Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Mar 1978, p. 1

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l VOLUME 117, NUMBER 45 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1978 76 PAGES - 15 CENTS Arena purchase may flot materialize Pastiectanwpont Thse offer tcil eo se tood the projeet hod baeo office for Milton on lte sileof Jonuary and wa = aeoe aprit it y Public Worbo teformer Brown St. Areo oollts April. Sot partie. ood had lions f0 Andras for sa ever molerialiote, Thte itod greso lte oae prie pprova. Clanio erodIis meeit. uf $18s,00 and lte toms mas "He sys ie recalled men- Cnitllald a siloies- te demolih lte areos and tion oflteproject and seemned man fron t1he Posl Office clear te property. toi recali it beiog clifiaitd os Department in Burlingtso, In Joooary W.D. Souder, an urgent project and timught said probiem relatedt te ltse Manager of te Acquisition ltai Bucitanan bâtd opproved projeet centre around lte and Disposail Braocit of lte il. Ho said hoe woold looitit di al of the eisting oldpust Public Woeits Departmnent, il,", Gordoo euplaioed. of ce«on Main St. wrote Milon Cosnil and said 'To ltseitont of our itoow- Mr. Coitiaid naid lte, an extension mon grnid lt lesige tl mas ail stotions go. Deparlonent of Public Woritn a110w timp lit finalite deloilo We ve mot people front iatd asited bfit ldo anotlter itttthenamw oprobierns witt Public Worito a fumitier of asssent of lte situation lte deasi. and corne op slit a fitlanciol DOMarcit i Mc. Saoder ad analyns sh0010g mit il in a loUter tei Milten Cmmcil would cosl tei continue unmlt "tOr proisot in Milten has lteolil puat office and a simi iteen delayed homeaue ler analysteasbemiog ltse cuit bave 001 yet delerminedth of a oew post office. future uoe of lte preseot pus Cobbitid ssid lte Depart- office prprty."I mentalf Public Woeits den'l Mc. liudrYmas cootactedl wantte ielefait itlitheold ity The Chasmpion Mondey post office building on lis it cefuaed tei discu s itamids and bue suggestldit letter or thte post office situa itecsuse the building was con- tion. sideced te bue of bisterlo Earier itis year significance and sornes reprsenlalives of lte Puie prestige in lte cornmunitY, Woritu Departmnent an tbure couid bue oppositin lt Halten MP Frankt Pitilirocit te building being soid er uaid tbu motter mas in lt renteli. bande ot lte tceaucry itoard He laid ite budi Jusl and a decision s expected received a directive lt laite a moon. AI ooe point Dr. Phil second loak aI te project brooitbud eupocled a derision Monday rnoreing. eariy 10 Janoary. Allbuugb lte oew building But in an interview Mondey would bue for lte ose of titi Boit Auttlcs, presidont of lis pust office, lte fedecal Treauy Board, said lt departmeot of publie 5erbu rnatter lied ot been halor and lte federal treanarY ltse buard. buard hecorne involved 10 the "I auhesi about projectsin decision te go aitead. Public ibis ares buioce 1 lefit Ottawa Worita acqaittes the tend and but titere mas noting mn- suporvises contuction of tioned abut o post office i nem facilities andi the tiea- Milten. C'm oorry. Il could bue nacy itoard honlt approve lte ltat thtemalter te on ltebunde expenditure. of lte lreasury btoard, but il The federai guverement basnnI cerne te, my desit yet,' bud expreesedl interst In par- bie said. choning lte Birowo St. armna Andras mas in Dakvilie for propecty foc use as a pust a npoaiting engagernt miith office I197e, but discussions lte Oabville Cbumbur of mire deinyed until lte 15000 Cornreree. decided witetiter or 081 lte itesombile Frankt Moine, SI. acesa would buPucliosenfcyScrlyt r ailes il mon ut'deced Jeda Buchanan, Minialer of closed. Public Worits, Sience. Abuut une year ago lte Teritnoiogy and Trade mas iu 10wn and tue Departmeni of Milton. Puie Wucbu came tei terme Milton Mayor Don Goedon ou lte sale of lte preperty. sit be queuliuned Mr. Maine Thte tomo rnade a format abuut tue utulus ut lte nen uffer te oell lit te Puitlic post office for Milton. OHIP increase hits taxpayers re -evaluates post off ice plans limes andth ey nuomeli un architectural sketcbes and floor plans for tue ueo ituild- isg," Gordon cuntinaed. Ho said 11e feit tue federai govermuneut man tryiug te nquesze Milton loin porcbun- 105 lthe uld post office pro- pocty and teiting il off lteir bonde. Thte Publiè Worits Deparl- mentitad quenlionesi tue tou esclier te ses if tuere mas any interest in tue lumn u ying tue pcuporly. Tite 1000 replied indicating ltaI il old lite lu bave lthe pcoperty andituilding aspart of altowscomplex, itîbudln tonde in tue itudget for tue acquinition. Towu Treasurer Duon Luug- iteed sid lthe 1000 iait plannei os tetiug apprusi- mately $100,000 front lte sale ut tue Browu i. proerty and applying il an tue loou'u sitoce ut lte cool of lte ueo arena ou Laurier Ave. Ho euplaioed tuot sould ltai dent fait thrugit, lte 1000 ould tubte tue $100,000 ouI t lthe urbus capitll evy 1usd tBut 11e nuled if lthaI oeeduueil ould leave lthe 1usd olith uuly abut $6(1,ou. Tite capital lesy fosd lu a fond deselupees coulelite lut and is uully usedtuuffset cuIts ut neo tacililîru in 1000, lThe questiun utof uew Pot uffice itou iten iu lte oris sisce 1972. lu May ut 1972 Ballon MP Sud Witiig au- nuunced appruval tueo toast- itîlîly sludy bitl bes gîtes and an aounu t of.300,(W0 itod bes allucated lu lte pubic tocreases in the Ontario coveresi for semi-private Heatu tusurence Pion romn. The region ansi four IOHIPI feus ao nsesi orese curiiln al] pop 100 par rmcentty mitI cost Ballon tas- sent of tue rosI for tue packt- GTT L IEA A L" o uttn n eln odtoso ieuue payers $1,10 lt cever in- age. .O 'EGTT L IEA AL .Ho usieadeclntodtosofheips crmases tostu for bunefit Tite Halten Boarsi of doggers were out in force Thursday ut Glen Eden made for o perfect day for showing off. packaeges for emplopees of Eduralion w111 nul feel.tue Ski ifills ut Kelso Conservation Area. Thse Wormn (Champion photo by Peler McCuskerl the region andithe four ares impact of tue 37 par sent ____________________________________ monisipatities. 05W increasse immedialelp. Thte bentft packtage tus Tht lte agernt Halten reigional emptopees mitu tue encitero onsi otuer k 5 u atone ohl luts bp $96,000 a unioninesi empiopees sets ouI pur. Tbe iscreose in a dollar figure, nol pferent- u ay t r i k l s peur, in Oaitvile $1,000 Per The ernplupees mi bave to pear, In HIion Sille $1u0. abeorit tue tneame unIon andiLn Milton about $9,000. surnething different te negoti- Ail of tunie ernptopees are oled te new contracte. three at H ydlro site iy Usda Klrby partes mitu thcer ulter trucksuon the tracts. oiten the A frmit industriel accident esgioe rullesi furoard illesi 11u00 construction craoing lno the trucks and morters Tuenday mornigmg n oben an unrnned train Mr. Noocumbu aod Joue engius nllpped snte gear aod Carrelas Si, sf26 Clinlus Sl., plomes in1 four erntait trcks Torono oere hilles i îtauily. parited on tue raitroaiclis. Thterame ofthird deaduie- The 8a.m. accident occorred lits bau naît ben releasmiity ai au Ontario Hydro jobt site Haltes Regionol Police, bulmeso Elgitu and Nhotu posdiog nollfisaliou ut tue LUne, sit of Trafalgar Rd. us uoslt ofhin. BrtanndaRd. L. Rend of Toronto 000 Train eogiseer Victor R. treatei ami relessed fromt Nemeombu, 5t of lite Olgar Miltn District Hoopital. Dr., Blilion lii ntepped Th1e oeers, ail employei out of tue locomotive te gel a mitu Penvidie Cotractisg, coffes, atong witu sesecal Burlington were moriig os a otuer costrction moritece, npur line lut muse benvy police saisi. eqolpmeot oesesuary for Ont- Appronimatetp 24 murbers oriu Hydro's ueo tel 1V suit- more galtherei aI tue site, station. The cumpony on armrnd a coiffes vendiog truckt tue train. Proceed with proIe ct OHC rejects town Aii2-uoil projerl for family itave iteen dons and tue ituusitsg onitu mill bue allomesi project han itees rendy lu go te proceei un lirmIe St., since Jone 'il lant year, Milton Coundilloro ogreesi os aoaiting a final approvai toe Monday, aler OHC relectesi a retoning frum, tue tomn tue t00000 ides of buyteg up planning commltlee. A site Unsold tonoitusareond tue Worth $217,000 bas lisent pur- curnmunity te fil tue nemi for ebusosi ansi tue Mlnislcy ut tom-rmlotl booning. Itousing soill bue unable ta cunider any otuer alter- OHC aid in a leller tuaI tue salive aI tubs ibue," Minister Srmte SI. projets drawings Claude Bennett teld coucil lu Accordisg lu Regitoul Au iuqouls oll lie telit. Police, lthe trocits mers ued statesi Lou Wuudcurt, Mis- ity trunks travelling lno the isIry ut Laitue official, "oa costruction site, due lu an iuvestigation oîll bu cor- muddy condition. Bt eîedottuîsoesîigaî ai]as- Hallon Police aod Minislry ut pucts ufthe accidest lu se Labor officiel are scoust- abat regulotts Oere îgatlsg lthe occident. bruites $300,000 project In dian villag e de velopment A complote Indian Village oîllb lererealei on the site of an early illagie aiCrawfued Laite Conservton Area ou houses a letter. Nuliog masy ut tue "mure vonol" upposeutu lui OHC ituusing mere sol prentent aI Moudapus meeting, pro-OHC Couscillor Art Melasson muvosi tue motion alloming tue projecl lu proneei, oltu tue oeennary rezoniog. Th1e majurily ut sunitîteos vutesi witu itim. Stseles Ave. soutu ot Camp- itullville Hallon Regito Conseruation Aoliturity asnuosed Ibis oreit Th1e erly uillage mas founi durisg onivemîity sudies ou thteformnertHoward îarm.just uurtitoflCeoolord Lake, ateo, yeru go lit deurlupirult plus oads. parkiug loti, a ga le buse and as educa- tiosal isterprelive centre wîll coul opprosimalely $M0,0016, occurding ta William WSar- wict. Disectte ut Coner- vatios Services ut HRCA. Heo ulined lte propusal lut Milton Coucil us Mody, as the toms mill later bu anhosi ta isuepermilsoand thugbis association mitu HRCA. mill (Continued onpag1e2) oru itudget aIita it Ho saîd 11e iad citeced us duwtutut slotit u noite 000 Whitiîg said lthe sîud ttothte prject and oetecledithesaid cuuld ludicale lthe nend tue a hadl been adviued tha1 lthe ueo postuoffice urerenuvaluon or iadit ees ptossed itut As eaety as 1972 Milton ost and etoegemens tt lthe oasu't higiteuuugitontite office ortes itod coin euistisgituilding. priurtyltutowaerateuv. plaiued atout lthe lak of "Ttsere ls a guud citance for ut 1074 n.utiace and lte subitaudaed a ne pos offce i 197 orconditios on lte Milton ut- 1070, itesaîdtory-Manager ot tue Milton Wlutiug tout the eleciu ta Citaobue of Commerue Rus Miltus peescrit post office TorybitiTerey O'Connortin Hareis iteld meetings otit oasituilttuin 1 i ansp 1972. lu Feitruary ut 1973 post office officiels and an- peoximale cout of l5,000oad a O'Connor asouuced ltaI noonerd lte costrucion Oas large addition oas added t.. titereowould buno post office plused for1975or176. Pout lthe suh and eaul tidet iu sn Milton untl aI toast 1971. off ice officiais preerred a 1911 Likely close beds Budget ceiling poses hardship for hospital ny Lioda Kirhy ltai il or do cloue itedu. il grootsgsneed lu peuuîde mue doesuntmeasorecloseoservie". Milton Distuit Hospital services. lu lthe pool, or bute oi bu tureed lu ligitos ils sovertlaid offsaff, aithougt Otlpatient services are bull eues tiaitter 015 ithibi or will redur sifts and lthe proitaity lte itiggenlcusnceru year's itmpdol itudget. iniia epl ssme toron ut expansion, ie Tite 03-ited itospitalta1 ituiid. aroe unlso 001 aid, adding tere is a defio predicling a proitaitle clouore eeplaced.' ,ilesnocdftue more toit tacîiliten oft25iteds duriug lte sommer Tite itoupîtal itodget lu t dent ot oultaients. in au effort lu lite otithis the expecled lut b1e umplted ity 'Titere lu cerlainly su Oigs ceiling of a .8 per cent the adminstratio ithiuithe oftteeling ordecressg itudget iscreooito hnded doos nesî montt taîd Mr Brody, sotîiier ot out-paients in fromt lte Misislry ut Heoltu. ut wîci t im~e fressures otî oi ute ofnsrvicen." Frit. 10. bu cussideredinrdcth "Our coutu are qoîts î10utl- cîtu urdoelt t ote lte nedi oesceef lthe 48budget i- Amajor tînoscia coucere cuoid 0the ealis tmew urease, andorearegîtu tc lt itpît ers c ou pect lu see sort boue lu labo sume mressures aroond thetermiuatiusuofthe epasn od buv buloeer lu reduce u cusîs," staîrd asti-istlatisu itoard roestte u ieyao Ortas Brady, Milton District scitedotrd lu finshi Aprîil 14. Along wit te eed foruî- Hospital Admînstletor. patyseuiton r debient services, the itospitel 711 itspial 105Claed tiisyceta in re due0 CUE s in the pt-menui ut applying dosociuonufitheituilding orberu and sours ut the for provincial assistance ora bulte, bot il is sut doue oiith- itospital. The tiospital pro- iteo0proram for a cure nit oot difficully, itecuulisued.a esyia7ttmuf t h "Au itai.poulio "Thes ortlad is ctinu-O and 95part time taoffb. un lotto ui îsgltuîscreane each yeoroand enstiwthaiule ltaI moaites il ditticilt lu A, continuait nue ot actîi ut lthe ituapitalos seei for redoce establisid puni- lies in lthe varsos huspîta monitaring eqoipmeol lui deal tison" depaetiestum tts lditi, oitu curuorypatiensuand Milton Hospital oi be colt lut rese altempt lu cul acolely-ill patiensleb stuled. atowed o $2,251,8% budget bacit. lie said. Theouace unit old require seul year ity lthe province, au Eeyn ke h approsimalely $li0,0fs te tucrease ut $94,602 ocr 'lthe "Eny-eita ieu operate. Th1e ituspitel 000 bas previuuyear. ceeasewassot guîsglou ona imilar unitin Ruum 27, "Milton saogroîngucom- tory higbut 111ibisoyear lu sîd Mr, Brady.todeal wîth muuity.o ita sgsîfîcasli- guîg to bumore dtfîcul sucityrottemu, ce sei drmand tueuser ihalte loslyear." Titeprugram is uu itited vices," 11e cunîlud. lu addition lu espected toe lthe 1079 fiscal year. No Laut yeoe s00 2.710 oduit salory inctreasces supplies toe expassion or additional uer- and cbild admissions lu 1the 1the huspilol arr ao cuutiug tire plans oore subitited itospital. os iscrease ut 270 mure. As eutimated eigbt per Itui year, 11e said ooisg lu admissions ucer 1976. Neo- ceul sceuse sn lthe cosî t ofbrh minssy's resu-aint itornssumiteeed 278 co- eiqiipment ind supplies te policy. paredilu oet yeur's numbur espucîrd lue lthe yeor Is a seon release lu itoupi- ut 228, .iucordisg lu Me. Already. peicen tue suturen lts Mîsîsteraof Heoltu Decein Brady bote riset il per cent. ite Timitroîl staosi icercaies i "Il is ruidrut oîlb lite raie soted. tonds for oprralisg budigets isureaur ut ueoitoruu. 1001 more peopeare comîsg isîo "Werellyoont to brable ould bu timited sn the seul lthe comniy t uoniuer obere oe are tw years. sto." 11e ouuted sulisg ex- The prupused care nit Bed closuresowillsot meos pansiuotfserv'ices culdunot ould bufonded separatly reduced servicesitesuted. bt asticipaîrd for ueteral fromtopealingcoessîolted "lmust br emptoozet yeous despesgsaof a Mr Brady. Smnoke detector saves Campbellville family A umobe deteutor s Fie Deparîmeul. itut su teredted otith itetpîg a ceons o yeî bers fud. Campitelîtille tamily escape 'fi is cauusg lthe lice deaîh iu a fieey itlaze lthaI drtmeul sme ondersg, deutroyed almotitalt ofthe and 1 m ceraiiy pnuled," seeuyeacuold cuntrybhome ie stated ou Secsud Lise. Camp- "Titey situuld certaisly or belloîlle, Weduenday Mae. f cuugrotuloied tue titeir 00e11 tteuîgsod by 0s townr. boorter. Titoy oere 1051 Gerold O'Conor, lthe home greal. and dîd euerylthing îucluded tour tire ex- posle. Btu the Miltot and tiogoîsiters lo umuo Camptollullr divisionis i ed lrtrctorsand eils front 1100 tu suce lthe place," 11e cou- th1e upslairs bedecems asd tîuued. dosoîrs fomily ronm. Alithugi teme s li111e luIt Sooieoastieut oticed by ofthIeir family possessions, iî rîgitlyseold daugiter. îîîcludîsg mosy retiisitd Shasuot. said Me. O'Cuceor atiqîues, Me, O'Conor -Z W51y ot ougit il mas trmainsopîmisîc. prhaps alog onsthefireplace Wurb un repairisg asd niburniug propetl asd lthea il out. "Site go t uuspîcîuus itoruveroitesil cntinued iu us smuity. and ment upotaien lu chteck il ouI. Witos site iteard the smube delectur goîsg. site reolioedî mu s itad asd gui thebkids asdterset ouI t lthe itotue." Me. OConnorota ai- leudiot a meetinug in Braut- ford ai the timo uth11e tire, ' 'hcy iaely gui out. briore lthe obole place onu Citarrei esion ot une sec- tionsofthe itouse includiog the cidren's tedreum indicalmi li111e itasil beeu saîve 01er and moise rinm tue remomiog pot otuborne mitu unly a fe0 piclucon andi boieb-buacs lait unitarmei itp tue sudden fire. The caono of lte fiete sOill onder investigation by Milton PAIILEORLAND recosutction ut the bouse lu especled toget uderoay titis oreit, and neigboes Sous itees ut coceiderable itelp i lonbîsg ater the fomîly un the oenratime 11e noted "Peuple are bonI greal. avd vrry iteiptul." Bu10 ubildes, Shbannon oa itersie-year-old itrolther Erisoare stayingoit ries, oui1 lits olte Sosos aund Ms O'Cuonnor are utayisg oî10 seigtiors util roule]aIc- commodation is usd, Nu rulimote itas iters placed us the damage lu lte itouse but as investigatiun loti ue driermîse lthe caue eiîd the itlaze. Borland on board Paul Borasd, toser ot dorlasd's Phto Centre us Mais St. oa torloud's Fut Faclary os Wlsos De.. bas iteeu uamed lu the bourd ut maniagemeni t lthe Miltoni Diuoutiiuu titiproicorsit Ho replacces plomber Citarles loy, a chter itoard membur, mita cenignei un Feit. 2l bucoono 11e sousi 000 attend deytime meetings, de ltisjoitcmmimes. Hsm reuigatiosowasacceped, witu reget Mr. Sorlansi is a former citairman of tue Milton Duoluo Group.

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