Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1978, p. 37

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and a whole lot travel bonus! with Loblaws $5. travel vouchers take advantage of this introductory bonus offer and ... start saving your tapes today During the nest two weeks, pou'l recaive ut a tape sever envelope from our cashier. CDN Lbascash tapes (dated from March 15, 1978th ornyur narin, address and phone number on the 3Y 011 veoe sg lt for onlp leadI u nvlp f$0 ain tapes you cen purchase one $5.00 'seve & tly'travel voucher eit any Loblaws store. Keep seving pour tapeu - remember, for every $100 in Loblavms eapes and1e y l~ ou'I teceiva a $5.00 travel voucher. rva .crt rn When you have collecteci a number ot travel vouchers, appl p hem toi the pur a chase of ai transportation eit individuel tares anwher en CP Ai schedulvd services. B 9 Connecting air transportation mey be arranged end purchesed e ong with your CP Air trensportation. The total velue of vouchers used mey 00f eoceed 50% of the eppliceble CP Air tare on any 0ne ticket. Offer does not apply to CP Air cherter llights. Travel vouchers velîd unfîl December 31, 1979. Vouchers ere non-transferable or redeemeble for cesh. Loblaws reserves the right f0 withdraw thîs oSfer et enp time. - nrdutAPlus... enter Loblaws "Win 1 bonuo"fe 1 & FIY" contest. Win trips for Il shce an sedes yontîe two ta any destination L.bla- served by CPAir. ,,.sc u n Atotal of 10 prize trips wiII 1» bawarded. EayS prîze wîl canuiol otte ecaonmycthon tickets ta any ave CP Air regularlp ucheduled destination bp direCt maite ireturol pies $500 speodiog mooey, Toal retal value apPraoîmately $6001to $5,000 each prîze depeoding o' destinatian chasen. AIl prîze trips meust e taken bj Jaouary 31. 1979 Ove trip for wo will be awarded each eeek for tan successive weeks tramn al entrîvo tE ceîaed tram participatiog Ontaria Loblees Stores. Ta Enter - Prînt yaer rame, address and phare oumberaon the entre forre praaided bp Lobiaws and depasl inentre boomi store. Enter au otten as pou wîsh. Noapurchase required, Fuoher contesi details posted in store. PolMartin helpsyousav with exciting recipes fo thswes1w prie e a rials - 2topouoles msn, cnter cul 11 uPrige 01ttresh parstey i112 teespoon ot fonnet /4 cup aifenter 2thYlae tucest2 emsns - sas enS pnipper Clean and masS the saimon under coid running mater, then dry if fhorou ghy Fi the cevifp wifh 2 fabiaspoons of buffer, the tannai, the parsiap, the bap leaves, self, papper and the luica of t aemon. Tia the saimon mith kitchan string and place f vn loi. Put the ramaining baster over the fish, shower fl with the lamon fuicea nd the watar and sprînkie genarousip with sait and pepper. Wrap the saimon securaip wif h the foul; place if ina bekîng dish and bakeaet 350'F for I 15-20 minutas par pound U nwrap the fo, reamve and arrange the saimon on0a service spiaffer. Shomer the fîsh mitS the cookîvg juica and decorate wth fresh parsiep --y and lamon suices. Technique For Preparnng BmlIed Pork Sparenibs The secret of a succassui fand succulent nib misai con- niais in brushing the pork spareriba wifh a sauce ai urchoice and 10 baste the meat lrequenty durîvg the brouiîrg process. if us imipor- sn ot t11 place the sparerîbs foci dlosa f0, the broul- ing alemani otherwisa the meat wiii he m and hardes. My technique for preparîng broîied pork sparerîbs is f0 parboil them in saited water contaning tha juica of t lemon forapprosîmatey 17 minutes. Then drain the sprrbs and place thaem in a bakiog dîsh . Seeson tegenarousiy wîth sait and pepper. ffrush the meat wîth a sauce and cook there under the broîler for 30 minutes. Tamn tham ovar ice durîng the cookiog process f0i maka certain thep do n0f bure. Barbecue Sauce A La Creole Serves 6 4 psanids ai spereribs 4 tebtespns af butter 2 antans, ehspped 3 artCc osos, smashnet à chopped 2 grons pepper, chopped f oetery etl, choppea icen cf stewnd toaaies f1 6 ounces), drained atispped 1/2 cap ai ehickes stock 4 tabtespasens af brawn ssgar 3 tebtespssns af elseger 3 tebtespoans af timets pesten 1 bay féal e fnw drops ai tebesca sauce Salt and pepper Uncovar and mis in the vinegar, tomatoas, chîcken stock, toreafo peste, tabasco sauce, the sugar and the bay lest. Seeson wîth the self and peppar and continue f0 cook over iow Sast for 20 minutes. Correct saasonng. Place the parboiiad spararîbs in a bakîng dish and season wîth sait and peppar. ffrush the misai wîfh the sauce and place under the broîler for 15 minutas. Turo the sparerbs ovar; brush wit S the sauce and broul the meaf for another 15 minutes. Serve Technique For Preparing Turkey Drumsticks A La Kiev Serves 4 Drumsfîcks as pou know hava fendons and thase must ba ramovad; to do this hoid the end of the lita tendon beimean pour thumb and forefinger, sfida a koifa undar the tendons and ratease them fromn the misai. Ahtermards, debone the drumatioka, and remove the skins. 4 tarkee drnstfcks, de. and sklnned 12 cap or butter f2 tabtespossus ot persney, tinnty cosppnd 12 teauposo stergsn 3 atone=sgrfic smasheS anS copped black pepper Salt caing 1/2 caP oftttsar seassned wtth 114 tespoon ai ar n 2 eggs bean wih tasssîeofscrn oi i cap ot breedcrumba Ahead of time, prepare garlic butter. In a mising bomi, creem the buffer and biend vn She lemonluice, the parsiep, the tarragon, the gerlic, salit and pepper. Correct seasonng f0 tasf e and mia waii. To store, roll the baster in aluminium foi[ and refrigerate lte butter foi 2 bouts. The uîîuoed portion of pour garlîc buffer cen ha frozen and il miii keap for 3 monfhs. One bp ove, place each piece of turkep bafween 2 piaces of aluminium foil and flattes fham mitS a claser. Season the fiaftened drumsfîcks mît h sait and pappar. Place f suice of t/2 thîck buffer et one end of aach 0f tha fiaffenad furkep drumstîcks and roll the pouitry ovar the garic butter. As pou roll the turkap pieces. teck in the adges tomards the middle. Secura the touls wîth a foothpîck. Dtp the furkep drumsfick rols, one et a tîma, tirst in1te flour than n the beafen aggs and than in the breadcrumbs. Wrap the rois in toit and rafrîgerafa fhem lot six hours. Aller the rafrîgaratton pariod. remove the loi and deepîry the rotis in corn ol forS5 to 7 minutes. Transter the deepofried rols Io a bakit9 dish rid coov hem in tire oven ait 400' flot 20 minutes Serve mitS white rice and sauteed green pepper, a whIole lot mor

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