Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Apr 1978, p. 10

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10 The Canadien Champion, Wed.. Ape. 5.,1978 Wemode ft' CAS much better society is stold ilalton C=tlen Aid initr lad bos Iml Esecsttve Dietr sa looig It. beotard Capadsu.nd s bis b brnale ta doive ista report ta the CAS Ases ie rgae an A meeting inAtreoeawrds o-e aay ttheli. made it.' duo islda tte mebo ou Tite short, terse phrase AaAS tl b tadmd drscrlited Ahe omeoftthe striveitsdevea paran bigbty pobllcne ball aiAr bping in min lte fiscal hsdetest n AS lad restrainta and mort ta te- sagrd o-lA Are Ministry ai pravel . portlar Commsisity and Social social agoncies in Ane reglon. Services.Drn w th Soiy Cosplad andAtheBoardt of ig i? A ait Directors presented and aponed a Society oporateli delended a btudget aallisg foe ciidren's grasp bome on 37 prcent isceas. They AlcaslbsrY Court la Socling- aruà Halton lad fell far ton,Care eptd.H laitind ta ita services ta noîrd buodget restrains and chitdren ander lte rare af the campolilifa for staff ip lte saciety. mininlry lad mode t difficult Theo year o-as haIt liane ta krep staff. A bigit turnover laloro tite budget o-as lially af staff resudteli. possali anj evn tIen thte la bis report, Oleectar appranal caine oniy aller Are CouplaSd said the Society bil Support oI lte solicitor Noel servel s9t familles la t977. Sates o-as ealisted. bild iteatdrea in care, pold "Tiey oaftAn attîr ai Are for 51,W6 chîld days ai carte, budget and taitiafed policies served 137 asmaerlnd titledlinaeo-and ipranrdl parensa appraveli 28 nen servi ce vnalocs Caapland rustr homes, camplted 45 saîd. adoptins and filrd te divorce Society Piresidef t Bryan reporta. Clarke saîd Are lighl o-It lte A report prepared hy MARJORIE pOWYS received a bouquet ai fio-ers aad accolades tram Chîldren's Aid Society Presideni Brytin Clarkte during lte annal meeing Wedaesday. Mrs Po-ys renigned tram thte board aller several yeSrs ai ;ervtce. 'Sympathetic 6De CAS pays tribute to Marjorie Powys Steel bars ansWer TIr clasing ai HîlîcresO aager tanards Are people wo training scitasl la Guelphit Ia lad Are thafkless job ai stop an lte aroali direction, tryla ta bolp Are iadividuel. acaordiag .0 SrR E. Stalies, Prefessionals arr Presîdent ofthîe Ontario ariticined, institution are Psychiatrie Association. chaltrngnd aad Are Press reaa newlOvels of irrespon- Stos o-os lte garst sîhllify, Stokes said. lpae i te assua Stalies said Asât ta speako aI t Siepherd's case titere 10d meeting af Are ialton 100f 12 social ageacies in- Chtîdrea's Aid Society. Hr aîvrd, lai le clainrd there claîted lte sctas o-tII steel oo s Ic-riaia itar OOdass suit s HII unctiaf ite says sitould lae cresi ancre offt lte lasi ae thr ai ai Are places for violent young ChidrnsAdScee. Stokes adtedaho 1 svery plessed la ses Milton resident i5-year-aid tle mislstry sentd out a cie- obalat Bruce Shepherd cular indicatitti titat the CAS peo-pied undue and ait sitosld la thr co-ardiatitti ricnaIs tI bcts io ldy. Sut 1 was disappoinfeli catit coo-lIard scidn.Th ta loare of tIr decisian la ile talas1 last Navro-lar pitase t ouillcrest. Tite rvîisfry neiesetout a cir .Thte collective goûît ofaI ronta. Solieiy arises la Starmy Stoites claits tat in spfe board sre lostr parents mI Mark Hecrema and Mrs. M IO ispofn Vîviaf Ruai, ausiliary MitnR spof g represOOlaiivOn Mes Corvir 5M Main St. E. V7971 Gallao-ay and Mes. Morilyf aie sMarias Dto R TECT YOURCA and Donna Novotel Dla R A The 12 citizen dîreclors include: Ervîs Fisiter. Wî Now Havi Ultra Sa ** Wialam am rla, D r. s 0 nite Sii, v 1 nt Willimy arclay Slar, is tSaln Ciro-s. ya ali Clre. Pa tSelat Nac mers n , Dagrsit . e s fo-th nae0 Edoarda. lohn Grahame, Ian Meigtea. Douglas Pealold, F a, Gurante hn! SAgelo veatiand MAO urnee hn. Thinking about deooraihg in your homo? Why not start by havîng your favounite chair or sofa reupholsterlid h1 CALL TOOAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 878-9094 Milton Uphol-stering 751 Sîeis Avoua MOIll-Sal. 9-5 e FiL 9 tiigs. Ibat natanîners bad drivea ti,15to ites taking clienta ta denfista, dortars, courttand for lamity oisifs. .At tle prescrit timo shout 25 nolunteere aire case aides involred o-lA familles on a one fa one lasis as o btig irtesIer, btig sistar or tutar. Titis 5510er is everaito5gtng os Ane need cangies."- -Titase wo are cane aides fa a lamîly, hlp ia many o-ayn-ly being sympatitotif listeners, ity itelpini ta oail Ahe service a family reqitres front oAher ageaniea, lîndiali apartecento. lasses, cloAhiag andtunitare, iftitere ita nord, lame labo mothers shopping and tep ta teocit titem ta busdget and hsy more o-isely. lame itelp ant1 poretiai a sili sametimeS sdyacinli la sit. lley ait serve os support tO a itroahîrdi lamîty. and lteir contribtion is innoalale. " tIsse wo are (ig irthers) or u(big nistersi are fo)r some aillhe feeliang ai nor ltai Steel bars are initurane, Arere o-lt alo-aYs bla snord foc msaximunm ecurity tacililies foe violent peuple "Feelings and atitudes ralther titan ilaresed prolos- nîsa judgetnoat have castrihaîrd la training scitasîs lainE used aa last rescet. Titis. coo-hîved sit inadequate length taay . cou only lead tri ailure intleai o-rat ot a population of in- dinîduals îaleralioallY sotarloos foe vqience and igit suicide rales, il n un- lartuaO ltai nucit lauiliies are availaitte la dtsturitod autit ""'Y alr itoey have cammrilird s crime. ilorehY denyiag lthe prinaiplet ai prevostian, le saîd. s.nadotescet, and sbare wiIb tem many esrnce o-tach the> otbf^.e= =d ont bave. For abvis ressars, maap C.AS. citildeen do pnanty aI saboal ad if imprenes lir Self imagr if a tular can belpi tbem do latter. lame ai oc totons are experienced teaciters, altera are ast. 1 migbt saY hem at thte scitas are nery receplion taIdis aller of entra hlp for a cild .Tmealy-finr volanteers itnlp in (Mothers Groupa) tacated an iltan, Gergetowa, Dabville and Burtiagtof. These are oAre, offtasingle parenta, wito are ideatitied by C.AS. or Puiei Heati as peopte wbo ouosd iteneft front meeting weeitty with aIber matitee an nimilar clecOte- stances. Tley satere noper- encra. support ane anoter, listen ta gustt Speakers, are filma an retevant subjects, or do croît wort. o-le lthe moalers are mreting, lteir pre-schast chitdren are supervised bv volnteerso-ito carry aut progeama mitt maclade trec ptay, Sories, sangs, and many oAoer Slimittfg actinities. -Wr love same vnteîers doing special projects; one, a foramer social monter, ta pulliali earty C.A. fles tn arder sa îlot itey ma, tbc aiicrolilnted. Analtoer dors pallia relations mark by speaing ,about C.AS. la higt scitool nladenis and argatia- tin nrespoase ta realiets ilihers hetp an lte so-it- chboard or in lte alfice, as needed. 'This pont stimmer ana a ver>, reinardiai anc lar ltse Aunîliary. la Feitruary 1977 se snt sut tas cOttera la indutires. service orgsniaias and prolos nional people, requestin loeir aid for a lumme Eneicitaieni Peograte. t1 response. o-c received $4,80 in donations. 'I Work Grant fa Isire for advrtising teorth $2,ies la stades ta carry a t t e pro- p b ile lte Tees Centres. 1 gram. As a resait, we e're = Botal e ta labo ibis appor- abe n c-peatisn ilS tuaity ta tbanb once more, aSt agency staff, ta previde Ibase wbn participats4 in Ibis enjoyable eperienc far 2 mortity paeci., chitdirenmbho wereeMtatLnei aeagai n sent est residential and day campa; ettore soliclting fisascisi 60-cbi kdren mbn attended t help f r Ibis steam er s Teen Centres is Bsrligtan, pregram. Tbe CAS. bas M i l t n G e r g e t o we n , a s a d t a p p i d r e c l fn r t h e Y o u g and cbldren wbo ment an Caad Warb Grant ta nover lamiiy bus aps and eigbf student salaries and in familles o pent a enit at maage and spervse lte CeaGeCm. Vnisnteern program enlirely ibis nom- w ere very m ucb invotved in e drW e aisbltem tel i,a he enrry pitate ai he pragrate san re ad abl T o ai Ibem rep ra ited r parted. regsisrly ta te jobt Crealisa Te valastrer asnlilarY id Orancit as spnsrs anIber especed ta dissole Ibis anded ait lte fnances ad mnAh and became a cees- baakbeeplng in casndint mitten ai the board. BoAh ll b td s a rta es . Mes. MacDonald a d M . Maay valasteere betped Cstn c b ooa spervise te Tren Centres bningtngAe vosstee cO o e and famity bas frip. Otees tai te maiastresmt f lihe aned or d ated eqoipteent , operaton instead ai aclig saab as record players. indepesdeaalY oi the board. MOUNTAIN VIEW FARM S.turd.y, Apri Mt. 10 a.m.-4 p.fLl SPRING SESSION RIDING LESSONS Fo, Aduts and Childman Starling Now Prpefor rereatiovol ridio-t, howing, dressage, hanmer, jumping Or aveating INDOOR RIDING FACILITIES BOK NOW FOR SUMMER HORSE MASTER RIOING FROORAM (LIMITEO NUMBERSI Mountam Viw Farm R.R. 4, Actan (Halton Hil- 416-W1-35%8 t AT 17h SIOE ROAO ON 4th LINE n HALTON HILLS. WEST 0F GEORGETOWN t (MAKERS 0 FPRACTICAL HORSEMEN)

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