52 TiteCansdisnCitampIonWad. Mar. 241, 1978 - SPORT wlth Peter McCusker Witit lita foiding if lite Hilton Fasîbail Leagua if lita and 0f 10sf yaar's seanun. Boit Davidsoî if lita Hornity Farmer Jacks 100k itis lcam te tite Beacitas Major Fastitail League. Tite Former Jacku were virlîally uutoucited ity local cnmpelstioî lasI year but did play 4 severai taurnaments againsl lite Beucites teamo. Titare ara lwo naw leamS n lite BMFL witicit nom itas a rosIer ut nine. Bradford aid Streels villa ara lita new additions coilit Beactîes 1-losI lars, Esson Sux. ~eacites Mercitanla, Joito Oliver Realturs. Newrnarket Rays GuIf. OSitaîva Mer citants wito itave Fate Landars Aid Bob Donîlk ituriing. Dumik mas milit Ricitmood HîtI Dynes lita year titay mun lita world citampioooitîp and of course, Rîchmond HilI Tite Horîity laam mili be playing ouI ut Streela villa and milI carry lucals sucit as Andy Trenca. Wayîa Ellis. Mike Leslie. Rod Stemarl. Hornity hurler from Mlssîssauga, aid Tom Glieite, GOALKE formarly mitit Hamillon Waxmuo Serappers. 5-I min os' Boit Davidsuo aid Boit McGee will be itandling BruIter AI tite coaciting duties Tite raauon lita laam is COVtOg 10 Streelavîlle AI. is tita tank et proper facililies în Hnrnby Tite laam raqouiras dressing roomS aid iteller I gitî ing. Coarit Davidson saîd ite itopes lite club w Il e~.ss~a.J ha aitte 10 relurtt 10 Herîby nexl year f proper ~IIU facîlilies are iîslalled, n i n anciten Qua es 5 Dumîville Mudonlo bave mon lite norlit division ended liteir ha if tite OHA Inlermadiate B Sotiliteri Counlies 00111e tîrtî c Laagtie atter miîniîg lite Series milit Paris 29ers acre maloited four games lu oie n lite besl ut seven final. peaceful tarI Dlmîville nom faces Dorcitesler in lite Soutiteri Irona Suenia s Comtien League final Game Imo mili go lite Suifs 41 T Titursday îigitt iî Duonvilie, game litrea lad 1-001 lite t Wadiasday iî Dorcitaster aid gamefuurFrîday perîod, 3.0 aI in Dornitanler. April 7. Tite leugue mueit aI lite Il minier milI adeance fi lite alI-Onlarlo fîual Milos gel ont against Napanea n ITace FlaC Zaliao. Titis Novice Duncan Haggie scored bis tîrsl goal n ganle Ilie Ou Marcit. Tite eigitl-yaar-uld acta as stick boy for ~5 Sunday Dufferi i Quarries miior midgelS but plays Dutîn mcl îuvice. Duffs Gord Kerr wî Il preseol lite KiogolotI Toa youîgster milita pnck closelp lougit - Kînguion lea, blond n lite up Millun Trideils mîlI be itoldîng a tond raîsing lcud 10 Mîllue Slag Friday, April T aI lite Halbi SpllrlaiTleiS ~ci~rî,~lo ~ Club si Steales Ave Tiekela are 53 aid are scaecd lita onl ovailable from aîy Trident Hockey players or soucnd period laam execolive members. Titey arn alita Sinon Jacne avaîlable aI MilcitS Varîely on Main SI aod Shitelice s a n lia Zaliar Iro caritnil Tite Hornby Mînor Scîfîbaîl Acitocialion ailI be le lite lic ituidiîg ils annuai geuerat oueeliug .Xprîl S. il O nia sconel i p.m. aI lite Hornby Cammouils Centre Tberî eadnd up os are aiso plans for a ueo marnIons 10dm liii Il Sillon iceon S Horîby titis yenr cecond il iii ~AL IRADIATORj I SERVICE I I 513NTAIIIO ST. IMILTONI 978-5154 Take a Break C~ wîfh iîlurrsly - . Horîd Witan an raid aitaul tomaooe Seing arcesteit tor dtslruitîng dia peare, ue nant italp aonitaringaitereitcloind any. Deotor lu naiititla-igetl pst- ions haras ns tesson ohy yaa osai lita a camplelals normal Sm-as long is yos itnst say Se calas Il. + + + Tadi abaul inOitiOo' Ecen maiîingalooecluroooninin pet cent more litan il dîd a pane ugo A pareni nnnoariag Iha panne tannisas Ina a penn11. A leonogeareanhes isa a chair. + + + Widi a grean titinait, poste a gosit gaaitener-aidi o piaple dismh, yosra a nearsigitlait rarpanter. Were atmapn grnmlng an Spead Qsaas Lasadrimat sai Dey clasalagos Mals Bt. sasidasa ta dia CredIf Union. Cessa Is ami ssIi ilnmn por- tati salai lausdeaing ho dia asasmbeaalOs. Optimist minor peewees ~dropped by Aurora team loncia. lite Gitimioli The Optimisis md talion Inan pamar puy gnai s 10 nd- EPER HON JAMES ut SWA s just slarlirg for lite pueit n liteir er lita Ltons n item itoîse teague plavofi -tetion S îlurday an James scored a hat trîcit to lite game red Duifs midgets season at tourney dlitaDutterîn anoNao'minuoatoitletl TrentoosnoaedlAlOa nacra Mîdgaln Oy aîonîOg litîl faCe lite aitîlo Doug Orupity astittad otey teuton ut GuIs acre agaîn 10 plis aI 11v Garlon replîed lot lita oTrenlon, Ont. p.na. aguiont Coiturg OutIl Lulclntitclitirdpariud ouod lita Dutts In litaîr seoond gama ol Ihe SalIs itupen urne lardiar agaînsl a larga titaday dia Dulîs mal a deler sitallered aiten icîl Hcggie okalioli dut toîoadnrcutrOolCoiturgaitO icîî,l.e lot arC uod ratircd citait delealed warefigitling 10 raCoin n lite 11010 lita faCe Fîoal nonce itasaroîacluit îournomeolasalossaould lreniuoi.Mîllanlandlite md ut lite tîrsl aulomilinillp clînaînale l)ulln acre elîtaaolcd teona lite eod ut lita litana lurîher ploy. t uolii lita 0410 Tita Ouffi sooaed tîrnl uod The Outîs playcd a total ut lad pcrîuot dit lad 1.0 aI die aod ot lite lirot ~.î inague playîîtt. nuroanacol itescoeeitoaad. on a goal ity Jîna Neanaan aod nohîitîlian gaInaI ainniof oglon Oonited troC Flenaînglon toîrd ity tac Pitîllipn. b lita oaa oas Ste unly itucg scorad bloc a Ifs plaped un ttc Outti oIt lite sou it a lu lead Il noue lite lolitetitîrdtrame au a RAB BITS and delcatad Mulot as litcy 001500 cd Co nsitîp n a ituung4.llOaloliteOanletu I gamc Tita Onorîno 1cr Mîllon acre lc RAB BITS r drea lîrnl ltcggia, unattiuled iten rit RAB BITS îitndmaîîylioc Ausîsting on Flemogun urlunîliet itul goals acre Jayne n MMED ArE îîlnlîce Duttu ian, Jayne on Fîcol DE V AV y goals ut lita scoonit aod Bead W - lita lirsl ity itîn litird leuna Neaman Titis air sel lite lite second ity SIllon la play Tre uu~SELS Hegoîr and îiteîelitîrdrameall d cd pentud eacit lOpOl lita loue acre Baz M otors Mîllon a lired itackey club ard cIl GEORGETOWPI up Scaringlan iteitîndTreolaoliallitnend urcnaiîolnnsîss leceJayne, 1110 cI îao peroolo Tite ooaî e rame troC Sdece lur 1111100 oas .10e 877-5280 AIIuA mots 844-9181 I - thaiaoitS-îinlhaieaaisd par- nanrefoflsemnafinafs. oit soit hait if miii midi a lis Anrora tantToasitay, dia minute fafi, Aorora tiad dia home taam mon 3-f ina dose ncoratnnnaitdiegaanainfn mati plapeit gama. lise ooertime. calibra of hnaliay in luis Cfsnoy gava dia Optimisia norias mas eneeptinasi osit tisa fanit again but a itoshia aimnyn escid~ accoritisg 10 minor penaity midi foor min- i forai ciais ciai. uts n die game proveitfalol. lina OplInsinla tissait diair Widi lite tas plapesm off dia sassas midi a record 51 43 ire, Aorora rapilalined midi mina f0 lissas ami fmir tino, ELECTRICAL * INOUSTRfAL CONTRACTINO MAINTENANCE POLE uNE AERIAL CONSTRUCTION LiGHTINO 878-2048 583A MAIN ST. E. MILTON, ONT. LOT 3J2 Titis ait sponsoreit o part isp Spers Floorino oofororlng fise opposition 237- IlS whila reooriting 15 suit- 0015. The roach snd manager anolit lise to thonis Tom Cltoitieigh, Gary Ellnaooit ond Brion Serafini for off tiseir lielp fuis nasson. Perfosal Income Tas Service - spsoisintopstsooalsod ooofidsntolsndios.iotaSd 24 hou, socolon 510 îod or Inoscîno oooaisoao - oion Sous 5-i. assaini soi OstaOsOecOOOOCoO Ossascosi ROBERTW L4WRENCE ilMan St E.. MOon 878-7072 Iroppait front dia OMIOA plap-offs titis pont mmli hy itorora. TIta Optimisti ployait nomeitorts hochay tltrooghoot lita serina, bot cooslontly feU short, on many Insfanana masing sroring opporlonitina bp dia wiitth if lite goal post. lndieenitwhothoditaan ha tîranglit if tisa tanna, ntoying ostof diepoosllv hon. proseit to ho titair itonanfail. On Salîritoy, Airera cama ait tirlng mit lampait loto a itotris 2-0 lsd Tisa Optinauits starlait litaiT comabiris con- iinoolly itilliof asary Aurora ployer lItaI movait. Mark ttathett, lita laina scortng leader, lad lite allant naidi o goalaodlaoastistu.Siigla goalo acol 10 Jetf Santord otîdJaîorsClanry. Bantam house Parîooffealrslalahoat dia Kiotouan Il n Seolana playoll 001100 tant Wadnos loy Lorry Slaadnaao notchait 100 aod Duooe Timbers oaa toc lita PorIon tram. Mark laitIer oneerd 1cr lita Km- On Maodoy lita Parîco erra mal litrîr maInt ot lita Ouldoor Oullîllero craimait titra 7-4. Rîcit Haînricit srorcdoitnllrloitlcleoitlite Oulitllarssoilniof Tita Appla mIras itroppait Japor ity a 12 lally John Hanoiturp sconad lira goals 10 para lite uîo Barry Blîsito scoradaitolleaisaodOoltny Ford odded a stogle f ut dia Apple Kalens irIS .loyoa goals ucre nrllcd by Dos PintaIt Super Sire edgeot Hoodo 4-0 o itaolom uclico Mita icegin tonerd unr, Gary Pr lit pe AROUNO HOUSE BI 'en Mcflanald MuFtIs 701 MAIN ST.E Wl GUARAITE 10 KIIPYOU ou.. tfyouownaNuafhAinerfcait madecar aodyour moffiar goos, corne Ion diriiway rnoutercentsa Wall repiscayosir mafitersesiti no charge for nastaliollon. Axsdwell gsaaranlealtte ossifier for an long an pou oren dia car A]aoifyooootyneedaitiftspeiliOitoitlifilerCOoiO mon miii give yoor misole exhaînt systeos lite OOCa- anar for lame WhenyoOrcarsuOrl5m~osg morenoinethon if shoutd, renneniber tlsrnway msfitercentcas. Willt oui gsiaranleeandtaut nervicemepromiseyoîlileaSa qn.ieliy.Now sud forever more. Werewaiting la hear from pou. 701 MAIN ST. E. W IRigitI aotmt fcam Copouand Lumbe 0050 RIS Mon Fr1 800-600 878-8819 Safljrday800-200 HORNBY MINOR SOFTBALL REGISTRATION Saturdays March 25th and April 1sf Time: 2-4 p.mn at Hornby Communlty Centre Must be 6 years aid as of Ian. 1/78 i ANNUAL MEETING APRIL 9, 1978 at 8:00 p.m. fi aI the HORNBV COMMUNITY CENTRE EVERVONE WELCOME Coaches and Managers Needed FINAL ____________ REGISTRATION oy AT MILTON MAtI - Saturday, April i 10 a.m. -4 p.m. Boys ~ Girls 8 Yis. ta 18 Yrs. of Age '10 per child up te '25 MAX. PER FAMILY Couches Meathil - Mo.Iay, A~i 3 1:30 p~m. - Roluy Psitt HuE - AI Wmlcosne IF YOU HAVE ANY EQUIPMENT FROM LAST YEAR * WE URGENTLY NEED T PLEASE RETURN TO THE MALL REGISTRATION OR CALL ONE 0F THE EXECUTIVE LfSTED BELOW. INFORMATION: JOHN MORGAN 870-0570 REG GRIFFIN 878-5993 FRITZ SCHICHT 878-2015 I Sunday, April 9th 7 a.m. to Il a.m. TREAT THE WHOLEFA MIL Y TO AN "EGG McMUFFIN BREAKFAST" A TMcDONALD'S ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE GIVEN TO MILTON AND DISTRICT CANCER SOCIETY CANADIAN M CANCER SOCIETY - GOLF HALTON COUNTRY INN MD CLUB R.R. 3. Mîlton, Hallon Road 9 Went, turn right at Sixlh une PAY AS YOU PLAY GOLF, SWIMMING, TENNIS MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE FAMILY $220.00 MEN $20000 LADIES $18000 Dining Room andLounga Fui/y Licancad For Information Cali 878-6701