84 TiseCanadien Cisamion, ed. Mat. 1is 1978_ flouse IV'~league NSovice Division David Nomst and DerreSl lic Milles Misn Hocniey Jerrie snced tac tise stîens. Aasoniation narine isose Steve Natals vesled tise lavte teape actias as Wedsday SP gal. cairltheinWhiteCs dettes île Tht CFP and Milles Spssd Qes tassn 3-t. Eri Aosterivg Service battd le Karp scored twogeaite laoe a 1- 1 drea vetacdey. Cccl tise WONL'ero and Duscas Soya sessvd tise licol gal af Baggue settd tan sicngle. tise ganse tor tise Anstavrisil Chyle MoKesse fs tise Servine bat veptein Hostie cingle tac tise vpe<Q n vnanaell tied tisencoait ie os Setucdey tise Ficeen oame middle paciad. sitgvd Scannell 2-1 as Jins Hantantsisse astsd selted a pain for tae Tht Oatdvae Ouattet vivotas. Daag Dreeoas dcappad tise Kiosses 8-O an slcpped in tise avanceSl isastaa bouse enlias. JelI single. Defrietas tioed a tl tricks Ocangevilit Selee ails singles bviog snaeed isy letabed tac Multas 'Novice teasttatta ,say Fnvanis, AI aenets 7-0 en Satiiodav. Nivisolsos, .lery MvLead. David Asiseteli ws the big Anthony lige asdsih Hmisn- 0casgeaiile gao vush a bat oish Paul Kelly recorded tise trittk vs Steve Daisi in tise sisatate Milles set. MiSe Cbady Os Sîînilay tac Oatfttvc cencded tise Ocageville pisyrd Hoados Ciîkea Kiago saltt tv a S-3 lie. Tota Houston TheMa'saaid and'te maerke!a pair ofoalstailis Reisieias played tvassce- Pavi Orvwn addisg tise sîngle voss dcast sitttBlairoLenard forislvadi Jey Fros.h arias of Rneiesl and Steve Wis- Cain and Jerny MnLead vsaryis of tise Mas's Wvnld aoivbed singles rcnvdiag sisatanto. Oelils detealvit Partov Altn Diviiot BOeatty 4-3 as Mark tayabot Miltan liphpstters apcotcd vvored a bel mrinis tan tise theMilton Livoions v4iilr otae frat iseid tîssens. isase elia as aladay Scoi Stevens svvrcd tise Jouffea ae sti se o baurat stîsers iss goal avten leîsg msteisas ton lise inisens dan 2-o, Colis O'Siea snvred stita ton pgais. Marray tirae vint Ovase Titahers Vendes iseavri esd David one fo tise Partanvcen Barristo scord singles ton Supar Save isaaded Jsyne Upistny. Croison asotbcr luacs vith a 5-3 ais os Kosisrahtelhed tto aadrPat Moaday evovisil Creg opa- Ravis and Allast Anderson lard ovited a bat loirS st sisgles tan tise Lions aîîy Steve Dogoay asd Sot MiSasn Lasto Service asdl Marey grabisi sil ges lot IWA pleyed ta a 3-3 doa thn stirsers. Ken nîrns, Doagoveatisispattedaain aored oceand TirePaower asd Peter Websotcr a single laine for Jayse. lac tise Lesta Service. Svorng Sesion ivision tac IWA stere Paul McCvi- Pigmeent Color and Csetai- obvas, Tita lackadar and val doisied ailla a-3inseno Alant Janses hooso leailve aviva, AI Stvady goaabvndirg hy Carl singlengoal anarera nove Pao AnSerta5 aîdedt bis Pro Rovisos, Cari Capuoa SSci Hardwaere Icata ta deteet Wolilastos, Clos Svaone, Dat Mastisay Pacto 5-t. David Teietaas and Mise Mardees Mooaice, arias Paapst, Sovrîilng a illa nove Pua Bresi Pcaesaa asd Maris Bradley, Musc taîllaina art ocvster scaeed tise Prv goals arias Seratisi. stita Orester avarias tne. Millea Oua, Lires drova Bill Sitapls settesi tise ito avec Oas Kaigits Mes' Moastse goals. Wearg.ai1asttaesdeaday Sol Peensce Divsiona Bestos sailesi in a pain stiil Fapa and MnCoaig Isr- Svait Draper. ion anschoe anne piayed la a 2-2 lie in Aady DeGeavit andi ici p eae bousfe antion Paal Letaisnredrsigles. JItaSi anetr and Dardsn Cota Artiso and Gond Mears potsed tise Pays goals whiite setîrdl goals tan tise Kaîgs Maris Marcunri and Todd os Mosduv evetasg aitl Sita tired staris erto piasteresi lin Pilgment Colo McCoaig. and Cietaivaiteamt1 I-S Ro lests Marina naîed tva CarraSl, Lis Vastt, MiS goals to pce Locali497Oina 3- Carderboota and Ono t edgisg aI Bcosis Elctriv. Haves ail anvrod tva goal Teatranste David Berry nanis, hiile mtes aria addcd thec single. Scvriog for Seralini. Gay Gravîvîto or ocscistere MAkeBrownsand covis Dryden starsv Steve Bergia. singles, Ed Wrîggicsiconi Sailir stasaged tv sqooe ie inditaoaitbtcMarkVYork isy the 10-25 aP'ers 2-t in Givra savavo andi aid peetace activa Satorday. Mandera addîsg singles d e s b e s r n e n d il h el SPECDALEZN@ MN FREEZER ORDIRSI 91DBS 0F 200 ta ll BEEF Ai1 240 Ibs 0 lb. HiINOS OF 100 ta 11 nuEA-1 120 lbs. * M b FRONTS 0F 10 ot BEEF A-i 120 lsa. l0b. SIDES 0F 751 mac PORK GRADE A 100Ibo. 89,lbt ALL FREZR ORDEIRS CUST@M <UT ANC WIRAPPEDIIIIII AT no EXTRA <NARSEI OPEN FRIDAYS ONLY FOR REYAIL SAlLS I &LI- 7:MOpui This Week's Specas LOIN PORK CHOPE '1.46 IL SPARE RIOS '1.39th T-BONE b SIRLOIN STEAK 91.59 lb GROIINO CHUCI< 9.25 lb PRIME RIBROASTEr RD sTEAO1.25 lb.1 TO N- sONR , ABATTOI* s78s39* BALANCE 15 A KEY andi Lorraine Anderson, 13, programe-s Miss Andersons taose et msany girta of R.R. 2, Campiselivilie la avorking vs bers uith1e aigaiog la saccer ibin year. Mîlton Yvvth Saccer CloS talater preparativn Girls' basketball team makes history lise gîvis ai Marba Street nanivasvtbvtbtnavts aval have tiseir sigis se on v cnd rvgivnainchamtpion- Tihe girls' isasiscliali lesta vs on te tise reioai ree slary anisoal tisais terrier- a sîgisi allen edgisg out oakdote Soot 21-19 ins kaiSle last Tisovsday. Lest i Martia Street girls ytarvd tise regiosai Ilyeyisatt visanpioshin. v caste girls taite op theo vTton loses t tourne y Mitoots hoose capue lcatoutn teate fiisihedoot tise stase7 ai lise dis annual ntosnael Aient Hockey uraetai Avion lavi Mitvn lanod itomao icaetrs Satovday. osotesl tsaded Mîlton 2- iv v birai gaine, and lter tadiord, tise voasolation lasers, dvvsed Mîlton 8-i. Slaattville ston tise tour- nstent nisaspiasiip The house capue toast vas lasttminutevreplacementifor cansinglon iivi vas dis- uatied isy the Ontario sac Hovicy Assocan. Tlake a Break ?4Murraly Il titis is tise nantis tise stov are tiscy't vootesi lise nuli licssa5cc a bii e le i-s-if Tisese days, asy grand stler viso lobks liSei graodnsolisr iv proisaily gneat-granodiier hi 20 ia tisinis yo an vaso tise cotId: et 40 yocar de ligisteditf yso a sasve satan partofyartalory. Sigisvay tratia tavs îivaisasicvspoeds--sviast yo casitgetoansdaseslow yt va' gel vIl. Fcllas tise irottie tc Marne [foodt triv-l5 Wcet 01lgi nsay 25 vs Stesios Are., 87 6025 tan tant servince as dnlicilese tactitef aiscec va cc baung y. Patay MoLvan pîvbed sp a rvbood and avarvd tbe atoîso bsetv Tbansday tgist vush an secnds tels ta piay and tbe acare tind ta-ta. Trîvia Raideti ted tise tests in snadong. vbaibîgupotine palis. Trinia is tbe isigb tan 15vo th seasan, naroîog a toal of 217 points on 16 gata s. The ltast, voavisd by aae Aimos and Tomt Travia, woan the Novrth Saliva nivmtnvary achavi vbatapîavsbtp oqtb ti mi h,, -à~i Moro, teapenanspotitios. liey taon Berion, Patay MnLeari, a lavtaec oix gesses ced lest Sesdy Macse, Deisiie Vas tas in exisibition piey. Hees, Dalne Piselpo, CisaclcscOlysstc asnd Siselley "Tise bido banc pot lo Ferrera. tremnsedous effort," aid Mc. nhe balt player is tat tant Airs. -Tiscyse caste lecthe aec iseosses neptalo tac as icesntne l tac nest gane. Tant sn tise avisants hsitay. Lent sagecn are Dan Hast- yva tiey tassiysettap sas Lina Reyeoldts ced Lis ganse, cse tfssi ban cccllyiv Hvre. insprvd." At tas cegiocal linals Toast tactalec are: Tholia Tisniesigisi lo Quesa Niddell, Cacric anudresau Elizabeth ar ecisissl, OaS- Debra tankmas, Chris aille, Martin Street ssent ,Rolling Mssdsnss Scisosi S 12 asse tse la 7pss p- vccethe -Osoc ori % W ATER r-o v irl. vaOslfor acciv tad idnhu, o i o M, c ul t T os ici o 7 vo .. c. aik. i, t. THE WAY n a fo .Jfn h frM ,nv,,,hloe c SHOULO BE Westwiy Fast le H~le CaanFF Frii ror S Tint S.ii MsDancfli LOWESTthI R1îe tal fl~4 lnnuD 5ta844-9781a T00[ GRENF- Es-tohlîals LuwnE a Slow Eiamse GROW ALL - Newa Sod & Lanu -WÉED& FEED - Wood Killar for o I Etohliahad Lawna TURFAICE - Soit Conditionar - Naus, Ssii SOIL Areca h AMENOMIN \'1 Nj AR D-N -EQ 1îPM ENT CENR L vsn, fH. . v 5 ai - d . " d. 54 fisse, finit-e I 878-8121 878 -q121 Sci ahi go r Ca fa] Ca ait Th e'2 wai Get movin' Y o Metro Trust! How to make,, your money earn is daily breMIýa. yu vantstoa ta nvinciatnd as yauv accounts tva-cas mntly bsalance. But withthe Motvv Trust DadlY Istornat Accoln yo cars -daiiy iinvoalsC Yvuttvvneynenaistont tramn theofbrai day vCdvpvait lv theo dayvCswtldreawab ecari so vnoy day it rnnainsain yvuaetauflt y nsais mnsvny. Witis a Mnsvv TrustlDadly Istovoat Ancoant 0Ou got:a Aissotniy Free Cbnqoisg Acevunt, Fce Travotinva' Ciseqona asd Lest Porsasai Lves Ratea. To qatîy far yo Dacty lalovoat Acnaunt yo nnd taisoop a mnimumson isanearoaf$2600. hpI.l t 2.000. $1020 $ 1.37 vprîi 5 5.00 1781 Aisp 18 6.000. 10.27 aril 28 3,000 r.se 51. 27 t.0 Os tvougrstilr [111cItastl accccar@cM scnssc5 Contant yvar Metro Trust Office soday. Bnnaaac yor stvsçy sisotld ho carsiof deiiy istcrnat fr yaia nvrcY day. tMetro Trust lI-e MetmpIti1Tlt Comptiuy Mestisr (Canaa Onyvpocil Insuceu Corporation --îl - -~-~i iiî.-ea ,, ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ,6 o221 liu-cctt ,-,- c ccvc - - r 1 .5-- BRUSHLESS PTO ALTERNATOR' PEt-HiPS pou have experieaned paower failr ai samel mv If sal tas dan't have fa rensnd yaa that the aosses can cu f o gt vl ef nasIvnbe hsaay. Pracf ne ly evs ythig stops avies panse s p aefI §5ators, paower fos, feeders, miklers, radao and TV. Invamansenf'slfi v orada harrcane, blizard, flood or Ightvsngn cud plange your avisle opeatas n itt nootly confusion - aviss you have auvitiara power. Fastes this anis onsa tavo-thes traiter, atfanh the panser take-off on yasr tractai ad yoa ara rvady !.avy job and plans, I aviether tisera is panser or vot.- For a farmo damonatration contact your co-oporatitio Corne see a lve demnonstration and participate ln our WELDING CLINIC FRIDAYI MARCIl lith 10 a.m. te 4:.00 p.m. AT BRONTE STREETI tÉ MILT N 878c2391[i 'I ANNUAL CREDIT UNION DANCE Sflirday. Apnil lst 1978 LISE MUSIC "JUEL lE THE ROYALESs PLACE: ROMA HALL, MILTON lIME: 510 P.M. REFRESHMEN1S 5:00 liSSA.M. DANCING TîCKETS oAiLOBL5 AT 0065 craco aUONi $5.00 par Door Coutple HALTON COMMUNIFY Psizs CREDIT UNION LTD. 44 Main SI' Milton ' 77 Wlson Drivs Mîlton 878468 w879-835 0 WHE lawn& c ai scndi and Cratg nUats file aisad. Milles alie haut twe tes ÀàeÀ#»,nite sOntario Teaisaci stiini ta rn on tise Basse tesata format. Lise tise teasa becs Tie petat wsakssd sans tise lis Ftday le Dontut, tiche into tiseY ddet fae steil Milles Csurling Citais t tise sisser atascleg lei Ottises, apil rleicardsec ivine Nie Gansectr lise Milles clebs id TesBais i Acteg saistp, Dag Ossetat- fcenelies ise lesedetie Ptleny vice AI Mcbcesld ewnihele i onl ans aio thse Actas ainesm Satr'y seconit esd Ailes Taylor leat. csctgiisltsta e d ssecng, loe surepriseo et secnd tet emged of tare cei1 tatOves and tbe at taohe McCotntsece skip, Bai tnnttadiisio aisle are lice clib salcy itie ysac G ices Ses Arstrong DIote, Cintgoacsa, Actas, tas paclltoiacy se belt sassaitand ttceny MePisail Ocaogeaills, Brampton, cas leta sase leogait %1-s «Iad Nocrth Rtien, oMisale and Kea Mounes dis tact ie Tse esti cosuple oaf isys MIlles weoslith Mosr aI skip, Ber i be tbe tact chance le lise tesa fot lnart ci vine, Ebeer altas tics cacal sitasa sf1 Ciguescty taon lise rigisi Dcsdge sconasined AI acc nir acta for iùttidcy's le ctnuo e i ai liste lead. Dao asleys clik es 'Gong Shaw' atisfie title Ontario isasspieslp sy thseaotisesianw ues ones -urling Citai. Acie are ssi goûtieqetfsai the anli tessa peota "stem Actas fetag acceptait foc tisa tirns bnoclSelvan. Thse Cig -te ths tataner. cessai., es pa ai ethtie clebs sbippsd isy Mai HItelt tait Deens wers sono Ras 3n Show. esd Dos Frasar seSl nompele Rawlsy al vine, Rinbtlsnisa Snow bank accident rtEri A large tins test sns besis Site Rd., Milles RADATO I ta blaei tac a ao-nc efIli- A lias-tes at, btiki alog SERU CE sieonWiltsonD., Mietn lest tse act aidie et Wils Dr. enasa. sek is volvieg tino Milles causai savea vinw obstrue- *i 9(«fi9 r. cesidate, c-nnlg le tise, otatait police. fltlen Regisesi Paices. liene see ao Injieinl James SEciy 1? ai 141th iap efanrhw adie eil aetmtda 10 prive drive i tilt pti Dessege le lise Ssciy 0U isy Sittai aSmith, î7lot Fias cnd $15M tac tas Sssith carc l 7