Flyer players honored at annual awards dinneir It wae an eveclcg cf Pierre Pilote. mille elhe mosl goals mac Paul enpc.But elle mac mille the Mcanc. Oerry lnglia lîaaciefInl, inc l bfest emfile mas nookie cf awarded MeCca alccphy for fo lIn ilc Flyr' l977 inn pen Ie Murray, wbc hie la-goal yean. Mcacfl alno lteatec lget tageeleer acd wa s ltdhn a&d by liai 0ani Slfor 88point. enjoycone acaler's compacy. Trafalgar Foda "Bock" The mccl improved player fi eeedBke aRon Tels Gervala. awardwas presentedto Toedd slght on atandaylin tse Lios The leales mccl pcpudar Sheppard by Haney Funk. Hall on Thompian Itd. Be thn player, Rob Frame, wasnt ccl Mc Fîpers were handed Miltoe Janla "B" Flpers on hacil la accepl hic award pool lraphinc for ineir fient Hckey Claub leld ti n - c acd Pierre Pilote mas alec junior goal as a Flynn. Faut nual Awanda Dhnnn. mlsaing. Mca, Brian Gordon, Todd Tie caplalc cf ine Mcam, Bcd Gcadlng ares = inn Peeppcnd, Mine Murray, Teist maa notait as ine Gave Halme Me Pia aul Mantin, Sleve Wilsnc lecm's i mct lile playen Award fnBmn BObS Nemman aper Paut, Kein Ycnke ccd mas Iandndine award by andinhe BIge Bccrng Trcpley ccd Larny Payne. Alvin Chuclesnchl of ine fncm BNint Ecd Dataac mas Iant Robents man ginen c 'Charles Bclel. Murray Hcad preseclal by Norm Casallen. shuoa amard and bal tIce wreneTith tinhe Ted Godnglai 113poiintis tropbies enllcoMcCaelcmlin Ba MmallTrciely and year n c egedar sessaon and nenen, Gordon, Bruce Ellinon, ine mail taluaele ployernic playf litls. Bic goale Tinnsccd Ooodlng. inn picyctîs amard fronm Bill cumered 40. Folloming the dinnen Flyen Gclllcger aliea mccl la Tmills Pc alinccgh Ooading mas fans binaI inn team in an splittlng inn ceard inh inn top point man, ine playen ,crenias dance. ÎCTED maie is Rom Twills. Playern and execeltive ce J Twisa, tecm captain' an tIhe Most Valuable Player 1hlm the number one man in Uine fer the Ted Hood Fergenerci manager yen Gooding naid a few Tlciigfermnce fer hie club. ___ ROBERT NEWMAN CONGRAT witle the Dave Hulme Memcrial A SMILING MIKE MURRAY ef the Year award frcm B Milten Junior Fly eu Afin Ssturdey et fthc Liens Hul Memeriel Arena. BaduacOa as 12,5 olere ilet n0S 44 R.mna eh. 1n1 sl 24 foieam .n e1 e SUa FAIScM.iun Il 1 1 flaeuv e e i el e1 fiIINabmuc eý e 9 nneilYork.c 1c i i i Brilemna ne i e e TadnSil s nie .i. R.eOiO 1,1 Il c e3 nainlCann n I na.lmn 1Oi Mile aisnn Kathcicee nenI BecOme a.y ne 2e n wonnu le 3 nanneccenn n83 ean Fi ilote ne e2 62 ecold Shp . n 1Il B n coins ce e ct e e41 n Ilc 17 received the Reokie uck Gervais ut the ual Awards dunner 1 et Thompnen Rd. i'îEbs lae e ail.en rd ut the F1lyers banque The Canadien Champion, Weid. Apr. 12,1978 83 ihantamn NOW OPEN TO SERVE YOIL. 327 BRONTE ST. COR. OF ANNE BLV. &I PRONTE ST. N, "WH4ITE OAKS SHOPPING CENTRE" PL ENT1Y OF FREE PARKING OPEN SAVE ON THESE GRANDOEiGSElL WHIL SUPLI BU DONE MGE ONE REE N INLIS completed his second year as coach of the Milton Junior Flyers and liait a few words ta Say tIns seaiscf. BUY ONE -GET ONE FREE E--- Içmpaison of Manufacturers5 Suggested List Prices ICOCA - COLA BUY 1. PLITRE RETURNAPI'E Pontiac Acadian 2-dr. Hatchback ..... $3941.1 OE 79* 1Chevy Chevette 2-dr. Hatchback ...$3941. I PLUS OEPOSIT Geonue Cieenne wpc I rednn GET ONE FREE This corparison price lijt Honda Civic Hatchback .......... .$4095. FOR DEPOSIT ONLY is an excerpt from an ad basnB20Hthak ......$65 ROYAL OAK that appeaired in the DasnB20Htbck.. ..$25. m i, Toronto Star, Tuesday, $42. ILK April 4th, 1978 placed by Toyota Corol la Liftback/ 12M0....... 42. General Motors Dealers 2d.....~ I4 Association, Toronto Districti Volkswagefl Rabbit 2-d ... .....M5 $ 4 1 WONDER WHY GREMLIN AMC I U EOI WAS MOT INCLUDEDI PL. U FREEOI 7OtLLi'- ~ROYAL OAK ORANGE JUI VW57AMC m"*m 40 OZ. 60e VALUE $3860 SWe have thee onl1i brand new '77 mcdcls at unbelîcoable 1cm Sporfy sfylig ad prîtes. One racer ccayc Tii îwo Oremlio X's performance. Th 2-year, 24,000 mile @nifiiii fu Wof" binyei protection Plan driving recePtuNd CLEMENT'S MOTORS 0F MILTON "Serving Miltan and Area Smnce 1955" -O BROINTE STREET SOUTH e jusTr NORTH 0F HOSPITAL * 878-2328 MILTON IN A JUG OR PITCHER PX ITEMS ON SAL WHILE BANTAM FRESH QUALIT BREAD 240Z. REG. 45c LOAF 1111111111111319 9< J OH NSON BLANCHED PEANUTS 100Z PAO ONE 83 GET ONE FREE' BUV ONE -GET ONE FREE! MPADOW GOLO ICE CREAM ONr Ln 5E CE 99te BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE! hK. E AT THIS STORE ONL Y SUPPLIES LAST y FRITO LAYS & RUFFLES POTATO CHIPS Il 79" GROCERIES eMILK le BREAD e ICE C9EAM e SOFT DRINKS SNACKS *HOUSEWARES a TOBACCO - CANDIES eHEALTH Et BEAUTY AIOS WA TCH FOR OU/R WEEKL Y SPECIAL Si