Trom Rsmaatss-sfltng Jubilee modal for Tomn Ramnautarsingh A agnver jaliles medlot Isas est Ontas-io renfes-esces. Hes lies-o awas-ded taI Tom was sos- of the elght poople Ramaubanstagli ai Geos-ge- nets-cht ta mali a film in tome for lia contribution to gs-esp dysamlca-a ps-oject ai edasatios. Ms-. Rlameute- .A.C.D. and 0.E.C.A. staghl a a social science He also ss-rvsd fs- Iwo teaclier ai Geor-getaows Higis yesns ostos- executive of Oie s-hast. Board of Directons ai Oie Onitario Edscatiosal Tise meal maa sleuc ta Resear-ch Cosencil. He mas commentMetahe 2SUs an- actively lovolved le os-ganiz- nivensasy ai Hes- Majesty isg worsbhapo anU casier- Osees Elizabeth Il's rs-lgv. encus lu Timmins, Thunde- Theohvenss cas-s-es an s-fflgY Boy. Winsor, Ottawa and of thle qeeo white Oie reverse Tornto. aide ta Oie mos-h of Canadien AI York Univernsity be metattast Dos-a dePede-y ses-ved os the Resding Hast. Coaieresc- Committes-, Mn. Ramastansingli hos ses-ted os the pnogs-au com- coots-ihted tava-Ima s-vas mittice-andmwaochois-masof soU ta masy fieldsofa edaca- tho Ginn Reading Amard lios. At Wiffnid Larier Committe-. Uaiversity lis mas editas- of Hs- bas s-valuated and Oie Literas-y Magazine, revi-voe taxi books for the Freshsmas Presideet, chois-- Minst-I of Education. At mon of Oie Hoaus- Amars-d prescrithe isOthe Pssidsot of Committes- aod Presideet of a parens' association si Oie U.N. Clubs. Wite aI Georgetamn, Prsids-st of univensity lie oe as Atkos- Wilfs-id Laui-r Ueniversity son Amaed, as l.0.D.E. Aîuusi Association, vice- Amard and as Hoeass- Amard chais-mas of Ontar-io Usiner- fromt Oie Uninversity. situes Alusi Assocations, Hs- bas ser-ved ao hraech ps-ids-st of the Georgetomn presideot of Actas, Es-le Cricket Club, a umme of Gleor-getawn anU Milton High the W.L.U. Senate and a sel,"t. Hs- also servait aa ts-mbler of the Board ai presideot 0f Hailtan Scond Covernors. as-y Schasl Teocliens' Feder- Tom Hamautansiegs atlas for tile yeans. received lin B.A. and M.A. Mr. amataring sevedfr-omt Wifînid Laur-ier Usine-- Ms-.Hamstasinli es-ed ity and a Mante- ai Edaca- os marty provncial coun- lion fs-sm the University of mittees of the 34,00 Second. Torno. as-y Scliasl Teachons' Feder- atioe and the 103100 Oetario Teachors' Fs-Usratios, Hs-e IIE II I mas prsested mîto the Amord ai Mes-lt se 1973 ond GENERAL the S.G.B. RobinsasAmOs-d in IRADIATORI 1075 for austaadisg service SEVC Hesrvedfornsix yeanss ONTARIO ST. the 14-me r Coasicil of the A TUrlo Association for boonsso. Curriculum Develsymieet soU MILTON bas pos-lîcipoted le ps-ogram PHONE I developmest. He lias aise 985 4 acta4 as chais-mas. nesaseceJ 87-5 4 poersn recoresr ai dilles-- ARLEE POOLS 878-7022 Ca#lnowv for early spring installation of that INGROUND) POOL yoa've always wvanled N JUST 5 DAYS WE CAN HAVE THE POOL READY FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT OUR PR/CES CA P/T SE BEA T For Only *4,962 yb get a 16' s32 poolmfith ivfbngboard, laddons. maintenance &a bacuum kil, 14 faste galsasiaed steel mails. 30 miii lier. gebobal & Jabbasl eqifap QuaIiPy Matorials and Workmanship Guaranteed Alec: For you do-it-yourselfers wie have kits evaleble. Prmler's chauffeu Nicek Lorito Aa aId sayisg ta010, "No mas La a lies-o taCsvalet", atPremier BIB Davis li close ta one ln tise ayez of his chsauffeur, Niais Larils of Georgetm«e. Nîcu has heee tise ps'emlr' chauffeur' for 12 yeass gelsg bock ta tise days mises Davis mas Mbsister ai Eudicatos. Ne ferts he and Davis as-e finds as mel as employer and emplayes. asd shviesly lias a gresait respect asd affectios for hie. It's (ast as weil it la this way stas'e they are togetiser machaifthsetiese. "I see more of Ms-. Davis tisas 1 do of my siel" jsimd Nicis. Every maoisi Nicis lesses his Delcen Beslevard home, est le a faecy Ilmossise and uniformi ad Ccap but le as ordiasy Chrser Ns-e Yanes-.r sits Nickin l as everyday buasiness sait, asd as-rives at tise Ps-s-miers Brampton home sisortly aller elgisi. b ttrh hisscoid b0p of roferaelliti Davis. as they chat mrer tise day's QuakeIL. . fCssslined fs-m Page 1) Hymens says. Altisougi Acapulco bas secasional mild quelles, ibis maes Use morst ose in 13 yesrs, he mast tald. Tise Menicas prsm repos-ted 25 people mes-e isjas-ed and tms dled os a resait. The hotal in sehicis the Hymens stayed mas as oider- one, 10 Mtnes bigb. They weeallowed tn e n-ais in Ois- iotal, hatgoesta leonne sf tise taille- boteta miens esaeaated and hept out for somne tîme. Despita a feeling of appre- iseulos, lise Hymens didn'l les lise stsahe spoil thein bois- day asd retas-sed mith envi- able tans Wisile liseir paseTsaere amay Chas-tee sdHestses Hymens stayed wîto hseur grasdpas-ests. MINISllfbOF CONSbMER AND COMMsERCIAL RELATONb THE LIOO LICENCE ACT. 195 NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING ie 1-. b - B. CI b-1 5 i -l ,- ni TH SHEMA CENTRE0 isibfif fU IOR U 104 f ffh asf R . I O fbf Ri bf HAILON ONTARIO 501. - s. f15 551 flea. sIA l ef i 1 if e, bfLof I i S fif sl.ý f I b r ifIb f bifib b Off - bf If i sf' fîI f, bsfibf iclide. il il's ao ans-rage day, Nicis wost lie liacl home again tusti l 1.10or midsight. "Il's a s-ans oc-casion mises Nicli le home for nappes-." soya siell Pst. Thons la as exception. 'Neye- os Mosday" Ustes Nicliaethometlate. That's tie slght lie osels sn Use mens major lesgue inGeorgetwn. "Ifsecesaryune of he 0.P.P. mitl drive Use Premier that oight. liaI lrequeelly meetings habe esndedt essly toI [et me go hooling." He added Davis is a footholl fan o ho tahes Oie sppsrtasity to get home and match Oie Monsday siglit gams-. As the years have goos os, Nîck's cisaoffeas-isg duâties bave espasded t0 masy cier pensosal joho for Oie Premier He atm0 morls closely mito secas-ity and the O.P.P. and dos-s advasce mos-bts maie sure everythieg la nsady il ths- Premier s' goisg out of toms. tSadly the Ps-smienr0105 no longer trans-i alose" HIe poistad est Dasis recive 3001o invitatios a ys-ac 10 appeas- aI barioas gatbîriogo. " Do yoo s-ver get parkbing or spes-disg tickets," lc is-ms asiscd. Nlcb aduiltad be Ustes mile dcivisg the Premier's can jast lihe evs-rybody s-les. Hs- poistsd ot thene are o toage on symimis os tise on- disary ooshisg cas-. Hs- says if a police officier stops tbs-m, ils NOTICE Pre- Debfgn Publlic informatibn Cevtre f PrsysseU Reconstruction of De"bRoad ffbfb Giuelphl Lins- lb Tf bbmafne R oad tihrary of the Killinide Sehool os Tuesday. April 4th, 1978 from 7-9 p.-. AND Thursday, April Ovh, 1978 frum 7-9 pu. This information Centre is bbing ilelU t0 pefmit membeîs of the public 10 express aby cbvbervb tbs-y may hlabe relative lb thle yIoybseU reconstructionlof Derr oad from Guielphl Lfe 10 Tremaine Road, prier tedeileUdesigvn IvteresteU pensons are frvfied to0 dfop in t0 fThe Infarmation Centre any lime ilolmeso 7 and 9 y, m on eitiler af thes above dates. YOU HAVE ONLY 3 DATS LEFI (WEDNESDAY, THUIRSDAY, & FRIDAY) ' SAVE 100 ON YOUR WEDDING ORDER Just phone and gîve us the dote FLOWER & GIFT SHOP 228 Main St. 878-9501 0,00 AUCTION SALE SALE CONSISTS 0F: Ready ta assemble mvail ubîts. qunf bases, book bases, home eotettafomebf lbba1 wval auis, deconator plastebs, bar cblabbts. tea wagons, sofa sets, temps, mattresses, 0ONE ONLY ITEMS: One blbcff:c sewing fmachibe, obe Oraemore Hffe-a-Bed, Cobsgbvf1bsf of Amofflan gonds !( be dis pobd of by ClOobfrlbaf Auction f Auclio Thumsdy, March 30 d 7:3 p.m. TERMS: Charges: e Master Charge Personal Chaque Cloverleaf Auctions ~îO O 25 Commercial Street, Milton Main St lin se.til.0..ta JeaSimmos. Z.1 Foretarmleorrr s:l 1-416-78-1180 vi1 lheLasadian Champion, We Mar 29, 1978 13 n driver'sseat graplien bld ta toibe my guesofiler. Nbckalays ost the Pemnsse "Inons pintns, said Nick Larilo s limtiheebdistancbb.and bapablysor nblil1bhpeib Nick mas os ilsldays ssen ifbsiity duanog bris speechl, keep Ibobiig lob Mn. Dabîs" it Christmas asd New Yearbs, the Premieb miii alludn lb uis a <'N e ln ing isecase Mr. Davis ws5~ also bchauffeur. bfsîbssbaîOF fg .f. e se holiday. "I fit my vacation Nibki bos 10 the press DANIJEROUýS fts, lb bpobo bbdie baltais. ioissd sn sneee gaileny aiQueen's Parkmls whfsplbne.adesîgs ,sor t l mises hnes a" in ise s ilbavy on A car dsing100 mpbisay be show bou Ss sîofstsffov One of tbe frnge besnels or iilnîb hands and bis, play iessdasgenosthonaaacan tai bobos m sacbhaeesvbhoms drawbacs as thecase uay nabbnn andbncrib tgniilr iss'tsisvisg-ss anexesuo' rcntucin1,sae oo be, of tise jobsl eatisg masy *II dost teil peopln obai 1 may. A stopped bar n oa bîghiludn thlafble isdbstrbbfltl clents wbenethe Premiernis d foranivsingmilbvl1gobib speednsoad is assy sniot bealedihomea parties," says lsîbb, baand, Use Olsnio Safnty LmIA o e 'bnbaasn lbnnn's aimays Lsagae poîisout. if tnoubln e 1d y on .smebsdy obo mans ts asb developo os as espns5y Display Court ablout then Pnemien, and laI's iirst pnîsnitymtust bn givnts I pý--- facn t, soi nsnrybsdy lobes geitiog ton can and pas- 631fI 5261as bise" ngers off thepaement.i -ilfsf9s 1 fbbbib 4 His bhauffeurb says Davis sa as calm as il obks. and says bnisasssly sen iimni-statis ______________ te nersi 0fhe lfllwo the uay lookia liltlesstmspisb, but gels Oie ticket Oie souse as Nicis says il Uses net happas sItes, bs-case iss figoures he mesîdo't ks-ep bis joli il lis mas carelese ahoot ls-aftlc toms. "The ose lime me meres- tapped Ion speesding, me gol the ticket, andMr. Davis soid soUsisg astil tise polis-smas spohn 10 hlmt and toes It as jus tCI sochange pleasoetries". Nicb bommest-d 'Tbal's tbebîsnd ofpnsos Mr. Dabis s". He soid lie soU lise Preuier taOi aIl tbe lime Uss-y're Ucivlng asd be ls bs-s lesrss-d a lot aoust polîtice from tise master politicien. Tbeic lnis-ndsliip oa nîldent in0 largelnramed collection of photos given ta Nîcis hy Davis. Tisey as-s casdid shota tabes af Nicli as lie played crîbbagemiith ePrem-iseon a plane. Thers- as-s 1f sta of babying expressiosand the Preuierba thoU is iabeo asi fraued and entitl-d "Portrait ofa Cbon Man". Assiben saso of b Nicis sbabfog hasds mîto Quan Eizabe-tb mas possible ssly Wmause of thePremieob blid hâte la gel in tbe iise-op mîil is oms lauîly wbes ibnf webelsntnsdacedibilbnral liyyif Canada Villafeb Tbis usas dUrng hon bisil lb Canada Ion tise Oiyuyîîs. -Tilais samne type of bloss whb anrasgs-d for me lebeh lilerc and to have a silsia- KAISER .. ' l bbancsan home. ofbbor'fco .,..d fte 1 D bICIb Nee n.esv.ds palning- 02055y- sassas-m *Chais. Of b .1 fbbdSlli.hes 10W FACTORV PRICES ON OTHER ALUMINUM PRODULCTS * Alumninum Doors TRS aComnbination Windows L1"A.'bBLE 1 Car Ports a Aluminum Awnings FDR INDUSTRIES F.., cf F.otytis. Suriai. Saklil. OUT 0F TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECI TOYOTA SELLATHON! 1500 TOYOTAS MUST MOVE IN 2 DAYS YESI TOYOTA DEALERS THROUIGHOUT ONTARIO ARE TEAMIN'G Up FOR THE GREA TEST SELLA THIONEVER! Friday, March 31StAND Saturday, April lst A&T PARK TOYOTA WE HAVE THE LARGEST SELECTION EVER AND OUR SALES STAFF WILL BE HERE TO SERVE YOU UNTIL 10 P.M. BOTH NIGHTS TO YOTA PRICE WILL TELL!!r s DONT FORGET - DROP IN AT 817-2261 "ALTOYOTAS ARE CREATEO EQUAL' "PARK TOYOTA MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" mi MINIUM the 1971 electbon Nic and his wife Pothhave three cilidren, Mihael 1b, Tilenesa 8, and ('hristopher 6, wbile family are Progressive ... bhldren bfl haetil att vote. Tilby hilep Davib ouil ftill ff arbosd l0 vote for ,ien they i-babil blîlb agb. Butif h isn' th1 iat Ubesof ,nffiifO'llbuofba job. NICK LOR1T ibc i Mb. DaVis'chauffeur, SHAKLEE PRODUCIS NATURAL F000 SUPPLEMENTS ORGANIC SKIN CARE BIODEGRADABLE HOUSEHOILD CLEANSERS Distributorships Available Inquiries Invited Telephone after 6 P.m. (416) 389-0272