it ys fioue dunt challege My odt wîi imuntty. Thou l'Il turm os Oie suet fer e aillil six rte his meula, mabtng Oie scutfcrs realnc Oiat Oie ,recher day Ofumiracle anut pai. ixmeehtof ,teffitt senthtee ini a Cantiin oiter! That beu; lOi floil oaîhing on water any day. ateng a itaitdng "Juet for Sic Heases ut il, Pl' duep obicb sainecssoandowind and ie andl ramn un 1lametu tos fat catewogoesouth evctt'oatbo, Jamtes andltthOse CanadienstohestaYdome, nut ctty uey chaies Puple, bat et leasi uey troen peopte, orite ntsty tetters robamnt aieth, telling Sicir reltives efthOic hte ~fter nie skies, radient sait, andl crystat air bath sonîy hume. oho is 'umitey's gongteebaveieupey feri,eof course. Hce ght as e itdut,eoncceand for ait, Oict yu don't gel cbaueuy or cocky toumn, wiOi Me. That's a nyecial sphcre ruservel lutnch fer preachers andl politiciens. ntppity, "ossec. Ne use increasing bis ar- He oen Oiritic pain or hie bachache. Thet uily nsmiOi drives hbin te lspbeuy, aid Oc don't my ec- ment taeuncourage ihat. I cutil mreckhbis or eatrio golf ebot. But Oiei ouldn't work eiOier. nl'selroedy alusy huil sever even otice fi. tmg lice "No, itbas tu bu smethlegumore subite. la right. Meybu t coutld pet e bug te bis olfe's ar, the aps andbhave her drag hbanuatuofbedealseven 'ilse the every merntng and attere Oic agoniea et ris bath Oit hett-hesr ut eturcise site doue i faueiy. 1thOat dame en Oic TVi. Thet o l refIle s nearty hlm mere Oiae souecobet. 'Buti's neienegh. l weude'l bu ctear yteg lorta b.hlieit I eue an atueighty, emeipetent, Sierte ced vrngefet Gud. Heil probubty tù O iie wams ueerely hie oltu bulse oh- sntaios. Aeil heil dlaim bu ceaIdait de Oie esercises oiO i s lad bach and is lsd Watson speechless Il doesnît happon often but on Wednesday, Milton Councillor Jin, Watson mas caugbt speecbless. He region neuld lait spart if the planning staff mas decruasud by onu, an proposed. 'Il suppose it mould faIt spart the saine oay it wold if Ibis couril resigned today," McLaugblin said." Watson grinnud and without eaying ony more, took bis ocat. Good and bad Oakville Counrillor Laurie Mannell broagbt good and had neos 10 the annmal meeting of the Ballon Cbildren's X. Society Wednesday night. The iood news mas, the society .,e.get had escaped cals at the regional meeting that day. The bad neos oaa at the rate the budget oaa golng, il would bu S-plomber hefore the CAS gut an" money. through farmi fields soulth of trban Milton. In summer it osîl bu reduced to just a lrickle, but in springtime it sa torrent of muddy broon water. By Bill Smiley -from on higa neck and tus bad sauonder and bis bad ee. "I culd atoeys tut the rest et bit teett, whitb are protty weul reedy for the boe- yard, asymay. At lian1 ted ailler the humiliation ot tomeg arusnd druellng and guanig hie 1uod for a Wilde. But mit those btastud modems dentista, ls'd sues bu guing arosnd oiih a buttaui et hie, white, attractive moters, and Odinhsg bun culd start ntitlttg ai omen agen. "Nope, t gui lu, bu semething that would realty gettuhint. I could osily have bim tirod tront bis job for uagrancy, lsd nbutflbeard, mupery, gaoh and sot preparitg tenon plant. Hons gsllty ut ait asd eacbuoftem. But il woeliltt du. He's suilazy t thi b bc'd go straight us usent- ploymntn inserentio. 'Got it! ltoiillhlatwhere il buri. 1111 buiai bis grandeurs alet lmti. lil make tOeu suc thet he's sptofitg Oieue ratIos , wer- ping Oieir chacecters, thet bu mosan, drlinks, sueu, gcehblos, and ialteOs a muet reprehale andl tat grcttdtather. "Bat... oid it take? Tttey dast reaOy caeil bu drieba, aues, etc. TseY ssd hlm for reseiig eros Oie rosa ccd jumpling un. They sued hIsa fsr Males obe Oiey hurm Oiemsclvue. They cmdd'l crce sifhe ere OldNich hlmuel, as fer an merae go. "Att, well. 1 guess l'lljusthave t e t Muen go u, eul in bis ton Intraitale may. Thts peeihment enugh for csyese." ETurning the Pages of the Past F romi the files of The Canadien ChampionJ One year ago Fresa Oie April 13, 1931 issce il Milles coueclioro bave their may, il oSi bu c long timo before Oic 1,100 acres lait east et omban MWou, freed frot, Oie Perhmey Boit moisi anc deveopeil, Sf thoY At c Ptlanning anil Dcvelopueent Comn- ntittee meeting lest Tueisdcy, ensolcillrs endemneil c lettec to Demcy McKeugh, pro vincial ireesoerm, rocllirîoteg MSltes's deiru ta bave Antenduent Sevent cp- pruvei. Amendaient baves mmud reoe 1o40t acres of tend nortb o lHighmay 401, te industriel. Negetietiant buimeneu atrins memburo oflAcal 3ee, Ceueott, Limastonu aid Gyp- onWerm Union andl imo Milton querriez mere tossede p in thecair tolloming Oie death of the ain's presideni Jcmry Niehses. Mr. Nielsen mas tillodin e car accidest Tbaroday slghl. The Ontario tlovorosact's Agriculture Code of Prcce came infr soute sar dign ata meetingtstcsiesday sn Hemsby for rrl residenla of Hatton. loue represntotivos nI Oie MtetetcY of Agricul- tome lieldeil flc bei convintoil 1cm mesidento thet the code, pebîtlsil ai c guide, mmud nul toon bu lueplesaustel by tam. Changes te the moute Oie tons bue tualoms bas toIt senior ciliscue ai Herueuey Cecit Apertues cnd aiOiers living te Ontarlio St. N. eperbouento in "a horrihle position" accumdisg tn Mut. M. Bron ut 263 Ontario i. abs woee Milesn Couaiil lest meuh ploadteg for a route Cbange. 20 years ago Frum tbe April 10, 1958 lasue Prier N. McOiliims ut Millt lias brou eppeintoil Creme Attorney et Bouton. Ai 3i, ho in Oie yougeat Cron Attorney i Canada. Ho bus beu a mesabur uof tela lao lirts eh Dicta. Dica aid McWiitiams alece 19s4. Ueyd Disgle oh Bomltegtos te retirbtg froue Oie post cIter ainsi yocro. Miltes Kisettes celtecteil $1,351 in Oie tttreb of Dlses ccapalgn. A seuls o n ise grasa tires more basilleil !)y Milles Fbolligblers thie meS. ýCtùndsascg 49 ymuts of service with Cesedlac Pacifie RacOmay, R. S. "Rd" Bsersa of Milio te retirbUg. Ha bas aosî Oie lest e*gt years as stalles agent bare, MW bsec 1950ie taO mn as telegraph G. F. Thompas, diceclir et Htallen Chigdren's Aid Society, os presentad c Ite meuership inetOe associatlien aetl ai- nue meeting Moeday, in reognitien ofI30 jntrt ut service. The Top Notcb Fued MWlal MeffcI, wldch in otally destroyed in a$15,000 flcsh lire leterdcy, mill bu relmîlt, ctmpcsy efficiea seld. Dicee eqalpmait te bubieved le have slerted Oie tire. AI LoBelte ut Fetlmigbrnthe subdivision complclsed te, ceaieSil osee ie bu rata un hie teon, asnd inlurme onlmecls bas set out peisen to ei il ef toean. Constrecion ofthOe ses provicial suliel for the del eti lt ighoey 25 site in Mileon iscbedeted for cumptetios olOils Oie voien meo yccrs, Oic geversueenl bas ettsoaiced, Cuet ns aiulueted et $3 te, $3.5 milleon. A thruc-rntue addition ta Oie lve-rusue Hety Buecry tchuet oSi bu uedereay Odes sommer, Father J. P. Lordle aineed. 75ç years ago Tati (rome the Aprn 9. IM I1ssu Pueimester Stewart uas ladi Oie vcresdah rcmeved troue Oie fron t oi te post office in erder te lett tn oue bigls. The office mau cltogeOier tue darh. Besîdes buine lglte lt bulsg paited cnd aOier- mse ipoel James Deferet dled et hie restilusce in Miltos ts Oaiday, in hie 75Oi yelr. Hte "ee cetit about six oechs cg t ethOe baserai of hie ain-in-Ico, Oic taite Joint A. FecOier- atone of Trafalgar, asnd Oie nild developel iet pneumonie. Mr. Deloest lertsed fer uecsy yeers is Nelson, ccd homame c residel t oftiton about 15 pecs cfie. Comeplainte, buse beu made te oals hrench of Oie Lord's Dcy Aniacce Oitl s sonne oi he rber shops ofthOe boue, orh lies brun geiug onst mueOnday. The Allance bas ditouaseil the matier totty andl miser il t0, beundersotod that if One precticeis not steppcd, niepe oSil bu tahun taenutorce Oie $teinte. JohnCreoe ad famiy,ouhave been reidens et Miltes feuea grain attacbur of yecrs, are conviait te Torot. Os Tlaesay evenisg c sesaber of Mrt. Crume's eld friendls asd selghlsrs visititd ber ccd pie- seslod heu oiOi c becclifl chair and a china fine o'cloeh tee set. Mr. Croe bcd bis bars yoslerdcy evesbtg, ohmn a sumber of Mas friesd pueetteil hMu milS ai ehosy caste, os Oie hemny silver hadls of ohich was ecgraved' Pre5stellby asieiu rands te John Crem." I.