Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1978, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Wed., Mar. 15, 1978 B mmm mmma smmmmm mmm a sameHalton board AUICTION SALE AUICTION SALE AUICTION SALE FOR COUIN AND SELMA SHELTON FOR ROY AND MARY WILSON FOR GORDON and BARBARA RANK ra St a W MONDAY EVENING MARCH 20th at 6:30 P.M. SAT. MARCH 18t ailt 11 A.M. SATURDAY, MARCH 18Bt at 11 A.M. a s O t w in Thes Agducitural Ham at the Fairgrounds on Robert St. Mitlon. At the farm 1256Steeles Aves., 2½mrilesseast of Milton. IN MIL.TON at the fairgroundls in the AGRICULTURAL HALLon iatnBrdfEucinectonndhstasndppe'pobmsrei- APtlNE-Coldot 19.6 ft. dep freezer, luke now, Frigidaire MCNEYnt43gatrco205hsone owner, AI con- RoetSrewhose proposed budge.t is up i, many oIth rres aie wel in ferent freti Cost It Coast reridgerato with acrolss top freeze, Beatty Norsemanu continuous dition, Case 95 bus. ground dlriven sprader, Konskilde 25 tooth 3 p.h. SALE CONSISTING OF: Antiques, Iref.) furniture, gloa, China. 5A4 per cent over asyer enmedthbodpecHel o Hatnt eOtw D.ccl e bunbl wh aKuir1 inch ptorntavstGl, ..havy e dut.dy0, cultivator, Case 10 ft. packr, set of 3 secion harrowsl with drawbar, lamps. brass, copper, primitives, unusuali collectables, etc· rapped Ottawa Thursdayfr t i ý toisepoeswat to do with spending tin a G.. ccl wserwih ud sv rord ic porbe lr in. 3dicgri fetlzri.rs eeIt furrow acel botto a. pe boent seig in rehe Ottawa's spending is fShin al reai efud T.V. lui new, Holiday AMI/FM 8takecdpayrwhtin trailer plow, good one, Ont. 7 ft. trailer mower, New Idea hay con- FURNITURE- Set of six Pressedt back chairs, sml owav ýetp reae The boar pase an w n 9.wpr cnt nd speakers Hoovr upright vacuum claner, Lewyn, cananister vacuum ditionier, lnt. 3 bar siderake, all new teeth, John Deure 4 bar sidierake, rocker, China cabinet, 2 blanket boxes inct. one tapered sides and resolution disagreeing with going upsk P edt Fenderl senig i Reaitne eec.t uant r.y... pai syeper lecti heated Came 32 ft. hayl or grain slevatoit undercarriage, 18 ft. skeleton bracket feet, pine server, "Georgian". C. 85 iewssad the federai government's & edrhpms oe"missing the boat." ac- Remigto ids nd gerinsro, G.Ei ome i Mstyli« d8r hansd hay elevator with motor, DanIuser 12 inch3 p. h. posrtholerdigger, luke lovely chest of drawrers with drawers and mirror on top, pins pedestal Spending Plans. fro theru r nevels cof cording to Milton Trustee hardereetccdr, lcd oe Otrzr 8 osnew, Arps 6 ft. 3 p.h. scraper bleds, good One, Clipper No. 2 B grain washstand, Boston rocker, original stencil, harvest table, 2 boards, 2 Burlington TrUstee Bill mrnt ph e saideel o va Arsrog blender, G.E. hand mixe, G.E. sun lamp, 2 G.E. iron., elcic timr ecenr,coptewhsren&mtrmunt, champion oat drawiers, fancy tea wagon, "Ontario", good one, pressedt back arm >riestner observedt the nation govu tee Bert hino ee said hea wouldrng. 't nor- ectric sctocumssgrcocraitkwoforlmp rollier, 1 h.p. moter, Monarch jump jack, gond coe, power emery wit chair, spinning whel, small gate-Ieg table. 3 Arrow back Chairs, ash lain m severe" financial h bad aku itsmlyspot oinlk FURNITURE, ETC.-Green teakwood 4 Coalhion chesterfld and 'A h. motor, 1 horse scruffler, Conment mixer, electric brader, chest of dlrawer, beautiful mahogany hanging cabinet. Jacques &± problemrs with a poor balance te bout bc giin it l Pesner sic heio bliee chair, 6 ft. teakwood coffeas table, teakwood dinfing table and 6 chaire, Fleury 77 walking plow, horse drawn cuite,. horse drawn buggy, 7 tir Hayes loveselat, reuphoisterd, bow back high Chair, ladder back of payments, a athrinkin reslme ng loca "ii He govertnmen shul sn with upholsee setx brw 2uhon chstrfe andchir, 8 buggywheelms. chair, several tables inci. 2 drawer, parlor. moecwain dollar and leuw productivil su oetthe bocardsea during hard times and Save coirner Iltable 36" 36", 2 PC. oag set u LMER, TOOLS Et MISC. - About 40 pins timbers 9" x 10" and 16 smkr stn.foreghbvle irr arge pine rnror, Plus He noted Ottawa has cale Sum eto ttaw byoadn durm godtms.Hwvr alcouch, corner table, pr. of wicker basket chairswer tn, to 20ft. long, 70 to 100 pine barn boad.s.me 12" wie thousands of oters, Birdseye maple bowfront chest, ash and maple bied, pin, on all levels of Igovernent to esxeslet tatroiteaovrmn spending is 8 ft. teakwood bookuese, wine bottle lamp, Pr. Of lamp tables, p.f- feO f pnlubr3x6"4"x 4" and soime plank, the above lUmber joweal rack, stool with drawer in bottom. items not listedl as there are practice restramnt and the wo il bestbyo thet bort andwasedrighntnwadsol jardinieres, Spindleback rockeïr, 36" T.V. table, pins kitchen tabeis atestor insidme, a" quntt of, ol4 lcsih oltns hm oay turned around and announe frills elimnat te bd Hinonaber irect to dlomn sof pins trundle baid, each unit 39" woi foam mottrasses, Pins 6 drawrer ilamers isiet aoutiznhrst henve sd e of bras GLckit ASS. CHnNA, ETC. -o ay Pair of Flow Blue Wedgewood plates, lovely fedlerai spending estimates o s rle e aede Hntot, as secdr t duslotres, o cheist, childs crib and mattress, ooe, 6 rwrcesJhn mounted breefching team hambess, 3 Scotch top coLLars, 3 open top blue "Charger", "Gladstone" plate, Wedgewood Christmas plate, $48. billion. Priestne madse etceadren th badsArson deled H Polo, 3w" coffee, table, folding hui chair, baby omrriage, Play Parn, colr, Wiffle trees, double tree, neck yokes.l set of heavy fonce wash bowl set, 1837-1897 Coonainbwl, Flow Blue vegetable wondered how a 9.8 per cebt m86.e ilinbugt ade the bS ýAmtogovelrent Hsn' stroneor, Car berd, 2 tricycles, childe waiker, childs, piano, large box, potrethes, complete with chains, 40 lrd roll of 8 line wires, block &t tureen, lovely hand painted Barbers' bottde, pair of excellent sugar spending hikle coul nac tab1mileo andgneeds toofee wth nomt in smtali 5 drwer cheist, Ironing bloard, 4 dorae fiing Cabinet, 3 drawer tackle complete with rope, 40 fi. of wooden extension tadder, 3 large shakers, 2 China & 1 glass cookie barrels, several PC. of Coalport considered restramnt at a time unsidertable con. an e o rerding spningoraind lockable fie, pr. of good old cool q.# lampe, a collection of old bottles. screw, jacks, large wall mounted drill Press, pipe threader with taps &r Indian Tree inc[ sal & Pepper, comport, etc. pressed glass jug, when wage settlement are Restdraint is just as ip resaedi hehspendwing for LAWN GARDEN ~ a TOLS S ear ng..iafshr, ne w 1977i, 20w die, pipe vise, pipe cutter. ½h h. p. motor, ¼4 h.p. moter, 16 lb. 1 Y, "Moche" craegreein patterned gobier, syrup j.g, hal pin hode, comig in at six or seven per antren boad ofuatio assmaiefo nase inch rotary lawn Mawe with 8 & nie onsepr an inch gai. nailsa, 10 lb. roofing nails, mise. balls, 8 new window sash- collection of creamerincl. Gocats head (rare) Woodrow classic cent. nfor he r ofedelovenet from hise MPr n a ustion hammntockx, barbeque, hedgue sheas, hme, a faiw steel Poste, 5 lawn each with 4-8" x 10" panas, threshing machine blts including guo Medalion, et. large Royal Doulton "AmorIr pIatter, Royal Nippon Heoobserved the price idex Hintonrsaid Burlingon TruestoFre chairs, childs metal swing, Colder picnic table, 5 heav'y wrought iron edssriebt,4 bol.s of 10000 ft. baier twine, 2 girls bivcycles, Hyp coooohnbdCabrydih te odgas&cia seems te rigfse in HJackso Aa.rite uete bored scin'TOs. Mhgn in electric egg washer, about 1 ton of coaL. LAMPS Cranberry finger -oP, Builsye -amP. gre finge la, Smp. Ottawa than the rest of the Tute Cm dresoltution be sent to other ADDTINSMaogay iao to l tloawr fqCand bin fet, ANTIOUES, ETC.-Pine 1 drwrsattpdsgodoe ie uuulionbs-ap-igEwr &OenMr,11,Tl nation. Ottawa laks tax. odrdhwteba boards for support. "l hoppe mahoguany Duncan Phyfe 16" drum naie maoaylqurcbnt dropleaf table, pins flatback 4 doors and 2 drawaes, top for pines brackel lamp, barn lantems, railway iantemns. "Cottage lamp.Thorn--pyr osttefrasxo could criticize Ottawa. He w rntteln oc pr fpin ige blane boxens, eo atr,2dae pin e hf bedside table, pn to a flatback, 4 panes in each door, 6 drawer Oak, walnut Er pine bonnet page 130. seven per Cent wage hike and noted it is qmite a bit easier to crying out in the wilderness. pisingle bed endhSprings, p ine shler esdtable, ibrneool, cheist, glood old roll front kitchen Cabinet, Sak sideboard, 3 drawre BRASS, COPPER, PRIMITIVES, UNUSUALS - Piano, piaino ben.ch. then demands a 9.8 per Cent control a smll gvernme Get oter board's support so siebit mpinges, oa drwrlbayEalrihbonepls 2 dors, Cak sidead, 2 doors and 2 drawers, wailnuât wardrobe- gingerbread clock, working, record player &t cabinet, C 1910. Wiffte hikesytmuc as t ena twihvsmecot e takle diigcPr.o lwithc chanersa, ak Dnc antmr Pyen 1 2" ova c4trawors, mirror and 1 door, Victorian ash 4 drawver bow front dreser tres with 4-1878 bells attached, Pewter teapot, coa rack with swvivel tha Bin it is to controt costs on a sugesed 2"cwetable, prr akchirs, wraut2inchh2atondnd tale 28'is pr with mirror, old knithe couch, oak paper rack, 54 inch ok bed, top, pair of stained glass windows, unusual brass telephone, c 1910 Priestner wondered how a national level. Hinget bectdtoti 28insoel tabke, newo wlnu scabneoosand 2 drawers- , lapr. ai Dominion parlor stovie, piano stool with claw and balt fest, organ large domed top trunk, brass jardiniere, early dovetailed copper ket tle, 9.8 per cent spedng gres nHako one u hr ssaingo ted oti could ine16 clthles cks, r. cboiardcstier olo r lanm, pr.k mfsoi, 8 good Wainright style chairs, pr. of chicken coop chairs with C 1840, several excellent pictures, ,Inc. Past and Preseint Royal could be othier resvin is conerabed oureia statn o the Halton Bord upi akc canleick, G.dE S prs lortal poler iene, Erekao pins plank seats, Captains chair, childs pakx high chair Commode, Family, Birdseye frame, etc., Tale butter chumn. 2 postcard albums. Hennobacktits suro t of disparitya inCa na san Edcton'sh Hown interdty upright vaecuum sncl le, nd po-rtaimypier, 3u 40ectnc Wm. Gilbert gingerbread clock in oak case, Waterbury 8 day strikin9 pir of large Ouebec church candlesticks, cracks, ici. named finger cuttn ppoCndaadEuato' w crlcss e ye.ei sndigrl e hand sn lw fl o wer, " ailbout .0dwldl sheli clock in Oak case, 26" weight clock sold by T.J. Wheeler, jugs, etc., brass school bell and others. old banks. incl Aun Jamim, drilsaugr tpespial ypeandsigleflue, mal bech ode drll Georgetown, century waeil telephone, 20 good old pictures and frames W.W. 1 T ank, cast ironkeat e, pots, glue Poas. etC. Poanes, oignrs, pireuss witthukaichben lchf mdeill, ortte, esmte ,e,2 including 1 oval and 2 mapfle leaf, 3 wooden curtain rods and rings, sPooe shave, Pair ofdc decos pairof Carniva shadIesand holder cicular4f hals i aw attceetfreetri u riwoo clae, Dtau hane 21. 100 oldusalersincluding Mason, Nov. 30, 1858. 4or 5good old quilts, Plus many items too numerous to eto ecelment caodn i«, nt epsilfoacdnssle pr.glass scrubboards, 4 old plate. hump back steamer trunk, old boit Prve rm9amday.s1 of salen w c k h o n Ownes. lloar orAucioner nt rsposibe fr acidnts sa e actio shotgun, 2 od cameras, 3 small wicker baskets, pine cutlery Hallboard, Owner or Auctioneer notresponsible for accidents. eveing, box, pr. of franned wall mirrors, Pr, of copper boilers, 4 cracks, 2 gaIý NOTE: Plan to attend as the Ranks always have good quality items io Dsie saf rcmnnusri akae h a ha ruh tr fpo Terms are cash or cheque with 1. D. House said. Lunch available. jug, pr. 1 gal, juge, pr. cast Irying pans, large mixing bowl, Blue Milk offer medatons taf suc in ciond i be r force t o moea ayo tests fromg te pof ero- WARD BReWNRDnG chinafrut yapes Dipo ae 'ae, oui" "°;;s'"e'"e CHRIS A. SCH0UTEN dasge usecesrynd dita ne rnusriel evelopme a c haer atle wsa e Dor tAUCTrowNEER Flow Blue cup and saucer, 7 very old cups & tea plates, florai pattem., AUC TIO NEER caeoucls areedn Mion noi f riv ten1 coun- r aetering Guelph ne Dorothy- Bon4-707Mgl srl on oepaes, pr.rs Egls bria crubays, 22thbs wode hande 878 2576 night to puirchase the A. E. cillors were not present at right next to the Fenwk Ji ed.7m1 ns. &dfok, Engtih Chams pitchr baf tootruhhold lsser band 074mganI Fenwick home at Camp- Monday's meeting, warned property. No portion o h Cek.soap s, 2 oddio chers, s.et of houehol scales. set o be bellville, couincil the deelston could be Fenwicks' land wou d be loanes, cse ofmp 2fi shsaes, T. Ecarpsweepegpr. cast rons ic ¯ a A new truck haulage route overturned at the next taken, SU no claims couldb tongs, cisouater . up 2l prahepsas, 2 gal crseam can, 4a -L8dga developed by the town, meeting. "l don't think it will made under the expropriation AUICTION SALE ;;:rin::e eank aas°nd"ki-vseAU TO SALE G-ry-avelge su:a"erHanswered ac h T C ilr-lg.h Ctra ed w- eathertt ptfri mi ocer, dapr, inera 2l cusion The Estate of the late Cecil G, Robinson port te nd communi- The move carried on a 4 0 exit tan entranne morthea for UIND HILL FARMS LTD. ;rpae:::: nyie s " e:d gree carMfa4bue 16 UnmtreRd kvll mesWtofTfag r U jdcnto th F wik Poem agt onst theur r-li uelh-Lie-40 ionersectihe tabefoi i h flnLo 3,Cn.6 Ebasr isumlo . o Owners or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Terms cash or 0BRd. re dOkle lsWs t rfla homceand th e rm farmiyadcaen ringigt the ce-Gep Ln-0 ntry-ctond to bheld at th fmlsE Lof 13,lp Con.ErmsTwstuedoN. cheque with 1,. h 12 No0rte on toeihe copnae he otoe rsa s bject in close moeor 24ihwy9ils.EoGelhnAuctioners n o hevmachinery is in very good condition and FRIDAY MARCH 24th at 2NO them ort "injuricoups ae hsben eonrer coucil f o metimate 90 trcks a SATURDAYiu.... 18t M RC at 11 a.m ;noe;;ne'r¡a:l'3";io":ubeadcin, HLSTEIN S-Registered Holstein cow, 5 years., fdl 15h mg tion for bu the home out-s n er a hallfovr uo e uigte alg TRACTORS - John Deere 4230 Diesel .. cab & hae, ae Lonch bowordrt eec lamwgoli gradenm e Holstein ce ow yal dog. 3a grade eifero brd Juy 64th. h oecudcs the t e a Spigan hafagevrodSlctrHodFukod dohube yd, outese . Han F e 1h ohns2700 r.wcbo1l .; WARD BRrWR dDG ° c" "'-°°ying second cal bred Sept. 3rd, 2 grade hreillrs, bred town over $60,000 as the past the Fenwick home onconihefadtehav 1 nG iIw etHu sild 5 AUCTIONEER Sept. 23rdý and Ocl 3rd.g 2ad lier 1u mosale date3 grad roet nhm v en uphiea haosre.toUn th f n do the h e 13 Gs rato oly50 hs.w.ne-07-g bou ept re1977. The above herd has jusi hadt a clean blood test. between $52,500 and $56,000, Originally the Second Line Council two weeks ago d 1 'ietclgan 6 l r0 pm. on, 8 b44 otein g 074mg1 S PAH R sMra h c s B6 dise tactowt nw mte Ten prcent of thet couse quarry p rope li trgck aes t stf ot a automatic -only 200 aces; John Deers 336 Ba.r- F. new; -.P svfeti eran gra ss u eed F leury rue 1 bis dr nl ha se ti fo rheie s e entreo tevage -Gut a n inan arane met 0ow ne-way disw. pros re roas McKedouble auger Snow AUCTIONt SALE, lieu °% sI 10 Huaoul is,3secio ba be ween theul famil andici the-rgh hohtebs sn.Cultivat., 3 P.H.-14'; N.H. No. 479 Haybine-only cut 200 sid rakee thn ruber Case 4n batierkhneteMse Hm a on res A.a 60 seies"NoTil" Con Pantrs- row TOE 2tonFOR ROBIN SIMPSON side ,ak. on steel, 2 rubbe, tired wagons with flat racks, Mayrath 40 BtteFnik n Fteti z0r Speader; . Ge .P hie 00ga2 sWtseef..no e.sroon WEDNESDAY EVENINGMARCH 22 at 6:30 P.M Il ay or grain e,'evatoir & undercar',"ge. ot 'o 1nn, "3" Hfunow NEW BUILDING SPAfCE GENTLMN mshr i io npa d aS weekstcounc Harrows 14'; ers aAgenr 3rvt box un Gra in 9loger & Robr StrEe CO STING OF: Antique Ref. furniture, glass, china, brss, a wheel rubber tired traders, cemrer i rx2 faig mes yM Ic 24 .t acsory. inui, 1600, osq. Pifrnia 201 pvlbe reek- .t ate sadti Stratton otor;30* 0T 2 wali .ns w. flot racks; hay elevator - Maple copper, early primitives, crockery. temps, etc . etc. (Appro x. 250 items skre eton hay xetev ator. ilog / hp mtM lu2 f t. ew b.ius trig, gr oundflo. 2331 wor.ý Coun1llo pnma undercarriag - g • in all ANTIQUES- Oak sidebord 3 drwr.2dosuirr&sef o lnyo akingar odtind 16724 claimed the key to the whole LeaCK-3B'wmord 1 ton w, Stake Body on 17000 miles w. cert.; forQUE piners fl2ak ae nec door, o o r e, , 195 toora Paritioned' toour pcification. AG prme dsnystainwsntefct 1971 I.H.C. 1700 w. Grain Box &t hoist Er blower w. cert.; 1969 1.H.C. FURNITURE -5 ft. 2 drawier Mennonite cherry pegged tpharvest cab iine mode grahnna te ic orian wadnut ha1l taleonr unfcvi f g -- i n o es.7-50 10 Siuan viha pn rh act0 was Bb kSisal B- w. hoist, w. Cert.; 2 -1963 Chev, trucks Alum table. C,1850, 5 ft, excellent condition pine harvest, catraks mok table withdai, cbntmdlga o hoe Cu c toriw & allfe t, round babnleg 081mOrf ___.t.__ 87.5W en ik a puc e th wBacct1FodTukwsokrcs&hitalgritrcs C. 1840, 6 ft. pins harvest table, excellent aval panel walnut marbie taLeikramcair ,wcefmrypesdbakhgh Chair,-- MDR n n 16wo ber o n buiterbygwy 0 a bo .11u hbut;n e"o 19 st 3. top washstand, C.1870, maple washstand, very rare trundlle berd, C. toia .a chi ar chir swvlds har esos ali ,,aprmns a c,- lcrciCunillo Ar t eano w LNOSSI Crnuoetf at(hain saw; 2 Aeration Fans W. 1 HP 1850, shn washstand, pin. jamp cupboard, pressedi back rockr cknoacsengm8dystinghlfcckBcfrs at 878-375 1 bel vi ilag sr MelCamp motors; John Dasere moisture tester-new;i Radon 200 moistre excellent pressedt back Childsrocker, Victorian plant sad itra krttkCsnm a stand.cu boad mnte clock, Benwodcailrg rntakpctr r es oatd ,.8 -375 ONEad twberoapr- holevaes of epniblt"asp tester; Radsi Probel moisture tstler; 6 ele. motors- y, to 1 H.P. candie stand, earlyr spooled bed %, beautifui cherry spoon cu d onevl ctur am, trame.d mirreor 5ga crcn4glCsaACTNAa mns-Be ensvaabadtsoy'he town took t67 elil hel hev rc K la 10 Kw hater;c Kromalax 5 Kw. heater; Timken hot water dvtiew/evelled glasse, 1860 small Ont. fiax spinning wed Spings wvalite ra, a e d ear, oal. isoe. 2 old, 4i gampCsa rrhtr1000m edroom C and sup ed spritnet ffir of their oositep and hSOrom -icltn pr ri aug er 8 0'Iong; ses. lengthsof 6", pins blanket boxes, siet o 6 early kitchen chairs, early Canadian SpAain ampsju, ma t cl ndeae, 3gal ocksav, 2 gal. cock 1e p ga, b215.e, 2 bero 250 Al Dpo a partents 88 t ra f ic . oin 'li h ytuk augers; 30 svteloachions; aise. motor 5 H.P.; Jacuzzi Wiaite Pump cupboard, smal pisd, I hstick arnv rm c Lhaie ottbe o ldi eprstcevr, 3a side crc,2 e.Cock, etc 3397 1627 Counc11ý. 26.0il DilmtAatet.88f1col tdosev maed W. gag motor -3 H.P. -.ne; paint sprayer w. gas moter; hot water bench, early pum sargon, ver suro rouin cincol se and 3 tal . aaemn o utinentrepnsbefoccdn s ons CO- ndbed roo 85¡03 9ON5 Ele BE DRO¯apamnpo it nrseln the oeck circulating pump; 1000 gal. waster tank; 2 sels tractor chains; severai board, newly uphosee etteer smalom mhg a n y dete.od d ay. apartments. Adrt only.ne Not suitabibe for couple.t Sove said I 37 - _U21 Counc eillor Gordonke weights for M.F. tractors; FXERR Hot Waiker (Hors exerciser) w- chairs, walnut reupholstered Victorian soldedsml miro a ee 14,po SaOder;Atqeyt1.on ao ot ahnr n osen s A llN- utltds 3200 boro rÎefrleDrao, utiltie sup. Krnz sBtee if he ton eOlec. OIMNT2Bac at.hre motor-2'diam boxr ine ock pishendrareframeid mirors, alther pins rnios, organ Terms are cash or chequewithi proper 1.D. 853-0002.397 pie.7-62. 140rslstehmatasgh PO uTRYew) E oUIMN-aco auto unde sntepoe cuhai fan Gtelohier, 2 sap buckets, butter bowl, wicker fern stand. WARD6 BRDWRDG A-8 -82T 2- bedroomýn baei N N w bdomlSms fh Ostshul an tbe iew; orhc ut. Ao aserhih NOTE: ALL FURNITURE REFINISHED. AUCTLTNEE prterdge bsseand aprmet aviabe Nob- he recoverd the peson l.ý aue 26' sficet o 10 brs;u .EgRA SS, CNAROS&SLVR- Pr. Blue Willow fruit ashroince. 878-46. sen Tower Apa emets Adls on ilr Krn z eln volume, 21A H.P. circulaiting pump e.; 600' plastic Pipe W. nIpl GLSS INApoeo pattem coee chLe es dishNE fac Dorth Brw 8-a3 110 ony.87-43 . son Harriso and Rs waterers&ficatboxes;40chickencrates;4DeBeakers. nappis, Willow pla. ,Flbpatterwiog cene , signd-haandy CiSeeds B74mg1 BAHELR apri artmen449.T, wr prtmn 16706 Poadiukvoednfaors Krnt fMe FURITUE TC. 4 l t ilkglss lae mlk las bue ------downtown Mion, 5140, a ONE BIEDROOIM apartment' the purchase. PLEASE NOTE; This is a Large &t excellent offering. Everything has painted plate, white opalescent .l gsiplatteur 4 eal ¯¯mntnludin hyd.04.l AHEO pronn, o allo utnte.i7-29 da.flymaneacl and is ready to go. Farmn sold, aoner ceasing opalescent Match holder, Port Nuef bowl, Ironstone pl ,9-anesrv. Refere-oi ICldnc plylleae. 16698 a a b.eenfll aintennc store candy jars with brass ids, cookie jar, Canadian glass comport, st7i-9423v. THeene Eio MAFAR,25Otai8 comoperatins.e lma eitr narvi Canadian glass Cake stand, Carnival vase, sugar shaker, flashed JNM MCCARTNEY 8-92,16731 T, MAFto, 285et ario • SFlIn bys nubr- plae reiter. oit responsible for accidents. enmseorabryrmbelr t ac u ,y Royal Doulton llESDtSDtce OUTR prmn oe t- mens n es wo!- edroom TERMcsh ohequ wp.•late, Toronto silver plate butter dish, silver plate basket, 2 sterling FURLY LIESD Renia 2eace bedrooms, et n atments any etrar Lunc avaiable Sue 'ogs Copr kettse old penny buble gumn machine. fancy AUCINE 31 Bero bnnw h rougot R e einclde afatres ncudn xra hand mirror, Bentington Bell teapot, Bentington door knobs, pan Slso ye n d ppaial 3ug Býlvin 'ýom", trovabot. Please no pts, parking Please ee te aesi Mplhus ROCKWOOD, AUCTIONEER tale tary, aPpl. Palier, cast trivets, cast iron pots, flot irons, 7 le- ,piw &ou itchen doum Avisl Imepodi.el See sp renents Mreco and se 074s 11 hborse brass, brass jardiniers, 2 matching brass jardinieres, bors bells, ning, Eki,-dbe George Grnd juntion 24 e s Sain ern, M.54. Cetoa adImae n kaih r.Renc 16" candiesticks. blow torch, brass bound tol. money 68-78 garage, 4 applianc- . e and2 highwyjnto 4 s sprlnge.67 16280 Torin Cnran nowlo --- bo bt e prnt, wod lae, ape sgarmoldfla kife pie Ox 76Anne Wallace 33978 TO SLET, large ground floor forward to more frequent d-os pitbx bcbaeser ont jck, Royal glazed stone Waterdown 2à bedoo aprmn, 2Bvsisfo fml n CREDIT VALLEY AUCTlDNS deock seg gldSo e c,3mate ong cracks, signedt Foley 074mti 277 monthlydrco Ha hydrnt $21 d it frfie nt arly v Jn aryth AUCTvON SAL NCw yulhb bea C EFCshppae.ontw Adults roly 878 3794. 16747 r e hari o Coretional SATURDAY, MRH 197 at1.00 P.M. M Fc rs ld nmt na r ana wt kng Mtwhosa e nga ton u 19 it(1Service fa ro e na bu LARGE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LMPS -oshl aeicuigMpe6pe iigro ut ap unsua tarsem oi lamp, arn aante othrgoo ham s before summerce Phn fer5 atcedgrg, eta ir ustsimts oefo (bfetal,4caisn 2Ste lre gasll(uiable for cot-asrmets of old t boosexlent dmcint cond.,gls blue di a lyndw wa tee p.m.in 87-33 aplacs Suitable fo e ToF ut.(1srontie( ervic Toratest tagl;18cu.ft cestfrezr; ikngwrige wshe (ik ne); coe, andouk satte rugs, mnandr oerite ms, too n numerou tom s 1670 Lder oupe . Fod 2a7p Tuesda evenings. LEHover twintubwasing mcin e6 Kenoe twni-tu smg mention. oi COUPLE nreqore hme in ote ntc a o es eooeain 0'vsps bord (ratfohelanr e rooa; savnes stee sinks uus wit Prviw to4clc aysae, dboaaoruron7490 HTN eromfml q t eal pc lsofc.bseetsoaeadscn knownt getin tor Iowa faufets; tae. cramre)e; a4r codte:Sato n aintsero; aoarde oef r Atoexerent resnsil oracie nts. d o even ngs.eroomfbrodm througout f.o7prmet opet ihmdrnhaioan od ayharship,, fr nyfamlies trc /aset arsero C8rdi:elcri uta it mlfer AUTOERSNE;Ldsangntmnthss an vie goo 4 garage, 40v e April ,ng, Sutbefravrtyort!ndffeussHrtf cei .n Mlon thy ad o utt ra ler; smal. l apianfesze; poikns; dihes; asswr; nn .feigo ooults lnt pn teeeigwt s F hue coup, seek 15t7o P la« t e7-45 7o .le tononMlo nMi Sre daet' r'N tk n o\aiehusa metal ~ ~ ~ ~ i, shelves; bamps bird cage;e gossi bench chests ofem draers 2ue CHIo.SHUE a amhue or aknEsl acesil 0o 40 exes som coln'tffrd High car; ron-und pesta able; ob t rug ein m AUCTlNEER _m elel cpy × OB ou e. Fstoned ap Therbstae The dice raets thing~~ ~ for mveryone. COUPLE M quin St M hlont. 90 betweren 9 Pa.m and 54ainl4rs41-2 0 Taie M--Cahorý heue wih.D 087mga11 1674 p.m weekdays, ah rcauewt rpe . uhviale o eaeTedy vnn e a ds a is tio r n resonsbl fo Caiet s damage tor Carp ¯¯¯¯r74 MILON 4 Abu d 13c aml t q Mr iats pal vs 141 528-332 bapd as te arue servne potr Refesmetsvaabe Fr nfrmtun"c;l a Huj..d OnSTORE fori.. rent 15. Mll2 St. - N rinCre 000.p an. Drv crfllad o -- r q '- C rd MeIl S md, ith 877-448 xn ""to"' O E L di.i i C Lt,. hs s ry g ol v nn s 626 ruo ,o53-0190.g a t, fn ,ap m e t c m lt w t o er enn. m r spuash an n pes ai in w ofly rier m llaPiacs pt.pas ise:gliavae inn ff rq.ý pant pud h - hu g rg , 40 A aa leA II o o . ulbl . avrer rat074g.4- 1 1- lM a adm11o m n am le

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