Il -. 7SPOR TS CANADIAN CHAMPION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1978 SECOND SECTION MILTON ONTARIO SPORTS AND CLASSIFIEDS CHARLES HOTEL netesînder Keitis Maslos NORM MOWBRAY 0F THE CHARLES Hotel Mitchie had amwide open net. OnIy thse uggressive lakes a second look at thse puck that isad just team sisoves attacking Keitis Mitchie of Grue Chsarles defence kept Mitekie f romn scoring ou zipped past the goalou i tieir opening plnyoff Sireli. Keith Masos mas alsto out of bis net and this play. game matis Grue Sisei intWisîbte Oaks playdowns. Schroeder surprises Russell Grues top Charles in WOHL By elr McCuske Sckeseders iscroased Cai Dures kad a miner amual esoagk ta Iseat Kelta Maison Bkoses Consruction margir at 11.30 ukes Dan e ofdfiut onig Ieir rn Use Chartes set. canse or strarg tesarprire Flemingtos uas draue lu tbe ut dihticut msinaytrdot Mlo' rue nc Russel's Tauirg ut1 and Car aide of bis crase and BtrnkisatcDff tian d o merhi Io a spin cked Grue shell Iad a lasgk and Keitk Doyle potted a nsarker nIaue aa o 5o.I1.0Gu ai rougir ~ ~ ~ ~ wh lanret ultir tIs toptseoe lsesd defer- Mitokie lue a40 Gprue uta as rougr tmble wit theint theope gloe sde sive job le tIse usdermarsed Tou Tracey perfoarmedrsre Chrarles otal irat mas 3- is Dennîs Fouîee and Cbapmnsa Chsarles tram. Kevns Reid alk tcentre bst Hocke Legr ere auaeded the arrisI. edk I .kBb sancylmfosbika tOsie Gairs Isckya'tgu sred th gol ihaosIsdoplai ed Isy a action Ssasdap mornisg ait TIse green machine au Baker and Gary McDossald Tomdsnget ack Maltas Mensartal Arera. tie inisked and urre lu fiee tuo asrisîirg.futae in Use opestag ganse of1th more belore tbe Peeiod cas- At 3,3 Mi th e period Kelta John Jensen uar Olaltered paos cirrueder's hult a 3- cluded. At 4.10 Chapuan Mitonse picked up tbe pork in Isy Rick Dsrnel aster Use olalthee sttus Pei came in and easiîrba h ao f o Gids parin Crue, Jensen, came arss as Larry Dean rrored tIse Flemngtor u kh Fouler asd ts Ito5LuGre apis golto ei Milîmn asrrstng, GNedl fo he corner. Abhgk qok Use ice tepsck off lDssel D'eluidHugirGdrloipal podis goal uta 2.08 12.02 osrs psrn esd rem ain g fronm Millmar and Rsty Capnsta nsored MUse Atainos nsmberlua for Scirledes at In a body boarcing bigir 130o2sf Ue second frase usta Olylng baIlle the Chrarler Lee Barlensras kasdlkrg Use Hotet rqsad mere edged iry ansist. LaIe in Use mid-frane Grue Sireil 3- One matIs RieS Court fired ose for a 3:0 scosdsct and 13 mn utes lead withDave MlIman and rn penaltes uere arsesaed d l se Omd Ruse go anle d sUe Csrs Milton Cricket Club peietOe alnri IokIîg tue membrs ActuaIIy br is leksng lur any The Milton clubr bas berr noperato fr years and tfieldr Ltun taur ir the Ramiltun and Dostrict Crick~et Associatinanad Lague. Tbe Miloncrckceers divisio tnrieyeas ago adlast yea placed b id sn bhe A" dieision. Faulkneislokig tou wIse "A" ne Club aIe r nsilSIu u s err ad a 530 p.u aIE. C. Drury. Theseason opens May7 ohmn tbe local cricket club busts Cambridge Crickrt capped. TANN TOROS' GARY DANCE continoed is tise league finals. Wlsile awaîtîng a paon, Dance FPor more information cuIt Dues Faulkner aI 878- outstanding play and marired tise minsing over- decided In give tise Toms defesce a rough time 3156. lime goal in the Sunday Nigist Iodustriol Hockey and fried lu pat Wayne MeConneiî os the head. League mis over tise Toms in tise secrnd game of cbeck. MoCartby asd 4Oosse7ll. At 5.07 of thre miîddle trame Tors Traory put tbe gratte ioe moCarslsy as goiogstobe auay mita 1.41 remairisg as callrd os a bsigla slickîog pen- bie pîcbed uop tbe park Crant alty uber Charles scoeed a Gene Holdridge and saild ir goal. TIse marber Oas dis- to lt go a scsrirg slapobot. allotaed and tire penalty as- sessed. TIse second game of Use Relerrie Rnbert W Lau- semi-lisal matcb ups uili lie resceclasrprd drus or. the played tais Sanday morrirg infraos laie ir Use second ullb tbe lîrsi ganse slaled Ir oerisd. 9 au. ai Milton Memorial In tbe final Perierd Nie Mii- Arna. SPORT Tonigbt in Actuel ceuld tell tbe tale et Atum supreuary in OMHA Zone Cbampioesbîp) payý In tbe besi ut lîseseetes the Acton Atoms bave mur im and testoerr Arton eau meapuai tbe sure tille misS a min -Lwnte a But Miltoo's Legiosares ure carnylsU tbe 24 liie a Satueday insu the touutb game and couId tir tbe sertes ifttbey Tbe Actor Fre Fress Sports Edisor, Jobhn Bottartley statrd ir bis 'Jmk Toeb coloume ut Wedsrsday. Marcb 29 tbrat t, Peter McCusker, seemed le Ar blauîsg tbe reuit of Miltur's lmis Saoday, sn game tuo. or tbe relsere No uay! Wdit t b ad mittrn in Tbe Cbampîer lart werb. was "Miltn'sebhances ut a crueback ure alird by tbe reeerrr aller hbmadea cal] enMiltonorsFaul Roman. -I ofcurse tfa tcam is domo 4- Oand tbergauels in the dying miniutels, tere es lttie chance et mnneing tf yoo arr ptaying a mas short' C'(hancersl of a orhacb due, îlt meuse hlamîng a loue n Anwy Mri oteonei reponrd In bis entume lhat _ibe Anusn detence ird by David 'Themas is lar superare lui tbe Milton tram's Tbr Milton players îust don't haee the sbalîsg abititY, accrding t0 rame local cuokes Weil the Mlton Attim Lrgsuraiees seemed te baee badt btle trouble skating Hatsrday sn Miltan. Tkeir tonrior derce sbalout tbe dm505 loeuaeds and ukes Mîbe Hudrsn was bottled op es Berry. TeyDanageor Tony VanDan didrst came shmaugb uitk the goals Me. Bottomnley biadt peomired. Aler IL:ga111 'nreueld le a ont teadmitone treu uas Use ler, uPetl.. uken lIse majnrity od goals scored by ose seau rame Iront a taîenited yaarg individual. In Tbe with Peter McCusker Champion's report last wemk it tairly credited tIse play et Mîke Hudsuo ihthe win rierMilton. L t'face it, the boy is a saper little player and a great doal et Actors scuring pomwer s based us ibis lad's abîlîties. Tbat issnat turay therematnderrofthe Actun teau arir. No sirl Actor dotr barra fine Atum trsa. itSt or mitbout Hudson. Multon's Atou Legiosairen are aise a qualîty club. But tbry sbuuld sot be uubluctrd te otioarranted eriticisu trour tbe pess. fans, parenits on tram efficiais. Alteroîtl, tL s mînue bockey. tli s nat then end ut tIse mutd mitîeu a tram lores. The boys are ntupsas ifte i.I s i ae li recreation. Congratulations must go tu bout trams tur uakîsg the OMHA Zone Cbampioesbipn, Ey tibis test tbey base pruvn they bave denire a bigb levr1 ut hockey skill and rtrm play. Loud mnutbed parent, whotUllw thei support andboast tireur tram's supeeîunity are tbr losers. Tbry arr tIse tosers brerauee evneially thbr beys mîli Icre bere is alorays a brime tcau eîîurohere. The iggen the uoutb, lte taetben tl has il) go nu he sAit ho tAn prirentf drîrat is a litile tante ni umiiity. Grirat mîlI cnrsonror air Every seau tial bas mver ptayrd any sport. mill eeentoally lune. Bstlet's net becamr deleatists. Thr sanameutlo pride te snatchisng virsory, but let us reatine ihis peide sbautd rat blîrd as ta tIse feelings oflotkers. Br a god sportsman and cunratalate yasrcsnspetstass os a gaurusîll played. Ias OMA zuine finaI thee orat ie a uaetay opponeint ait eac endofthbe irk. Todaymwehaverthistfsality cmpetrtio betuers Miltonîl and ArIen. Let's îlot nIt Il toretibe bîds îith ibougbileus lîîrbrisg STREETSVILL5 oDERoBYS Streetsvîîe Dierbys baie knocbrd nid hI lathanînes toue gamrs te hne witb a 4- wîmîu odar enUt, Kits. htretsrtllc mili nom taie insdsor ir a bes of sere isiai rerres tee the OHA Juioir B Cromo. Siratterd Collîtees and Oshawa Genenohs are playing ibeobr baoIt ethlIe seul final. A gamr is heng setsbrlmrutetbodlubsbyheOHA At tbe tient gar psssibty siagrd last nîgbt Tuesdayl a ci ull be Ilipprd to ses wbe otos boue ice odeantago St Cathbrnes Ad the boue ire lne rqartr final. AIl sertes arr o bcst et orlon. MILTON MESRCH5 STS Milton Mtreihans Basebail Clbub of the laiton -eel Basebaîl Leillieuwill be sieppîtg out ut durs Sooday, Apeil it;aiOriaî ileel Parktforibeieesb airiieknots, raetirr tîmnîisî 1 p lnd ailntresedhbal]plavers areuetlcOurît attend Teidense Hoîîsell Lare mas Are otffiil balluou bey uithe Emmanuel Oaptist Chancs Saoday Seboal reeritirg driveon Susday. Operatius s50 ir a goal tue seu meukeukhipr at tbe sckol. Paper caper TIse Milton Flag Footkall Leagar beld tas registralion dance ai tbe Liens Hall Satueday eseeiiig Sandi and Bes NORM MOWBRAY mon active sn the forechecki0g rule as he slIpped thie puck off Grue CopIais Tom Trucey on the second perîod .Goalesider Steve Huwtin matches the play cîuseîy, prrpared lu react lu utry sudden lursaboul. Dance scores winner Tann defeats3-2 in sudden death Industrial Hockey League lirais 3-2 ai Laurier Ave. aresa ibis week. Il tonk Darne an exira two periods ie o what be airoosi did ai lte conclusion of tIhe itird period, score the ii- sing goal. The wis ties the 1inai serres a a gaie eaob. Thte gaur opeseol soill a tast skating puce and ai 15.51 Ray Delegarde took an al passfroin Dance andsailed in os Mike Aikeolsead te show the Tows teame thal the Taso Toron urre ready lue playoll hockey ibis eseek. Usill a respectable nombr of players. lte Tanse group stayed tresb lorger and oner uesi pure uîih tIse Toue. The Turos actually carrieul tbe uajuriiy of ibe play sn tbis Faut *Maller" Moanlain tiedihegaun uilba mid-drill urîi shoar mbich mas succesu- lut as Rab Davey ir the Tanse nemas being screened. Art Broobs starîrd tesacious lorecbeckisg lue T ans ard ai one finie gave Tous deles- ders beari laîluio aber bie stale tbe pocb and turord touards the set. Tbe tempe nI tbe game remaiord quicb tolu tbe second trame and botb trsas a ors cbasgisg us tbe liy. Ai 15.49 ofthie perio Lloyd Zuest was prked infront of tbe Tous set uith aniosi ball tbe net opens Hr gui bis sboi Aqoilueti oe tbe dur peter sietiltsue. tuetohat I Are Bath Enperee. MUIR Il1 udais thbig day forM trams. i s tbe big bue tet leogor units. Itoîill aisebb play tbrîr cbaupîonsbipgau The senor releerens and tbe bladtes te tubte or th, MMIIA novice trams miii plan a pet Prer!d perd Querse uîit Pl Mas's Woeld agaîost ORbeba Seanotlland WOHL pis% Foliumîrg Use novice divis be presned. At 2,05 pu staged IsthMVP and major brîsg presented following hP Atler rarh divsin. Aiet and Prrorra lt 45po b te r AI] hbu ,, H] ereelie lîîkl the- Lion, nall for brier bîl1 Tbe uajor bockey clubs ti season and ely Miltuo's ibese banqluet Ibis Saturday. hadt ikeir get-togetkee Frîdi simissroasting ofBruceslH tuu places atomce Editue bis expertise rn reportage a skis issue. iscredible rase. Dance mas balted onasa The Tomr's PaulMotris minute breakamay and Use dîsplayed a super record ibird period erded2-2aad a 10 effort and put bis seam Up 2- minute usertîme mas plaYnd at 9.51 of tac mîdIssu e. scurreea Tbe bigbligbtsofn blourlais pîcked uop tbe puck tbe perlod mere mary bst ose irum Wayne MoComneli and ouiulasdirg r. ase Iy sbated ltoe tbe Tars end Aîkenbrad cae ai 7.20 uker aluie. Daîry came out ofbis br skatedurier tuieseide tr net balfmay te tbe bluelire to make a cbeckb Or Use play be trabte tbe ceek, 'dountais testbhisstickband smnolund maouged torctain possession bîmnsrllmabirg aglolrsale andmbîisbbis stickbtodirect TberPerierspieedandibhe tbe disecnt tbenet. Iinos ment snte a sadden Tbe pare olomed mîidmay dratb period, Tbe excisemer. but T une mas si li pressing ut tbe game oas bigb anda fue tbe equalîser as Dance rud ut 100 fans bept tIse oas takînE double sbitts arsea alîse mîtb cbeers and itotttalfl and SteConrel seeams mbenever arscoeirg mîordei going abead by tu0 opportusiiy appeared goals aller a neat posuîng WitbsixssecondstemaisiS playîearl nitefinalpeiod. Danceltooba blastîfrntate Theractionoent lrom esdito pontubhichbied thersrles aI enîd outil.lfrom a tace off agamne. Dane katrd arrors tbe toý Game tbree of tbe linaI of theslot and mabe a seep- sertes is sclirduied tfer San- isg baekband pass Ray day ai Laurier Ave. arera. tirlegarde Oas posted ai tbe gume time ai 7 p.m West Germens stop for food in Milton Members and platesonitb Tbe West Germassurre WSest Geemnan National brr as guests of tce Hocbey tse, bronae medal Caradian Amateur Hoube> aies aitbe siensa Wurld Association and CIRA aind Hockey Cbumpionsbi PI arr on tour playsrg exbibitiont made a stop in Milton Feîday gaines sn Ontario and and ure bosird hi Hars QiiehPe Sallen, invier of tin Bay- tTbe, asit stop bete re- rîseber out Restaurant. toning bome Oas aithIe S reles Aveestaurantiand Bruce loud. wbo mas iiaited Friday sigt aitIbcllptimist Clob's Fard naisiiig rient, mas on bard te ade i shoîrt visit ierrtherGemiei Tue ufthie teain teeo oueds. Erîcb Kabotiarol aid Alois Orbioder. captait. bale and pait h the ze inclidel recntlyreceird otes b, hc> need, owlinilohîieiiiet Vancouiver Canuebs and De inuit Red Wîngs efthSe * NationalO üke Leaigoc titieon iiîîîH(kee .boIîltillO theda teerptrattio irsdheun reissir -ei -MMHA esecite rail sapeiie jnîîntî r i coaces, itilnoli Ati1pt m six oltoo :0 si tacdeurtt Thîuisi te rt eae ..iso . l 1 2 l îibrhepaoiiday Intefrt ca--Liu 6: . ion thrniîrepai ecndpeiot] 1Ifl el Are bariau hose final ailh th amebousetanieoad 1lunion iî n ibrb 20tam boSenir g.u 4.30 IOliiIO pet Dui O epiowardsulltobeil R luI l ;1i . I el liii, t h t INI vIllîhi ilt il.. i l- Il îl p ,gsa nitrlIli Il , Ji aie weippid up thein pIai this tunm. nirBFl>et arr rtit a% N55 iras/T te! suI i lý Trident., lotrestediate-' lub9h Itlnîam il m ay. tbe saure rerning as tbe 0I, Femnîgý,r.oon T nd, adofcursemeran't br ai 1 i5i2 1 Roy Dumus once agals rsreuted Dab,- 50 - I 1 4 5 sd basrcuserage oftbeeroastl nlieku ýhS 1ssu 0 .n sU Tu-s15 Ch»inI. n 0 i r m 5»O î