C8 The Canadien Champion, Wsd., Apr. 5, 1978 Horticultural Notes Panel of local experts discusses spring Tht Champion is pltoutd 10 inîroduco o ntew feature serien for conthumtrs - Spring Plunting Tips - featuring advice froco several local experts je tht field. Art Bouwman of Bouwman Nursery, Sixth Lise forth of Steeles Ave. this xvttk suhmits tht lead-off article oaf tht tenture stries, whieh deuls xvith tht p roper planting of tretu. Fluture features vjil he costrihuttd hy other nursery- men and ghrdening experis in Milton. ny.seîuonmaer oece you huveusettedyu- Trocs are tnt oîy beautilol icot. propr planting te the to sooit aut bot act eselol as seul step. if yen bute ciai, oeil Tbeytarcnidttunlipf soif,.do nntplant theotractou sbudt toc ynue bouse, Or toc dmep. Clay soit sels lItea you, arben yu qi1 under bhets bsthlub Water rusnt drain Tev can ppr ide a id ayu d"fte~te breakand 'ut doc tonnise drown. Trots a.td chrifiter lu yor To prepare tht spot lot bosse. plantsg digaboteuabouttoi Did yaubktattheleavrs Ïs inites dotp and wtde ofttcesorotsot dirt inthe rsast tavue obout sixi- aircand actaso aiter' Tey chou apeure epuce ufler tht iben pradure ritoanyfes toc conte of tht tirot are upread asto breathe. ont, Thes pluce about oie le But ta boxe abeautatut rîgt hstes O0fo toast sm i broty trot yoo tttd 10 select the bottats nf tht bote asd tht rigbt trot toc yoac soit. place ynan ro sei tht centre, ai and ligbtrconditins and niuiting sure tht hont side et tht piie u w00 c u the ibeedtuamthe rosi. orbiere As sptriulisaisthe Ottoot udding uuy unit, gracisf oi trots. teergreet plurtua tnsa-by-tnsoinchstuhle, and sbruto. mie baxe lausd sixofotlosg,.lose tathe trnh Suat niant custeaners bute ofthe trot, being eusot to reset trarard Sa. cl plant a drite îIt o coo tupC tse trer the pcperuay. staite tîcnsy and tle t lsh nîtterrot trots tube diltecent ta tht tile cifh spotiai tret x tla nas tr f iito ies. IThese lies, unailabte ut ainiosi on saut chite nîbers nurseries, cosIt damiage tht preter etber rtoy or sasd, So trutb : This important slep ityxuarfaog toplutotree, prevntu tht trosit et tht trot unit yaar ourserynion cbirb Irons, snsayiog sn beavy wns trot yas shud plustins yaue oad raiig sonte thetisens, taitraîditians tba ot ttstanuaio tth Nxoî fli tht bote nsîf gond poeisarsaler ac h be trot Iamni D nut stensp os il. spac isavaiabl forthetre nsteud, put the end ofunsutec liadevrtap àad tac, faroa il Sot dîrertis an tht bote and axtroot itarba let ti t rus sionily Thteotci Many peuple plant o sbode iallapne andi nice asl muddy trot only la tlod lter that tht bale In fhis nsuy o air sbacit toits tn tht apponite pochete stay belons tht sur- diretoatacbereîtcuws it-toact teodtd. Ta deteemne tht best Attac tht culer ta drain lc taofr a shude trot. drive ucuy The balancentf tht hele an eigtgbt tticaby-ticstatice cas t ie tilltd cith more inia the gcausd chere yo m taanad sboatdble monded tiîsi yau cat o asiude trot. up. Relsember to toute us At tht ballent limentf tht day atter risgla fonftuct muberief. beteipsi, andl2P M Thotîis, niuke a sight inden- -checkt ta sot nsbeot thetiatioarousd theslter edge of obadansofttheotate appears. thetmautdsnddietflowntoi Il îotessocy. note the staet iis itdettation ches astit yau tîsd tht loatnutat caleeis. esias tue shadons chee yas caltaIL l.oing tisnethodrcan save a tut ut suark tutec and,. perbapo. tht prîreatfa trot. sanie trots, althnogb gond abade perîvdors, dasit add atyrboararter te yauc home, Tht sanie cai t said fur ester grotns and sbeshs Yaur tarserymnio n advîse you as tht btst treo tayaurcnation. nt thte nurecustameni ta sot 1 4 P shece Ibeir plant bus beet graciof betare tbey boyir W Ot bhave espectly laedsruptd gardes pont ure uad cati C M P R coys inattlorhisg bckrba ma s u dasi hi w PRICES xeratgîx yau advîce ami6d b a qsîck sktetch il yoa Srisg a pbotatcupb nI yaoc Sanie. Many times ie Sort asittd ta 3 mi r ustonier's Sanieoln betaceniabisg sagttstioans Saturday RCSUE AEFRP gardening He"-hteo Homon ers are isttsttog 2. Ttlstbetebttu, more tinieand mney ittuti- ros:cu anad od ut lyini their honies cith gar- 3.atcaab &istc ntewspark dans, bot mny are niahii risse rostty mîstehes, .Spl & xc iitait mis To bellp thteuniateur gur- caotad ondeser desiertge tht niant tram hie investriet, theUeîtersityn of aetp as otfecisg a sens 4 w hee b Sanie gurdenit corses. Tht soes. wchbcos froniAprit rý srtitb.tnsîtate lito May 6, n dieided 01o six iir:gs.ait 4weel mniig sesionnswieh covtr .. Rt-ufc asil ru ss the basicsof home gardning. -pac ont os Peatessor J, Marrupofl he nnibsîtrgs ttOffice nI Cotiuisg rClean h ubriaue brakt - Educaios suys tht maurne te sulitO te dniitsed tspotiuily for tht -Inspefstt umlnder honie gordeser cho canse t - hi :tcrlnl,u inforniation an a speelir aîonsene r tapir, bot wbn, doensI bute naesl thetlime la tube o genecai ductoti troni 0l:10 unti son uad are ittid os Saur duy niorsiegu 10 enabte froue - Sotrlyir ballnon nibo lite sonie distance troni air. maison franteshtl. the campuoi tealnd. - narianli.t Topion enter negetahît liltatu on utwSl gardeetong, coes, sonais , Rîoi,&hun usd ptrtsoiat, prusisg tcts atiadtt:t0g oaId thecu.s uano, usd gar- bLubs5, , eblean bthu den petsandrcures. Course sartar:ups i sltrurtars inlde re- I:ht r axes: rt:,xes, noerbers, authors aIdspr 5Jtst tameaaext Scie ialist nfmte University of FI ,tiaaolii Guelph,usnd hrticulteeal e- Ratsvhc perlei front, tht sursery indus- try. Cool et tht norton, Iocloding pritemi moleril and aý refrenhimonl break, 10006.pa senties and $30 for aUt six tes- atoml. A tree grows in Ml/ton Proper planting, ensures good muhs y Oms atilvai ai grnum tlpe ltmowe mmd tile pata an dut- Stomu for Oms dMWpla et maton a iHo, ~roWth un CAL faisans taliper. This la local Society diicsuhu theodiameternofthetronhofu e pl tigdatc- trot mesaurod wuilmin 12 10-lum: lpa ile ra thon ahovo tht gromnd. It indi- mete' coton thenstuedinonud àagea of pnlnmpleu e thetres. RoIl=m Alle OdMbac BRc mettai lire tot. This u n md Maurice Rumdhtd van the choutuet vay for tht lilrodmced lsy Oms@ modmitor soruerymun to di a trts &n uumryuoh oorl wile itinadormnt andbanno BCCUeMcNelid dnta bouy ball. Thto tan hi on the ~ioli0 od n only botore tht tonnes appeler Bgt, Omse tartlig and tir in tht upring or wbot thty fit citoatoanitud cainé, in tht antumo. Geerally tropnffle!Ltncsay optahlng. tht opring planning mg1 unu ots. und nscof ptriodforhbartrmot rufrm mlitdui.teutta tht tinte tht geoand la Onovet Plainte and Oms oerrbad pro, outuntiltheendofMay. vetorwre atmusdffctve- OBO standu for bull and lylinthe prmmttun. Intiait Wbet totons appear Whon gtnOwlng ede undtr on tht trot, tht trot eau o hit tg l lchare t0h longerle mnned barermot and eoudsrearehaut,lgtuand support fluage an vol, lu thua caler. In Oms utrly y;op f coue, wieitoep the ottattacbtd germtnation prupor ans nf ai tn themots bymahing a bul]of lte l0tt57iotant. The soiandwrapping iinharlap. oatofdaacareolly nl soif toute tht burtap os the trot bua 10 a tsa-inch put la aubto plantint, cecommondsd for euch e&d Wben trots gos targer, thons ling. Wutoe frequontly and butin of soif calmoi lie ttttad heep closetbu the hghta ut syi more, un mit malhe a coa- lirat. Thetlempoeruture ut dts shuptd hall belons tht troun et Iui ihoad romain ut about tht trot by treonbing arnd 70 dtgrtee. Marh curte in il. We enter tin toto vif tranmptauting feues tht ltn- boriup and bruimi stringsinch potsatoiiffy pot&atll aonsd the Sait. This 1a an tentait tht probbilty of 10- interestiof pencedore, jur on7diehroitn>ilennt. Asthe referred In as Su or string plant grue, griduuly muse bull, andi niny Saturduys yo il avay front the tlgbteand eut set tl being doos bo, il nsattr lsstreqlnetl ynu wisb. . ttpoetro Tounutoon really htlng ta Trots duo Sy thspoeuetht moutard tamily aud may in clir ssii tilt burdy huons he tarledtfron osd or front tbey bute bers mnted. Thoy slips. Il luhon about fits duye cîli gise ynx itstunt ubudo ut for oted ta goronloule. Tht ynurbhome. Tbe protedoretuan litt plants must bute plutty be turried nul even sn hnt oftmn§ ano dtA gond eter. ftrtter ta use arommd oug Planta la 1-11010, thay raanfly ltaiO tst tubes planedl Inthe fai. B:ga dolng the Mad utarago pmod le opet la a naurel filae 10 Oms grtumdi rallier dmn toaeanillab. thOm eplgthe bout lie t0 reooOspuOttve mun frntmarilndthe romla chou ths tluverng uimutd comut in blast. Wbon etlilg the stocks buch utr removlng die eun, lutte jout limitai hindi on outh stock. Ota of the ecrets of ge- cette rnotlng glidinlut 101t0 plant ltse cron s10 le sevon ien =dsep. Peint mou mmd ferit dht boe mtoed 10 vallo plinllng. Major asi natrienta are nitrogen, pli-ph-es, poti- ohum, calcium, magunltuon mmd nopa.Cuctt mag- uuim adsotphor are gurip pressont in nul- Ontaio ond 0f ýtwh h dirais macb potansium or thttalaarommnd =Om Cr uhodld bo tabou chon ulag cbltheu manoire hocaune ut Oms hlgh nitrogon coulent ctulch could bute tegletablon grnwleg ot tapi and no pro. duce. Calte mause lu more naltabe. Tht pnt mun capahty thmmhtd by tice-pronidont Cburie Clarh. Dtring tht buiness session the prnidoul Leometi MeNel annunmrd fhat tht district moting cooid e belld n haurday, April 15 and memberu ut tht ostentivo By Nasncy Schmidt Tconty-thr esaders and uppreslmutelpy 110 memuioai in Sltant Reglue bute basum rery attise in tht carrent 4-St Homemataug Club 'Tocm eon Us'tng". Lenr espar- lances plonned threoghout tht projeet bute giton tht members theoepporluutty 10 put tht 4-St Pttdgt itt peut- tice. Tht clobs bute gem la- volttd in actititien t leaon about tirai laid, ailty buhy- sitttsg, tond dmi trsilua Tht ntedy et nuttor topits ban tubes clubs o lecomotion IMPORTANT STEP in tret plantisg is to tie tht trunk oft tht tret toi o stalle, drives into tht grosnd heside il, sys Art Booxvman. Stake prevenss trot froco sxvuying in heavy xvinds and loosening sens roota. Alt ofranstoniers havergand inlenins bat tubte lte crag actin. Os a bot doy cites tSey loti lite huritg o rani shacer thenuseints, tbey thîni theb trot coula is th feanie treot- nient. They tither gel out the oncilttigtsprinkler or sbctr don tht trot fluage anIS the nsolerhnie, lnrgellisgtaite tht coter tepid. A trot rat be -shockedS yrcowter. Thetlemperure ot oeil and Inss wter ta 36Fahrenheit on hst daysu Tht temperauar aI tht touiage cas hoe 8n ta 90F. Tht sent day tht torons tari. bore brume and notes tait att. Eses a rompicte ions ni t trot ras ousily occur botouse yau busc siapprd the sap crculsatian xf the trrr atd the beat drues ap th 5 a rit Sn, arserma ter trni tht tap :inirattnstciiricd Ixda saby a ansrrymnia Abmays coter the grattdaIorea Eresing catin s best, Rail, ut*s niue, toits as tatauge. Bat rain coter as tneer reutyratld, Nritbetia bard coter Marraser. i feseraty raton as a riaady day, sasnobartiaganrcurs. Musy peuple da*t uluder- staend lthe nieasîsg ai CAL, OR.& oher SB Tbese initiais ait hae ipartant mniast an She tnursery rode and prices ary wttese iganaas ER EXIES APRL 28,197 4 cybdg AND CVS SAVE $299ls5 $ 5 RTS & LABO UR (IN IG 8005 TOn tFR MOST CARS 5. tedlnraiduî balanre butor cap, rail, ranitix t. Cshea ucatant I0. ChecrPC t oeraaa 11l Cher5 dîusi Oie 13. Chetk iî,tcsxp otdtiitea 14. Final ign.,xxo,si ni rake RELINE special Csuka guîuaaa Chetk tiai&treus Hantorqaueweei tsrtudasg dîsuni resuaaing (Partu and Labour) authorits, local coUncl netinsam lid Bt mtr mehba eirnot li do trudititiÉ albnd qailtlng. Acboieomuenetyevii o dbld uithem E.C. Drurp Bcbutl for tht Doit. MtoM ut Aprl 2. V10ttortuare enpoclllpled to attend Oms atmnp gramntM ste tht =nltla rluh presentallr.u. Ths maitisen' record bocs and criat prujecta miDlieh dis- played. gardening ,wertetouraged ta attouL t Clomeutu, ay m ade had bons ordored ér C TableArauua md girl guids.TteeaeMrartWlguwoh and new membeen a-are l- in lthe lctédwgle trodacedi hy hosea Barbare Foea BýrandhntMe Baumell.Odeubiuch, Jtean Idtoeta, Mobe vere au ea- Marlipret Wrlggleeverb la vit, tht many Afia l elt J Robest- Mgrd j=~1 -h aedummnuesdý Wrlggtoavorth, th oue-that the ntu meeting uld eblp chairmn rntodOmt alo e i e finra t pea the moaobeple no ap- and wneld hoe bet Ometh proacblng tht 100 marb. thomo, Neo n i for Piea- rite rolin of tht mnnnthty = Ipotn ml flaver shows Apeane b ate S lin Cnnlmu l consonear Marilyn Smith and Euarde Gardmme vIS heon declddtlh JdgeA e Diant had te prnnd Ouge huler utAinvt tAi att vms uawed le follomen: mrm wlth thuu ymitun Iu tht Artiatie ttoTpqotom ah umued1 Robertson, Margaret April 17 mad tht plie in the Wrlggluworth; D10h Gir- U.AW. Htall. don: Margeae Thompeio, Perethntu vats eerned Jean Robertson, Margiroteunder the efficiumt taille- Wrlggeuvorth; Japfunum vision et Margaret MeNoID Style Arrangement: Ethe and Ena Chiolea Achievemnént Day for 4-H Apis. 22 ibis Sunday isWlners Nighit at Mohawk Everyone loves a oninner and this Sunday at Mohaxvk sou'! fer te, ser some of the great xvinners in bamess sas ang. Tberes Jor Hudon -Canadas ieading percenrage driver in 1977 xvitb, 251 xvinning drives and a drieing average of .410. 1-ll be cballenging bis Amnencani.stunrerpart, 22-year-oid Donald Dancer, xvbo weon 417 races in 1977. Ibese tono North Amnerican cbampions xviii compere in four races xvitb Mobaxvk's best drivers. Tbis esciting comperirion ix just part of a xvtnning eeening xveve iined up for you. Don't maiss rt! Gares open ut 5 p.m. UYA'i-U A U'tjsu.f iuATaam-u Dniver/rrainrjack Kopas vaa rthe 1976 Horseman of the Year Super Clint xvas rthe Canadian 1977 3-year-oid pacing colt of the year. His best rime of 1:54 equais the xvorld record and lost year be bad seven xvinntng tubes in under 2 minutes. Sunday tbey'il fer rogetber for a training mile thatl showv you box xvinners go tbrougb their poses, WIN AYEAR'S FREE ADMISSION _______ -TO MOHAWK Y-, (ouid be one of ren lucky fans to xvin a speciai VIP paxs enrtiing you ro frne admission to the grandstand and Sports for thxe Test of thxe year. The cntry foira and contest details are attacbed ro the Racing Program you buy at the track, To enter the conresr, fil ont the form and deposit it an the ballot boxes. GET SOME TIPS ON HOW TO PICK AWINNER During Sundays Handi- capping Glitaic Mob,îwkis leadîtag Jlill drivers and trainers xvii! diss.uss tbe points they look for an a borse.O Otber bandicapping experts wtli sbow you box e read a programt and expiain tucing language. Sterts at 5:30 in Sports lounge. Head over toi the eaxr end of tbe grandsrand ut 6:30 wbere sonne of Mobawks leading drivers xviii demnonstrate bîax a bharse ix rigged in bumness and sulky. International Driving Championship,MayIsL. Thib xiigrcn vnt miil bning rogetber srti bfth fins baes m rvr froan around the xvorid, inciuîding C.anadas Jute Hudon and Donald Dancer from the United States. Tberc will aiso be drivers frsim Norvuy, New Lcaland, Ausraia and tbree florin Euroape. Mark tht date aon your caiendar and plan on being or Greenood on May Ist for thxe Intrnanional Dnivang Cbampionsbip. Mohawk Racewayoeir Hwy. 401 tut Exit 38, Campbellvlle. Phone 854-2255 Gates open at 5. Post trne for first race 7:45 General Admitssion $2.00. Free Admitssion to Sportso up to 6 p.rn. im-disc brake special 591 ONTARIO ST. S. (AT DERRY ROAD) BP 878-2952