The Canadian Champion, Wed., Apr. 12, 1978 15â Teachers Iearn about multicultural education MuhUietrai odacatian la relevant r nirlco c Oive in a malticalloral eosranliy, Dr. Manfia Burke, a conaultat wlth die Mlalulry of Edocaien, toitd North Hales bonicheo. Dr. Surke cas leader of ltse worbalcop on molli- cslluraliga, one et everal corbaepa offene t0 tlacbers dariag profteionai devis tacosd.edcis bogies wilb a elats of rnd, Dr. Sorbe said in ber teiro- ductery tlIt lia porpose te te preparle stiadens te Ilvo te a mulielteral soelely. le as teterdepeodesl world w people move aresnd, ns viii he abie te lise e i lion. elle pcited out. The te te holp stodeolo hec flexible ecesgb te dent ==m~d a variety Dr. Burke hennif te ai, an embcdimenclofli THE PURPOSE oif multicultunol edilcotion i0 te prepare students for living in aworld oshere they'll have to relate with people of voriots bank- grouinde, Dr. Monts Burke (left told North Halton teachers. Dr. Burke and David MacDonald (centre), bolh from, the Minialry of Edccatioo, participated in the teochers' professionol developinent day program. J. M. Den es vice-principol Mitres Armstrong chaired the section on molli- culturart tm. Busy time ahead in Optimist club Miten Optlmit Club mais- bers aregm lgp aabn te club bottlle odite=o Ives, ha Cie curresi bullelin, ha rernadecombers Cial freessecwte Soplamber, Ciers oita ha a hast of prejedts andorwati. lisoifer Lac Weeb wit hac tbae ay t 7e, Cis aannlteerdoiaed for Site Saliy Web May 21 te 27, the annual wbite stephani sate te ocedudod for esnty Jane, Cie Cariteon Sbswhaed Le smaieg for a dance on Jane 10, a Gala Days colobraties te plarnnod lar Joty, a mnr sho and litaroret iithad lmiorleg Cie drac for a graffiti car in Angani, aed a Scy.a-BSnlcmpa igel ha beli te September te rale bonda fer Cis es 0pfiist YouCi Centre. Orgcninercrpt a profit ut ahaciPicOon Ce club's eceel Sports Cetshrily Rosi, chers NHL refenes Bnre Hod of Millon c-e- birni of rny lober. Etescice eigbi olt ha haud icier dits monCi and Dsnois Koaseicla, onestf Cie correct vice-pesidentn, las hasn norncncnted la asnsume Cie presideetes chair inorn retint president tics Hodd. Tbtres, nec rnerr cere indoctsd test cesb - Vin Snow, Pct Saiiy and Jobn Permîtt. (Permit te retoreieg te Optirniai oorb on be te c peau precidant of Cie Miltoan club.> Milton Opiboiet ans abso bnly eponsoring aneo club in Actes. Tbsrse c nucteuseof1 poieniiet OptùiiestierCsr. bers nltoratiorn. Her bcbground oe le Jancan. ris and sola- Jewisb. idec "The question of visihlr orne minorities oa ai a criticat cilS point ioday." ,chie nom- o? rnenied. Innthe days of over- oeasrnisoiooaries, tocws con- colt nidered enocgb to cotent uti- rney onS5ndy'"to do go worit." Today. hocever. memnbersof cinoority eroupe are oeighhors acd claso- mates. Peuple cesi to examnine chat ibey rectly lest about ooiooritiec, Dr. Surbe cald, aod qusion chether tbsy're cnaking caornmptions about olliero based cotely on their Amateur Sateen d~ FoliowîcgthensuccecssofthCe tait teen donne hetd at Milton Mernoriat Areca on Thornp- fd.. cL aecond donce tas br n coed ton Aprit 27. The donce ns oponcored hy s orne rnerners of crena fond rcialog nornrittes. Spobes-. porion Rose Harisn id Cie April donce o'ould teatore ancrnaternuscien' hoor. Teso bonda iolrrestrd in sentotg for c short poniod of tîrne cul be judged by Cie tenn cttendîog the daonce. appearanre. aiso te, e notion forn ohich usrd longer are, i Christnmas,t differentimes cultural gmtu otten on child,' Dr. S teachers. "A Teonhers oeed rnine the corri- icienia or ideas o ha vclid bot no ile edoccior aid. or intacre, bas sncgsitonorious deobi. "Cic orbe advieed Cie iltualraie ber disnossion, Dr. Sorke slrrnoed tlm ctons clore a cbild nornes froc not just chat country, bot chai port of Cie country, 'Tse teorber has to keoc a gresai dmt about Cie rhild'c background," I rnalles c differenne, ton exernple, cheCir c Jcrnainan chlld innfon nuiraitor urhan rea, fron Cie ootcicn or Cie oau raci. The nbîtd's soporience, ve bics toogoage, oitl Ce diffe. rent, site enpharned. Fotlocicg Dr. Sorbes tctb Cie techbs got togeCier to ideniy Possibe probternso f odjccirnnt for neccorners ccd la denelop cays of rneetiog Cisir comte. Tecbere had c chaîne of ico erbobopo. d thn Ce day. In cdiioel rnli- notmoroa, oCier otteregs wrsesoson Cecsaio iebing, boc ce rend, boa, ce Chiob, pbysicatl dia abilities. musie. drarne, orieore, nutritio, uit ptaniog and ouideer eda- nation. The neol prnleulaona ctiviy day for tbe selSh ares le snbsdoted tor Fnidey, May tt. Neccorner cdjcsntn oa only one aspect of rnoti- LIZ and CATHY - MA RIE. coiionctiern, slle cent ce.c 'Obat caou chen Cis sec- 0 0 corners areo longer nec?"j OS cbe cnbed. 'Are lSsy 'Bckb" j '«Ai ~ 1.o... 'Siack-Canadien' onr Ucing ltse Ccnibbman teOfieScfns i nce ý EL. .wa.ehous NEW BUILDING !OUR LEADER . ihon intersted in tabing KMad4 .i Fre pont on the amernconclr STEVE ... lsRE:GENT soood codtant Donnio ai 80SlsRp 7879, Rose ai 878-tt85 ore Rp Louise et 870-OSt. Ail n'reséÏ people are onailabte citer O Pc. duning tha ceeb. io.. "0n again, aothoCisimcent.. yoor tow taxesis due nexi Moodey, Apnit t7. A penalty lu ncager] for lte paycent. ~ ~ -- - V»iKEEN TFHUMB SOne Day OnIy, Saturday, April 1t S A L E We rasarve the right 10, lmit quanhijes Lush Tropical Plants i A jule of healthp tropical plants in 4" pois - all 0133% off'i A bonanza tfor plant lovnis 1'l A ,e% MILTON 820 OPTIMIST AIR CADET SOUADRON Officers & Cadets wish to thank the people of Milton for their generous support during our recent taq days. MILTON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 1 wish to notify the parents of students at Milton District High School that: 1. Mid-term reports wiii be issued on Thursday, April 13, 1978, 2. You are invited to attend Parents' Night on Monday, April 17, 1978. 7:00-7:30 appointments with teachers may be made in the cafeteria. 7:30-9:30 parant-teacher interviews wilI be held. R. ZIEGEL, PRINCIPAL mi MILTON GIRLS' SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION LAIE RESISTRATIONS $5 per girl, $9 for two Maximum $12 p.r fan*y CaIi 878-8316 878-1082 878-4306 GALNE MOOR i 'Ii IMî~I h i