ITS A DAY FOR PICTURES, as visitors lu festival devrons Mouootsbere's maple syrcop festival pose beside syrssp and cand thse Centre -s oies horse-draien sleigis. There is and modern proc plenty to do. sec andl sampte as thse annual ttrates the process y-making with both ~esses. Mountsber Maple syrup season here opens with 2,000 visitors iry and Photos Mounsserg ieildlife Cestre gel agond idca of haie lsdlaas Dy Llsda Kleby durisg the ieeekesd. and early setlers collecled Pascake eerltaslcd s liewas to coldto sc he asnd isade ose of ose of good, childoco and adallo sap rossisa, hutaa eslisaled srslaei olaelete prodocis. g r c d a l e r s a i p l i g t h e l e u i s i l r s l a t h e 1 - a c r e W h r e l d i a n s i r î l o s e r ] a ocasasiaple syrup rna( sugar huaithereoltill ahlel. holloie reed usd a piece of of maple traditionat Feature by Linda Kirby hirch bark bsasd wllli moollets aihoth ends ocsllect the raie sali, tie modern ioclhod soie shows a plastic tubiog pipeline ruooisg trans tree lu, tree to a main fine and theu la the sugur shasly. Inside the ssgar shasîr, eqaîpmesl iscludes as evaporalur la extract the waler frast the ra Sap. Outside, several large cast iras helîles coslaisisg lise uapi hait for hour ive a nu open tire, as exasuple oI haie much slaierlthe process was maoy years agoi Visilars were also able la sample the final stages of the caody Cookiof pracess as strings of the slichy sIuf weeposred ocer a pan of sow, hardesing il nia, saple cMoaunsberg aossarlsies eopect lu seet the sap rssslsg hy thu ieeekesd, should lihe there wassllinsIffiel maple syrop aod easdy la satisly lise aweet toaot of maoy. ln addition lth Unsialde exhsibitiosansd laste sais- ples, an islerprotve pragirais of films and s5ides la acaitlable la vlallars lai provide as insightl li thie csultural, histarical and mechasical aspects ufthlie orrklog sugarlimm. The sagar festival selS contiue eery aeesend lhrough la April 9, frant 10 ais. solil 4.30 pis. Coal la $2.50 par car. KEEPING THE FIRES STOKED is David Kangas. an employee with Mosolsberg Witdlife Centre. The huge casl iros kelîle giveo visilors tb tise Maple Syrup festival as ides of haie syru ieas made masy y ears aga. Modemn methoda ioclude eqolpmenl ta b Il off the waler fram the Sap. imi&af=àfStu aryfars wip1dno=mon HI tlwà wihhimap1e IbâÉisor oemdth»a wifh any precieuis Harpers Farm Jcurrýa 1881 ING Ivr Wedns 7J p, . io sH l Bons I)±uDw! For this special 75th drawing, -1 yourWiîntario ticket qualifies you for ail 5 regular $100,000 draws PMD 2 special prizes of $75,000 102 special prizes of $7,5W0 102 special prizes of $750 ad 'housandsot othe calpooii ..for a total of more thaa 150,00 prizes woilh nearis $6 million! YocooreglarWntacrcticet occheo gi'c, vona housandso reochances towni ho lhaaccd ohîlc honco doaw's o od for all the regoico txfec paccos PLUS SIX SIl l(ýAI. BONUS l)5AWS, fcatuccag twc bons pncro ofS75.ffO, for ticket~,ith the corct scacao coohr and foc -digit ticket auchcomboahiîoao. la addition, lace scpaac fie digir aoahco cdli ho do aa -oa for S7,500 acd theoahr for S750-PLUS twot her thoreditîlocwh ooeî 18,000S25 pcaoc .There wiii clsoc ocor 35,000 $25 poPzes for hoo'eg theiattiocedigits orrect inthefoutr mor honcs decoos' Plis showacacd oncîoscalce of 102 croco oficretso Each ticketo clîgibhe t laie ociy one prie in coaoecliaa aath aoc rgolaroor hocco pocc-wioaîogccahcorWinning ticesmsb psntdfrav whi aar ofthe drawidte.l For forhrdtisselh otr eso Match 3rd ar oucooetaileos NI. vîwea Viwm ITE LIKE IT, as 5-year-old Tim Briggs of ,sites and fresh maple syrup, noie in season at ýThe weekend saw the opening of the maple ____________________ ximately 2,000 visitors in attendance. The 'eekend to April 9. With the Guide, you can do it. The income taie rclumn bas And remember: been improved this ycar, 1. making il casier for you 10 do loclude al] yoor original il yoirslf. And 10 make il receipîs. aven casier, read the sua basic 2. steps in the Guide. YoLl'il Double check your relurn probably find ai f you need tn before mailing il. If yoo have know Ihere. Bol if vo . havc a refond coming, yoo'l gel il any addilional questions, sooner if your laie form bas yoc'l find the answers in the endeacutly detailed portion of the Guide. bondeacraly Go ahead! You can do it Revenuec Canada Recenu Canaa Taxatian Impôt H.c l.pi P GO V La h tcJ-ph P ccay 1