8 The Canadian Champion, Wed Apr. 5, 19078 Objections dropped Ward changes proceed Cbarglag palitîral col- sls. Miltan Cmrii tet. meait prasailed os a Derrt, Rd. neaident ta drap kit op- poaition ta a prapnoed sard isoandant, change ns Che rhange ceol hae etacted i tise tonCia yarn's electios. Altisogs Che objection soi- mitted lit Hasard Curnt, sas made la timre, kit aijec- uas moulsi hase made tl impenaible tan Che chasn tei go Chroogis ail Che reqsirad legal proees Chia ter. 'lie tome's delat, la adsertiaieg tise prapeaed II hasedant, change nesulted id Che timing prables. A by-tam passed bt, Milton Cosseil last September coille tac a siit en Che basedariet ot manda 1 and 3. Tise tormer Burlingtoe section dtinard 3 betmeea Steelre Ave. and Decry Rd. sosld baronorpart of Ward 1 tarmerlyeaorC Oaksille) Casarîllara said tise eiiest ofthCe ist la haange ssuld pnssidesardesisisis are mare leqaitablin aem ai population, ore and total tablae objertion Mn. Caret said ie mat toatied siCh tisa statue qao. Ha muid exsslag mard set-apa sera geom graphiraSly roallastous. Ha sifadde iard 3 kad decelopad a tese et commuelît, and napresestatiae bt, population sealsi ha arkieved t, etlien But rouaicillora saw tl as palitiral gamne-pltying aed binted ai a collusion balmeen Csraet, ad Mator oa Gordoe. Mayor Gardes had opposaid tise by las last tat. Leareisg Chat Carnet, lad csatasted Gardon belte sais- mlttieg bis objection, Coan- siltan Jis Wtoneeid Gordas aboutid hase tried te dissuade Corset, teest sais- mittlng bis objection. "Yas'ra selliso tise rural people dame Che traie.' be scsed. Gardon alt Carnet lad asked isum sait, mseCen Chene issd isenan seobjectios pot tarCh. "t dicdot knoa sisat hie wasld dosiser heisegoup thse phoe.' Caret, sisa ras tar resi la Che 156 rampaig, desins sol, paliticti metisa lion. tf Che ses hasdtnieset implnsînalnd Carnet, miii ha le ward ose iastead ai ssnd Chee. Coancîlon Rotse Posadisit mans anothen mise esnrted ras- sideraisle pressronaneyt ta sitssra i bjsection. "Yeu'ne Che gut, on the isut- tos," be ltitd Carnet,. l'osodiuk saiti Nsss- gaseta las beee andi oi continu aoeiiesaraidtgroth aires sisereos population growth in hfomer North Gaksîiie and Nortb Ouriieg- ton aneas isas hee nloas Hec sail the bp-las mas appnased btseueiniîai aticipation ai retsisiag the balance bel_ men the arban and rural neprreenioo Couesîliar anisa Penas soit tf the 'delisale' urin- ruralhsbalnese ateredaone iota, the people je Che curai ores sunnauedieg Milton mold be intheosaieibatias Milton l ithe negîsa. Hr urged Carne ae loaounad thecamo ilthesoumiscaf people siipportiag hima Tisas mene o oile membra ai te paicinal atteedance.) Cosoritiar Rose Harriaon cammented atise Seard a lot of arguments lt ont aekise hadal iseard latora. "Tiset, veleimplied, t guets. Carset, tald soalncillora ise wauid rersiden ii objec- tise "..sot beaase asthodt, made o naieal argument, bot becase et implicatlomi Cîis sould leans elentios A short tise lter Mator Gonddse read a este tront Conet aaaasaciegkhe wuld sitbdras. Laine, Caret ld 'lie Cbampion be fit bis objec- tion sas pnejudged itelte ise srrived. He sai!be ws et- lraded iystuuggestions his oppositionsas a politîsat pistiarmi But ise tdded ho was stisiied be hsd se op- portueît, ta express bis feelingsansd [a hean tise feelings ai sesescil. -t dettaitetelisl Cet, sera icyieg ta intiiates me," Corcet, ssmmeeted, 'Bat t sasaitdrama iets orosetuno intimidation." Councillors accuse mayor of mishandling Milton Mayor [ion Gordon toma te go te Marketplare sasnraked overCtecislais ytibi usTV progeumi) inisteadatf muo segt, coeslons ian tise Board ai HealC'? You essaouaglsg s Miltas resi- doa't tiisi CeassOler Jis dent tei snîte a CBC-TV son- Kerr, s memharr ot tise semer prugras aoaaeraieg Bord ut HealC., ail told isicomplaint;aoutailocal Chemayo."ttl eettu suait atone. The inidentaocssred at poor jadgemeet. ThiinttCe ls eek'tasilmeeting. tinat ise il's bappeaed, "WSt, sosid pou races. Ysa'd bat tan smontee ap." mesd tai the attitras ai thîn Couasîion Rose Honnisoe complaint chasise th maor fr uing mans letter 101 Ci te serra- pas jdeetirttlng s ar people, iealadisg lise le lise managee of tbe store. shîrmoa of lte Board of Shesaîd Chemtater. ifoaicet Heoltb on tetevssîs, tsauod gise The ianorcooaereaom- Milton o paon image ai a tise plaint of soute droppiegs ishea Miltonaus irpîag la oliegedit, tourd an a package ncourage lumabuose soies in ut fond bouilit ai Loislos ' 1his ores. The saspliiaa sbarged lte Mayor Gardon ai e fdiste heatisunita-assnotdoieg isa be hsd glouas vapies ai lise jois WiII pay $58,300 for village house Miltas Couneil plasa v~illage. But il Ibreatesa speed $50.300 iplat $710 in present a nuisance te lise legal tees and appraisal Fensuitks as Che road ssii enfise) ta parchase the E. A. paus, a Il teet tram, their Fessick home en Camp- home.Mr. and Mrs. Penwick helliille. asked the lame le boy [hem The hame, ahoat a sentant, out, and caeil agreed a tew aid, is locatedaonGuelph Line iseeks aga. a' Che esrth endl of tise village le lise ses industrial park, aed ails rigisi baside ases arna enCrt et Hîgissat 401, qaarry truck hasiage reste cosetil ssii malte deselopers Che ouneil, tprîiagisank boy aut ast, pnisale home- suorny and Mieistry Of emeersiwse lilestyte le Transportation aed Csm- affected by Che infux et ie- m aioans are plaeeing 15 dsatny, a a fair marketsvalue bisad Cbie pear. plus la per ceai. Coeillos Tlie haul route sas cas- agreed the senme formula structei te keep qsterry wuldhav'elt e applied in trattic (estimated at 90 trurks tbe P'ees cita case. NeitCen perisaunoffthCnstreetseofthe lise Menstr nor Sprengsasi GO passengers save pennies Miltas possrengci- tailg ringtalhesissoy a o rk- lise Gi> Bus routes brisera dole matentodfa York Mills. Milles and Yack Mîlis ssii accavdingtoGOalticials, reseisnia bilas avovesaialo asneslarccecnalsageigh- A sew service atlccnd Ivay 401 bcgiscîeg Jas. 28, la carry Paesesgnrs% tiselivit passespens as GO bss beseren Miltas asd Yack ctsen Yscbdoln, Yack Mille Mîlis, - and iscaces and ScoarogbTown Centre Gleorgetown and Yack Clils soba lise lare cedusitas coessna oeyby iralscc Possible Ontario THE PLANNING ACT AND THE PARKWAY BEIT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMVENT ACT TOWN 0F MILTON Toits valice thai appicaio asr tamenrivcni ta Tîca- saceis Parkuot, tnl Loa Ue Regalaîttionoe os Ovlaslo Rcqaoa Na 481 73s inte Town ai Mitan hsas secs rcevta SThe appitiîon as. tlAppihaHoard Stpcas ,lte Na 13(148a, Piof oty2 & ,ss 'y at Rd ual SsvsuvusgPplu 'Svvo vv l la 1ale galifcur ,vg fange andsuminiaue golfcaurse a parking ane and osuvu)ur iosuy deeuq ruvscae ofhe kil sohansisuaveCt ianuc ts e Oficea oi The Tiea- sacs, ai Ontia nda0 MusSmae ai Esasaui ' us and siegaavsinea , Aile uîs 801 Bay Street Ot, Pisai, Toscasis n . bav 1 t)Sisshe lAs da.y fApni 197tun tes Plc of Zi va ' ivgog vAusSii auve as -11u be talla Sansdaîca bclats a final dc 555 s vois sacrasn Undec Section 32(g) af lise Act, ast, Iatecesteit uerssot, aquest a heornc bp tise Municipal Osaito a a pplicotatac for veccient ta a ce- etaîctent aiea orde, W. Darcy McKeough, Tceasuce, ai Ontario. M ..aieoncos msaus ave qt.,ggsvesrental Affair Sand and Grose[ wuad participiale sn the parahase. aiCouagil ) tisrere 0cr n deselopiens ot lte coud. Cousait oins agcned la renu lithe Frascic home. Prospective pursisosers wisli ba sauiioaed aout lise ses coud andthseexistence afube aodauii lecregisteredsanthse fîie. Tise salinla in be tial- iaed Aprît 29 and os open listitgata bngises l ocialo ceai estateiscokers iteresird in esellisg thenhouse. lîarîagssuiildsssios a tew wceks g,saaaiicisns agneet the tous sîgit lune o iew thoasaad doullors reseliag Che hume. Tise deaisios ta pt, lthe 58.3005 as made ai an in caeameeting isloissg the Nlrh 28 couriil meing, thec ratiied by lise fuill sorii aen tbat evening. ACTING AS MILTON'S officiai guide, Maor Dan Gordon occampaniei 50 emplayers ef Reliance Producla Ltd., an o tour Oliratig Miltesond ares. Reliaeoe Praducla LSd. is hapiog ta mave monry ef ls emplayeea ta tise new Milton plat later tlhis yeor fronn the present Scoroagh plant. C"ouncil briefs DST begins April 30 At its negular meetat, meeting hald Taradat, aigis of test meek Miltes Casant.l -Ageed te neqonat Calt Haltan Regloa Police la- stade a clause canerrslg emergenrtsitoations surh as seowstalrma la fttae leader agreementa ion ioOisg sen- vises ted holding charges. -Reraised notificaion tisaI tise Minstry ot NabraI Retourecm hon geasled SprneghaeisSand and Gravai Lîmîtad, et 7204 inaîkeens Lie, o licence la open, estait- 110h on opeate a gravel plI. -Oesided la odsîse Che towshiip ot Fiasanbooag ltai Milton mas sotin a posi- tinta provide ioadieg ln 1978 foe apgradiaq and reset- struciona ot Tasalian Rd. iee rsting. -Apprased atcogeamnof pnoposed epeedtonna andoa suppiemestant, prognos et roasi impravemens for t978 ta Cae laneot $1,525,546. Rend projecta tiade mark as Thomas, Commercial. tand Gntario Streetsand NiaCh Lise - - RenalVed and titad tise t9t8 nequlaîlion res Che Halta Board ai Eduatios. - Agreed te snd a meshar of statt and a member ofcoaincito the 25C asome roatereace efthCe Association of sait Unisaa Mualcipaliies to e haielli ln Strattord la Mat, -Grattd permissioa, sohjeal la regiseai appreo, tan Che Association ot Kins- mat Clubs la bolsi a Ceap Bas Derbyt as Maie Street Jaît, 1. - Prarttimed Cae meis et Apnil 9 Chroags 15 as Dntal HealCh Weeki. - Praclaimed Ostlight Saving Time ta hagis Sandte, April 30 and end Oct. 29. - Agraed te "tend" Che Noosagamapa Tennia Club $2,i0t ta naishanie tiesautr- tare ofthCe court. Tisa club, miir mdl repat, Milton Cae mortl pltans te appît, for Renmealios and Caltora grans and o Wistania grant totalliag $3,0900 Tise riais a coalriisaitag $2,500 tram cask on hand as ell -Apeil 29 la treeplaaling day ton Milton Scouts. Thte boys are conrea lt sallecllsg pledgea taisard Che prajeel. N m.JLtielemansl interiors LQJ340 Main St. Milton, Ont. 878-3435 ColorY.uw Wrid CHANGE 0F NAME ... SAME FAMILIAR FACES From ColorYurVlbrld to d*IlanD ifltWiOIS Bill, Rita and son Derek are adding many new lies in paint, wallpaper, carpet, vinyl and tile flooring, plus a larger and complete stock of ail accessory items ... making tielemans the largest and most complete decorating centres in the area - DO IT YOURSELF OR LET US DO IT FOR YOU. QUALITY AT SPECIAL PRICES. Color CIL NeWCIL Super Latex Super Latex CIL Alkyd Flat Semi-Glos-çs Semi-Gloss Tlhursdat,$'>l Frda, IAA an 1295 $1 or h hh1t,4 h SALE PRCES ARE FOR A LMITED TMr SEEC THE HUPJDREUS OF COL ORS TO CIOOSE FROM Miltonisi finest- wai- and floorcovering centre Paint a Waipaper a Broadloom n Viny/-flooring * Ceramic tiles HOUSE HUNTING? Check the Real Estate Marketploce in today's issue of The Champion Rellance'employees tour Milton Sunday Klmployeen of Reliante mareta tan, t amly sîaue LWd., Stanhrongi, stentersnn traaid em in planning ta mnoa lai lte coml Otanhertuic ateheir hon- paapnnaBrateS. pantla bande iseld jos titane ald tail Ldna oparilt la ld tnt miilatimaiheCe v iesMlaa Ssdymaong. matre ta taillas. j ~Fros lthe seglasiag me j Acting an MOtant offitiel isave feil ment of son ele taonr guide, Mnyor Don plapeet Wanld cnme tram IGordonnactompatied appras- Milto, kut wie ftel t muld imtetlt 50 emplayes and atl, lae rigt la as let tsasw bua taonr Ceogs Mitn, tas. nrraaged isy Ce rampan,. Froecmai ltn 'lte nets Millan plant vaat ploasm, Mitn a n detinilî anigmnilt, nehedalailt laia gaing ilhenewlome. tmpleted hy earlp Mat, li ftlle Che quiet almen- seaCher randitias hsave de- jseueandCte netting baera," lated Che building, acri. asaldadding l as tonm- tucma n fie Lie prened sCh Che hosin Branlas. Tise prissent plant aiiis esi ewscn saut la clened an matn an tacîl- fident lie would ha morlag. itins ara la oparallosne Cite nwplnt. Thte hoar-lotg Olip tarted tramt Maltos tlala isall, ite employa«e mae lrarelled thraagh the olden impressel siC Che heaalag setion o ton aut non-. and recreatiosal largitos la ste nmpes a sr Mat, matt, admldtlad Itet, dnehus complte xesra mored it e m i. h and Ceeougk ta Keloa Park move iers.and Rattlenake Paint Park. "Tsera in a vren5, vent, amail parrentage who sil Employes sera laites ta actaly crm," rontinrmed Che Bapriaciser-Hat Resaur- Mn. Bratas, addlag Ceat Che ast as Steelet Arec, ian lancha malorît, af Che employa«e iselae retsrslag home. WiII publish CAS history Tise isitary ofthCe HItOln He aaid tas bookt trams Che Cildrat'a Aid Scet, la bitrent nd shows blis Che expertel ta appeal in tarety han manket la sIC poished tormi willia Che eCher gavrrament agesrims seet tes steita, arrardag 10 asd itemtCe mach ofthCe Che auCor af Che repart, Rer. ageort, had ekasged laver Che Richsard Roggle. tmra. Ituggle, a pant memdier Of He soted lise CAS isad Cheiboardtandaaidlent o played avitalrnoieli arng Gies Williams, is rompilel tornseglertei riilde mises tise data ovr Che pant teeral liserem aisn selare atatem meellat. te ruthes tise blas. He tlId Che MCt annuel Darlag tise deprmsion meeting efthCe CAS bat mienllt yrara Che CAS haut no traouble tisat ise bead isad Ose opaakisg plarieg teenagers haraslse toagreat numeraofpeople ta, Ceyrmauldbieput ta msrh on tee sn shirt maps tise aociety Che ferm, hue infants mere la unique. hard te Pitre. hie eal