The CanantnsnChampion, Wed. Apr. te 1970 13 Board won't pay for French schooling DAMAGES to s Hand Clsemical drying trailer phsphorsus mas discseered by a seigloboring are estlmatedl at $3,0OO as a resut of fere early residesi sod a Hai tan Regissal Pstlice officer. Thursday morrsi ne blaze caused bv 189 school days planned for 78-79 Ha tas fnnts wli have tauentay Bois yas Haitans= of Eniacatilo tn nnt ays whksoeackess inve acceptla Bon adntsrations prs....snaf activify ntays. pi ent 517 cafestiar. PaI sd slsfa r ls.1 osi m eginssl Sep- setrroba el Bs fem r B sice acasgtai tse plan. srleit CkrMsmais katntsys masint Nonsoshar 27, Jaoaary 26, ha fromt Deceseer 23 ts MarckO5antJus28 andt29 Jassary 2 sont mit-inter are ais prefesioloaf acflniîy break fromt Muets f9-2t. niays for eismsntary Dines vacatoas tinle tsachero, accsrding ns tse Tfsaskagletg se Octahar 9, antminisatio prepoai.f Psr GOen Frtntsp Aprl 13 sont etementary isachees in te Easler Masslay Aprif 16, sont nsrtb Ociohar27, Pekrteary 12 Victoria Day May 21. Pupita ant May 14 are als proies' wmmld nmha alyof achnst sional aefinity niayo. for Ssmemaranre Day, Sesintes Septemeshr 5 aont Noveashar fi, stace il sa os a Jaary Ma, higin scinan High sohool open house Opus koase an Miltas District Higk Scksei Bois Wednesnaysvnisg promises in ha sbsy afiair miBo seerai interestisg pregramts scestlefsnoir the nnns'kasr nisif, haleen 7.30 sont 9.i The eventg, opus 15 parents, frisotta ant famills of sudesîs, sa especlent ta, nram a cren'ntfapprss' imoisiy fmiO people, sainti Marjsris Pswys, a memhar of the planning conmris fsr t nsentag. Os the agenta are plasor s s kalffour antitariums proan tacistlfog bant aeeetao fosm tse schast concert sont jase bant sentes tenirection of music isacher Lasrie Waikss. There mOtl ha drame pre- sentations, art dlspfays, sliées asd osmersas nobibita sn ees nepasssiesn, site cas- lissent. Ains on sebasis clubes n'ifi orgasmse demonstalciosa snt nisptays incfaekssg a Bible quis ky Bon sekasî's Christiian Fnffonotap Cate, demansîra- tiss an camping sont sqaip menniny the ochoal's naîtoar club, Tins f.ttero, patten ntis- pisys asnt a boys', gymeastie ntlsplay. Ose ai the maoy higigint of Bon prsgramt waill nctante a 'Typathos tas Masesiar DYs' nrapby"',. Typtng sîsifenis, familles andtnisiting rienUt arr off invifeol 10 participale. The ntypatas" waitli h ein tersuginst tse eeisg foe 20 msinute pecistis, mit ail Pro- cents sing sn'arnts inetpisg taseufar ntystrspby patients, iaint MeS. Powys. Visitars mii oton hae siignkts foc tsar prises sn 00e ochoolos narios nisparfmenst n ai uding a hastt raiesialor i tse business niepartmesi Pragratas ntscrienng thn eeninges actianlies and evens are avoulable ai tse tIser. "00e are bopisg eneryone miii ramte and se minaI o haing dose n'nBo iheir 150 mony'skbsant. "00e feri there is a lot lac people lai ha prunt ai." The Bosme ai lin peson spen bose peagrant sa "En- cosnrsof aihBo LeareioB Kint." feaciters sien kave a numiner ni other proeionaf acfivity ntas. Jaoaary 29 annt 30 aire pdensIi nt sanaped h- .rsJsy. O2. . an t 21502 are pr'tsessoa actnvity days on noo-smnotereti ochoals. Trustes eere tait the antminsaionn kops the snparafsonswiii have tkn .amenays of noschseinnsxt year andnthoeschaat cafenter has heem hnpt an similar ta tis ynar's as possible. Saperieteontent ai Speciai Services Ran Cinapesan sannt praiessianai aciivify ntayo r importano stocaff nteveiap- ment ant nirecniy etterta olantenis. Trustee Bill Heont saidnn Haitan han a nery expier- iencent annt iniginiy qoaliied niaifth fn umber of prloies' siona acttvityntays soaainbc rentcentBecause ofyearsoft eriece annt qaltitfitons ts it pays tes leaches higla salariea. Chapetan nannt renutacian te Dine at HARROP 0Fo MILTONe 878-8161 systant. Truonne Janty Alexanter sait pratesaissel acfiviny ntayo shasint ha grospeni arounntscokasvacations. sie suggnsnnnt havtng soupe of tese nfays 0050 aines vacations annys parents. Trustee Eno Robisen sait anthosnmer joks score parensaare upefkecause Saison papis gef ouf lter thon any otiners sn Ontario. Chairman Garry Mortan sain thBo anonver fa tat n'as simple. Other bosards aroe cheafisg an tins namber oi ntayo papila muet haeinsoola each year lanitheE ca- lion Act Puklic sbenst supaosters otlksi ta san t Boi Frsstspaka cki=se ta sacr'5U n5 Ge.rgStwr ndt . Ptalippe ta Ssrftsgtas withoul paytag s buittas lis. Thlssly Trstefe Len uager orepase ta, IHatos SsnoEtsisea os se s 0 pas wko are Frenck spuakiol hatnost Catholie, wha are goissg tai tse os Hes sain theese chitdeeos parents are puklie sehoot sup- paortes sont maso pay fuitiso fees tai tse Halta Separata Snksof Boarnt tai have tém entacate n sFrench. Auager saint te atmiail sasee et chifntsen inrament preenta tse karnt tramt starfisg tas Oms classes tas Fenchi papils ta sfnmentary He saggstsn thUe baen Pay te papdps taillas Oses ta, the sepasate barnt. Diretnr oi Enution Ens Lasontes saint te inoarnt wssafn have ta pay $1.2W0 toc escn papil inut tse provnce n'oalntgive a grasi ai $000 for eoctt otuntent. if te baen ntint pan te tton tl wasse' right if tke btoarnt osst aise repre' sentet on tine sepasafe inoarnt's selerOlon camnmitter minicn ocreros enery appli' cane, Trustee Sert Hinon deciaret Lavender sain th fisioard sapr teaaiso on Frencn annt uin t thn Enfacatian Act reqaires tse bardn tai have classes foe Frencn stuntents once ninere are ai HALTON RlOMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD Or. retors Scoon Mnnnn Adancead OSefeteber 1978 Registration Gtade. Osns t Enset Ragisoiton for the 197a9Snrntnalnnt - s1 ti ndtec fos Sn nati d5oh th0e e nofIn an1 seys h Fnn .1 r neorn O noors n Strete*s Scnoo R, i. assrisen 878-2651 dO y Ch.i,..n iseasssof Enutoîs Corne and see aur Beautiful Things for Spdng ait the Vila 10%A OFF ail new sprung arrivais - long là short dresses, blouses B-, / sleêpwear. 20% O0FF ail sîaccs Et paint suits ALL SALES FINAL Weihave a nde ragé of steet leogth A- - , oIfonzeo. fese 25. Ne saint there ns a sparates chocht tcnes clsar obtigatian tas tse board strlke and the ts lsnt. ta pranide the ctasses once A oeparte tsaetters' s'Ille tn lbesse are 25 papils and wtente Hat appears poait eItt Itre aren 't contte spenng. tikety 'iit h ou tte sot ton Trnstee Fred Armitage distant fture. notent the tontin money isot Uns te haarnt tante on tta year'a reeentty passent action, parents ai French buangst and tee dida't tinten spaking non-jatntli inoard shoaid stast paying for santents wnsfnt siter hane tai French non-Catoic pupis' cnttnue paytog tannin or edacation untit if kaa ta, whsn else ntertare tey ose Catotî there are 25 stuntents toc focai tas parposea. iacennter notent kigserihai He assaren tfrustees the Frenctt papito are basent ta boaardtwoaidn' bersequirentoi Nort Yack and Hamiltn sel ap speciai classes for tesocteois annt te bonard pays puptll tf tee were a the toition tees. $3,,000 damage Approoimateiy $0,000 ooticenthe blaze skortiy atter ntamagoasdonsas a rstt 6 anm ai a pkosphorooo tire an Hannt Tinere n'on nokanty ai tine Cfemica Tttrsday morning site aithee tans ai tine tnre, Piretigntero onere collent ta niatent tire ofticiels. Tins fire Hasnt Cneeticai alter a neign mas lmitent ta a ceenoiaet harng resîdntet aent 0510e ten ynglraiirr, containingtne Regionai Poice otticer piopkcrooo SHAKLEE PRODUCTS NATURAL F000 SUPPLEMENTS ORGANIC SKIN CARE BIODEGRADABLE HOUSEHOLO C LEA N SER S Distributorshtps Avattabte Inquiries Ineited Tetephone aRter 6 p.rn. (416)>389-0272 the parent ottne t pupnlv tha. tille pblic or otudenta nota pay a "coupte" moul tf il patit the tantian lien ot ttandred dollars a year in ta tttr proponet change in tuitiontfeesin addition t tteir poitcymoutd let Queen5 Park taxes. attf the hook" for sornie Accordntg ta Troster Bill onen. Priestner. te eparate Trustera votent! agatsst scinoal hoard entones a paytng te tuition fees. Mkes BareEt HaitSling ispleased to anntone the aytnoinntnof Janet Howard Cnniwote Jan bringo tanh her foot veans of nopetnentce in Miltton. Wr te ttnat Jan, mill bo a vaioable addition to Out staff sont help ostIo better servn ast costonerS. Mike's Barber &t Hairstyling 148 MAIN STREET OPPOSITE THE BANK 0F COMMERCE 878-3916 AINTI-INFLATION BUCKET t Ip A special offer fromn the Colonel to fight inflation- feeds 5 ta 7 hungry people. Mats & Commercial 8ffl171 OPEN: 11:30 &r. Corngrtations are entendent ta Mr. John Scott, winner of the abce, byManager ecy Barr ot Soyennor Propane, white Fire Chnet A. E. Cienents. who dreen the winnng ticket, loins on We watt f0 taite this opportcnity to thann ail those who rnoktlime outtonayHeilort annexamneour booth at the Miton Mal Outdoor Show The Sraff SUPERIOR PROPANE Ltd. 130 Thosspsas Roant Mitton