Milton minor basebail player team design BEISAN4DGIRLS MIXRD T-BALL TRAM A Robert Vickery, Tracy MeDotte, Judy MeDutta. Danp James, Rod Shtortl, Jaoo Blantkard, Jarrit Blaschard, Jettiey Pire. Audrent Jadeas, John Bnom Chuis Nemaît, MIchael Beutan, Jobo Thorobaig. Coack: Mr. Vickery. TRAMS8 Tint Spencer, Chrlstapboi Lasols, Rpou Tolmmtti Joy- sanas McCutcheos, Jessltai McGilviam, Weody Daikin, Bradley Buies, Getfrey Rosa, Cbristapber Baittie, Dram Doyle, Frackie Rienan. Dereos Bain, Ryan Lee. Coach: Me. Tummun. TRAM C Julie flaimotea, Dainh Jean, Michael Mitchell, Babort Maoun, Jamie Pearson, Shamo Sonies, Trenai Brandt, JetI Saos- dent, Scott Wiokler, Revn Sottin, Leticia Moitis, Mim Lie, Michael Brady. Coarh: Brion Brady. TRAM f5 Mark Daor, Dani FumIer, Raymound Blackluavck, Judy Wlddis, Metanie Fianter, Pantela Shaw, Derek Mc- Clonhey, Mark Rahbeuan, Pool Siomeon, Pakîlzo Gianeuoai, Paul Cites, Danid Wilson, Michael Flemming. Conch: Mr. Dooher. Jeouller Butchisnn Shomn DeBeoyn, Ielt Caldwell, Adamt Murray, Crîteen Caruey, Chrintopher Clark, David Ducharnte, Sean Wil- liams, Jimmny Murray, Daniel ueaminh. Phîttip Ritahie, Sean Boyle, Mothleun Grimes. Coach: Toy Dehipu. Heidi Bilmin, Duony Hier- maun, Tadd Faero, Croit Auntin, Angeta Jones, Tracy Sundees. ton Mute, Gary Coltina, Jlntie Webster, Gerry Beegin, Aadrem Me- Taninb, Mmmi Dunois, Danid MaPhaît. Coach: Peggy Htll- Bans 7 k 8 Yen. Old Barry Dennîs, Shunt Pilnul Hardy ideut, Chrîs Colackni, Tyler Caldmti David Daauaas, Jasain Min- sale, Jay Wtllamsas Jct Varga, Jasas Bulsss Brm=i, DarIs Bdfd, Muai Mdesa. Coacs: B. Mensdos. Jamialngsam, Chstoplar Homard, Daripi (ld, Scott Cisaillas, Cameras Murray, Jasper Mutsn, Richsard Egucisi, Derrick GMende, SIeen Curtay, Douagla Cuites, Scott Mitchell, Bipas Haiaga, altai Mnrray, Sein Latteity. Cach:u L. Homard. TEAM C Dansas Wilsos, Jm Timbeis. Giag Ra, Micisael Buracis, Mie Rchardson, Kanin Ronke, Crig Weaaer Karin Rlay, Sharp Arapa, Aitdiam Wtlsan, Wayne Mnrley, Tadd Hhaoniu Nîcisalas Itabutacs, Mallisaw McCandlesz, Mie Bricks. Courh: G. Timbars. TRAM D Biasl Carrne, Bradlay Hamwkins, Jeramy King, JonahanKing, Mark Franch, Jasas Hamkis, Aaeun Turner, Beent Grasdin, Jon Keoboart, Jousua Craciser, Michauel Clapisuin, Chis Gurman, Blavns Bowan, Rap- moud Veneis, Blair Richardson. Concis: D. Frenchs. TEAMI E Juao Devns Alessandra Glannunsi, Jabu Curie, Jon Daishie, Jasas Farrum, Judy Rumtey, Rus aunders, Ban Manuel, Mark Carriere. Brat Gainais, Mark Lusergas, Michael Lanergan,' Jonaihas Panker, Bilas Conor. Coach: R, auonders. TEAMIF Jasn Sisattar, Jimmy Flemmint, Mark Brady, Stenen Re&, Michael Rlîrbie, John Hamilton, Mise BIsent, Mtchael Kennedy, Geottrecy Lie, Darren McCtonkey, Beett Elliott, Stonrt Tisorse, Tudd Aipu, Rusati Sham. Cach: Don Kuigisi. 9a &n 10i. Old Boys TEAM A Warren Giserastm, Grant Gladisb, Ian Gibbons, Mat MaTaniob, Jason Rntnse, Justin Fianter, Menin Locke, Mark Baputun, Ped Heiens- berger, Scott Parsons., Tim Cusarin, Tony Casuels, Todd Game & Fish News1 : uby arn coulson One of tfhe nianst things about helpiug ta man a buoth aithae Ouf dor Spartsn Show s the fine and interesting peuple pou bavena chance to talk ta and exchange views mitlt. Il vinsmy plnasure ]ast neektutak toSta Alenl,pat aden of Ifltan Cauty and reaently retiied odminiotratur of Bfallon Cenleuniat Manor. Stan hon beau an avid sport- sail ] hin file and punouen bis hobby whenener possible. Havngn heint raid au the country inyntît, if mol n ternuting Io nate the nnuny varied afayu ut finhint, buoting, auubing and pieervint af aur spoilt ofu the huont li shaied togelber, We are a i naaaîhaventany years ahead ta enjoy our grnai olaurs and with the oulok ou fie that he lias, he A big thuohu ta the fettooau ut the Haitn apurnoteu's Asociatnfnhheldith ur boh tathe recetOutdoor Show in thi Malt, Atua a great big thaubu lu aie publia aubu hune giniiouuly bel peo oui Federation ut Hunters and Anglinuncause hy buyiug ticbets on aie Jeep. Atmo, yu puhlicity and sports mndid peuple vihl gave ta our fond ta stock the pnnds and atriums in tbin part ut Huilas. Did ' au kaau bhat right oaa aiere se soime ut the hunent fishing riaht hein orîlbiu a boIt houais drive front your horne? Jack P'neasn inforuor me that bis sou Douaje and trleud tOai onhinty uni gît tint foui or fiai niai Coo eacb trip bhey malle ta the oruten boloa the Mill Pond ut Streeuluntae. The lish unein thi bine to fine, puund claose, nery pinh, Sleuhio, tiri nd swiit. Thi.vyean donnpair ookthesin rn ofpercbet Lake Sîmenn Fnb out fiant Bianertan, Gantebrldge, Jaibson's Point, tuiflawo and mont points around the faite. Vu dun't haventnigo ar un t intothe afei. fityau'reaihereetaiheirigt titi yau canatch att yuu need tram, public docbs orfam chiot nantyn Sntall ltnî minnaran une yuur beut bottair hait. Long Palet Bay on Labn Eie nu uather gond bel iu the sprint for jumbo Pech. Prnnhmntun Boy eant ut Toronto un Labe Ontaiouis asa hnt spot. Aoyonî mh as not hadl a pau fuIt ut tbeure fsb ontut ire cold wateor mi.sguupiiutimetCent. Buputaihatealets boy on fgi in yarcar nt Batuidoy and head for tbe neurest paraS finhing spot arth finhiafg parIes anda pull ut minnams. If yaudûaor honte enith a ntess ut tisb tillteand tiied fond does nul ugrie orrth yu. tiy tbis reuipe for baaled fab. Cu fiuh nto sening npieenand dipin a FenoraiCatalina saad dresing. 'ntfatr ihctibed ciesn crackiero biscuito and plain on a ailI greased ciebie sbeet. Spriele atb Paprka and ballki ut 30 detreen for 10-12 minute or untril 1mbh r, ttuky o 00 onîraoob film. lbý or n gt nIP'*Lg ulvut inga loy raîti heurts ut oraoy ynung .iA oit aIikci Inn mny people oneîlaoh the communi whiîte surbîn un t ond tish. Hetty tm finonciers, taben tramn nîreunts rnoald oarun fillîted, aria lieut Ibat 1bane enjaped ninai beiio a aieS aimuit boy. My nthtBr hard a aaay ut cuakint surbers in aie speing tisaI iogers sn my ntemary. BuneY, peut But if yon start yaai filletsan inah boch fron thOe sbuulder and finisb tla couapeof incbeu tient the tait, mont boutes aie ummitled tram puai finisbed ptîae of tiet wbite mueut The cieeb aiat rne tbugb Miltas iigbl deme le Ouatil abunds aith thousands and ainissanda of thsne tisb and atmo, the Brunte Criek that runt arougli Lamnitte riglit dams la Branle. Fillet youu isb, roll iu flui aind tp in a cary hot cuit lias tiyintliuan and yaa mould bo a long UIma starvng Ilti dtsin .d ut food aund os tur tise taktng. Robesrtus, Bias GrandIs, Scstt Hitisas. Ceunis: Mn. Gisirasim. TEAM B Marshsati Cram, Rabisie Wilson, Greg Namati, Stenen May, Brusn Cracks, Slapbos BrassaIt, Jamia Wilams, Mark Brimer. Naît Halgb, Jas Mcnlii, Donald Lougisisid, Gary Kennedy, Dassia Varaseti, Scotl Ceosa. Cours: Mr. Cramn. TRAM C Michael Lannis, Richsard Bampo, Richard Bembie, Raid Wisamas, Fred Cantp- baIl, Beas Zardo, Jettriy La- Pointa, Mark Beugle, Stipkes Heugle, Hanapy Bodd, Brent McDesald, Darran Widdls, Alan Harlsga, Murray Vandes- heunel, Mark Duinan. Cours: Me. Lenoilse. TRAM ID Denis Pmdlis, Jaon Tur- ner, Mlandate Mcpoeland, Richard G'DanneB., Ganin Loan, Marins Flemioglan, Gaott Lander, Shase Crmon, Aolbony Gatiola, Lee Johinson, Mark Demetiu, Trop Anders, Wtilam Coriadetti, Scatt Anders. Coachs: Me. Puin. 11 la 14i. Old Boys TRAM A Melonson, Data Fitzaulick, Walter Melansao, Mevn Maihaiha, Danap Dieu, Mie Robertaon, Liant Finnegan, Beiao Neris, Danid Wntd- woiai, Rolpis Bood, Peter Webster. Coack: Me. Granes. TRAMSB Pool McCatcbeun, PauI Bromn, Andrent Sabaruaget, PuI SraIt, Paris Rloger, Mark McGonbkey, Tinthay Hapden, Mike O'Brien, James Gadtiey, Oas MacMay, Mathera Adants, Andrant Gurman. Coach: Pale McCutcbeuu. TEAM C Bîad Budd, Meunelh Bircb, John Dezeeum, Andiew Louder, Stephen Bergin, Brinti Torallo, Glen Souai, Gary McGuire, Homie BramaItl, Stevn Beunse, Stenen Clententa, Lie Rydaît, Robort Dodua Conch; Ban Bodd. TRAM O Gary Bimaonkutte, Jefteey Buotord, Rubbte Nemeti, Rab Gittian, Tant Weboter, Timnty Daly, Robort Snoo, Deun Main, Finlay MaCallum, Graeme Hickeu, Anthony Murcatanir, Niget Hopper, Jon Gîittiths. Coach Me. Bisuononette. Youth Bowling News Bp Uisa Moitas BANTAMS Scott Baird eulted htgh single for aie hantamts wiai a 183. ThotBrownm oed a79 and 152 rahite Sonon Doomen aiiem tgi sningle for the gilt mllb a 170usnd 156. Blinie May bomled o 175 and Dant Fargiartlo bod o 171. Rloinn Vandeckeonel H68 and fil, Batpb Bondt 162, Julie Camp- boll 149, Jon Grifli 148, rie Histan andt Patrick Loltin eoch airim a 143. Bumun Daumen aioeed the biffi double for the hanteas Ibis meuh miai a 332 Tint Bramn bomlesi t pin lins bon- ing aie higb for the boys milS a 331. RMaioe Vondenheasel thiet o 319 wbîle Danny Fargiargia rotied a 310. Stene May had a 300, Scott Baurd 291, Jua Griffiai 2, Jolie Campbell 260, ria Hinlan 259 and Patricki Lattin 257. TEAMBSTANDINGS: Tints ieumi mon 5 for an, Balpk's teunt mas 2 tue 85, Giegos tieo nn3 for 82, Jon ,team mon 2 for 82, Doonyns leamn won5tor7, Scattstent won 3 for73, Steniisteantmon 5 for 72, Tom's teom mon 2 tue 68, Frn'team n 3 for 3, Beaishe ton 3 ton 61, RIaineas liant mon 2 lue 58, Pattils teont mon O loi 55, Tammys tient mon for tue9, Suion's tient mon 0 lui 05, Brendl tenmwoi5for 41 and Catbsleant monO0lor47. JUNIORS Brace Liait eulled higb single fo th ae junis wtb a 255. Tom Locke airent u 236 whbite bleeg Debson mcoreda 231. Sondy Moore nus top lue Ibetgirls mith a 230, 213 anfd lac. Men G'Calluthou haod 236 and 190 thite Wanda MaDougoîl airent a 215 and 195 Kim Gervais 214, Busun Blair 213, Jint Rear 210, Wanda Lys 20Y7, Teresa Doumen 200, Menin Ver- strente 199, Sendira Voille- coulia 195, Daris Scaaooer andt Dorein Cote eab ratlld a lai and Broin Liait 101. Saudy Maire mcoreot hitb triple toi aie day niai a 641. Min G'Collughui bomled higis for the boys rata 605. Suan Blair thient a 597 and Teinta Damen rolleda 57. Waid MeDugaît nu5. Braie Liait 56a, Kim Gervais 563 and Tom Luche 552. TRAM STANDINGS: Bruce's tient wan 7 for 123, Kim'n tient tan 7 for 119. MeinV.steamtwon 3t f113, Sandysten wo n 7 for 102, Kevi Ct' teum monO tueo 75, Susan's team mon 0 for 73. Apri's main o fr73, and Mies teumt mono0 lai 52. SENIORS Diane St. Jao rollndr bigla toi aie senis wiai a 204. (Maji Bal Gieo scoied o 270 andt Shelley Ruis thena P272and211. Date McMurray bowied a0270 milte Putti Oint scored a 268, 215 aid 200. Pbittip Gray had a 250, 207. Maihy Robins 241, 229, Lino Morton 227, 200, 1 Maji Julien Tysoe 2, 20. DunnuHiakey and Wayne MrDoututl earb rotled a 219, Joho Preemntu 214 and Outeh Jennings 200. Polit Gi eu unared higb triptle orthe nîaht ith a 691 Shelley Rabinu bonted a 60 ahite Kathy Robins Ibnea a 647. Date MnMuîîuy notted high ti pIle f or aie guys it art 630. Lina Morton 625 and Pbittip Gray 616. TRAM STANDINGS: Patti's fiant won 7 lai 123. Dale'u teont non 3 loi f17. Pbittîp'î liant non 7 for 95, Suai teantwon 0lfo 79 and Wayue's iunttwon or 70. ARDUND THE HOUSE uurodaauna heaof hoa ibnh o oban onîid nlorn knq and nul, ta a treel ancha dsre ake nsidnsp osn Hstsai boeitg îlnnluiino Pa "aw c. . i s in8,s,49I781le ndt The Canadian Champion, Wed., Apr. 12,1978 B53 Fu rojects you can build Pressure-Trreated Lumnber The permanence of Cedlar The Iow cost of treated pine THESE AND OTHER OUTDOOR WOOD PROJECT PLANS ARE AVAILABLE AT NO COST TO YOUI PLANS ARE SIMPLE AND EASY TO FOLLOW AND Q uestio ns SHOW ALL OETAILS. PICK UP YOURS TODAY PICNIC TABLE PLAN SQUARE PLANTER BOX PLAN PICKET FENCE WEACCEPT ........... ... M1ti buiHdUnS Mon. tc, Thars. - 8 ar..- 6 pa. Friday - B s.m. - 9 p.m. PATIO DI & Answers about Outdoîbrand wood Whst ns Outdoor wood? Ouidooiinaad ins nuinnWalmanzid pinasainiiiatid lutb Thi Wotraan pinsiatian ued un the trraing proanan dace the snte tOutS for tanu apontes of tnaad tSal natur e la frSaab paputot tands as redwood and aidai baiut danris it baller. Pînsoînaune ahemrat lnînîd deep ino thi noood undihuigh pressurei provide a permanne thOmalles Outdo wood last a lftierraiouii ruthe Ibiurat boaiy aI thu woad Aid heause marly specis aI teatobue wond aie puinritot, Onidani us intatinîly roeopînnrae What colon is Outdoor wood? Ouidaaiaunad isauuSbt reeiinba colr lviolr oisa peanSntural tond Dois Outdoor woode have an odor? Can Outdéor wood ha staineel or psinnad? Ineednt ho, Sut ut non hi sloned ai pauuîind ha the note methada iined for paining or innuntreate oroda Will Outdoor wood haire plants, animnais or peopte? Na, biaausthebiyiaetiaiuboorunilin repnmaniouftrlyxdrin theod and doatt eoab aouI nana orbi exosu-d ta beny ranfallu s thera ay danger the piasaivativa vil wash out? Na, ubsalutely nat. The cheiorarn ront vvith thi auad subntanae and tari a watinub le un reoyiintuiue uot l not bunabnout vnowhneosend to hioavu ratoutll Houa long vil Outdoor wood last? Matoriat prnpeîty tîîotîd wuth the CCit formuatin on biben ardeugaing tests in the gîaandsinal1935b rrth noaknan uraturniresutigfo odtiaoinset. Otoa wond pînauden lorrorie prtecioan. Whan you builel outeloors, use ouldoor wood. Wood that doenn't hava to be painted or stainad. Wood thal isn't botherad by insects. Wood that won't rot. Wood that is beautiful for keeps. ECK HI.LO DECK 77 (il \R(11 ifeOPELAND CHAS a. COPELAND LTO. 700 MAIN BT. E. MILTON. ONT. 878-8171 PATIO WALKWAY FREE FREE EST/7MATES DELIVERY ir nSteles Anc 1 ai t TOWN 0F L4M It MILTON a Co a ad La-mbin APRIL. SKATING-HOCKEY Saturdays- -Public Skating 9p.m.-11 p.m.-Shinnay Hockey (2.00 par persool Suodays 2 p.m.-3.30p.m. -Public Skating Thompson Road Arena Saturday - 8 a.m. - 6 pm. JU EASTOFMILIONMALL