A UAStIBSIWAN UIUl5E tutiowel thn rantie-lîl weddiog Fnb. 170of Dale Brigdes of Georgetown and Cindy Barker of Milton. The couple bave tnkeo op residenre in Georgetown. Wgdding, Brigden - Barker Cisdy0Bacier was marcied eveniogdaoce and bsuffet aI t0 Gale Ocîgden Fris 17 on a lise Oayerise Hot in Milton. candIs-lIt doaisle-rJg Tise dise jocisey man leom lD- csremoîy aI Knox Pressy- More Lld. in Ouclînglon. lenaon Cisorci. Milton. Nec. A close triend ufthlie bride, Teevor Lewis utliialed. Mes Geelîr Wiloo, desigoed Tise bride. ao RNA aI and decoeated lise weddog Georgetown Hosital, l0 lise caise. Phootus cee labes iy daagblee of Mc. and Mes, W. Oroî Douglas ut Woodslorb. J. laciser of Milton ami lise Alleodiogthlie recepîlun groom a the sonofMr. and cece lise neooumi graod- Mns Floyd Beigdenofu parîl ent m fotluoiy and Georgetowno Se sa a Peterbsoroogh, Gliser oul-o- macisîiîsat Mosld-Master in toms forili came teoio Georgetomo. Tise groom Woodolocb, Gtluwa, Toront, alttnded bilIon Higis Seismi Orillia, Graerrî, Nies- and lise bride cent lu Milton laid Lakse, Sudisury, Brant- and White Oais sos. lord and Bramolea. Tise bride's broliser, Trry Tise bride cao enleeluiord Baciser ut Gaisoille. gave biec al oiscellaneo sooer aocy. Allen Nedmai cas given hvber sister Jaciî orgaiol. Shea id Milton, lise groom's Tise malconof utiosoc cas nuisr Leanie Origden and Lynda Dooglao of Woudsoci. niîghbor Mes Fred Bailry ut thsebrîde'ssister FredBiley Georetocn. and nefishboro of Georgetown, a leieod ofthbe ai lise hume uf Mci, Mac groom, mas lusî man. Usies EII,,i af Elmcoud Cres.. oece Ross Oeîgden of lton.u Georgetown, lise gemme's Tise cuuple speel Iheir iseoiser, aid Modie isonemvu ion o Carihisean Wcîgglriu'oeli ut Miltuon a cruisîr Thev have labru op lcîend. resideice aiR W .i.Gerge- Eigisly fvrslu alleoded lise towce Armchair tour of Hawaii given No espeonel No inranves- crater. Beauiisd anes mltii lance! No tronaportaion Ia mnajestic royal pate tranes- worry about! No reservatoons portaed lise stay-al-home tou- In praisfor! Aod yet ilwsaa isalofromtlhsnom of Ontario grand andglorious tripl oli te dream-selling of tise Htawaii vin lise mediom of islande and aIl peesesi ar- excellentlpiriocesmwilsa moi cordesi tise "tour guide" deligifl and onfresiig graiefit tisans for procidiog rommestary fornlisheo isy aorisa goronaand iepe- Mns. George Atinson f 010e holiday. Orosîr, at a receol meeting of lise Anglican Cisorc Women Tise presideol, Mes. R. of SI. Lobes Cisorchin Crippo , presided over lise Palermo. meeting misics mas issld aI Tise armehoir Icateilero lise home of Mes. G. Peilet eijoyed lise raplivalingti erio, and Mci. M. Flint fane beaaiy of lise Hamfisas s- lise ocriplore ceaohng dariog lands, and,iisrougisliheeagle lise devulional period. eyes of Mrs. Atin,sam and Excellent reports mere visileol masy of lise interest- luroiissd by lise varioon ing places lisal bots lise officers aod bolilsot goodo sprakser and ber isnhnd hoi ere handed io for lise Peun eoîoyed. To commence th cons Margarel Hospital in Iravelogue Mci. Ais Torono. Mes, E. togiehocl ohomeol a map et tise elgisl roted usaI o coffre per- Htamaiien îsiaoda andt pointitd coatr hoit horo procured for 0111 use 100. Oaisu and Maoi, lise pariss baIl iicien, and us chies liexrpiolotons lise prenideol preseoied pat- had bers cooceolcaled. The terns and styles for sec chsoir usoal looriol attcactions iad goloos. Membees wr bers violîrd and Ponrl Har emîsded oftherannueltACW isourrcwaooiewed wiloa deep meeting os Aprîl 10 ai îeîoe of emoioo, pariularly Chriolis Cisuc Catisedrai. amogt lise Ameeirao tour- and vaciran lIber itemso0f ists bsiness mecs dincosord prior Mm. ,bliso ld of esjoying tl lise clooiof frayera. lise boat trip lcom Oaisu 10 Tise Neclor lise Rev. W. S. Mauî and ut oeeiog omsîes Noble, cas a ecmvito tronm evecy part ofthlie world 'otemeig n oeviof in lise isariosn, icludiog a lu lis merlîf and co r o looc-maslsd Chins Aiisad1 is ssrn s scooneeer. Tise spraiser siîd tisadothhses.b lisal toocism ruas lise momber Mes. E. Ilesac. Tise nex1 onîndoitry bol tisaI Htaooaii meeting oeiltb h eld aI lise alsoboated n ecellnt ome oflucs.R. Jamieson on edcoalo iso stet t a n e April 5 cils Mrs. Haecy almoil total lacs ut racial Wisn omrmember of tueiinsplroftheelaly lise geoup, Irlliof ut hec cultresrepesened n terent tripto Sweden. oslaido. Mes. ibîbis bold ut cisiling many uuut-liste-way spoandofutseing acain reed lu lise isonoe ut Capt. Dine at bren crrdiled w101 bicig ie osugo Ile lise laide. tiO O O P Sîde trips alîu tois lise Alins tl ire isoge ceopsofu pinrappno voiin, mils sogor cnare lise second major M IL TON îoduîley. Specîal pîclureaod informatioo Oece giver o tlie iîidicg drive lu lise top ofthlie 10.000 o cear, Haleaisala. , a~aes~c-n-a~ uhichis thie worlilages Life of hard work [3r71ij7J helps her reach 90 lexercisesi If tisons% a secret to b=lo Mj Golgeismvd Tise rdiOmetng in gond i et at90, lits bad 1 its ttbas ais n0o0 Tiseta Ta Ctntr 1 it wors, sad Btil Gaflinger ni and ose daugter, 14 grand- Sigtma Pi as bldi aite lit motiser Cante Goflinger. children and 13 greai grand- home of Dine Jonas wits Mn. Gattinger was 90 Marris childeen. Marg Burgess presidlg Phlo ob. Jan Assby nd Janettiis noms in Cryaler, Ontario, B ft ape pornondtadexrs, ase lived for masy yonrs n y Editi att ro em sdla ricapât tise Gallinger fean 0the EveryisodY ta no- ing in a yoga esnsion. Ottama Valtey. Tie famliy romplishing ometing ail Congratulatins aed a moved ta Torosn in95. Is thse lime, nons if i l "itin pesontaio on foin et Tau Toronto Mn. Gallinger fle miserasie for olters ond oeegie ta Marg Waltace worsed on a riens In tise y-seIf. Bui misy se dîme who mtil be mnrred tis Meiropoltbo Stare ontil sise in dolog such onebees tisings? monts. s 75. 'iThey dldn'imwaoime Wisy soi aneromiii Marris proves ta on se y ta go," sise recalledl someiising gond 10 yoocr ife? mont scilly for mems, Yes, -iYooui., wt lnstoatteind acnent Sonday Mns. Gallingeres + . . ai Mauey Hatt on Marris 2. reintives gaiisered ta isoor Do yon reaian tisai taday ta A Green Pinut Pary for her aI o irtiday cetehraion. lise tomorrow yos spoie of memisera wlttb hek etda tise Sise received a plaque from yeoierday' home of Sisaron ttlis on Premier Dnvis and lettera + + + Marcis25, asd memisers and froon Miltas Mayor Don tiseir isonds one tooihg Gordon and aliot MP Franks You are as nid or yoong as formard ta tise tour of Andrea Pilirosis. yoo lisins you are. Wines on Marris 31i Toto HumÈoed and Eiiy-EWMU In A Suri. A Mark of Progress in Milton Milton Fire Departmentl gst woois moyed loto ils nom home, lise nom stel lire hall building on Sîselos Avenue. Tise building mas purchased by Millon Councl loir year and orecled isy Transway Stee Buildings, at on approni- mole cui of $400,000. Congratulations lu the tirefighlers on Iheîr nom quarters. Insuonnr Programme ' " INSURINE contact ...MTC Family pictures show lake fishing history Memberi of Milton Mc. ,luyceos vont. Mci. Ida ibocing lise cIras rîsar Oftolrical Society mere Ortyra, sîpplird mary nI lise broches of yesleeyeoe a photo reaîrd lu a trip Il Oolueîois phsotos teom ber lfamîty tlibon luday shos lise sanee pasi mises Lorre Joyce album. Mes. Belyra and ber ares uceerun cîish algar, Me. sisomeo olides ufthlie eaely daogisler Anca Hugg, bols ut Juyce eaid lise algar wece lise days If commercial tisiîg Gabvîlle. allenedd lise resull oI phspisate pollutioe mreeg Thuesday eightin e f othelabe. Tise Joyei ut Oconle mee Miltue Lîhraey. Me. Joyce recouragl lise commercialtfisisermenîintse Feum 1915110 îma Mes. hîsloeîcalîsocîlylto scoutlthe Dur s lands, lmcalod in Lakse Belyro speot lise sommers on tamîly albusom of local ei Ontario oisutho Kingsou lise DuckIs lands cils ber dents tue phsotos ut isoloncat .uin, lise tintl quarter et suibsýd olterrol Il Milton. Hr gave a thls cesluey losir iSs et f demunolealion aI lise Iresh Ocoot a rly in Marris aid Inoconîraîl lu lise melloc niqoetfortainsi drsofotud dldoicýetrn ueoe Chistomas. sepia-tord pisolugrapho picîllesi Hornby volunteers help in Wl building Tho ncrisy Wemes'sroti- Mes. R. Wilsun gave a Lurnch Oas peoded by ttie meetingwas ed Maci paper on cultural rocisange. Mes. G. Roisoneand Mes.C. 8 a lis te hsome ut Mns. L. Mns WîthocI Ford face a Pallerson. Tise isosîns, cisu Sampo mils rne membrs repoert liste Fris 21 saty vas seeely dischargrd trum prescrit Tise peesidest, Mes. mrrting hrld aI Ooyne huspîtl, cas preosîrtd ulish C. Palîeson, opeord lise Centre. a houseplantl meeting aod minutco oece coud isy Mes. Roo Mac B s pherson iihOp aL PaIermo Corrrspondece cuosislrd et ateliter feom Mn. Andec s fr c c n i a~ i et Campbolivîlte couerenine -o fi m ca d da e lise Irabltt builing.a Kelsu. wciiris c o pen Mosday lu Fcîday ducisg Jute and Aoguol. Tmo ladies fromteachiseascisae ased luarelassoesses ftee e dayo during Ibis lime An rveoîsgtforum onoeui. liosoloneeds oteelrdery is a possilily toc lise tatIl lis H. O'Connor and Mm. C. Pallersus allened a meting Marris 6 cenceresis a isooy et nlos isy Mes. Maciig. ton. Discassion on posibile publiication ofthlie issoey mîli hoebeld aI lise istrict dîrso- tara meeting. Tise famîly lac cefoem bsill cao alto dis- cussed. Membens irlerîrd tferlise nominaio rommiller are Mns. J. MeCarros. Mns H. O'Conor and Mes. L. lampon. Mrn.M. J. Bromn, conser of Casadien Inddstes, liait as roll rail as onsnal in- dunley et Hallos. Mollo mas readisy Mes.M. Brome. ÀBri efs -Jseph Brant Museum i Boriingtas hoî a diopiay of onidoor cîoting freom the mid-lOtis cesiury ta thes 1Mt. --Cnadias Walor Coînra fnom the laits Centary, os in front the Art Gallery of Hlamilton, ta correitly on dis- playai Josephi Branit Msseumn in Burlington. Tise Ni. Nec Jobs C. Bouh- weIl, Bisisopofthlie Diacese ut Niagara, prtormed lise sacrere ofConfirmation ai Si. Lidoro Chuecin Pateemo os Suoday, Marris 5 Comn- munîly Irirîde, Godpaelu and reltivcs ufthlie condi- dates tilîrd lise cisorci aid lise caodidotes wece pe- ornîrd isy lise Rectr, lise Orsv .S. Noble, and inclool ed Kaen Bouglon, Nancy Jamieson, Maria Moore, Kimberley Whsite asd Minis ael Norton. AIse prerîroîd cas Kalhiseo Whaley of SI. Sîrpisees Cisoci, Hoesisy. os brisaIt ofthlie Neclor efthlie paeiish, lise Rev. Duncan MeLean. Oîishop Bothwsell, in bis adt- dress o 1tlie candidates aid coigeegollus, opoie ofthlie saod lifet ofRses mise, cils bis cite Gomer, liadtt lear mny lisg, amongot Ibein lisce lhîns tisaI cootd cîlully cocr sin odayocoeold- lhaieach man andvomao had iii mahe bis or ber per sonal vhoicr, 1ha1 no motter cisal id et rhisoîe mas made God silllboned lhse ces- ceno becaeae ns risoire mould taise anyose beyond lise loveandconcersrof Godand that if ce cnt learo In art uske mature adst ilai neyer Mao tatae for conderisi tiags 1n hoppen. "Tise future ta open to on nd me isesome whot onr choice mals us," said Bisop otihwell. The Oîishop uiso poînord oul usai Con- firat on 101 isthe isegîn- einguofa constantlsreamnof prumises lhroughu ranis individual«s li1e and lisal, thougis Obere would ise joy i the Chisian lite, lisere uuuld ise sadoros lue, bol lisal isruisiois joyoand sorroe, Gud's spiritlmould alcays be Col. Juohn P. Poge arîrd as Bisiosup Cisoplaîu, ond lise Wardeoo George Pellellern and William Moore, con- ducîrd lise Bîsbup lno lise Cisorcis. Tise choir ueo uoder thsedirectionsuf Pool Yung, urgoolol and choie leader, and meourial lucerson lise islly Table were gîven in memury of Cecil Tucsisyis lamily, and in oiesory of Gordon Rome by bits dougisler Russetl Gaies and Johne lamieson asoisîol lise Oleclor cils preporalioio isefore and aller lise sersice Fullouîng lise service, a lime of happy and siricere felluusip woi enouyrd in lise parish hall cils lise Anglican Cisarc Womeo servini refes.- mente. During lis gel- tagetiser tise wardeon pre- snid gifla ta tise confirma- tion candidates lmom tise ciorris, ond ail preseni liad an oppnritmiiy ta chat wlts isotis Btaisp ond Mn. Bots- weil, and of esteadig gond wlisbes and mords of btesalng In lise newty-rosffrmed. CARPET SHACK DO A ROOM OR A HOUSE OUR HIGHEST PRICE IS $4.99 SU. YD. REGULAR VALUES ELSEWHERE UP TO 1496 so. Yo. 320 STEELES AVfE., MILTON Syr' Cxt We av n pon . . O e D iy1- r. EtFi l9* 27 o$ s. diposbetpa ry rl NOTICE A copy of the Telephone Directory with Burlington white pages is now available at no charge fromn: HARRIS STATIONERY 182 Main St., Milton, Ont. IMPOSSIBLE TO PAY MORE! -L1 - -1 1 1 1 -, 1 ý- - - - - - - - - - -