Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1978, p. 31

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Pltenty to see and do How to have fun in March holidaybreak Net going rOUf break next week Here's a hand~ thse Milton, Oaki and Torointo aref yau (and your cupied aSt week 1 thse attractions9 lrisure. Thse informati siaffers, mas altheughi srme necessary. Thse serve ar;a guide If yau canmE g and save thse f have year-roul get there on a sumrmer haliday th ta thse sunf in the March y 1i1tie guide En activities in vilfe, Surf ingten, Hamilton as hat might jusE help keep hofidaying cbofdren) e- ong. Take in ene or more of and pregrama, et your on, Compifed by Champion correct sE press time, minor changes may be information ia intended te offly- a during Msrch break, clip ist-many of these places fi prograrns and you might fater weekend or during S. q Botftng t he sapali Mounfaberg Sugar buah at Mountsberg If youanod yooe tamîiy hlke mapie ryrup, 15cr yoo're in tock The Moortobeet Wifdiîte Ceotre i0 hostire the Conservaion Authoriiy's animal mnapie srep dermoroteation MarcS ietis, ad duringth1e 000k of the Match break (20-23). Airotere wiibe demonstratiorr on Good Fridy Match 24 nd EasteeModay Match 2.Demorrteatiorun rom r 0 ia.m tu 4.0 lm aatf a chargeof $2.50perOca ad$17 pe bs. It'sonTown Line, ihre mieswesofCampbeliole. Pancakes villa mople syOp wli Se suit) as oeil os ottermaie proteoto H erdrawn ieiOh oroOoriîdes ili befeatured in additio tu 10h1e exhibitions and demoesratioro. The oner1 fodian iethod oi moking tmple syrup mili be demorrteated or oeil as the i brfftte and îlot par unethodand the moe modernevaporation metSod. Filets and tildes miii Se featuceol in a interpretive peogeamt and 900 ca0 laike the Sogar Bush Troit that tl. the etire matpie ryrop riory aif a nombr of exhbiîfo Circua, animal themes at Y The MiltonoYM-YWCA iplnningtsonneaciitiesfor pre-5chooler age 3-5dueing the Marc beak Il i locoird on the loocer flime of Trafalgar Squae on Maie Si. Toesdav MatchO r1i Moiber NatureeDay with ao tîcîtîro anOd gamer cerereot aroord animal themes. Thelîime is 9,30a on 10 20 bPM Tbrdoy MareS 23 is Ciroor Day. There mil] Se ilames, traitsadphyloilactitieOOletrdaound cicuitoand arnivaolthetres Ther aro runfont m .30 The os, or thefe program sî orone doy andii$I0 for botte days Library's programaI for kida Milton Pubie Libraey has sorme speetai ohiidree'r peogramo piorref for the StorcS break. Tickets are needeait and cora be picked up in advnrle 0f the library. Chteck tu etabe sure filare are openirgs, or tickets are reportetiy goirt qickly. Mordoy, Match 200if 2P.T theremwiifbe anAfricar Liosafari show0. Tickets are 25 cents, or Tuerday. MarcS 2i 0f 2 p.r., there wi e a preîeotattor caifeot Music and Mime. Tickets are 25 ceets. Wedrrrday, Match 22 at2 p00., atilm TheMany Advrofores et Wireie the loua5 wîi Se shome. Tickets are 50 crnts0 The CorpoeatGf of The Townof MI»tf ABOUT THE NEW REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN THE TOWN 0F MILTON WILL BE OISCUSSING, N rREAT DETAIL. THE NEW REGIONAL OFFI- CIAL PLAN AND WILL BE FORWARDING OUR SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE REGI05 IN APRIL. WE waoUL1IKE VOUR HiEL P Thisne sialo is oaanlblp free of charge if 000 coul ithe Reqior-: 01,,ýii: Oc1iaiioien ai 878 5571 and ask thai a c090 be ,oailed f0 000. Stody et and if yoo h ave coorerns. write dowr the Page Nomber, Item Nomber along maltS your oiewr and mail et on or Lisons Matoh 3lrf, 1978fro: Me. R.J. Zsadaryi. Pfanning Directar. Towa of Milton. 251 Main Street Eanst Mui an. Ontario L9IT 1 Pl C.TI4OMPSON. CLERK. Tfrseday, March 23 a12 p.M. Captair 91l fJames, o magiciarn fr0 Hamifton ilii Se teaturd. Tickets are î5ert.e'seatmitbktdr, dor't misit. Aiso or Thursdal' af 7.30 p.m. a Wall Disney film,. The S000bal Exressrmiitbeshown. Tire lbraey 000 on re St Cai 870-2190 f0rin Oirplays ai Ont. Agricofforat Museum Our agricultural hiatorY Crrety operorii10a m to4 aet Monday to Friday. the Ontario Agreloio Museum 0f Milton Helgbitllr tire rtoly of Ontario agrîiute. ilevr 92 acresranddevoiPmet irphaed oebr e etie years, se it'r fart fromt f înihed yet. DirpiaytOOureOtiy depiel agriculture tomn aroord 18W to the pieert. iroludint meibodo of iocmiog and logis ofthbe trade. The main rohibîl bail is ful of disploor and reoccai fareroteods are cordr constrctilon aroord the propeety. Ertroro ir off Trentaine Ooad, hetwren Steeter Ave. and 0,85000 401f Museum tours available Haiton Rrgionol Mseumoo ai <d'so 0:11 ho open afi teroos rotP1 ti o 4:ipm Ail buoildings , îîîiibc open antd Ihece o-il Se guides en lok ou 1- hiough The croit boose is ofillile odconstrconoi ,7 ut y are rird 10 wateh the buildingO ycocess Ilîool Fcîdoo the Mureum i, elord Ais oo lume fîî 1eseoclii:0 îii:îii ieall have a euyoi i il, he0,liihiildignar the Iirrplce %bile vou arcithere. Admision 0 cens f0oi oduitso 2.it, f10 or Koriocrigt Conservation Arca Pancakes, aundaea, waffles At the KorfrigSf Centce foc Conservaion ai Klein- bcrg, speciol pubi demonnîcafionsofA pioncer and m0~odem mf5odsofimaking mapie syrupyolIl bheoloomo on Siiodol' MarcS 19 nd Sundav MareS 26. Iîetaeen thehoorsofioa.m andapm Tber es ail 10dio vloOl pcesentioo in oie e Korteigt CenIre iheoe on Se produciOOo molple ryrop. wich oîii beohoof, bîrfoce viirsc entr lie sugac bulsh This vinihcfoliledSOy ,îalklScoîîgShe roger horh enor- the eîîoleic opccotiofo0f criaelc Ano ddcd lCeail o tecPa ke and inpe poduets forr salei be ropie sycîîp sndaes aill Soi vaffles orîff mapie ryrup. Prîcr 0re adules $1. ehîbdren and rirderto7 scentsand a omly $3 Boutique Fashions la es the Pins Trei 95 main s Th.e Metro Toronto and Region Coservtiotn Authority la proidg to covmnly locotedoareas for rerîdentsofn the rea tu sre howo mapîr oyrop rs rade At Bruce'sMillnr oGormtly, vistortroy enjoy packsand mapte ryrot), boy etopir prodoct, sre îfeoaigoffopratitrrsandlk thesuarbsh. Thte mittiitbe openrdaly, fro00 March 11 to Aprîl 9 frontO0a.m. tu 4p.00. oth a parking charge of$2pr OnrMarch iO and 26only, toile ride ona horir drawrowagon. Also on weekerdsorty,betoorrîll o1a.m ard 3 pet., thrre ouil Se maille toty avaulable. providi.tgthereistow, Soviet Space Ship display Why not take on o sprciacolot eohibit on loan to Corada teori the Soviet Uion, ai the Ontario Scien- Ceoire. Therobibit is rotitîrd Sovit SpoorOhips ilfatrotres 00,000 pouorri of spoor hardware winhh tracesrthehitory ofteSovit port progranmltrai beore Spotnik until the presrint Alto on display ooîll bc o motanoae, o sitrolated rocket laooebîrg, anîd a model mororscpe Admissiotu thi Ihilbit rs free ofh admisono thef Ortario Scierce Cenreo AduIto s170, oloderlo 75 centsanrd cildren12 and uodr. .25 cnts. Aodthce,' loto moretos erord dohetecc10 The Science Cere is open Sdayto Fridayll 0oý to6pm 00 odSaocdaoy 10000 1 b00 od loed at1770 Dlor Mens Rd . Do Mill, it' ot fbar oIlth1e Don Valley Parkway Haltion Regioflal Museum, Kelso We're available Y.., y.., Cha.el..e i 000 .bl. or W.de..d.f et eSo foflembr 00500 detileil HALTONVILLE BROOKVILLE ACTON Royal MIbk Se-,. GEORGETOWN CexSonieim fop SYSIDE HORNBY PALERMO paflle.. rie,. NELSON Netion OaI.tY LOWVILLE MonReeîar af L.moillo V-1IoiV f<ILBRIDE CAMPBELLVILLE MobO00k fon Elor.'. G»tr"9a MILTON I4EIGHTS IN ANO AROUINO MILTON Hedo. ODri-in B..[.'. Eue0 Atronso0 Frui0 Market Mllton nrlety Pffth Wh..f Stre H-SO rtai.- c'. Champion EI.I.oVi Phoim«rn Lotiwih' Super rao. M 11f n o Ora M."f Bond Sf orionfr Mac * MII k ,0 rm fse Mf00n Dirict HMnilia es-ar ericetiSatoee lambine nol.mt Ure', R0staur0nt * Mf500 Fet Market HailonCr Ho u» For ski fun, Keiso's thc place Downhill or cross country Tborewoeniol' doanil oslouing tan vOi i ;e, Eden Si Club ai Kelro Concra-Goi Arna. Une onl dovrhll sioproîinibis rao orakea one day orcaccliodlijauni 10 the Bloe MoîlOtain ora lit Colligwîlod ohere lhem ae plentof runs nd exnivîie ae iiies Crossecontry skies ae oyio gcoioeditrcat Moontoserg Widlîtr Centre , Town LUne ihrcc toiles wto (ampheloille' ird licone Crcck F'r,,7inl,i;l Park lentroneIoffOllcloak Dluise 1ooio of tîihe îd:îee Elizabeth anîd oeil of ilighway 251. iIo oun 1,cih off on your ownian o nsoervion area i ins disrct.l (Morn MaieS troC iî,r 7 Page C4) The Caoodiofl Champion, Wed.,Mai 15,1978 C3 HIOME MPROVEMENTp LI ____________________ LUMBER For any home improvemfrntS you may be doîng. A SK US FOR A FREE ES TIMA TE SUSPENDED CEILINGS ONLY E^m37 ,, ______________ M700 Main St.E.~ PELAND MILTON, ONT. CHAS, B OPELAND OTD PRIES N EFE Voyur one stop Complete NOV Iï"ome improvement Centre HOIJRS 14E ACCEPT Mrr. toThturii -S8a.m. Spm. 111111111111WIlFriday -8 a0n. gpm. OltJf"OSaturday -8 a.m. 6 pm Free Del jvery mr Ads aWrmNoIr 9bbt NG iro ads la wap ivn lok to alî oradoo 8as shots ywihnis rahsie SA VheNOWNTES SAPEIOPWUNLAR S WOODGRAINPANELS FLINT OAK RG SPANISH PECAN RC GRAND ELM $84 NOW $ 95 ONLV 6 par panel FLINTKDTE PEEL fi STICK FLOOR TILES SPECIAL$ 19 *OHSgauge fil 129T9 * 45 fls pr oarton RE PRC fulcrosonrorEGoPIC ilbe $18.95 CTN. Evelyn I rvi ng ,îi Rliif iîlî iii ood d'Ili, in Sl.illol [)In:1003i yial 0111 21 011:11as 10 hile ,,IIgi1 . hî i or IIcîo iduhe .1 mI.iyi'l'i'h mane i, eIl SI,an Il NIrs1 li tig 1, ' C 11,2 i: SIli I Brto rd. -iiI:îi î,1 Mal> 'fe i: ror, 1 7 I ol nd Il' f- , 1, 5 f :o:î fi 11,100 S,iiiii:l:I

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