10 The CanadienlChampion, Wed. Mar. 29,1978 Avid observer notes birds..1ddnnrcev 4si fom flou mlyr O hv opar tho ircorn? jeuf Harvey, O.R 1. Acoo, siody bîcds, oheibcr an heu' is anavid bird achrcandn a ovnbacbpardoifarcaoat oacmher ai the Gergeown placces, te onh ibcres Naîacalîsts clob He has beev Hio nano fiîrds do Po abscc'aivg bis iCoihcocd have wo maiaio a wne li'irnd od slaeveral Pears noaa lccdiiig sation lar birds' In a and bc is gaîeg lai sharo hîs way, peoplewoovrishare in knoalcdgi th oaders oI iacl, lakivg an inercstin thel tis necoslpapr He wilI ho cnviicaerveoi lihcc peoplo wcîîing articleseonbordsioo be ho onstrooi,'adboscsare ltandr tri Ibis localîlt' bclpiog varces types dit outils Tbrcoeek heacilaes asrt îosiaivlbeicvaumbers yeai navali changes in the birdliir by poac. or lialo coavt, and arybird' Jool about ciccaone cao ýatcbîag as a hbbp ' ccogoirc a robin, a cr00, or + + a spaco.Bu oaiveryPper' . ,,,,~ ~ ~ ~ h Immy neineoelodiffec' v ts area. Fven ihose ohîob mngraie frc an pap woa do nai bock for aapas Cental= bLSer- birds or canval ideoldy niseo icas, can be ond nearbyt he siea bas aop iden ho Motiofibesc cenae foad in oravl types ibere rcally aire. the Niagara Escacpmeni ln Halion couelo, fer- larasi, jt saaib ai Speyside. itamiple, onae wao t 00 pring Herc itsalisiaOfsse eoic dav in aiid-Map, a peceon wo species obicb migeain ibous- scarchco hard enoaailcold aeds ofies evcry sprri vcee a vpnas 50,aorifveP and fit. tacbp. lotîpepsaibirds inthe Mast ai ibese aOu wOnit onedaît tvcihcoliolepcav. kho, butinald iihon111Y a tperec arce about 250 vpcîcs Iille praciic Scnriei Tan- \vhich ait soane time or oihec ager, Noribere 0oile, Wood paaas ,hrogb lallaon 1h Tbrusb, Yellen'Thraed thsbcoc.bc 70canad 00 are Vîreo, maey types ai oacb- kvaaa ta 0ev1 cers, Bobolin, Rose-Breased Mavp veco coco bîcds, Gobeab, Indigo Boniing, lai- geibar wiib tbe cli bnown i Conmmton Crari, Blacb-Cap- ped Cbiobadee, Robin, Star- lîng, and many, masyotaiers. 'riienteamesmaltsoit!d lîbe ibey came front wo bnoos obere, bai il lmok me anly ima years o a Iari about Ormse and the maoy ailiers round en ibis beaahil area. And onc ibis hobby siario, i >. ctedsitohcn ddioiive. Aseyer "life lisi" groos, ou ccally gri isvolvcd wlîib i., and travel aIl avec. Hoevcr, davit gei the idca ibai ou have ra travel thoosands of miles la sec lbcse birds. A gond siari old he o la upal a oinir bird-icedcc. Don'ihoe upciieod heeithe bîrds arrive. hoai ribtee, such as chivbadees, oîll ee feed otofiyour hand. neeinayour two eye and an intereni le ail] tbe birde. At you gain more internai pari oi hind bnculne's an ess lliai. Thso nabotd be coooen oith oce, but a gondpari 7X50oar 7X5 binoculara bnd ,oat between $20 and $80 dol- lars. In addition ta theo binacolara, n go0nd bird guide boob old ho very neeful. Too boobs ohich corme ta mmnd are Petersnri "A Field Guide tuiheBird" and Rb bins, Brasa's. and Zimes ýBîrds ai North Americo". Theseebooks, hich are soid in cubher bard or soli eavier, ho b porchased ai Most repoiable boob storrs, and by rending ibces guides, and loobing for patterns oithbr a family, ililspossittri reoil nine masi local receas by Anoober invaluable nid in fdeniying local blinds a by eno. AIl birds, i n on w er ailier, bave a voice, and ibougb ai lirai ihey mny al onond aubke, aller aabdle ou willearn tte local diniecis ai muait spncims, and ibis ouil bnlp o ti separnie ibe 'comrn oc front the more 'race' types ai birds. i bave eiodîcd the local birds for eigbi yeacv, and i aml amilier wih9 per cent ai the songs ai loala speclet. hefjaceFebrcacp28eacher. lfyouahaveecuiceceiveda T4 slip bpr the Yedvcek inMach,you hald conact yoac Ajice ail c'asoiiablc olinrpis hae bae made av craie tIhe iriacyieslip,pauacanteaandaaddactionsa.Canada Penson plaitnrtiîor, Ueeplcyrrraa Insrance Perniaa aed T-. Dedarcioiraehald le eniimaiedonyoucceiurce Faoacd papi lab if possible. Aiah a Iciier rialiva' ihar y'ou Oece al, oii, a T4slip andailie i etiaedifoermaion. uloiv ritrenployec'nfal rameandaddeca. Q. 1lamorrcidaih aoile andtochildreoesavenandithe eîhnrtnoooiteen. My wife and cbîldren didnontecarnaI niosoe lasiocear. whalnoexempion am itle ii5 icam? Eo',-aîl, une rOnilled Io rhe banic Peraoeal eerpioan of 12,270 h'opri a., aism clape a rnae'id exaerption of $1,990, a $780 J',oa,c ayaaar eveneen-eaold and c $430exmptin for tain aen-l ci. iil,,.rîoafîî out'r re sueo ta cia aIl rIre irformariorr ponr r'lîpae 2afcaarincarne iaacaer. Formoedétails chteck tata 1977 Tax Guide. le Cann1 laim vilcommrnnJaw wtead ornlrfltt Since a taerrn-lao nife la ni C c ca* d a carirapfor bante yacon, honvereca, claire the childee as dépeedoera prooided lMui -ua catit 'ot po corrrra-law wfr aoPPaclad râlent eb Tax Talk O. My wife owstehucw c in a 1 applv for a Regio- a n -u uiJ phiO . 17, ,, l ,paO, r icr I u , t ' lu .OOS hofedae ai e tera. THE WOOD PILE, a faniliîar vcene in rny o local pioocer borne, vs corning iat vogue again as marc and marc people add a fîreplace la ibeir mocdern bornes. Maoy bave eui and siorcd Iheir Wood by now, and srnake ehirerne son ceai evenings. O.,,, Radio Sentine OXFAM TORONTO M5W IW2 CAL STOA Plays Friday, Saturday Et Sunday 011W PIANOS SDNIC ENTERTAINMENT Rer IN w i stl ulicto out ver oain eAca ý Two Hundied and NinetiOth ln A Sella A Mark of Progress in Milton * Kapser Eygipys is setiig ap reanufaciocing iaciliiies in tio nev industrial .. plant on Guelph Lîve vocih ai Campbellville, ousi avrass the rood irom * Mohawk Racwap. The hirm, oweed hot Alfred Kayser wîlt manufacture trbh powcînd angives he bas deooioped. The $300,000 plavt ts locaied an a 2h acre site. For a Proestac fi onu.c Pevgruaoe I contac i. LIMITED W111LAS TillE NO0TIC lit orne to ett .g .o r aring a r a ey sepia offV the k..p yoar ayezt le Drmp e mition gaed.i fo ote a ine firstLe uo s sesyu i dfom lt '- & cmpare our as . cra e noa Ovprog m and. mea o.6m. Beantifaln Madoretur -DOROaa o ,: Fov Dancos-WeddingS- Banquetis capasit p o 400 people 878-246019 a.i.-5 p.m.) Aliter houts plae nifl 7 ï 878-4903 e 878-6527 L îg a d B le a c h 6 4 O zn J o gC a JAVEX 5JO Woonder CHOCOLATE RING DONUTS pbg. 69< Bcavo 10oz. Tin MUSHROOMS WHOLE 7.90 OR STEMS & PIECES 75" Wonder CHOCOLATE CREME HORNS Pg Loita 13oz. Tivs BY PRIMO TOMATO PASTEtn Ellenivotg 240 ozblaves DUTCH BRICK SLICED BREAD Zioc Chrisie's 240oz Laes CRACKED fl WHEAT BREAD 2îo"q7 P:, , Lqaîd Forisbes 2ox24 oz SCALA pg Wonder Regulac 551 Loal 'HOMESTEAD' SLICED WHITE BREAD 3240 tz oaacs $1.0.9 Maya LvA; 32o., BOîttv 100% VEG. Dît ' 1.19q York 18 Flaaous 2 Licre Cmn ICE CREAM '1.69 EXPRESSO COFFEE '3.09 Fresh Tender OVEN READY STEWING HENS ILb5 Fresh GROUND BEEF lb oo9 Fresh Tender "A" iryecs CHICKENS l Fresh Lean 1 BRAISING RIBS Iob q Fresh Tender Wîih Banbn Attached CHICKEN LEGS lb.85 Feeslr Tender Wih Bacbs Attached CHICKEN BREASS lb.89 Fresh Lean Blade or Chucb STEAKS l1b.f Fresh Lean STEWING BEEF lb. Fresh 100% Pure Pork 'ITALIAIN' SAULSAGE ib. Venetian Hot orMî1ld CAPRICOLLA l 19 No. 1 U.S.A. TDIMATOES bin No. U.S.A. LETTUCE ha S.K.Navel Szei163 ORANGES don J No. Canada 4T 0I COOKING 3" ONIONS 10h. ag Florida Jaîey GRAPEFRUITS 5 f r 59<Y It wasn't your ordinary, run-of -the-mili wara TB INChvNYj Pl US SECOND Hi T *"C fi< 0f A Window Cb..ne OPENS AT 7:00 e STARTS AT 7:30 i. r , .. 5431 wispsirom, many 1