8 Tino Canadian Cinampton, Wed. Mai. 29, 1978 At 83 he stili doles chore Edoorti Sno cleinroati bis tlrd bir-dtiy tant Mon- day. Rai tino day alartat i 1e aeey alter day, down ta mhe bora, ieed the Filin and do the cairs.3yeaof age Edward laaw bas more eneriy taa lot ai mon ba iv oe. "Iva bers ieeding pîgo amne 1was 10Years id, for more titan 70 yao," Mo Snow aodinan interview rceatly. Ho recaiied h16 boyinmd and boiag tha yonsof ai ive boys atin tofmln. "Thara weeaoany aiaofme, sa onosta tdrive lintsa duiabt t arvor raily gos th a nce ta, drive atût 1 gaI aier an it waa my job ta tord lie pigsa Bat ino wel furieteabn junt ieadtng piga. Ed Snoo shnows bis situe boit tati oi alinhamifoa nnoars au at as orouad lino contry and campotitiana ai tbo Canodtan Billed as an "aseani At sstaiten" a peaformance af Caribinean masic hy dia musical Aagaataattan Syn- cous tailb givra aI Milton Liraay Titursday. Apri 6. TheagAop's readae', Dîink Smthbsays sîne ila iscop' tin in 1972, SyncAnu ban bora wook ing oardi an accOOatO and eroltaiig rrp'resanla' tian of Caatbhaan musie, In ,tilma ltae groap ban hen tAgetinea il bas parioamod Milton Contat Library oti prn tiva drama Tues- day. Aprîl 18oning thtemwoak oi Canandian autitara, Margarot Laurence, îtrpbon Leacacn. Robertsmi Davien and Adiara. Tino paoduction 10 ha presenlrd by actios Anneaand Jîm Wrightt ai Taoono oi tacarparata audio-vosuai materialtasouritds~tem and raI se or projectati vîscais. aocoodtsg ta lina Library "'Tiis an esporîmeat. anti depending apos hoo ma do National Exbibiton obore ine hat heboasr o iutthne grand nantoat cbmp tAnhp. Oiet olit an tarrdiblo memAryMr. saoaralls the gaînga As ai tino early in00as as il lbry 50000 yesterday. Mr. Snow waa bora and raisoti by a lamiiy ltaI iad oawys lain a bora interOal tinoth polies oi tbe rmuntry Ha is a sauoch Lboral and in apit Aiof th act tbat bia nopbao, Jim Snow, ta a ToY Cabnt rMittothe tdeaofi sottsa ComaervaltSo brtags fury tobis eyes and disgust tA is vaice. -I woatdn't voteCoanserva- liv0 if tinry wth last Aon on eart. Ymucouldn't pay me tA vote Tory," ha sitioffe Mr. SAu regards Str WilAred Laara and Macl<rnzitKing as twoofthne greatest Canadians tat eer lived. aîdaty, laomn cAncerts and parades, triramsiAn and flm. tohatsa nd planes. Thr liant SyncAsa album oasaeaasadmi174 lis sceslad tca boad(051 racoadînli Af four selactin n tha Jamaicait rggae taadi- ton foa tha CRIC in 1975. Ticeats. aunîlahia aI ther tîraay. ar Ana dollar The prAgram stats at 8 PoM Ratrhmants uîte hsred, uith il, or mai tay üthaa sîmîlna thîngs. osai Shrlagh Cavnay haad thraian tAa Milton Contrat Lihaa Tha S-mittutr prouctoA sutl cAnetAda iîth a 15S minuteadiscussion AtthAugh adlt an- tetalaint. 'uOas (CoAway slated the show Aulad ba At ine tAt hîeh sehuot atudants asel Thea hist ofiv kind ai the liitouly Mas Cony saidashO hoped tu tapat similar performances tl sAllfiet intarest is shoun Cancer campaigfl Prapoaattaaa; fur tino Nillon EdaeatîAncvear Donv CancrrSocietyfond rain Eli ott, ra artadahoutog a campaiga arr aiooady os- fitlm tA tha Milton Lions Cliai. doroay. Tino Milton Aoriety Maaeh 6. bas preprti 15W information The saine tilm oitl ha cssias bila ta bo dîstrîhutoti shooti 15 Milton Rotary Ctab dirouginout Milton anti Tueadat Maach 28. Campboiivtiio durînli April. As port ofth-A Cancer "CanceraMonth.' Society campaign. Tiirtea mambors Mcttonatd's Rstaurnt. proporodthedi kit, ioilooing Milton wil) aie ail paoeda the Marcit 21 binsa trAm ltae salr of 'Ega meeting, accardînli ta Shirley MaeMufliîîs" An Sunday, Gravratan. a Miltas Society Aprît A lu thr m7aiwiu menmier, CanerSociey DWEUR SIIOP F 18298 Cut Ha recala soît vtvid dalail line day be aos ia tiraI ballot in an electios. "1 noltid for Sir Wtliaod Laurier. i loit my liant vale wrs lino couantry SAotd againot the t.tborals becausa ai tino raripoet tanna. Rut boiter tinga aore coming"He oted Liberal tbenanad evry election ever lRcallng theriuOealAofAtr Wîltrod Laurter Mr. laina qaoteshY memAry the wods oflthermtistor atiteanaaal. "Lay itm genily, oAb gonllyifor sridom has thr anti cAeared a nobr hatthan dtia ai Sir Wiiired Lauatea." lina minister badl blfd poli boarra "And ltain ltae way dia cAuntry toit," says Mo. So. mar Snu tltis At Laurier, Kînaz and Trudeau wti bis iamily nAt' bvnenngi monaytila a radi.a sCeh sent In ton ta brar Measat King on radio "Laurtea taugnt King mnaay tinga, Kinguwantheatreatelt of ai]lies' Ho racalin as a boy htdtag withfils bratbers beintdand usd00 tin oadl stASe sa tioy could lttAiste ihsaitierand ater Liboonla tain politiAs aaAaad tino itchan tabla. "Thea meetings tiard ta ha ai oua place, Wr or nraagnt upan Libeals. t leaand Ltboraisim frot lina bogîn milg. Hallonsaaa a TAay place titan. You cattit say mhai 000 tinangi." * l oi laina a blantet gaîtd mast put Taudeau Aut Af bts place. Hans aeady tA tbrttttle Levosque. Lavaesqar basnal s Canadian unit, Goodin speaks at Sheridan gaI nIer flIpiie ai Ecootonica d Ih. Part Abnrahama yrî. Il in bo is Queaosiibttno tao aa heti moita a masso; Oi tpelatae Sinarda Collage Canada. Canadian unlly sarlan ta bo Trudenau Wii bava prasaolad Marcn 30 and April Canadiens titiininl rign 3 ai ltae Gabvilo Campas on baore thenex orl OeOllOI. la Trafalgar Rd. his on aay and tima be la ting tino braI ltaI cas ina Geratd Gadin, Qorben done, jo sotsi ond PQ rapra- 'ýHan nt as popatar ansaaiv = e Mercier Couoity, Marbrantie Ktng. nul tino day wiflspa Marcin30Oon theaPQ ta crming ohm na aeill bo. alaciion vlciory anti lis im- Hosn ot ohat Clark and ltai plicaios for Canadien olti Rrmadhat soya ina la." fedarailant. A devoat Chiataian and cinurcn waber, Mo. 10w on Aprit 3, Dr. Grant boga ait th e ao 7 ta write Ratibor, Cinairmas oi ltae Gai- ainbokand altlervan ymon aria Ecasomir Council il anrn had tin ok ai EC), mi discoso the poi ind. Ho bon soi over eoomic Uaspects Oi 'mco = a ut bas close ta Canadian oly. Thte boo ab n tid Hail Love and MercY EDNA PLUMTREE of 71 Jon St. Milton, s thr lncky w nar of a branti ne-Si Tovota Carotta frnm Park TotA, RR t, Georgatown, in a contrat rus iny Hantas Bakery. Mra. Plumlree anawered a SUîI taating quasion aller her rintme waa aaiactad frora tinAnanda of aniry forma. Il waa the third Af 1t prîzes givrA away atnd tiha prevîdent tif Huai's, Mr. Brogman, was there lA prescrit the car and a hAge cakr, alctag with Pool McDnnald, Af Park TAyAta, Tharaday afteraAAs. Mrs. Pliartrea was nntilied of her wult An lina irat day of Spring. tan Forsvth, manager af Marketing ser- vices Af Canadian MAtnr Industries was atAA ai Park Toyota tA assist la the presefliln, Left tA right are Mcas. Plumtrea, Paul McDAiîald and Mr. Bregman. Aras') cigarette antAbors tsr up tuA e 'r vas of lite, The Canadian Cavcer Socety urges avteras lA quit tbe MITO LOS habit, rARHUR A. JOHNSONO D.> BI G O PTO MET RIST 214 Main St., ,* Mil(ton v r e n sa SAVE *4OIJu An AUDICOMC, R nctudngantenva O $ ONLY teg. $139.95 ACT-4021 Easy-tA upeatad40channel CB mAAbiletatcivr. These,: s designe for tow iea high sesvitsîlhe trAsAtittAt Apatatea witin toast da A ort avAmamu Aupu power LANGHOLIM ~ nurseries axnd garden centre Refore you buy your Iawn là garden supplies be sure tu visît our ail neW là modern nursery. We wtill bp opentng early in Aprîl lu serve you Dur Nursery Hours Wii Be: Week days 8 arn. until dusk Sundays 9 ar.- 5 p.m. Wie mil Se catîynysj Ipg AaOsetec tion of nursery soU k, fettîlizers, gatdon b lawn sF.tt/s, poiA, haSis and patio sioles pl[,' maAy rclAthd tprys for the t5rmi ýý,rdAer S't htesttatt al" ' ' 't J,: 'tA Staff att).!l your ovvS gro5Wing, gardon plan ntng ideas. We il!, lare ta help 1o5ý LANG OLM 6711 Hwy. 25 nurseries and ns005a onRntasnO gardien centre 878-1300 lamo i Ronm n-125 and are open ta tiho pabiicural Gadin bogon bin orntioa carcerrin t99tand i la urrently editor oi theo Editino Parti Pria. Heoianatormr ecOtary and firnt vic-presidttof thle St. Jean Blaptiste Society ni Montrosi and wan secretary and renoarchor far tino tati Report on Culture la Qtneioc. Dr. Reuiner han bora chair- man ofthenOEC since 1973. A graduate of Harvard U.niver- sity (Pin. D. Econaonts andi ltae University af Western Gntario (Honora liA. Econannica andi Potiticat Science), ina han iteoa a mominer nI nomorono; econamic commlttees, int 1 j6 Mciuntainview Rciad S. Saite 304 GEORIGETOWN 877-6984 'Van Iffte9t HiOUSE 0F PIANOS KAWAI LESA(GE Sherlock - Manning 2 Floors Full of Nrwa&'W Reconditioned Pianos A 14s5w StWY)W WATERDOWN W 120001S W. 0F WATE0100N alGOl RCHOOG op- E-s Enovra federal and provincial. Tine Casadian Unity series Drt. Reuber was a fnandinli bas bers oganisedoby Shari- member and fil:presidelt nf dan'a Liberal and Goainrai thne Canadian Ecanomico Studies Division ta incas on Associaion andi, o in 192as aspectsofCanadian ulity and etocted a Feiiow of thne Rayai disunity in ail parts nf the Snciety nf Canada. cnuntry, ot joint Qoabeso TO, THE ANNUAL 'a DI UNION Amni lut lm7 PLACE: RDMA HALL, MILTON TIME: 8:30 P.M. REFRESHMENTS 9:00-1:00 A.M.: 0008 $5.00 pet DANCING FRIZES COUPLE S DANAliTO The FabulouS the amazing THE ROYALES"# TICETSA AAiL A YOU CREIT UNION HALTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. '4 inoSt M Atn* 77Wilson Drvo, Mita 388 Kor Stront, 0kvilia iý 844ff ""DO THE 510"" Iynn an meaS DlA Deanu wth diny ather .ntin r ul hc Id a dual h.ndigta frnt ci an sde -ido deIgel and widuIIWI3VTE TE OMENTU F TRUN TEEST - DTU tenflcffllng.Yo'mbundt)ame l,, 2OAZ 8210-FS APORTRACK 20010 hiA Datatan ioaddsuptt d iia îîîsra dri ie W E EES JR M NTS D mnd ttday. So, why wait'î n'l WREJEàM WMJ 610 MRI ST7843 MLO Caribbean group to play at Iibrary Live drama ait Iibrary 'I