Dishonest deceptivel Farmer, Morrow take hammering ov< Ba uit rt wit reent real. Conceilorlion Watsoalit an cd fructrations --l cee no teeeuItip ai lte tie oieate pauple base l teen baildingeup for top, octy confroclatioc and conirol of lte budget preeco er iered ta lte lte'ebairteco adds te ti i u ndes regiocet goserreteml. eatderlcg cncry oppcrtocity, Ertboen He saldt il bus itecme ce ol lofHatn Re- said. cteplieated, noce of lte tetettralion Coe- Boriiogln Mayor Mar eieeted peuple con on- .loenide b nMoro suppocrtaid Eribus, dereland it. e -lteec tt contention ccd ceid Oie todt- Ouste onlior Roc soth the eropoeat etdi tcnrueid Planhe ceid ite bacc ail Oi Oi praceedaiong ltai Oie bundget wae ap budget. Witen Citairtean Morrote 10 per cent acd criticiocd iCitairican Rie protestt ccd lOit Issue wilt counclore for cot baslag ccd Reglonil Mocre's eharge et dia- donc their itoteorit. "The Doc Farteer ait- itocenty, cteteittee ebair- citairman and hic staff base itruct of Oie attaeb mac Mue Anderen 008- daccind on wiRh Reir fout- lice mexcbore. gcatcd lte mord «deeeplise? corS," Planebe said. Counmllcr Cari wodd itase bacc e tter piace c aiicgatioc targcd Rhat Rhere ea ehie. broogbt erien of outrage frot ity gap ccd a lot et Couneiliore termed the eotmttes teteiere. eteen eoucel ced budget teisieadlcg acd eon- "I dc mn bomeoori and trtoe n d Oie foeicg" acd ordered Oie itnd- cou eote it. If yocesver Bay gel eut ity aiteout fisc par that again, you'd botter ciOier cenct - frote c 10.2 par cent incece to 5.4 par cent. tere. Monto celd Ibat if cl Oie faeto mere oc Oic table, lte eommitteecc emd reaeit erconclusions. "Daten il ail, Mor. Chair- mantberecome a titeof reebonhng wben tee hase 10 admit our mietaben ccd say we n bvrsouidbhave itcodicd Oie budget ic itis fasition. We jui bascc't bcd a grasp on te budget, ebargcd Couo- cittor David Coou of coricg- tac. "Iosy nove, Mr. CAO (Cbief Admicistrative Officecr go baek and eut titis budget by a half militoc dollare ccdre past baeS ta Ohih cotemitice. l'it boe t iret Istanuad acd proteet you inc ouedl, Couce said. Ertitaen sad Rhere eoutd bo ce itels piaeed le reparla eomleg free lte staff etter wbot Seol bas cxpcrleneed Be 'one-up' Toit occ-uoceafety. lte Icdustriel Aeeidect Prcscctioc Assoeiation nuugeta yoo pieb up, etean up ipcoupsrep upand ettaigitten up! Gbc housekrepicg le a vital part of sale working method of aimost ay job cn industry. Housebmeping hsan import- ant part of ef fiecin worb on cimout acy job. lAPA ures you ta ceck your bousecbmpieg, and bo oce-up onsafety. *r budget l'Il laite you on," Couclior Ertbaen eitouted. lthe only itomeworit Roc (Planc) dos le tas traee aeeooct. You can soc il ait bere'" Couneitior Watson ceid, htolding up Oic aceonta for Oie mouRh. Tirecnd timcagclceoun- ciloere ebarged Rhat treasurer Don Ferteer bcd presected o distartcd budget ta Oie on Cu. Cocil hadt ccricr paced c paiey Rhat wao deBigced ta limit thecamoultoflong terni boremvicg acd ecourage c pay-ce-yoo-go cystete But inotaad of labicg 15 per ccnt of Oieceapitl projeeta and tabicg mhal mocey frce crrect revenueFermer had ta inerease Oie budget by ut- teout $2,'00B1 oni th Oie eli:ey"or',s.iolte Iey eslabishcd guidetines. Sescret eottellors, iculuted staff boid mislotcrpretcd Oie paly- bot tter nestiga- tion, c Rthe paiicy Iras ictepretcd eoereely itut It dide't cey wbat courcliore bcd inteoded it la. A motion la banc Oic pailey cbanged wae wiOidrawn alter Cbief Adminiastrative Offleer Ercie Reid euggested Oic eomttittce wcc ebanglog borec in mid-ctem. Mayor Moure sald la an interviewe Rut Oie change la paiey vnoutd base ta bo par- oued for cent ycar because, "Tis paticy doms coOhila about controliag spcndlcg." 11.5 miles Repairs to 401 in early May ReSUrfcagcH=iwy 401 pee te takie 75 vvorking eut of Captilii Rd. dayn heiicit vvtttd put lte ictereitange ta hait a mile compielton date in ecriy fai, eaat ofigtway 6 le expectedl eald lte Miniotry. ta get uedet-ry inMa No colmat of cn th ie aererdieg la lte Minliry ot reper cUie analabie uelil Transportation aed Cote. a tender bu iteen citoee. munlcations. Reeurfacing of lte road is Tenders mIS iteopee-d.for reqtdrcd benause of rougIt- lte projeel t Miery head- ceea, said lte Minllry. intrel Downiew Aprl Tite repaire mfl iciode ieatda Mioielry epoites- about li1.5 mileco ni gbway. Tite projet-to telude reaie ite orea Of tacton meut of Highmay 6-a ex- PFriday. Mareh 17 je Si. Patriebes Day, for ail titoce G f n who are Irish, and for thoe who oies tey wcre. -The mepie eyrup demon- c ilu etration iedrawing roeit lte Mountobergl tvct Private Club Open j Centreweot of Campbelsdile. G~of -T The Canadian Champion, Wed., Mar. 15, 1978 9 BINGO Counry Wdesa r hembrnershîp7 enns n n FN- Hosltiit montsi gluns Ad The mec t .ecbers batlcd In. Moroi Treuurer terbedOe by cotete Oakvffle Erliteen et aceredlbili dialcust l thecheu For... \COUNT\ CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING ONhoUS for Free Estimate We Offer: HEATING - AIR CONOITIONING i. The beot pre-season price possible. 2. Experience and reliability. 348 GUELPHS STREET, GEORGETOWN 877-6242 3. Guaranteed service. 596 SPEERS ROAO, OAKVILLE 844-9781 Baue îîd MeitogFilitiesoWddigReceptions PLAY THE BEST FOR LESS F iuhnformti n nv excllnt fliii nd ats pieue aa îhe manager877-9901 Core ofMapt Ave and Tra flgarRd. inGeorgeton. TRUCKS ------ - ---------- - ----- r Chevmlet M