House league li Milton Miner Hockey Motciatla boselague plfay aoc, tihe past week,th IH novice teanm efad tir Mas's tor aie Stylista l'add MuHiaiio aad Siran isaneltit acared uneulasted larttera and Justia Varga's g0l mas aaalated iry Ray- rnd Venesus. Steve Deal nos la tire sets for tire WOHL te tise airatoat. teirekara dropped Scasnell 2- un Wednenday as Mat MCasdtnea pnrfornd tire toiB ncarlog act ltir halls gels oanested. Blair Leard mode tihe airatoat of Sanetii thie Reirekair net. 10e Speed Qum esa baedi tire Firemen withi a Nouth Bowling News BANTAMS trami Nowak rotted higir silfe for tire irastais oltir a 17 and 144. Sasas Deamen siqred higir single for tbe ils oben site had a0174 and IR DansyFargiorgio threo a0170 and 144 soide Bobhy Wrwicb bowted a 164. Troy Nimtos 160, Elaîse Van- dllteual 147, Tim Brown 14, Jas Griffith 143, Kim R4itack 142 and Tom liecard 140 psas Doamres bowled bigir d bie witb a 334. Frasr N400b led the boys cilir a. 321 Dasny Fargiorgia tbroo alt14white Elaine Vooden- Opoal scored a 270 for the gIts . Troy Newroa 272. aobby irwck 269, J00 Griffith 260, Cr0 Scragg 254, Stene May 25 atmf and Tim Brown 250. 'ram Standings: Greg's fean n 0 for 74, Holpirs lirn con 3for 12, Tim' steam ion 5 for 69, Jonsi tram won0 foi 66,Danny' teattwont2 fol3, Franz's team won 2for 50 Tons tramt won 2 for 50: Sdts team 00n Sý for 5. Stives teai n 0 for 53, P4ti's 1000 won 2 for 4f. BObOs train won 3 for 46, Elînrus teie on 3 for 44, 1 Tfnmy's tesa con 5 for 30, 50005s tram wao 3 for 35, Cihysteam wono0for 32 and aRedos teaoin a0 for 27. JUNIORS landy Moore rotîrd bîgb niugie ter the juniors cîtb o 27?. Kon O'Catlaghan ptaoed finit for the boys cîf h a 25 atstIN. April Wilson scored a 252 ind 204 chule Af an Brown booMd a241. Laurie Coleman ibret a 228ond13 and Bruce Lîsbb ad a 220 atmo Sosan al 215, 195, Kevin Ver- 010040e 214, 211, Kim Gervais 2oiaid2ft, Wanda Lyons2O3, 190, dlarian Gîrs 199 , Glen McBàde 195. , M b So-t- r 190, Teresa Doamen 104. Gebbe Blair f8i and Jody Self OS0 Kmk GCallagbar scord bigi r iplerfor therjunors cir a 624.April Wilson boa/rd the bgir riple for the girts cir a 602 ind Kevîn Versirarto rolca 57f. Saody Moore thre a 573 andKimGrvais and Waodo Lyoos eacb scorid aso 56.ooarirouleman 544. Gles MeBride 542, Sosan Blair 538, Alan Brocn 5ý1 Mariro Gîco 519. Revn Chisll 514, Bruce L.a 494, Terrsa Goamen 492. Liebbie BIairO7, and Jor Brown 46. Team Standings. Kim's tram won il for 99 Broce tram con 5 for %5, Keni V s team won 7for 91,Sandy i teamoon 2for 71, Kein Cs l.amowon2 for 64,Susan's tram -o 7 for 64, April's team won 5for43. Majoir lobe Vanderliiel rolînt a terrîflo 305 for bîgb singe tris ceeir Patti Gies booled a 273 for bigir single fîîr ihe seniors and Pbyttis f1rerman noored a 240 white Shelley Eabîns thron a 256 andlO7.,Ntajori Joliati Tysoe aoord a 235and Phîltîp Gray bonu highf single for Ibo senior boys oîtb 231. Patsy Littls and Jofi Freeman ech boutrd a 229 and Lîsa Mortoo hod a 228 and 203. Gianna Hîobey 227. Goag Morion 223,1209, Otosty Oaitey 222. Cindy Jennîngs 220, 212, Chois Conoor 216, Kim GeForest 215, i(Major, trot Gýies 212, Kotby Eabins 211. 2 10, Butoir Jennîngo 210 and Diane St. Jobs 204. 'Major) John Vandertliet scord higir triple for the tîgiri cir a 600 white Shelley Eabîos rolîrd bîgir triple for tirr girls and Lisa Marlon thra i624. Kathy Eabmns imoîmîd ai 60 and Fatfi Gîys had i 61)2 whule Patsy Lttll throc a 600 flot. Tram Standings, Date's temwn5 for 9i, Fatti's ieam con 7 for 90, Piitipos tram won 3 for 74, Lisa's tram oon S for 74, Wayneas tram won 2for 4. Diane's tram wo 2 for 61, and Stenens tem mon O for 52. PEPOI 1110H TOURNEY Potti Oies placed second in tire Pepsi Cola Higir Seirnet ligirt 1-0 bIoa as aCis Moitessa patted tire ordy Marker te thre enordy iraI- attcnd cooteat. Mark Frenchr assteted on the wlneteg goal and Mille MeConnei oaa in net for tire airoet. ATOM DIVIBON Mooirray Fuce edged tire LionseClub -2tenAtoat ptey on Sunday. Grog NaineS acored buIe and JolI Marias osce for the winesr. Darreti Totelli also aaaiaiad for Moin- bray. Scoring for tire Lions weeGrairam Roakorira frein Gary Kennedy aod Kennedy acored lroin Alan Anderson. Tire irigir tlig Alan Jaines fired to insee goals te ia aI- mcady impreaaineitotal te lend hieIWA test na MIwOot er Pro Hardware. Sedrlck Kelly tetird the aller lOFA inarier with Don Fetrotaone and Paul MoCalcirens assitttg. Hon Jaines, irother af Aten, oaa !n the soi for tire abuona. Tire WlsoneCuriAckernan mas performing in the Pro Mord- inare sel. Milton Loin Oervnice edged Milton Upbolntery 2-I on Son- day as Brad Wells aod Richrd Brodie oneiteed by Peter Webster scored for the insera. Murray Vendaio- ireunel costinaed bis sotid play ofthe year andrecorded tire Upirolteosi goal. BANTAM IIVISON Saper Sane mode Parton Reaol Rsatte's set opesing look tire ocres as tirey dropped in 14 goals 1n inin 14- 2. Gary Copetand and Pal Doins ecirjoallet! a bat trickr cith teammatoa Dane Enes, Steo Dagoay, Scott Moroy and Danny Watt each scoring 100 goals. ISoane Timteos and Larry Sleadmos fired the goals for Partin. on Mody dse Apple RoEes.ando pllyeso 5-5 drain. Wayne Hakka tohired a bat tricir and Doog Hooden aod Dansy Ford single for tire Apple Eaters. Tira Porion marirs rwr nettediry Duan Timr, las Jacksoon, Colte O'Siea and Loery Steadmas. Jayse and Belle played te a 1-1 le as KnBirnir scored for Jayne nasaisird on John Delacourt in tire BItls set. Markr Scirreiter and Markr Wycirnff temed ap ta aid Mark 0'MotIey in scorteg ireti's gmtl. Saper Save continsed 60hi wnntg inofa an Monday eenetg as tirey edged Hood'a CIifien Kiaga, 3-2. Revn Koihra, Dace Enco and Steve Dagaay seoced for the olocers and Craig South and Mark Wniohet potted the Hoods' goals. Enes asen asslated on tno of lire Saper Orne markers. SENIOR HOUSE Pigment and Chnmical and Knigiris Mens Wear ptayed 100a 5-5 drao in senior bouse action Marcir t. Bill Hropins fired a bot trickr part Tim Batts in tire Pigment nîet and Wayne McDoogle and Siene Boodler added singles for Ksigbts. GlIne Soanre rcored 144cr honing fane Clarkrassisl onobathgoals and Cal Copoto, Clark and Paut Boyce added stegles. O Mosday Hrarris Station- ery and Miton BusLines also ptayed 10 an enen talty ni baur goals eacr. Bobirenton, Geîff Goulding, Bob Lenduay and Bruce Johnson scorad for tire Bosinco Jor Pitarcayb nefîrd tire tino goals for Hrarris with teammates Larry Withnell and Mirle O'Siea adding singles. &B 44 Duer&Pp Tis pat oneir masoa bney ose aI tire Milton Curling Clair. On riday, Marcir3, tire ladies ireld thirir des Open Bonîpiet." In tire flost drain. firait prise vient ta Goil Barboar's Oak- nille tram initir MitIon's test skipped iry Katiry Motieffar tabtog second prise. 'l'ir ig one gainle ninner oas tire lenm from K.W. Granite, airipped hy Norma Caris. In tire second dra, firsi orsIe 10n amurher Gakr- cille tram skipped hy Berba Bottery. Dortby Martin's Niagara FaIts riaik capied second plane initi the higir ose ganie dosner beg Glati Merriti's 160n fcon Milton. Sotocday. 500mb 4 oas the dote for lire Labotî's Mised In-Club aonspiel, Tire tcophy inoer sn tis rient was Ran Rowley's riack of Cottren Clementn, Craig Streetsviîîe defauîts OMHA cards invaid Georgeton won tire midget tropiry iry defaolt i tire 4-tocs toacooment a1 Georgetown Salarday. Tire Streersilte midgei teamoarrinedcwilbits cords signed. bot sot nolidaîrd iry tire Ontario Minor Hockey Association IOMHAI. Toornaint organizrO con- cr1140 lire Georgeton- Itreetonitte roconeter. Tire annuel 4-Toco Toare- ment, for houseleage select 16000. c an sanctlion hy the GMHA. Tire touroament invoived tensfrom Orantge- vitle, Strertsnitîr, Milton and Georgetoin. The error in the Streetsnille tram cards cas caugirt by tournamrnt organiser Jin Hepburn 20 minutes hefore gar t'me. 'vourney organleers oaid they fe11 tire nord incident oas as bonts mosteke by Streetunie. Tournry orgaizeophosed therOMfA's Dener Gante for permission to irold a Georgetown-Streetsni 11r midget rxhibition gaine. Per- mi on as denird, Oc- cording to orgaoizrso Tire OMMAs Ken Russtell cas on irasd daring part of the dayto ensre torament officiais cirocked the carda of the tems. Streetsnille used the sme cards during a pretiinoary tino-gaine total peint serles agaînst Miltos. Streetsnille rdged Milton 2-1 to erm a tertr in lire rbompiomsip gamte againsi Georgetown. FREE 8 DZ. ONUON CHIP DIP Worth 551 Each With Every Porchase Of JUG OR GAG 0F MILK 3 Quart ze - Fraah Delly - Donandas Mllk Christie's Reg.75 Pkg. 9 DATE TURNOVERS pkg 59" Mariboro Pkg. of 4's B1ATHRDOM TISSUE 79" Primo l4oz.Tins MEAT. MUSHROOM or PLAIN SPAGHEITI SAUCE 2 tins Primo 12 oz. Pirgs CUl EGG Primo ITALIAN RICE 2 Primo 43/8oz.Tins SARINES IN Dî 3I.99 Christie's Old Coontr "Ciosty" Reg. 471 Loaf SLICED WHITE BREAD 3160 IoO 99"v Canada Grade Donland's Creamery BUllER lb. $1.29 Manning's Jombo Assorted 2 h lb.Pkg. BISCUITS 111.89 Medalia D'Ors 12 oz. Tin EXPRESSO COFFEE '13.09 CHICKEN5 I 6 New Presir Montîni Average 11hb Eai, BABY - MORTADELLA each chai Fresir Lean PDRK SHOULDER ROASTS lb.790 Presh Lean PORK SPARERIBS lb .1 New Montini SWEET OR HOT 1a CAPRICOLLO b. $7 Presh "Lean" "Loin" PORK CHOPS 1 b '1.35 OR WHOLE # 0OINS 99 OF PORK lb. $1.29 Averagel10to12 Ibs. Yellowripe BANANAS Il10" No. 1 U.S.A. LETIUCE head3 No. U.S.A. Meoican TOMATES lb.ç No. U.S.A. GREEN PEPPERs 2for Frash No. lU. S.A. BROCCOLI bnch Calîfornia___ RED or GREEN E, GRAPES gh. SunhstNavel Sizel163's ORANGES dz Plorîda Joîcy Phg. of S'a GRAPEFRUITS.r No. 1 Canada McINTOSH PANCY fj APPLES3 th. irags No.l1U.S.A. Joîcy Sineet CANTALOUPES-c No. 1 U.S.A. PINEAPPLES -r No. 1 Ontario White MUSHROOMS lb.ge9 FIRESIDE CEDAR SHEET $595 (~rF~ (~~i-s~rs' PLEASE TAKE NOTICE e1110 ~ nd keep orosopni ,o, ,lok-d ou~J~. M UU for botter savings on fine foods.... &- compare your prie« ironolis Osiv From Wed. ta Sat. 6Oi. Tire Canadian Champion, Wed, Mar. 8,1978 B5 JHOME IMPROVEMENDeOA IMM - - - - - - Thomas nd Carol C=grl lwitirWiie Peddle sparlsg t tira lirai gamnef Runeer-ap oas tire rOsir of Jeff Marte, Darliry Taylor, Jobs Trisses and Pony Rainley. 001er tino gamte mtnes more Bort Steinortas rinir and the rick sktppnd iry Doag Ptolamy. Rihn datim for tris spiel orre bandild by tire Hocrein, the Pnddnes, tire Bochaneoas, tire Cormacir aond Mms Wersiack. A spectel tirack yoa goe 10 liere people. On Sneday, Marcir 5, tire genral meeting mas ireld ai tirs curling club. Orvn sein direcoire were neotuothe iroard. Newly eeted directors coco George Fletchrer, Reg Corp, Jbo Sprat, RImer Dredge, Mire Comb, Dan Slfton and Dave Del Papa.