B8 The Canadien Champion, Wod. Mar. 81978 OOEOAVEMANY 1974 TOYOTA confila 10 OUALITI P00.OWN1D induite0, Ioi r 0. t noe. Cli 28000 Bank tîooooloo. ECDNOMY CARS C az Mot86200199 uep Banlk Fiiianiiii auol2liI, radio, <100 fast financiiio Caîli Oa MoiSio.s 19GulhSI., Georgetown, 080011 iIionig, rodlais, II0 Coli 1914 GRAONDE 12iii Wag1 51-5 36&ir7p'16622 16506 o ros 0 ,6 23.00lls 1916 HONDA, dors 100 Lit. goodonîdiio,o i2a4949 1,205. 086221. This filItrecari5Id0 010 07,503. bot c 9Oi, tansoIation 1651 oioootes,19 Gauelphaîi.. 91 155 PLYMOUTH GandPFurî eageioolo, 87115286. 211=0.010 D0 ..al"i _ _ 2?78 Lie 01.2446. Baink il.iiaîi 151 HONDA. 110120 iî 024661. Cai 652 8621210. 190 G.60100 likoIloo. Le. 262031. 8 St.~, Georgeown, 9115286. lao 01 99aS. Georgetow,221 .17 12&pl ÏI oioi1 6 PONTIAC Voiîiiîo li 21211 cHlaHO 350, VII, po00r fi sloeilg, EoEer bruites,radio i 516 ON DO, 4 on10 th. Pa, and oighltrukîaîpe clek, Go id, ail IeoEdili2lod. LicO buckosseuls, 2110 35.»0 K00.1 Lise0 neD Bank les.5 Exceollentcondition. îinînîiîng Cod 802 Bar M21, 0e1IioOd CaliO53 232021îo118 lO99Guelph St, Georgetown. 01112t05011m 87 26 21212 24123 THE RACER'SEDGE LTD. is Halton His Recreational Vehicle Centre THC RETURN OFCA LEGENO The lomoos "Thompîr" Hgîne ci baî.k and beDonr thon îvvi The S500 Yamoho. Tnenv os o diîîoîvnce you boy nomi THE RACER8S EDGE LTD. 32 Brante St. 14161878-4212 Milton 2El1mgolO THE RACER'S EDGE LTD. is Haiton His Recreational Vehicle Centre EB400A. THE EASY AlVINS MODEL n Hondo's Mid range super saines. The CB400A Honda malin is hlke nothîng euse on o o-helo Thîno nS a diioerînne yo,. njy nrom THE RACER'S EDGE Liii. 32 Bronte St. (416>878-4212 Miltan 76111g.2 THE RACER'S EDGE LTEJ. 's Halton His Recreationai Vehicie Centre RECCNSiTIVNCD MOTOACYCLES l27hliHîo2 OL100t 107002110020XS30 10731011260T0750 i7.d Z51H 0 0 10761011002 0S520 1976 Y011202XS750 There os a dîfloiencg yoi boy nrom THE RACER'S EDGE LILY 32 Branle St. (416)878-4212 Milton O6liog.iO ROGER'S eERVICE Hw-y No. 7, Nonoal 877-8123 SCORPION SNOWMOBU-ES '-,0 ri C00061hSALI 175340 TNT 00A11860 23 1 26226596 11119.1022 Woo 8001 019ymbl Muet set. 8720 . 0 îî o excelen v odtin 406 0 1000 000 o 877191 1 669 11 S G lgID 910 2 72 197 SiROfLE Imoie tiPCNe codtoMUEIGAGEan n IN ANlv tr in G35 rb effet. GE 87806875. MORGAC UNIN Obîoî 2000IOU otom M 808 'Un NEW LOW RATES lot and 2nd MORTGAGES UP I 0111 VALUA lION PaO ail vautîide Sn ortag 2po11 4prcn 834 llt5eoeningo 07S f ', WSENINTERNATIONAL WESTERN CORPORATION 10% 12% toi MOOTIGAGES 2nd MORTGAGES REUIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Morigageo Porohasnt INTCRIM FINANCING OCILSERS LOANS U1SF THF FVSTING CDUJITY IN TOUR HOME FOR: AUICTION SALE For MA. &f MAS. GAIN BLACK ln the AOOIO2LT2019L HALL 009th Faoi26000d on ROBERT Si., SAT. MARCH t lio 811:30 A.M. 120611206 EtOLOOK2-Pioo blaîkat box, 212 x26" doit1table2o cordos, a. e aoak hall stand ofhO be00900<5 ghie sh9260 202pe mkTo igSooI<n.)as,iimal adiii260622l 06l4920mm0aiet182kI00 chair, masser0 bock high chair oiHO 200 980, 'Ma'ad 17' o 25" 110121, Indrec 11 il 18 imm' large21 lamort p190194 112561 Four21 nom0 lump, 119126201 01089i6î924 0do2k, 00216611 giogvbîod coîk wonu 90210121021r aid Pommel50, 0000611ur 00. weighi oc~k, carnage000k, vend olok wiHO brou ac anood Westinsterî 06imes, fl dIocte okiigl. 056909<11 2*of old 0 docasesparts and OLAS28Et00INA-1 8inch16112594Ciail21111it601, 4O120691 9261989. N.2 25200lo2î2caestand, N.2.4190010 cakeooioîd. Daisy honal, Salirg2619eti H2l0l22II16parfum, eut5190090euh E 00IOrdt Dioî lv«,14hiro dfok com0ineribond 0il9castorpEblokarfum 610200101120t, O.180. milk glosaert2ad papier shakers. Blue901929 men, g9.s oW, signaitH199y, Audii9o0chne6aiiIMali . oI bicutîouffes19. Lmes EtHNippon, moustache0060and sauce, 169Pe. bridai1rnd0chin, Royal1D266211figurine 0.. D0l11006i22ihEiv6 field., pr. 21<10. Go1oaî china plat", 46Nippon plaid, 01696614 P211ern, 1920011.lustre2plate,.large Eogli.0 china jardiniers, 60696>9 600041620220 hace hnaptce .i ute pais. 660i00022coniment2 M2of4 1.0141, 001102 H, 001128eutfu 0"601 Gens 0l lhe WîîO' lump, ail pans origina, parer ump9110010 mte 0a61 i901 Blond9fontlEt 00,11îoy, post lump wit0 maigri and Asam9font and chiiOîy. Oiioo2 and4COI8APattrnOl olump, Ma14o1Et0Cine post lump.4 b122ket lampe, or1. Planssonlam op,0C.N.R and C.PSR or. 1928modal1T Ford lam1pa, or, 0C... signol 19îioIv9. Hiram L. Piper, MSiooIes, Mardis<116t019130Pr.1of2lumpi9r1>k09, 18 2sorie lump 612106212106 lois lof olluppat 0 a0nd10 fi21619.0mo11,925ol bI 40102 iiio, Lo p ae 9îokiibou 196122.lbr hoo l, ut21o<142brou 6,220101P91 vi andls9, O s1079 brou112 haodi, 422 iyofsldmossur PRIMITIVES. Et 1420 Lorgo 0120k w110 214e deo2îoioî, 014 large wSOAlplane.0 or. 49,1 ol 2l CPR iloco,01900f,aOseizew OîdlosnadV.W O.N.R. sp1221. r6klg pin.wo00010a0001an 9902<1. 902199 o<0 0122. pan. 42. sertiron, pr. T. 001<11 111691, Pr. ill<11irons206Et1 Ib., wh16I whhtsh811110.0l0l4000tc 79110 Weil 01olaîical baril, shootscoin a c16o200001 00to nk. 120 ire origine7 3 humes, C.1895, C.N.R Polock,259stand1girlbals boules.60060211 atc oiol y 000.,7 shîîploooos 190066<1000y, 8206262l, SAourdnt,92Edion00 ine1 rcod0ino rig1< ilbox9 . 10 lot ins 11. 6ineo9î<î8 Gol, etc. god <1000. 3 910190002009 doîod 101 Et 1903, box0 of 2010622<190 00102. a laîgo 06011<< of books indoOHon Min Movil of Peail, cveroio 119101 Ovo'. 02<110of Thoî<1 G610 Townshi0 1010 t<1 1967, Hoipolo Wtoly magazines 1877 and 1076. Ooîdav Magazine 1920, L221112 Hooî 1887, Poeiol Wark18M6, LllO Magazineo172 d2Est1onsOaaogus19174. HEAD OFFICE 2021200 00nsmm d Moîg6î<1Dî CALU CULuECT Suit.o702 Jim 00002, 019,00 826731 791201..dole t. WARS 8RSWNRISGE 1422404M7 ORTO AUCTIONEER 07111901 416 68-6730 27911212 SC-I-R FINAI4CIAL CREDIT VALLEY AUCTIIINS FIOSTPANSSECON AUCTION SALE FIRSTAND SCONDSUNOAY MARCH 12, 1978 MORIGAGES ARRANGES i MAIN STREET, GLEN WILLIAMS AT 108 P.M PHIME HAYES TV U5 PEH CENT OF VALUE j F20611602- 1.210022 09e6il noriginal condition; Palk 02110r APP1LICATIONSOTOONSBY PHONE 00000000 caint;6a g19ood 01202 cabinet; 005<101005209 piano; 006910 OýND IN THE 1110600 010000R HOME places2of11611621069002520041in110069900 pilA s600 as 20patienta CVLL MHS Rý BRHY8U7!1292 pieoOtIabl h0 xson0i2l0e o222. 060 n20 ...o. o.iod Vîîîunnîîoîîo Soniedoieo c0ar Vo chroned on one houno boooh09s and clo66 thalas <100 dot011 iviioi anodtables roic oin Georgetown $3.0 VV îooîsh0; excellent one tais bok oasooad; 6010 020e Caain 271901110 rese vir010.il ingl26bava1i. ater0excelent1o121th16boy 7a otete îooloding 02611121 Ooig 1<1211uite50060920006of166u0 in 'dite 000' condit20 and fiî194 in 'country French style'; dise exoalanhCîit ovo26" 006611T.V, refihlor oloî cSftov î26 1and AUCTION SALE scehueodies W NEDYVNING MARCH 151h at 8:30 P.M. :.R:R:t G00l0,iJOplo:1.92g..; inMlooithe loigrounds in tho ASnIOUL1UHOL HALL o0 6102.101100 belle; clippers; 0t 020051 idor 012.90009 juge; 0il For MR. DOUGLAS COULTER UNOISOOL-Oko 60vy 9190062en and jac000 front1 919I. 1; 20510 About42W tm O hiIn690 -,smtig o vro TUhis itig made fom aool ofîdls a Uned and09 102810400110 diveo Mol Srnohnt aaa chairs. double 69011011102. 2 îighI tables, dresser 591111021, 3 04e1 i1gO,,.001010901000141 lumps, 3 mn.îHu ,ik, 7 large ca<1Orm ADOITIONS O THIS01 SALE- 0001 192g ipnghiel. cabi20 netî0y0 w!4 Orde OoîOto ud O02in0002<11, green09 cul, 9 ci oabinot 02116. i AUCTION SALE , 3 0r,o. 0000011 large lAaihor irelc 01020 îh, largeogrino ver una vnn :0 NWBIDN P limites00 rack, loî<1i fico,1large hoisSol, 3 green02a01lh 0l 2îi10 16000< a 00i72 E BIDN PC 1off iis 33green lhtîoficS tm<1 chaire,10g1e00 422s 4 l SanleyovPrkOalîio, Prn OR RENT p<100019 01090i00 080le9, w/3 4101000. large 926 0sh00 unit Ontio.DP20160<1211210<112dieu,9Unes.officem01200,o . 2., o/rw, 0150926olak0 unis 8 oo y lioolire 669100610.021 hall2 ohira, tem1ps, cop05, 2i<100010 occosaO anutiel 925 1 sol20. oîolo 1 ý,cg primitives. 0<1062, Coaadins il- Hi.. 000e 62ild2ng g1212d 0221 0000.0211 o hcu ih rpetID LnhveaW Prs etc0.0letc, Lunch062ti1avait 11lt4of5aring, air0200itioned, I 120011N00 ERSNOlre DHl'111min 0152.sale510es 103610878-2851 92514t grod anHtiqus glOisOOod hina. îîol,,Oiig tho 11>11<1610 An186202 AUCTIONEER ful of60up10se DAN BAlLET NEW BUILDING SPACE CARIS A. SCHDUTEN GUELPHR823-1107 FOR RENI AUCTIONEER 274110010 Unieso Servio. industri, office 878-2578 912600 Il- 11911y <1f parking,09. 274611810 Fer Complote ý-ni.1000, 056112004e t0 00121 Auction Seîoîoo 2050111005121 872801 JIM MECARTNEY Rooborrys Chrio A. Scouton 81111 FULLY LICENSED Aucoie n Sovio AUCTIONEEO 200666 eliiffii0905io-c E 0060 12001 !202ii01019n Sales9f0ad0tpes I ie 000 dng 641o03 Maio Il. VVCTIUNEEH u<16 001 0<106110n - an place. Fle o019002<O1>21040v600 N.- iioîed S185.0 024 211 0000 o . 17tps 0. 00112610<11611d Te[ 8782576 85010 3A162 An ialiooo2100 oî o h oooii30ii16 oiiaiooi Wasoîdowno Burîingoon 335-678 .s122090 p6m090 014 îaiIii 6111 74.12 2741111 HURVI HURRYI HURRYI colline 0 ~ I I9I I A~ Ward Bromnnidge Fernitoro Salos Phono 878-830 0201919019 - AI 10009s 074io4 1 f SPRING AUCTIONS SATUADAY, MARCA iBoth 434 lot. 2t0orr l280hm.I. fa-o lADhiey, 2 ag 12109992206tf2pin. unb.o and tIolbeoi, 6ernie1920 16091r Et buggy, pinkloattaDk 2110 mt1in:a iet 2tSr, 292694aid2 boards,04i000bonnet chant an item.or Roy &8 Marytilo et îhalttfaim, 12W atouts20ve. atît1 MONDAY, MARCA 200h Mail-, end 226069' 18u161u 2ppl19o209, 912.26102in,100.2.4 gardon22 tSî o C4o SI Salina 802021 0811 Lino, He4oo 6919 t 2. 1 sol etth AgiiiulEnol Hall. RSboHSt., MOftiotO,32P.M. FAIDAY, MARCH 24th Holstein enfile, M.F. 15 2doser trottoir. lot. 2,1. 000160. faim 92112.4of the ot Cite§1 G. Robin- sert et thb faim, 183 812110011 162ta9 Rd., 0262010.e 16 00 o.oitîoTraalgariRd. et9121limie, SATUAOAY, MARCA 25th ît011212î94niaudIM9il, O.ak Jaco tour, syl hall Mt0 end mitral, Columbia ma0 and 26u01n611 Si 0020t, 6011000 292E toels1 phiare. mon2, =221 vIO2o H chine et tha Agricl961l Hall, Robe"12St Mit t iA.M. SATURAYV APAIL lot 18 iog19l.i04 081959n coutle, Borg stable 21920, 20201210r. Int S.P. combine, terni macihin"i, 2500 22192 hall, 70 00 bai$ 2pial 2000 5620 6okoolig pins Eathick, 000s 02141000 011289 Mio l 12 0lave, Oi. oive 2001 $lave122, 012060111 haîgorg 191102.91160. etc f61 Claude 14iLa6g0li0 on Wnoo Churcll 0110. 2 1190 SATUAGAY, APAIL Ati l1.6..p o..ok, 14F. 186501ace, M.F 35 combine,41066016180l wagons, 3 wi00 floircs n DithotlcghdAlg rack, a full lio demi0 10111 m1achin"ll, gran101. 060d 20 11mile. 212102fNenni 0t SATURI3AY, APAO, 151h M.F.11010 trac., M.F. 21 Hu double9dis, am of211 0114midi homme09 M.F. 61121120 14" pl... 68191, 1120011811, 181121881,. 0004 Lino Milton,17920il Mathofo. am- tanin0Rd ai 12 nSn. casoarOîof Public002r2 P61002inAgent90 AUCTIONEER 272019210 Phono 878-6730 one06 tondra 11211112110 Tenders are invîned tor oho supply, and operaOîon of a 8001101011O i I de11110 pSîk tood concession snack ban and aonding macohine i2110104001205. w110 p112010 00112000. k110020 ood bath operoOioî oated et oho RECREATION C0MPLEU 2-BRONTE EREEK PROHINCIAL PARK S10 oul0ir andem ."192101120*'Tend. fol 61200020d00519- ONE 80200086 60s01100 lio1 o 06 a0 CSlonession Branle0012k Provincia Palk". Naturel 0051101801 R112110 061119000. Ren2112 0920101 b890. dge64, Ontari, 6302V63. hooIS6vdî<1 0002re.0071123 - 520015968-3Unt200 p.11.14002, 1979. 16592 Pubic <1051119 of tio tendr401 oile0 placea 212:20 1914 0601.6 larg 19 22 belli 14c2102, 19780100060142190094.Cambridge,0Ontari. 0001101011. 020110610 Apîl i. Sauna, 1211111105, parking in. 01121 910 l8o161 6 000*9421 vlu4o0. $260.2 mon 878011 ra92220110 dIhos 21110100120 ir2of91010008104909690112 165471 bo 906111950 12900 Maudit of 199490 Information Poakge TO 0001.01 2 60412211 f,21Polk,9Supervise,. M19t116NatureliRedoute2 ,aoi 9p01111001. gr1862411201 01006 Provincial Park, 141270 od 62<1,0220 Gavlost 946 ly1. 878-3794. 011. 1.02 4Z3. ToOeph2O 2062î1604108-8391; 86111no2 _____ 19234 416-335-20223 102 B 0D00080part1irI dolol 8Milton, 611i1109 Th ih o r en.oo tede 2.intn ýiyeacp 90001104. 10291001110100c lent, 9375. plus0611111100.Long 00802tarioo finie If0090062118i10. FU 02m10 ond pîloofe to m12ile open location, 08201000 TIC T EQUIPMENT OWNERS 80OUTIQUE siop, Prime0 flIl lincu1fes il2u104 les 877.72177.0 (DISTRICT INQUIRT NO. 4-77-70 Il/. 0 batis 20aag, laré1 utth Ham2iton16D2istric,0600950th 1978 s121111soudain,.the iooioed vord. 930 mari1l 12i1201<g la r52104 16683 31-,Truk 11<1121i040îa0090691009oi2il2i9or pp122012î*i A0L106965 for1tant boIliool 12002612rs I0Eat pn5o<strict,7202rt9nd estp002îo Milton0 & 01ll00Ion, p,1vole 02s002201,Ivn W.oo10 , 3 Disric, 1111206619 bed00901 aid kit0080.0$222.0a éÏII o ri,10 .16511 Ooleivedb h tict0loEniigIloA ti6 1:3011.. Local Title 12 Branle SI. N., air 2o41112004e, 70090.M .17 ample0 parking1 00200. 11740 ens ,Mac 217 011 Sioakdovs. OpaodlooioA. tendeorm n I2112o00 o206P ail<b02obin04in Tras5 rtaio and90 CommuhnicatDionsI1E100N o atShoe12Id 'INSTANT' OFFICE MR. 8ATLEY, 844-1442 BAYLET MACLEAN LIMITED RE 1ALTOR cam .0009<1080 Box o9<5020, 2 26600504naioL ep n For Leese 6921, 0050082i complots kh Odo40 mét6og and ait 22001- Immolent Mil on Moin Street. Adjacent9t29frais munici2a parkin. Eailiessible t 419l. Cail National Troust 1-410-526-1288 or Mra. Poarl Devis 1-416-528-3302 o&t AEGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OIF HALTON Proposait PR-327 invitation tan Proposat ftra Prieotoe EntBrpriso - Solint Wooto Management 2EALED POOPOSOLS o1904y 012004098820059ntentet0rdabu 1104 6<1the og1onal Clark, Mi. 0afo410. aisn.9100, 12:00 M Local Titre, Tuescl1 Mac21,1 1978, forthe anagement1of69M240122ln Thego na Oq oo.l i i06<1611909212of92112610a thonug0 invetigation intiSthe potentiel6of69260lendas wo0esfront0edimazS61e00162 locaton o1f thepole 01299001oo9119 and 02902o90i90i <o 0120eti09169 11222400, F261191179..1979. Tho p1092.o6 60l 200 opnde 2:16 p11. Local 1900. 162.401. Mooch 21. 19789in he0000010828paint, 1d FISS1. 3W27Huningue on1 0011l 5,1978. Diroofulic2Waka ~ o9oAot 072919011 REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F HALTON WO-4-3780 Gra Mainteonanco 0092<191 060î6 . Garfieodo D. Brown, unisl 2:W20M 114a 1.201101, 11209001, MoohOl1, 1979, forîheoabeleOtnder 291.,1302702022210200.r 61241lt01 DOntari. Tanem10010018 ene e 0654210P. M. L-8012iill,1602400 Moo 2 1. 1978, in th9 0211,08 Rom11. 310 0221,. 267 6211200 8200, Thou2.06611iilgitandem ..invitai9o1tten. L0000l2olai8lteder I tSiloo02900loiceptd.