Sfte F dlscussed HRCA not a puppet of re~ A reait tram Hctaa authaestY taiS Ie wat ttegaa t remard sifflemeats reaammenatiaaa il waatc ta caccerals Nhe prapoai sabaRit acd Rat maah taceda eegollat edftS site F gat an the raenta Ndiecta. Tbe aagep eeapofaa ath Nallota aNaeîty taca separcle bady, Ragaa Coaseration aad aRt c pappat of Npr AaNaerity (HRCAI ameeting reglaa,' Me. Mecacil lest weeb. aaaeted. Olmanat gRag ta teytebide HRCA ws aaaeced hp mp ecger,' Ralid Tee-y Heltaa'a tewyee aad Nhe Manel, inte-ePtig 8 tcwye cnd detegcla af Tee- pre.atctaa b Ne ag a mians Beltacna Citîzea eela asaam tt d dap BaN side weee abtet Ieseahm eariag ta atteateatn c ad Nepaveitballc rr g Bite F puaf tab bp chia RBp." HRCAa lad aae edIaaey conrvaae-tion board. A bccdaat an Nhe regiaaas subtaissiaR baee the itte 'Recammended Changes ia StatemeBta". Me. Perlba argaed Bbe regian mat a teplgt aaap BbheRC ae eRi the regian meR taatdng Ra flttas pabtie bodies far sap- part aad guidce. David Eatrin, lasayer far the pratesl graup. ashed HRCA ta appty ta Nhe peo- viace ta bave Bite F anda 'ascbedated", a pe dre Neat waatd briag theBad aeer tbe atbarity's jaris- dictioa, giving il tgat pamveea Tbe lad use adalaoer baaed bad eecaaRmeaded amend- mtent af ealatiag regatatiaaa aat bc preeded miNh The aatbaeity referred the matter bacb ta Nhe taadus adalaaey baed Bar aaady o Nhe eRteat of ttoadlag la the evetofalaregiaaal tarm. RemaiatBg atateet mtade bp Nhe tlad aae ad- viaBey bard mare accepted and a reqacat hp the protest graap ta ha ialarmcd about anp applications ta HECA deatiBg with Bite F wsaaa- ceptedaasawell. The adapted atatements CA haits developmient of Crawford Lake Hcita Regfioa Camser- retion Autharlty beR called a hall ta decetapmentaofCreaw toed Lake Canseratioa Are. A pelvade geasap, Nhe Caoasevation FauactB, aben eaedy ta pracaed wiNh laideeaiag far the liraI BwR pusses of Nhe peajert. HRCA memhara decided lB watd ha prelerebte ta fae mmne embereameat Basa, Necn ta maee c log-tem mistehe. Thep plan ta meei saiN the foaaadetiac Thara- dep. Sinre HRCA pucheaed Nhe proparty in Ram, an tdia Vittcge mes discavered ia Nhe ceea. Catil af develapiag Nhe site, iartadiag a edaratiBa it.erretive centrEe, raidl parking lotsand c gate bouffe, wacs eatlmeted et $M0100C. inrelgraastamere sat- medet $45000. t msaald rether sea Nhe ceea tait in e caBaret atate, Bat pa! ta massice pabtir uaege,' Raid Jlm Watson, Milttan repeeittetiva ta Nhe auharity. -Thetas nat the parpaae tsar sabirh il a baaght." "At the lime il mas boaght sac didat keau sac fuid Indien aillage Nere, Raid rbeiemcc Beach Haerria. The papet has derllcad veey qairhtp, eepaeted Bilt Waric irbNeertar of rcner- vationaaervices. lHe said Nhe aatharity ba beec BaRRa- reaalal la paliriat aad cn trallittg il. Cactrallicg uni- - That HRCA nat support the pr=1a Baraanveet tisa one fui aBitBaRoagri- -That questionscon craing graaadsatee co- tamRination acd Nhe coaafa Bt pratertina graacdsaatee atadicd hafare RRy final decisiBa la rearbed on Bbc Naitability af Bite F. -That if tbe peopoai pesa reeda, the Waadlta oa Bita F ha preRerved acd raciealted ibraagb the apprapriate zoning ta that Bbc treea are prBtected and the carat cbaracBcr Bte Bb crea Rs saiB taincd. -TbaB HRCA la nRaBn Bercalcd cn Bite F asRa pateR. ial rmrcRliB fRcilitYD -That the question of sracsaater cctaimRl and lrcaimcct Bn Site F ha dacamcBtrd by thr prapaaieat and reRaîBeil hatarc afia dcisicB is reacbcd oB the verRifies wha waat ta remave Bird Bt Oait'ilte. RBitabiliBy Bt Bite F. samples Bar reeaearcb bas ButacoceralBotbers argacd Tbe regîaa bad rcBm- baca a peabtera. Bhe alîde ioBald ha a money- mrRdcd Bbat Nhe fintsuate- MareRBee, Nhe arca ta mahiag proposition and mentBbrObaBged tBrcadBbhai bRasaR and la attracting an saBRld BBBaet Baaaea in a liadt HCA. alBbaBgb regreBtiat uiavaBy rawd, Mr. War- ahiicgaseaaa. BbeconvBersion aB ClaRa i wick added. "Wbhave tBdo -Thereas notig sarBag Barmlaad uniB RBaag- aamnetiag îaitbmalincg a buh,' Raid rirahiaral1aae,Rsupporsand tI'maiahoftte argument GoBrdon Keanta, aire-chair- encoaragea the regionBa in- iabveBtadevelop areas tea n ofaathe asatbrity.tta BcRBiBR tB reasaoe Bbc site tB peaicet theat, aaid Jaa dB'tmtaiti,RaomBaeiRe agricalt*aralaueRB aiedof Attiagbam. Bialiagtac icill. The caaarete Blide sîlI Bbc RiR-yrar Bile. repreacatatiBa ta HRCA gB an tameplace. ' "Wr aIl knosa BbaB' a "Tbeae tbtaga grasa fibe, Bt ita aimply a mtBaBBr Bt jahe, * cmcRBced Jim tapay. talag mBccy, saby BaeB Watson. MiltoBn eprc- Oahaitie repreetative downCreaBrd Lake?" aabcd Rcctative tB the aRNBoriBy. Bt Tee-O Maaaell naid the Pal Farley BB Oaboîlle. Bould B r retara tB Biit. aatbaeity RbBatd bave madc YBB raB Bacrsatitiac KclsB dlata araitand ita pasition ctear BB Nhe andteriiRBBoa tbrce-riag AcBBbrRstatctacRBchange taaridatiBR a pear aga, aBattRa circuR.' the regiBB rcammeBded a the aaBbority ws treatiag Bbc SBaff tSaR reqaested t0 pro- BbaB IbetaatbaeiBY caIl] forBbc taadatiac la a cavalier vide Brtber infoBrmation rrgiBt lo astail a Bull and taabiaa. about Bbc atide. proper lcacbaic contre] HaltaB Hîlla repreacatative _______________________ Rams Miller coBmtacBd the original decisiBn as made sippeBpnle authr ia BbBa KindergaMtn Registratofi tadeRtropn ti rpryi THE HALTON BOARD 0F EDUCATION 'We'rc gaicg ina RloB Of NORTH4 EDUCATION AREA directions," Raaimed Bp Mr. Watson 'Wc abaald redetiar F., st.dsniR cBt pe,.silI fer 00 k,,,do,DaIIB'sIn Bar aimas and objctives and DBF-h,cn 197 Bi h eeniSIay shooIî r Halte- .i,a tBlltBitrBemt Wc don'S haasa sawil a pIB-Beon F,iday, A5011 DB 197B brisce th. I., Bf B sabat ta da saitb CrasatBId amnd 1 asaîean1:15 P anId 430,a'm at theiIsha, t Lake' ic,ca,e heatten îFB -le 0ai,, h t h 1 hid rerîide Duiag the amc meeting Puli schIDR-oîasuporos arclaI ,î înî,,hocrî,acsahsn,-Ilave Bbc aaNaority cBRtiaacd disR atia,nd theage of 5icBBnorbDî1,'îtheBIaiîdaD fFiî-arY cussinsconRRerciag a pro- B97B Frn or pubIIFSJhoBII s eqt,,er a- a b poala BB icatatt a caacrete Certifvate Or aafil ,certifîicaI-1b acceptaible. m ont . Baupeeslde" ai KeIRa led Ba F tsartbec amicatiBa of Bbc îrr,th,, ,f,a,nBe-acDaed pia-caIitheBOhBBîpooa aaibaritypR paepac. BI doal .S"avne tbiak sae sbmatd get iBBB Bbc D.G. MoarBtBon aoBB Dlisceyland topa ot amase- Chaîrman DirectBc ment at KeIRa,' aaid Kciib Miltona Caacril lesit saeeb hed sercd Neugbta on Nhe CrcwfBed Lake Conservation Ares. Caaacil hâtd precioaly ecdaeaedptea ta decelBp Nhe llawever, Caaarilar Jim, Watson, wha bcd misaed Nhe meeting et wbirh Ceealaord Lake wcs disrcused, qamstiaced Nhe derialaR. Hc Raid cltbaagb a priate lamidcatiaa as raisiag funds far develapiag Bhe aile, Nhe lttan ramdd have Ba apeaete il leem maaicipat tevicaet ai cosI of $2000 oe more an nally. Camiriliaca agreed la ap- peave Nhe plansinl pritrîpte, aabjec te tahBe rceraiBn aNahrity cateriaa iBBB R devetBpmcant agreement saîtb Bbc tasac. At Bhe saRme meetiag raarii eard a equet fror R. E. Austen aI NBrNhgRtc Farm, Camphativîiic. Bar rimiare ufth ibamipaaed partioa of FBurEN Line lrm Five Bideeead te the bacs timil Bt bis peaparly. Me. Austin aaid the Hydra o der running throgh is pe- pert ba everelyFacetbiR i land. If e raa fiet R partioc ai Fchac Bt pirbîcg ap RBncthr acree traite a 10-re parcel -Na BittaadiBg April Foolas DRy jBlies sacre repar- Bed in BBBSB on Saturday. FIREEZERORRS SIDES 0F 200 ta ll DEEFA1 240 lb. 11.51b HINOS 0F B0 tO B ~ 2 BEEF A-I 120 has 1.2 lb. FRONTS 0F B0 tO B BEEF A-1 120BIlbR. 8 *lb. SIDES OF 75 tB PORK GRADE A 100 iba. l*b. ALL FREZER ORDERS CUST@M CUT AND WRAPPED AT no EXTRA CMARIII OPEN FRIDAYS ONLY FOR RETAIL SALES 9 amn. - 1:3 p.n. This Week's Specas LOIN PORK CHOPS 14 b SPARE RIBS ,1.39 lb. T-BONE fi SIRLOIN STEAK 1.751lb GROUNO CHUCK 81.251lb. PRIME RIB ROASTBr RIB sTEK8I .25,tlb 'T W AND IO N R ý ABATOI 878-392 8 The Camadiac Champion, Wed. Apr. 5. 1918M HRCA withholds payments N * aBioi Authorlty holding 15perentBBor menBt SkyBaay nBgi system, BB preveBt BBy Bfor construction ofB poaatbiliBy Bf Bhe surface Bhairit et Keiser breail waters beaag coctamiated liBt BasRR EBBBpICBrd BiBh leachaBe. Mr. Watson lime agrrrd, maiBBained Bhe regiBB's ressrt for choRiB8Site F Bn LaBB Bail F1055 cBn theBfiraBplace waR beralise no tu paY SkywBy $ ceachaBe cetionR waB said prBvided cBBBBOBBBiB tBbeflraded Erie Larsen, a consultant for Bbe regiBR, Raid BhaB t lechaBeBsatd nt be aprBb- SI lem Bar 1B years. Tia infor- mationccauaed a entBr B f~ ~a l the audience te reBBB \1ýtr a thBaghB Bt Ilaadflil BRRR BRBy foBiB yearR." "WeBfeelBltBerieare BBRBr For fr IBRyR BB baBdliBg garbagr raBhrr thaR e BaRIIBiBB sie." aaid Craig Reid, slBeaking BoF Bthe CizeRs' delegaîBB. Cail 'People in Europe arr hîd- dingR allaiait ach BBhcr fer garbagrBforheaB. "We arr cBacrd about Bar saBler and Bar land," br .WED CO4TROC* BBBBiBRed. 'Wr bRvc Bhc bes PB waeBi Bhe warld. LrUa krrp tBlbaBsaay. FBEB0 paEBcentBB Bf Bhr rrRB BB Bhr BBBrId had Earlier ia the mBeting, Mr Reid dcriBBcd BBBBdiB Rn BBhe Site F airea at Bail and this RpriBg. ABe Katzais RaB mebe o te itzes, ALSO grBap, abasard BlidrO ofi $29 p waalcr-cocred ields in the $295r ae.Thr sifler sacre Bakr tis RpriBg. Thr appearrd Bushe BB bBc sBnne dispute bclsarrB BIember of tegrBBp and SA HRCA stafBB cBBBErBiRg Bhr direcioBa BB waBr faow aB lB,. Bpayj aail Marh lB Bbywcy crt olaîm dela.y in' Bbr delivery triple Bf parla BBr the BiBI made il sebte imBpossible tB EBRapleBe intbero nstruFBion Rn the lime specitied. Iracted Tbe aaltharîtY iB wsaS iBII,(OOi holding payment Bt $24,750 B BRRR uRIil BNs lBRRe and iahilîtieR Bhan B 0,01, buB ail bat the lB per cent has Ieen releaed MeaRtehite, Glea Edea ski aRe t Kelaa had braaght in e prafi t $104,567 by Bbe end of Frbruary. This amBRaI es- rerttt test year's revenue for the Ramr lime period by almBat $65,0100 IT'SL4WNICARETIME AGAIN 1 us FIRST before you do anything to your lawn or treles. aie professional inspection Et advice under no obligation Lewis Weed Extermination 878-1693 Milton FER 'IIZI Z ON - TRFE SPRAIN S INS ECSFTS Et DISE SFý . TREE CU i ING - CON rROL OFWHITE GRUB Er11CHIC BUSSIN t WNS - OMPLETE MAINTENANCE "PA Y LA ER -Cti S BAxcBBd SSERILIZE Ina- F.,d aenirdai, r (50 lb. bags) 1 Delivered sMANURED AGEO FOR LAWNS, GARDEN BEOS lE LOWER POTS TISRIEO CUSTOMERSARE OUR PROMO TERS SA TISFA CTION GUARANTEEO FAST AND EASY!I FThe Noi-orEWlfa Fo Nao t auto enthusiast .......... Foreig NO LINE-UPS! Waiting in lice aI a Dssy Cacadiac parta coBanter can be annoyîng and sr in Esapecialy if B Bakes lonager ID gel the stock pacI part tbaBi il dBces ID icEtal il Wîlrl IS in and forti mîid Canadian Tirc developed the c asaprs AsaomnolSc Self-Serve Centre Wn SF cessible i Bsaiiy slockcd iB wilh a saîde range of losI soi parBB coSering yos basic asalomo.,v thlIe rîghl needs Icclîîded are Sîl, air and clas Store has t,(Bera, WoBI ignition palts, and a sa-de parIs and cange ofl iigbîcg and electricai pr0 save yoSr ducts ABd beaB of ail yoS can Sîna IFm Ify faat by reterring Bo Bbc easy-orcad data display lBcated ight there sahece A SillO du co ead Bl, ahbve Bbc sbclSeB, hand ID a yBU Slems SOI Save wîlh Cash Bonus Coupons more con or use your Canadian Tire Card aSailabie I .... WeeIve made lit tester and easier for you to buy parts n makes Tire is a leader nr autB parts tend BD keep il lIraI way Wc B BoB mosI popuiac dBmeslîc yîî cars plus ligh1 trucks. acd Sans Ail are easîly ac o you And If you ceed any cacîs or oîher aîdB, yo01 re i place Yosir Cacadian Tîre a larde stock of astomolîSe reialed merchandîsc prîced to money. au doalt ses il-ASK US! RlBiied parla man saîl stîli be oc .vswer Boy questions or pro uhaSe For parts cequircd iF îpicN repaîrs. a full rangc Is rom our parts Countcr Use Vour Yaur direct fine Canadîan Tire Card or tai the experts. SAVE with Cash Bonus __A Coupons on ail parts. 878 234 V JUST SOUTH 0F 401 ON HWY. 25 Council review Crawford Lake announces Teenburger THURSDAY YeaI Now you can enjoy a hot and deliclous MADE *TO *ORDER - FRESH e COOKED TEENBURGER &u For just Regular price 99 TREAT __ your___ _ TASTE BUDS L.B7 to (~3~) '360 FAMILYSTEELES AVE., RESAURANT MILTON 878-8125 (A & W IS LOCALLV OWNEO AND OPERATED) ir, en Mon -Sat 9-6 Thurs. & Fri. till 9