The Canadien Champion, Wmi. Apr. 12, 1978 13 Work with natives of W Afica described A fermer Pence corps tiar atell raltsar titan tas- orket mita tisa Unitmi tise ara, tisa tde style and atae on conactiat mitis tisa netanleer and agrictiral postag Norths Aaertcn Cisaret nf Chritas nea aget- tise prejecte ia mics ha ceas sepplyiag ofeat e tractera, mleatannry tld Mitan taclnalegy. cultusral eaginaar. tneoled. hacsed OP tsy tise complota teetartana aboulte hic t tar i Currantly n sisadeat aI Ha deacrised Tege, a Part of hta wtrk mas coitis e suppty et spare parte, and West Attrica nI tisa clebs Guelph Univaersty, Mn. Estan former Frenchsratany in West oeil ds'illittg co-operative ie medliied te meet tise apactal meeting test moats. wne empttnalatag tie saects Attira, aone t e et tis mm whiots fita ergnisatiot aemia et tise aires. Animal Stonen Estav, et Wtis- et Rataryn tanternatnal Itoacatal. neppimi technelegy and husisandry programe; la- isurg Pa., stresaid the ha- sadarstaniag pragramas. Ha lia speakser raniewed dia eqalpmeet and local cein- clodmdinetroduction et ratstt partance et wartstag elta tae li apeet tares yrnrs sdta major peedscteof the country mcedtlrn prenided Mari ratsins and fitat projacte, ntives et Taga te daeen tan Pence Corpsta nd tata and the cllmatic nariations et ptower, mme tieaoctag and Mr. Estan's tatkannd en- accommodatioe tor tae diooîasm cas accompaaled nopernisor. Tise importace ho stîdrnctsics ittnetratad dia ftcleae water aaiasle in a countny et Toge and tae village ceas ntrmased, as ae varieousprofect. Studlents w ork w ith ottempt to eutdow o Tise speakser osas tetra- kdas.A wsvea On rkflsdrI y oara E Ilnê UtI sev 350 faile ais*an hnkd nRS CANADIAN SNOWRIRDS Orcheatra had a standting fourts fron loti; irmoe is n vncattso, grand tîno whlo teinter holida'in in Florida, shownl Rt thsa rlght. Tisa pianit tes Mot Crom' rom and Grace Bradley of Milton formed thea ford of Campbollvilla, p[ctured fonirtis froin the grotip tard Tom tees beoantar wiie tisa band tiglit. made aoveral ensgagements. Tam lis tise fiddler, Local seniors participate in ý'fun'f orchestra in Florida TitreseMitonnsealor cîtinan znan en joyabla tsoliday ta Prile lacide dtt cintr ad whbte taare, kept ep tasta musical taets mhie partinîpating ta a net or- chestra comprisna snttr Thea penp mas beacen ne "lise Canadien inaceterds" and provtdad musical anter- taternent at armeraI cern- rnaty meetings, picolca and parties durlag tae minter tearint sesson. Tam and Graco Bradley et Court St. Mditon and Mr. and Mon. Ltayd Cramtoed et Camptsollniâe more tae local neeteen ta Zeptsyrbtit. lise Bradla3fn and Maa Ccamtord mare ta tae orchstra. "tgie e tnt four nery a djy able mantae ta Flori, reparte Mc. Bradley-. Decem- harcand Merchs more tre and cern, altanagts Jannery and Fatsstt eare pat ol Tampa, ha neld. Thea orchstra ntarted out nponemtaly. Oe day tnan tastosmat Graca Bradley gel teaing teaneathar Cana- die warran, wetsak ad sr tsneband can a niolintat. Mes. Bradley sad tsar tsband aiea played tae niaia, and taey dacided te gat tagalier for an enng. Satano long, taay ttnd rondad openaagt haidayers tar a tl-tladged orchstrla. lise Rradiayn hana Iota et musical expartence, ne TOM maes one ot tae Iondera et Milten Senior Clzens orchstra ami han pinymi tae niolta (and tahe us n lit tor seneral yeas. Grare ta n singer mita tae greap. Mae Cramlord tsas han a MSiCO piantat toc mant- years. Tom maa nammi bandl- monter nd taay counded op qoite a gadiecinti et musiciens te rend nefdia bsaed, lTey ptayed tacir tirst jbset a Canadien Club dinnar and Inter ptayed armeraI timanaeta nursingisomata t.mrst cois, andmi a w intan mobileisoma parts. Intruments inetadeli piao, niolie, isanjo, drus, guider and otselale. Sometimes tae audience Chamber shares HQ with St. John group Rpeiting et signe at tae aerangad andi mtect cmfld ha entratsco te Miin ledicating annilatsle ter sale tocf fy, tae tacen ne berne o etRam- titg tisat qunoity Eratgtilhabo ndertaantsy tae eore ntnousnly made it Miton Chamber ot Cern- tm=at toc a singl e rre, directees agrand test mercisant te undectabe tae caats. initial arrangemente. A tee puislic relatins committee ea lTae anacutina, nder lte te ha entafliad tsy tae presi- direction et Prenidant Maria dent and taat committee mita Ri1e aiea learned dia agree- tae station reeeoistee cif f ment cita St. John comsider paaasiitien. Asotaliae toc diair use of dia Information Centre in Secretary Joyce Hageni Unlty Parts bed also e iau reparoed sha une proceeding tlnatled. Tise grenp mi ue On dia nec issue efthde Chsam- tita tmtdiOg as ister hare Commerce Miten Map tsaadnptactaes and toc and Guide ami innlted Inatioan. suggestionsonany changes ta the contant. taettin et efarm innm lehde Station- Renigntios ef tatredciree' inormtnncetca tees et tise Ctsamisr mare rentawad ih icta, qota- recainad tcomGus (foattambi, limas reelnad. iTe mattar Ted Mînt, and Dong tehite. cean reterrad toe coinm- lise replacement et dia mitten toc tordier con- dicactees mes te ha con- alderation. sidered and invitationm en- lise anacafive reniemed tended toc nominatinsn. ponaltsle Miltet sounenir lise meeting mas isef at La iems mhIt miaht ha Riviera Rastarant. h ine ..t. - lrthe K ISERl oftnant of o. Enhncm ny hmoedeor r 9suoccc, oo55eamorisick p nne aningn *0iY, orane Chl* cvIointand ftinisen LOW FACTORY PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCTS *_ Aluminum Doors FUt)ET Combination Windows TERMOI LABLE e Car Ports * Aluminum Awnings FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OPFCAN F tFnalPan5hSUtoe Onhoata 84nt2i8 OUT-COF-TOWN CUSTOMERS PIIONE COLLECT renctsad 2se or ste peuple. Odier Candiens le tae genap mere tferald Leeder et Karnei, Beanle Manon et Kaon Ra Hugts ot anaitnd Mr. and is. Thsomas Mctsnn et Tees- enter. A fac Anrcans jetami ta tee. lise Rradleys enjoyed a cIsittfrem Dr. and Nin.s, lna Honter and ie parente, and troum Lan and Hefee fOrt-fe lrom MOiton. StdU t lm hane neep portenity te watts cita a handtcapped ctstid and restere an antiquea Brougham nlelgs lisaenommer, an a renmit et dia appronal isy tae taderat gonereiment fer eime nagienal Young Canda Wors Pragrama. Stadente min ha trataad en tae parent lenai Item te morts mitha nidcapttad cteld endar tae direction et Pearl Etricis, et Milten and District Ueinvesity teomen Cois. "Tisa meliva et tae programt ta te maire stuente amare et tae panaisilities ot hefptag mita beedicapptil cisddron, and tsalptag taman pessihly delermine caeaer teafs," anplnined fOrs. Eirics. Tise sobject ot tae sommer prograce willh bcOrs. Eirich's fine aad a isalt-year-ofd ton, Fredeics. ru NkWN Prasented by the ONTARIO AMATEUR RACINO CLUB on dîsplay THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY, APRIL 131h, 1411, & 151h HN THE MILTON MALL Ali thase 'HOBBY CLASS CARS I Body Styls data bîck to 1948 and oldar Ail Models Race Regtllarly At Fiamboro Speedwîy "-Enan teaclters dent tsaem ie nemi et cemplete tee nnach aisout iseala lajory retinlnhlng and returbihttieg and ara seaware et hmw te accerding te Erla Brittea, tseip baicappnl chillran," cuater et Haton Regiona shte ceatinel. Museeum. Titres ulinarnit toa l e T ho is mxpected te taise studente wiSlb h itaa t worts 16 moaka te cempltt, alto intsar herne. Theo peegram, staem and wm itttety ho dene miS inchldo temtiterining estdoorn, moatsor per- stedentei on tencteag a isandi- mnittieg. cappat ild515 te crawl, "Wie it ta in nound condi- Itroatise proerly, rend ami tien. enery square iech hant te make sech lisan boaks. ha taisen dowe wlts paet The second prajeet te, ha ramener." atm said. wtdertatsan hy thre atudante prxmtly$,0)t witt tnetna an tata aleigh,$s00. l Attpe in Lots ter denated te Rateon Raglan liAt aejetdt et o Meaem hy Jack Pembertea, matertats te ret-r the stlgs prenident of tisa Norths te ite Origtaal ntte. Amereran Hern Drame Tise salgtt cemmonly ueal Veclen pAasoctatien. hy dignitarian and oppor cite amaies ta tise lUe lThe sletgh ginon te Btallon camres six pople, sasd Mrs. Munsm 15tyaarn age ma hadly arsttemn WNTED GOOD USED CARS Thinkîina et tradtn your ca7Ses Park Toyota. Rtghf nom ma're paying top dollar lor gemi qalify esali cars. s ar Wa aller the highest trede in ellomence. Thieking et huying or sellieg? Thinh et Park Toyota' Celi US Todeyl SA' lis PAR TO O A& Ie TOYOTA6 - TOYOTA TOYOTAT- -OOT TOYOTA TOYOTA -n I =c TOYOTA ALL COLORS ~CAPET KING 310 STEEIUS *MILTON GE A LOAN YOU CAN LIVE WIT H-LH Need a lttiehep for home improvements. a new kicheo appliancereceatien equipmeot a holiday, a sudden orner gency? Entaisoh your fne of uedit nom and en- joyour intant oan service ai-- Arrange a contract loan f0 cocer yo and ---- enly at you need it and you Il ho peyîng onst 1% per month. Pay if off enytime r (nominal monthly yaymentn.) Yoo pai In- terent only on tht ootstanding isalance. This Credit Union service ns availaisie te M memisers with chequing accoonts. Entablisis yor credif nom $1,000., isl,50).or more. When yeu nemi te meet payments and are short et cash yoo simply w rte a chaque. Drop in today et oe of ciii conve0000 locations HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION ILMITIED 44 Maie St. Milton 17 Wilson Dr., Milnon 338 Ker St. Oako lie MILTON JAYCEIS Afb CHARTER NUGHT Dinner and V danceJAYCEES Saturday. April 22 ut Roma Social Club, Stenum. Ave., Milton Foilowship 6.30 p.m., dinnor 7 p.m., dancing ta a good band, 9 p.m. ta 1 ar. Admission $10 par persan, ail woicome. Comae andi help Milton's nemest yonn men's service cois be charteref, There are still npenings for more memisers. Cell Melt Spencer, 878-8317 Inn information. Shopping Centre h _- 55SOntaeiohSt South + $500.,